302 research outputs found

    Development of an Improved Rotational Orthosis for Walking With Arm Swing and Active Ankle Control

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    Based on interlimb neural coupling, gait robotic systems should produce walking-like movement in both upper and lower limbs for effective walking restoration. Two orthoses were previously designed in our lab to provide passive walking with arm swing. However, an active system for walking with arm swing is desirable to serve as a testbed for investigation of interlimb neural coupling in response to voluntary input. Given the important function of the ankle joint during normal walking, this work aimed to develop an improved rotational orthosis for walking with arm swing, which is called ROWAS II, and especially to develop and evaluate the algorithms for active ankle control. After description of the mechanical structure and control schemes of the overall ROWAS II system, the closed-loop position control and adjustable admittance control algorithms were firstly deduced, then simulated in Matlab/Simulink and finally implemented in the ROWAS II system. Six able-bodied participants were recruited to use the ROWAS II system in passive mode, and then to estimate the active ankle mechanism. It was showed that the closed-loop position control algorithms enabled the ROWAS II system to track the target arm-leg walking movement patterns well in passive mode, with the tracking error of each joint <0.7°. The adjustable admittance control algorithms enabled the participants to voluntarily adjust the ankle movement by exerting various active force. Higher admittance gains enabled the participants to more easily adjust the movement trajectory of the ankle mechanism. The ROWAS II system is technically feasible to produce walking-like movement in the bilateral upper and lower limbs in passive mode, and the ankle mechanism has technical potential to provide various active ankle training during gait rehabilitation. This novel ROWAS II system can serve as a testbed for further investigation of interlimb neural coupling in response to voluntary ankle movement and is technically feasible to provide a new training paradigm of walking with arm swing and active ankle control

    Ankle-Foot Orthosis Stiffness: Biomechanical Effects, Measurement and Emulation

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    Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are braces worn by individuals with gait impairments to provide support about the ankle. AFOs come in a variety of designs for clinicians to choose from. However, as the effects of different design parameters on AFO properties and AFO users have not been adequately quantified, it is not clear which design choices are most likely to improve patient outcomes. Recent advances in manufacturing have further expanded the design space, adding urgency and complexity to the challenge of selecting optimal designs. A key AFO property affected by design decisions is sagittal-plane rotational stiffness. To evaluate the effectiveness of different AFO designs, we need: 1) a better understanding of the biomechanical effects of AFO stiffness and 2) more precise and repeatable stiffness measurement methods. This dissertation addresses these needs by accomplishing four aims. First, we conducted a systematic literature review on the influence of AFO stiffness on gait biomechanics. We found that ankle and knee kinematics are affected by increasing stiffness, with minimal effects on hip kinematics and kinetics. However, the lack of effective stiffness measurement techniques made it difficult to determine which specific values or ranges of stiffness influence biomechanics. Therefore, in Aim2, we developed an AFO stiffness measurement apparatus (SMApp). The SMApp is an automated device that non-destructively flexes an AFO to acquire operator- and trial-independent measurements of its torque-angle dynamics. The SMApp was designed to test a variety of AFO types and sizes across a wide range of flexion angles and speeds exceeding current alternatives. Common models of AFO torque-angle dynamics in literature have simplified the relationship to a linear fit whose slope represents stiffness. This linear approximation ignores damping parameters. However, as previous studies were unable to precisely control AFO flexion speed, the presence of speed effects has not been adequately investigated. Thus, in Aim3, we used the SMApp to test whether AFOs exhibit viscoelastic behaviors over the range of speeds typically achieved during walking. This study revealed small but statistically significant effects of flexion speed on AFO stiffness for samples of both traditional AFOs and novel 3-D printed AFOs, suggesting that more complex models that include damping parameters could be more suitable for modeling AFO dynamics. Finally, in Aim 4, we investigated the use of an active exoskeleton, that can haptically-emulate different AFOs, as a potential test bed for studying the effects of AFO parameters on human movement. Prior work has used emulation for rapid prototyping of candidate assistive devices. While emulators can mimic a physical device's torque-angle profile, the physical and emulated devices may have other differences that influence user biomechanics. Current studies have not investigated these differences, which limits translation of findings from emulated to physical devices. To evaluate the efficacy of AFO emulation as a research tool, we conducted a single-subject pilot study with a custom-built AFO emulator device. We compared user kinematics while walking with a physical AFO against those with an emulated AFO and found they elicited similar ankle trajectories. This dissertation resulted in the successful development and evaluation of a framework consisting of two test beds, one to assess AFO mechanical properties and another to assess the effects of these properties on the AFO user. These tools enable innovations in AFO design that can translate to measurable improvements in patient outcomes.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163219/1/deema_1.pd

    Model based experimental investigation on Powered Gait Orthosis (PGO)

