49 research outputs found

    Conceptual framework for process-oriented feedback through Learning Analytics Dashboards

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    The number of students enrolled in online higher education courses is increasing, and as a result, more data on their learning process is being generated. By exploring this student behavior data through learning analytics, both student and teacher can be provided with process-oriented feedback in the form of dashboards. However, little is known about the typology of relevant feedback in the dashboard to different learning objectives, students and teachers. Although most dashboards and the feedback they provide are based solely on student performance indicators, research shows that such feedback is not sufficient. This article attempts to define a conceptual model that visualizes the relationships between the design of a Learning Analytics Dashboard (LAD) and the concepts of learning science in order to provide process-oriented feedback that supports the regulation of learning. The aim of the work is not to propose a specific design of the LAD to provide feedback, but rather a conceptual framework for the choice of concepts for that design, and therefore to help understand future data needs as a basis for the educational feedback of the dashboards. As a conclusion of our research, we can say that having LADs adapted to any profile (student, teacher, etc.) can improve decision-making processes by showing each user the information that interests them most in the way that best enables them to understand it


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    Dosen memiliki banyak tugas dan tanggung jawab yang perlu diemban pada pekerjaan sehari-hari. Selain harus melakukan kegiatan belajar-mengajar dengan mahasiswa, dosen juga perlu mengerjakan hal lain seperti mengadakan penelitian. Hal ini tentu membebani dosen terutama dalam hal keterbatasan waktu. Dosen memiliki waktu yang sangat terbatas untuk bisa memahami kondisi performa kelasnya, yang berakibat sulitnya menemukan metode belajar yang cocok pada masing-masing kelas. Ditambah lagi metode penilaian pada kurikulum baru yang memfokuskan penilaian pada aspek yang lebih mendetail seperti capaian mata kuliah, sehingga menambah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan penilaian. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, dibentuklah sistem dashboard performa kelas yang terdiri dari dua website dengan tujuan melakukan modifikasi data nilai dan menampilkan hasil perhitungan nilai. Website modifikasi data dibuat dengan teknologi Vue.js dan Laravel, sedangkan untuk website tampilan nilai digunakan Python dengan library utama Streamlit. Fitur yang dibuat pada sistem disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dosen terkait dari hasil wawancara sebelumnya. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah sistem dashboard performa kelas yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dosen di universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta. Sistem ini juga sudah diujikan kepada beberapa dosen untuk memastikan tercapainya tujuan utama dalam membantu dosen menilai dan memberikan insight terkait performa nilai kelas

    Improving the Learning Process in the Higher Education Through the Use of a Predictive Tool (Dashboard)

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    Improving the learning process in the high education through the use of a predictive tool (dashboard). De JesĂșs Liriano, Rubėn and Sevillano, MarĂ­a C., 2018: A Florida Distance Learning Association Journal (FDLA) Paper to be published in a special section of the US Distance Learning Association Professional Journal Distance Learning. Interaction/Predictive Tools/Dashboard/Evaluation Learning Process/Automated Process/eLearning Environment/Learning Environment/Learning Management System (LMS)/Cloud Computing/ Learning Performance, and Learning Analytics. The purpose of this study was the initial step in providing a clear understanding of the use of a predictive tool (dashboard) to improving the learning process in the higher education field. Through further applications and research, the predictive tool must be refined to increase accuracy, and provide expeditious, reliable feedback about the students’ progress in an online environment. This information will benefit e-learning facilitators in the following ways: 1) knowing their students and, therefore, identifying how best to deliver content to them; 2) applying the right predictive tool to capitalizing on the new experience and new opportunity; 3) taking value-added approaches to student engagement; 4) bridging connections in a precise manner between enriched content and e-learning; and 5) transforming e-learning into digital experience

