138 research outputs found

    Airborne lidar experiments at the Savannah River Plant

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    The results of remote sensing experiments at the Department of Energy (DOE) Savannah River Nuclear Facility utilizing the NASA Airborne Oceanographic Lidar (AOL) are presented. The flights were conducted in support of the numerous environmental monitoring requirements associated with the operation of the facility and for the purpose of furthering research and development of airborne lidar technology. Areas of application include airborne laser topographic mapping, hydrologic studies using fluorescent tracer dye, timber volume estimation, baseline characterization of wetlands, and aquatic chlorophyll and photopigment measurements. Conclusions relative to the usability of airborne lidar technology for the DOE for each of these remote sensing applications are discussed

    Exploiting Full-Waveform Lidar Data and Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis for Vertical Object Detection and Recognition

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    A current challenge in performing airport obstruction surveys using airborne lidar is lack of reliable, automated methods for extracting and attributing vertical objects from the lidar data. This paper presents a new approach to solving this problem, taking advantage of the additional data provided byfull-waveform systems. The procedure entails first deconvolving and georeferencing the lidar waveformdata to create dense, detailed point clouds in which the vertical structure of objects, such as trees, towers, and buildings, is well characterized. The point clouds are then voxelized to produce high-resolution volumes of lidar intensity values, and a 3D wavelet decomposition is computed. Verticalobject detection and recognition is performed in the wavelet domain using a multiresolution template matching approach. The method was tested using lidar waveform data and ground truth collected for project areas in Madison,Wisconsin. Preliminary results demonstrate the potential of the approach

    Exploiting full-waveform lidar data and multiresolution wavelet analysis for vertical object detection and recognition

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    Complexity and Dynamics of Semi-Arid Vegetation Structure, Function and Diversity Across Spatial Scales from Full Waveform Lidar

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    Semi-arid ecosystems cover approximately 40% of the earth’s terrestrial landscape and show high dynamicity in ecosystem structure and function. These ecosystems play a critical role in global carbon dynamics, productivity, and habitat quality. Semi-arid ecosystems experience a high degree of disturbance that can severely alter ecosystem services and processes. Understanding the structure-function relationships across spatial extents are critical in order to assess their demography, response to disturbance, and for conservation management. In this research, using state-of-the-art full waveform lidar (airborne and spaceborne) and field observations, I developed a framework to assess the complexity and dynamics of vegetation structure, function and diversity across spatial scales in a semi-arid ecosystem. Difficulty in differentiating low stature vegetation from bare ground is the key remote sensing challenge in semi-arid ecosystems. In this study, I developed a workflow to differentiate key plant functional types (PFTs) using both structural and biophysical variables derived from the full waveform lidar and an ensemble random forest technique. The results revealed that waveform lidar pulse width can clearly distinguish shrubs from bare ground. The models showed PFT classification accuracy of 0.81–0.86% and 0.60–0.70% at 10 m and 1 m spatial resolutions, respectively. I found that structural variables were more important than the biophysical variables to differentiate the PFTs in this study area. The study further revealed an overlap between the structural features of different PFTs (e.g. shrubs from trees). Using structural features, I derived three main functional traits (canopy height, plant area index and foliage height diversity) of shrubs and trees that describe canopy architecture and light use efficiency of the ecosystem. I evaluated the trends and patterns of functional diversity and their relationship with non-climatic abiotic factors and fire disturbance. In addition to the fine resolution airborne lidar, I used simulated large footprint spaceborne lidar representing the newly launched Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation system (GEDI, a lidar sensor on the International Space Station) to evaluate the potential of capturing functional diversity trends of semi-arid ecosystems at global scales. The consistency of diversity trends between the airborne lidar and GEDI confirmed GEDI’s potential to capture functional diversity. I found that the functional diversity in this ecosystem is mainly governed by the local elevation gradient, soil type, and slope. All three functional diversity indices (functional richness, functional evenness and functional divergence) showed a diversity breakpoint near elevations of 1500 m – 1700 m. Functional diversity of fire-disturbed areas revealed that the fires in our study area resulted in a more even and less divergent ecosystem state. Finally, I quantified aboveground biomass using the structural features derived from both the airborne lidar and GEDI data. Regional estimates of biomass can indicate whether an ecosystem is a net carbon sink or source as well as the ecosystem’s health (e.g. biodiversity). Further, the potential of large footprint lidar data to estimate biomass in semi-arid ecosystems are not yet fully explored due to the inherent overlapping vegetation responses in the ground signals that can be affected by the ground slope. With a correction to the slope effect, I found that large footprint lidar can explain 42% of variance of biomass with a RMSE of 351 kg/ha (16% RMSE). The model estimated 82% of the study area with less than 50% uncertainty in biomass estimates. The cultivated areas and the areas with high functional richness showed the highest uncertainties. Overall, this dissertation establishes a novel framework to assess the complexity and dynamics of vegetation structure and function of a semi-arid ecosystem from space. This work enhances our understanding of the present state of an ecosystem and provides a foundation for using full waveform lidar to understand the impact of these changes to ecosystem productivity, biodiversity and habitat quality in the coming decades. The methods and algorithms in this dissertation can be directly applied to similar ecosystems with relevant corrections for the appropriate sensor. In addition, this study provides insights to related NASA missions such as ICESat-2 and future NASA missions such as NISAR for deriving vegetation structure and dynamics related to disturbance