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    Research on rehabilitation showed that appropriate and repetitive mechanical movements can help spinal cord injured individuals to restore their functional standing and walking. The objective of this paper was to achieve appropriate and repetitive joint movements and approximately normal gait through the PGO by replicating normal walking, and to minimize the energy consumption for both patients and the device. A model based experimental investigative approach is presented in this dissertation. First, a human model was created in Ideas and human walking was simulated in Adams. The main feature of this model was the foot ground contact model, which had distributed contact points along the foot and varied viscoelasticity. The model was validated by comparison of simulated results of normal walking and measured ones from the literature. It was used to simulate current PGO walking to investigate the real causes of poor function of the current PGO, even though it had joint movements close to normal walking. The direct cause was one leg moving at a time, which resulted in short step length and no clearance after toe off. It can not be solved by simply adding power on both hip joints. In order to find a better answer, a PGO mechanism model was used to investigate different walking mechanisms by locking or releasing some joints. A trade-off between energy consumption, control complexity and standing position was found. Finally a foot release PGO virtual model was created and simulated and only foot release mechanism was developed into a prototype. Both the release mechanism and the design of foot release were validated through the experiment by adding the foot release on the current PGO. This demonstrated an advancement in improving functional aspects of the current PGO even without a whole physical model of foot release PGO for comparison

    Ekonomicky dostupný aktivní exoskeleton pro dolní končetiny pro paraplegiky

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    After a broad introduction to the medical and biomechanical background and detailed review of orthotic devices, two newly developed lower limbs exoskeletons for paraplegics are presented in this study. There was found out the main challenges of designing devices for paraplegic walking can be summarized into three groups, stability and comfort, high efficiency or low energy consumption, dimensions and weight. These all attributes have to be moreover considered and maintained during manufacturing of affordable device while setting a reasonable price of the final product. A new economical device for people with paraplegia which tackles all problems of the three groups is introduced in this work. The main idea of this device is based on HALO mechanism. HALO is a compact passive medial hip joint orthosis with contralateral hip and ankle linkage, which keeps the feet always parallel to the ground and assists swinging the leg. The medial hip joint is equipped with one actuator in the new design and the new active exoskeleton is called @halo. Due to this update, we can achieve more stable and smoother walking patterns with decreased energy consumption of the users, yet maintain its compact and lightweight features. It was proven by the results from preliminary experiments with able-bodied subjects during which the same device with and without actuator was evaluated. Waddling and excessive vertical elevation of the centre of gravity were decreased by 40% with significantly smaller standard deviations in case of the powered exoskeleton. There was 52% less energy spent by the user wearing @halo which was calculated from the vertical excursion difference. There was measured 38.5% bigger impulse in crutches while using passive orthosis, which produced bigger loads in upper extremities musculature. The inverse dynamics approach was chosen to calculate and investigate the loads applied to the upper extremities. The result of this calculation has proven that all main muscle groups are engaged more aggressively and indicate more energy consumption during passive walking. The new @halo device is the first powered exoskeleton for lower limbs with just one actuated degree of freedom for users with paraplegia.První část práce je věnována obsáhlému úvodu do zdravotnické a biomechanické terminologie a detailnímu souhrnnému představení ortopedických pomůcek. Následně jsou představeny dva nově vyvinuté exoskelety aplikovatelné na dolní končetiny paraplegiků. Bylo zjištěno, že hlavní úskalí konstrukčního návrhu asistenčních zařízení pro paraplegiky lze shrnout do tří hlavních skupin, jako první je stabilita a komfort, druhá je vysoká účinnost a nízká energetická náročnost uživatele a do třetí lze zahrnout rozměry a hmotnost zařízení. Toto všechno je navíc podmíněno přijatelnou výslednou cenou produktu. Nový ekonomicky dostupný exoskelet pro paraplegiky, který řeší problematiku všech tří zmíněných skupin je představen v této práci. Hlavní myšlenka tohoto zařízení je postavena na mechanismu HALO ortézy. HALO je kompaktní pasivní ortéza s mediálním kyčelním kloubem umístěným uprostřed mezi dolními končetinami. Speciální mediální kyčelní kloub je kontralaterálně propojen s kotníkem soustavou ocelových lanek což zajištuje paralelní polohu chodidla se zemí v každém okamžiku chůze a navíc asistuje zhoupnutí končetiny. Tento mediální kyčelní kloub je redesignován a v novém provedení je vybaven jedním aktuátorem, nové řešení aktivního exoskeletu dostalo název @halo. Díky tomuto vylepšení lze dosáhnout stabilnější a plynulejší chůze s výrazně redukovanou energetickou náročností uživatele přičemž dochází k zachování nízké hmotnosti a kompaktnosti zařízení. Toto bylo dokázáno během předběžných experimentů se zdravými subjekty, během kterých byla testována aktivní chůze se zařízením vybaveným odnímatelnou pohonnou jednotkou a pasivní chůze se stejným zařízením bez této aktivní jednotky. Nadměrné naklánění se během chůze ze strany na stranu a nadměrná výchylka pohybu těžiště těla ve vertikálním směru byly sníženy o necelých 40% s velmi významně menšími standardními odchylkami v případě chůze s pohonem. Z rozdílu výchylky pohybu těžiště těla ve vertikální poloze bylo vypočítáno snížení energetické náročnosti uživatele o 52% při chůzi s aktivní konfiguraci @halo. Při pohybu s pasivní ortézou byl naměřen o 38,5% větší reakční silový impuls v berlích, což znamená nárůst zátěže pro svalový aparát horních končetin. Pro podrobné vyšetření zátěže ramenních kloubů byl aplikován model inverzní dynamiky. Výsledek tohoto výpočtu jednoznačně indikuje agresivnější a hlubší zapojení všech svalových skupin ramenního kloubu a tím vyšší spotřebu energie uživatelem během pasivní chůze. Nové asistenční zařízení @halo je prvním exoskeletem svého druhu pro paraplegiky s jediným poháněným stupněm volnosti.354 - Katedra robotikyvyhově