    Understanding learning at a glance: An overview of learning dashboard studies

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    Research on learning dashboards aims to identify what data is meaningful to different stakeholders in education, and how data can be presented to support sense-making processes. This paper summarizes the main outcomes of a systematic literature review on learning dashboards, in the fields of Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining. The query was run in five main academic databases and enriched with papers coming from GScholar, resulting in 346 papers out of which 55 were included in the final analysis. Our review distinguishes different kinds of research studies as well as different aspects of learning dashboards and their maturity in terms of evaluation. As the research field is still relatively young, many of the studies are exploratory and proof-of-concept. Among the main open issues and future lines of work in the area of learning dashboards, we identify the need for longitudinal research in authentic settings, as well as studies that systematically compare different dashboard design options

    The Virtual Tutor: Combining Conversational Agents with Learning Analytics to support Formative Assessment in Online Collaborative Learning

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    The objective of this design science research project is to combine Learning Analytics data with a conversational agent communication interface, the Virtual Tutor, which is able to support formative assessment for educators and learners in online collaborative learning (OCL) environments. The main benefit for educators is providing user-adaptable Learning Analytics data requests to fit the information needs for formative assessment. Learners receive semi-automated feedback on their platform activity in form of reports, which shall trigger self-reflection processes. By extracting requirements from the potential users and deriving design principles, a conversational agent is implemented and evaluated in an online collaborative learning course. The results indicate that the Virtual Tutor reduces the task load of educators, supports formative assessment and gives scaffolded guidance to the learners by reflecting their performance, thus triggering self-reflection processes. This research provides a first step towards data supported (semi-)automated feedback systems for formative assessment in OCL courses

    CrĂ©er un tableau de bord permettant de rĂ©pondre aux besoins des rĂ©sidents d’un programme de formation fondĂ© sur les compĂ©tences : projet de recherche basĂ© sur la conception

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    Background: Canadian specialty programs are implementing Competence By Design, a competency-based medical education (CBME) program which requires frequent assessments of entrustable professional activities. To be used for learning, the large amount of assessment data needs to be interpreted by residents, but little work has been done to determine how visualizing and interacting with this data can be supported. Within the University of Saskatchewan emergency medicine residency program, we sought to determine how our residents’ CBME assessment data should be presented to support their learning and to develop a dashboard that meets our residents’ needs. Methods: We utilized a design-based research process to identify and address resident needs surrounding the presentation of their assessment data. Data was collected within the emergency medicine residency program at the University of Saskatchewan via four resident focus groups held over 10 months. Focus group discussions were analyzed using a grounded theory approach to identify resident needs. This guided the development of a dashboard which contained elements (data, analytics, and visualizations) that support their interpretation of the data. The identified needs are described using quotes from the focus groups as well as visualizations of the dashboard elements. Results: Resident needs were classified under three themes: (1) Provide guidance through the assessment program, (2) Present workplace-based assessment data, and (3) Present other assessment data. Seventeen dashboard elements were designed to address these needs. Conclusions: Our design-based research process identified resident needs and developed dashboard elements to meet them. This work will inform the creation and evolution of CBME assessment dashboards designed to support resident learning.Contexte : Les programmes canadiens de spĂ©cialitĂ© sont Ă  implanter la compĂ©tence par conception (CPC), un programme d’éducation mĂ©dicale par compĂ©tences qui nĂ©cessite des Ă©valuations frĂ©quentes des activitĂ©s professionnelles confiables. Pour servir aux fins d’apprentissage, la grande quantitĂ© de donnĂ©es d’évaluation doit ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ©e par les rĂ©sidents, mais peu de travaux ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s pour dĂ©terminer comment la visualisation et l’interaction avec ces donnĂ©es peuvent ĂȘtre soutenues. Dans le cadre du programme de rĂ©sidence en mĂ©decine d’urgence de l’UniversitĂ© de Saskatchewan, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  dĂ©terminer comment les donnĂ©es d’évaluation de la CPC de nos rĂ©sidents devraient ĂȘtre prĂ©sentĂ©es pour soutenir leur apprentissage et pour dĂ©velopper un tableau de bord qui rĂ©ponde aux besoins de nos rĂ©sidents. MĂ©thodologie : Nous avons utilisĂ© un processus de recherche orientĂ©e par la conception pour cerner les besoins des rĂ©sidents en lien avec la prĂ©sentation de leurs donnĂ©es d’évaluation. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies au cours du programme de rĂ©sidence en mĂ©decine d’urgence de l’UniversitĂ© de Saskatchewan grĂące Ă  quatre groupes de discussion de rĂ©sidents qui se sont tenus sur une pĂ©riode de 10 mois. Les groupes de discussion ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s en utilisant l’approche de la thĂ©orisation ancrĂ©e (Grounded Theory) pour cerner les besoins des rĂ©sidents, pour guider le dĂ©veloppement d’un tableau de bord contenant des Ă©lĂ©ments (donnĂ©es, analyses et visualisations) qui soutiennent leur interprĂ©tation de leurs propres donnĂ©es. Les besoins identifiĂ©s sont dĂ©crits Ă  l’aide de citations des groupes de discussion ainsi que de visualisations des Ă©lĂ©ments du tableau de bord. RĂ©sultats : Les besoins des rĂ©sidents ont Ă©tĂ© classĂ©s sous trois thĂšmes : 1. ĂȘtre guidĂ©s quant au programme d'Ă©valuation, 2. prĂ©senter des donnĂ©es d’évaluation en milieu de travail, et 3. prĂ©senter d’autres donnĂ©es d’évaluation. Dix-sept Ă©lĂ©ments du tableau de bord ont Ă©tĂ© conçus pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces besoins. Conclusions : Notre mĂ©thode de recherche orientĂ©e par conception a permis de cerner les besoins des rĂ©sidents et d’élaborer les Ă©lĂ©ments d’un tableau de bord pour y rĂ©pondre. Ce travail servira de base Ă  la crĂ©ation et Ă  l’évolution des tableaux de bord d’évaluation en CPC conçus pour soutenir l’apprentissage des rĂ©sidents