    Mobile Laser Scanning – System development, performance and applications

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    Osajulkaisut: Publication 1: Antero Kukko, Sanna Kaasalainen, and Paula Litkey. 2008. Effect of incidence angle on laser scanner intensity and surface data. Applied Optics, volume 47, number 7, pages 986-992. doi:10.1364/AO.47.000986 Publication 2: Antero Kukko and Juha HyyppĂ€. 2009. Small-footprint laser scanning simulator for system validation, error assessment, and algorithm development. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, volume 75, number 9, pages 1177-1189. Publication 3: Antero Kukko, Constantin-Octavian Andrei, Veli-Matti Salminen, Harri Kaartinen, Yuwei Chen, Petri Rönnholm, Hannu HyyppĂ€, Juha HyyppĂ€, Ruizhi Chen, Henrik HaggrĂ©n, Iisakki Kosonen, and Karel Čapek. 2007. Road environment mapping system of the Finnish Geodetic Institute - FGI ROAMER -. In: Petri Rönnholm, Hannu HyyppĂ€, and Juha HyyppĂ€ (editors). Proceedings of the ISPRS Workshop on Laser Scanning 2007 and SilviLaser 2007. Espoo, Finland. 12-14 September 2007. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, volume 36, part 3 / W52, pages 241-247. ISSN 1682-1777. Publication 4: Antero Kukko, Harri Kaartinen, Juha HyyppĂ€, and Yuwei Chen. 2012. Multiplatform mobile laser scanning: Usability and performance. Sensors, volume 12, number 9, pages 11712-11733. doi:10.3390/s120911712 Publication 5: Harri Kaartinen, Juha HyyppĂ€, Antero Kukko, Anttoni Jaakkola, and Hannu HyyppĂ€. 2012. Benchmarking the performance of mobile laser scanning systems using a permanent test field. Sensors, volume 12, number 9, pages 12814-12835. doi:10.3390/s120912814 Publication 6: P. Alho, A. Kukko, H. HyyppĂ€, H. Kaartinen, J. HyyppĂ€, and A. Jaakkola. 2009. Application of boat-based laser scanning for river survey. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, volume 34, number 13, pages 1831-1838. doi:10.1002/esp.1879 Publication 7: Matti Vaaja, Juha HyyppĂ€, Antero Kukko, Harri Kaartinen, Hannu HyyppĂ€, and Petteri Alho. 2011. Mapping topography changes and elevation accuracies using a mobile laser scanner. Remote Sensing, volume 3, number 3, pages 587-600. doi:10.3390/rs3030587Laser scanning is a surveying technique used for mapping topography, vegetation, urban areas and infrastructure, ice, and other targets of interest. Its application on a terrestrial mobile platform is a promising method for effectively collecting three-dimensional data for complex environments and for producing model information for location-based services necessitating rapidly collected and up-to-date data. Development of mobile laser scanning (MLS) systems for such purposes is presented in this study. Different aspects of this technology were analyzed in laboratory experiments, simulations and field tests, in order to understand their effects on the ranging, intensity and point cloud data, especially in terms of point distribution and accuracy. In order to validate the performance of the developed ROAMER and AKHKA MLS systems, various three-dimensional mapping tasks were performed during an international benchmarking test, as well as in the field in numerous projects. The results showed that the proposed systems can reliably provide accurate data. It has also been shown that the various modalities of the systems allow data acquisition in numerous application scenarios and environments not previously possible. MLS improves the data output compared to terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and outperforms airborne laser scanning (ALS) in ranging precision and point density. As a result, MLS is well suited to fill the gap between these two previously dominant 3D data acquisition techniques.Laserkeilaus on mittaustekniikka, jota kĂ€ytetÀÀn maaston topografian kasvillisuuden, rakennettujen alueiden, infrastruktuurin, jÀÀn ja muiden kohteiden kartoitukseen. Tekniikan soveltaminen liikkuvalle alustalle on lupaava menetelmĂ€ monimuotoisten ympĂ€ristöjen tehokkaaseen kolmiulotteiseen mittaamiseen ja mallinnustiedon tuottamiseen paikkatietopalveluihin, jotka edellyttĂ€vĂ€t tiedon nopeaa hankintaa ja ajantasaisuutta. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa kehitettiin liikkuvia laserkeilausjĂ€rjestelmiĂ€ (MLS). Eri tekijöiden vaikutuksia etĂ€isyys- ja intensiteettihavaintoihin, pistejakaumaan ja tarkkuuteen selvitettiin laboratoriokokein, simuloimalla ja koetöin. Tutkimuksessa kehitettyjen ROAMER ja AKHKA MLS-jĂ€rjestelmien suorituskykyĂ€ kolmiulotteisen mittaustiedon tuottamiseen erilaisissa kartoitustehtĂ€vissĂ€ tutkittiin kansainvĂ€lisessĂ€ vertailututkimuksessa kaupunkitestikentĂ€n avulla, mutta lisĂ€ksi kĂ€ytĂ€nnön sovelluksissa useassa eri projektissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ kehitetyt MLS jĂ€rjestelmĂ€t tuottavat tarkkaa tietoa luotettavasti. JĂ€rjestelmien monikĂ€yttöisyys mahdollistaa aineistonhankinnan eri sovellustapauksissa ja ympĂ€ristöissĂ€ tavalla, joka ei ole aikaisemmin ollut mahdollista. Liikkuva laserkeilaus parantaa merkittĂ€vĂ€sti mittauksen tehokkuutta maalaserkeilaukseen verrattuna, ja ylittÀÀ lentolaserkeilauksen suorituskyvyn etĂ€isyysmittauksen tarkkuudessa ja pistetiheydessĂ€. Liikkuva laserkeilaus tarjoaakin nĂ€itĂ€ kahta aikaisemmin vallitsevaa 3D-mittausteknologiaa hyvin tĂ€ydentĂ€vĂ€n kartoitusmenetelmĂ€n