    Dynamics analysis and simulation verification of a novel knee joint exoskeleton

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    A novel knee joint exoskeleton, is designed in this paper, including the mechanical structure and hydraulic damper. To determine the spring parameters of knee joint exoskeleton and verify its effectiveness, we conduct the following studies. Firstly, forward kinematics analysis of the swing phase is obtained and Lagrange dynamics analysis is carried out. Secondly, the 3D model of exoskeleton is set up and ADAMS simulation is conducted. Then the spring parameters of knee joint exoskeleton are selected, including the spring force, the spring stiffness coefficient and the spring expansion, according to the simulation results. Finally, there are three sets of moments on the non-wearable side, the moments resulted from ADAMS simulations, the moments from the CGA (Clinical gait analysis) and the moments calculated from the Lagrange equation are compared, results show they are in good agreement. The effectiveness of the ADAMS simulation proves that the parameters of the hydraulic damper can meet the actual requirements. The simulation analysis of the exoskeleton provides important parameters for the manufacture and it also provides theoretical basis for the later control theory

    Robotic Rehabilitation Devices of Human Extremities: Design Concepts and Functional Particularities

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    International audienceAll over the world, several dozen million people suffer from the effects of post-polio, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, etc. and could benefit from the advances in robotic devices for rehabilitation. Thus, for modern society, an important and vital problem of designing systems for rehabilitation of human physical working ability appears. The temporary or permanent loss of human motor functions can be compensated by means of various rehabilitation devices. They can be simple mechanical systems for orthoses, which duplicate the functions of human extremities supplying with rigidity and bearing capacity or more complex mechatronic rehabilitation devices with higher level of control. We attempt to cover all of the major developments in these areas, focusing particularly on the development of the different concepts and their functional characteristics. The robotic devices with several structures are classified, taking into account the actuation systems, the neuromuscular stimulations, and the structural schemes. It is showed that the problems concerning the design of rehabilitation devices are complex and involve many questions in the sphere of biomedicine, mechanics, robot technology, electromechanics and optimal control. This paper provides a design overview of hardware, actuation, sensory, and control systems for most of the devices that have been described in the literature, and it ends with a discussion of the major advances that have been made and should be yet overcome

    Robotics 2010

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    Without a doubt, robotics has made an incredible progress over the last decades. The vision of developing, designing and creating technical systems that help humans to achieve hard and complex tasks, has intelligently led to an incredible variety of solutions. There are barely technical fields that could exhibit more interdisciplinary interconnections like robotics. This fact is generated by highly complex challenges imposed by robotic systems, especially the requirement on intelligent and autonomous operation. This book tries to give an insight into the evolutionary process that takes place in robotics. It provides articles covering a wide range of this exciting area. The progress of technical challenges and concepts may illuminate the relationship between developments that seem to be completely different at first sight. The robotics remains an exciting scientific and engineering field. The community looks optimistically ahead and also looks forward for the future challenges and new development

    Lower-Limb Wearable Exoskeleton

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    The mechanical response of a passive-dynamic ankle-foot- orthosis and its interaction with the lower limb during gait

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    The prescription of a passive dynamic ankle foot orthosis (PD-AFO), trademarked the Momentum, has improved functional outcome for many patients, though not all. The design features of the PD- AFO that account for this improvement, and the changes the PD-AFO introduces into gait, are not fully understood. This thesis aims to establish how the PD-AFO alters the external and internal loading of the foot during gait. Gait analysis was used to evaluate changes in external loading of the foot when wearing the PD-AFO (possible offloading). It was demonstrated that the PD-AFO reduced loading in the foot when walking, with maximum offloading seen during early stance. A novel methodology, using strain gauges, demonstrated the struts’ energy storage and return (ESAR) characteristics and ability to provide propulsive power during late stance. Finite element (FE) modelling was used to evaluate internal loading of the foot. A comprehensive development process was undertaken to build FE models of the foot and PD-AFO. By running multiple simulations of the FE model of the PD-AFO, design components whose mechanical characteristics may significantly alter gait were highlighted, such as the alignment of the posterior struts. The FE models of the foot and PD-AFO were combined to model the loading at a point during early stance; comparable results with data recorded experimentally was achieved. Simulation results demonstrated greater relative reduction in contact stresses, compared to contact force, at the subtalar joint. This suggested that PD-AFO’s influence on the subtalar joint angle may be an important design feature in the PD-AFO’s success. This research may help to predict who may be successfully aided by the PD-AFO, target research on design components that influence the mechanical response of the PD-AFO; and indicate potential long-term adverse effects of using the device as a result of changes to gait.Open Acces