    Revisão sistemåtica sobre painéis de visualização de dados educacionais

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    Um painel de visualizaçÔes de dados educacionais se utiliza dos dados gerados nas plataformas online de aprendizagem e os organiza em indicadores grĂĄficos, como dados de acesso, permanĂȘncia, desempenho ou outros sinalizadores que possam informar aos estudantes, professores e gestores sobre o processo de aprendizagem, evolução e desempenho. Tais painĂ©is podem ser ferramentas importantes em contextos de educação Ă  distĂąncia, devido Ă  grande quantidade de estudantes e Ă  pouca interação entre a plataforma, os professores e os estudantes. A fim de explorar estes recursos, neste artigo foi feita uma revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica sobre este tema, com o objetivo de identificar tendĂȘncias e lacunas em relação ao emprego destas ferramentas em plataformas de ensino online. A ausĂȘncia de pesquisas sobre a utilização de painĂ©is especĂ­ficos para cursos massivos abertos online (Massive Open Online Course – MOOCs) e a comparação entre diferentes cursos foram constatados neste estudo

    VLA Dashboard: Um Mecanismo para Visualização do Desempenho de Estudantes de Matemåtica no Ensino Médio

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    Este artigo descreve as contribuiçÔes do uso de um mecanismo VLA Dashboard para visualização do desempenho de estudantes do Ensino MĂ©dio em avaliaçÔes de MatemĂĄtica BĂĄsica aplicadas no Moodle. Diante disso, empregou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo Estudo de Caso. Em seguida, a coleta foi aplicada em trĂȘs etapas: prĂ©-Teste, oficina de capacitação e aplicação de avaliação diagnĂłstica pelos professores. TambĂ©m, foi usado o Modelo de Aceitação de Tecnologia para os questionĂĄrios. Os resultados apontam que o uso das tĂ©cnicas de Visualização da Informação, learning analytics e abordagem multiagente contribuem para melhorar os diagnĂłsticos das atividades avaliativas do professor