    Comparing Aerial Lidar Observations with Terrestrial Lidar and Snow-Probe Transects from NASA\u27s 2017 SnowEx Campaign

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    NASA\u27s 2017 SnowEx field campaign at Grand Mesa, CO, generated Airborne Laser Scans (ALS), Terrestrial Laser Scans (TLS), and snow‐probe transects, which allowed for a comparison between snow depth measurement techniques. At six locations, comparisons between gridded ALS and TLS observations, at 1‐m resolution, had a median snow depth difference of 5 cm, root‐mean‐square difference of 16 cm, mean‐absolute difference of 10 cm, and 3‐cm difference in standard deviation. ALS generally had greater but similar snow depth values to TLS, and results were not sensitive to the gridded cell size between 0.5 and 5 m. The greatest disagreements were where snow‐off TLS scans had shrubs and high incidence angles, leading to deeper snow depths (\u3e10 cm) from ALS than TLS. The low vegetation and oblique angles caused occlusion in the TLS data and thus produced higher snow‐off bare Earth models relative to the ALS. Furthermore, in subcanopy areas where both ALS and TLS data existed, snow depth differences were comparable to differences in the open. Meanwhile, median values from 52 snow‐probe transects and near‐coincident ALS data had a mean difference of 6 cm, root‐mean‐square difference of 8 cm, mean‐absolute difference of 7 cm, and a mean difference in the standard deviation of 1 cm. Snow depth probes had greater but similar snow depth values to ALS. Therefore, based on comparisons with TLS and snow depth probes, ALS captured snow depth magnitude with better than or equal agreement to what has been reported in previous studies and showed the ability to capture high‐resolution spatial variability

    Development and Evaluation of a Portable Device for Measuring Curling and Warping in Concrete Pavements

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    Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement undergoes repeated environmental load-related deflection resulting from temperature and moisture variations across pavement depth. This has been recognized as resulting in PCC pavement curling and warping since the mid-1920s. Slab curvature can be further magnified under repeated traffic loads and may ultimately lead to fatigue failures, including top-down and bottom-up transverse, longitudinal, and corner cracking. It is therefore significant to measure the “true” degree of curling and warping in PCC pavements, not only for quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) purposes, but also for better understanding of its relationship to long-term pavement performance. Although several approaches and devices—including linear variable differential transducers (LVDTs), digital indicators, and some profilers—have been proposed for measuring curling and warping, their application in the field is subject to cost, inconvenience, and complexity of operation. This research therefore explores developing an economical and simple device for measuring curling and warping in concrete pavements with accuracy comparable to or better than existing methodologies. Technical requirements were identified to establish assessment criteria for development, and field tests were conducted to modify the device to further enhancement. The finalized device is about 12 inches in height and 18 pounds in weight, and its manufacturing cost is just $320. Detailed development procedures and evaluation results for the new curling and warping measuring device are presented and discussed, with a focus on achieving reliable curling and warping measurements in a cost-effective manner

    Forest structure from terrestrial laser scanning – in support of remote sensing calibration/validation and operational inventory

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    Forests are an important part of the natural ecosystem, providing resources such as timber and fuel, performing services such as energy exchange and carbon storage, and presenting risks, such as fire damage and invasive species impacts. Improved characterization of forest structural attributes is desirable, as it could improve our understanding and management of these natural resources. However, the traditional, systematic collection of forest information – dubbed “forest inventory” – is time-consuming, expensive, and coarse when compared to novel 3-D measurement technologies. Remote sensing estimates, on the other hand, provide synoptic coverage, but often fail to capture the fine- scale structural variation of the forest environment. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) has demonstrated a potential to address these limitations, but its operational use has remained limited due to unsatisfactory performance characteristics vs. budgetary constraints of many end-users. To address this gap, my dissertation advanced affordable mobile laser scanning capabilities for operational forest structure assessment. We developed geometric reconstruction of forest structure from rapid-scan, low-resolution point cloud data, providing for automatic extraction of standard forest inventory metrics. To augment these results over larger areas, we designed a view-invariant feature descriptor to enable marker-free registration of TLS data pairs, without knowledge of the initial sensor pose. Finally, a graph-theory framework was integrated to perform multi-view registration between a network of disconnected scans, which provided improved assessment of forest inventory variables. This work addresses a major limitation related to the inability of TLS to assess forest structure at an operational scale, and may facilitate improved understanding of the phenomenology of airborne sensing systems, by providing fine-scale reference data with which to interpret the active or passive electromagnetic radiation interactions with forest structure. Outputs are being utilized to provide antecedent science data for NASA’s HyspIRI mission and to support the National Ecological Observatory Network’s (NEON) long-term environmental monitoring initiatives

    Determining Amplitude Corrections for the Assessment of Surface Roughness Within A Lidar Footprint

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    The research presented in this thesis is under the context of the OSIRIS-REx mission, a NASA led asteroid sample return mission being launched in 2016 towards the asteroid 101955 Bennu. Aboard the spacecraft is the OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter (OLA), which is using the backscattered intensity for instrument calibration. By applying the novel solution of amplitude correction, it is possible to gain additional functionality out of this instrument. This thesis presents a simulation written by the author that accurately models laser altimeter performance. The simulation is used successfully to study OLA’s receiver to reduce error in the range measurements and to remove the effects of large-scale topographic features on the amplitude. The remaining amplitude variations will be interpreted as mineralogical or morphological variations that may impact the viability or the desirability of the site for sample collection
