12 research outputs found


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    This study identifies the priority employability skills of vocational education students using Fuzzy AHP. The purpose of this study is to find out the uniformity of employability skills attributes globally, identify which attributes are the most priority needed by vocational graduates based on the perspective of vocational teachers and to know the perspective of vocational teachers regarding the importance of employability skills attributes for vocational graduates. This study involved 378 SMK teachers in Indonesia as respondents. Content analysis techniques are used to determine a set of attributes that are used in several frameworks and the MCDM based Fuzzy AHP method is used to help determine priorities and decision makers. The results show that communication skills, collaboration skills, problem solving skills, self-management skills, planning and organizing skills, the ability to use technology and lifelong learning skills are attributes of employability skills that are widely used globally. The most priority attributes needed by vocational graduates based on the teacher's perspective are the ability to interact with colleagues, the ability to use basic information technology and the ability to have a personal vision and mission. Another thing that is explored from the teacher's perspective is that according to them it is very important that vocational graduates have the ability in aspects of self-management, especially discipline towards time, have good behavior and have a high commitment to every job they do. The results of this study are expected to be used as information material for related parties such as the government as policy makers, schools in improving the quality of graduates and teaching, industry in improving the quality of workers, as well as for students and graduates in preparing themselves to become professional workers

    Modeling the impact of hospital logistics on quality of care and patient satisfaction: results of a survey in three public healthcare facilities in Fez - Morocco

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    Purpose: The objective of this research is to examine the role of hospital logistics in improving quality of care and patient satisfaction. Thus, the paper focuses on modeling and evaluating the relationship between these three constructs. Design/methodology/approach: In the present study, hospital logistics was specified as a second-order construct composed of five first-order constructs: physical accessibility, waiting time, consultation time, hospital hotel services, and administrative procedures. A questionnaire was developed and administered face-to-face to 384 hospitalized patients in three public healthcare facilities in Fez-Morocco. Collected data were processed and analyzed deploying the PLS-SEM method and using SmartPLS3 software. Data analysis was carried out by considering two types of patient circuits according to the admission modes in the healthcare facility: Urgent Patients Circuit and Scheduled Patients Circuit. Thus, two PLS-SEM models were evaluated and validated. Findings: Results highlighted the significant impact of hospital logistics on quality and satisfaction. In particular, the results of the two models showed that the most preponderant hospital logistics component is physical accessibility which consists of the availability and accessibility of ambulances, medical and nursing staff, support and guidance staff, technical facilities and equipment, etc. Thus, hospital managers and health system stakeholders should pay particular attention to hospital logistics activities in general and specifically to the physical accessibility to improve the quality of care and patient satisfaction. Research limitations/implications: This study only included patients from three public healthcare facilities in Fez-Morocco. Also, the model variables of hospital logistics construct are restricted and were applied in a specific context. Besides, the sample size was relatively reduced. Thus, results generalization might be limited. Further studies including more patients from other territories and including other logistics components are needed for large-scale validation of the proposed model. Originality/value: The results of this study contribute to the scientific literature on hospital logistics and its role as a lever for quality of care and patient satisfaction.Peer Reviewe

    Penentuan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pemasok PT Semen Padang dengan Analisis Regresi Logistik Ordinal

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    Abstrak. Pemasok (supplier) memiliki peranan yang sangat penting bagi sebuah perusahaan dalam hal pengadaan bahan baku serta sarana dan prasarana produksi. Oleh karena itu, setiap perusahaan harus selalu membina suatu hubungan jangka panjang yang baik dengan semua pemasoknya sehingga tercipta loyalitas pemasok terhadap perusahaan. Loyalitas tersebut akan terbangun jika pemasok merasa puas dengan semua proses pengadaan yang terjadi. Pada penelitian ini, akan ditentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pemasok dalam proses pengadaan barang di PT Semen Padang. Terdapat lima variabel yang diperkirakan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pemasok, yaitu komunikasi, kebijakan pengadaan, kebijakan pembayaran, kebijakan koordinasi dan karyawan. Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi logistik logistik ordinal diketahui bahwa dari ke lima variabel tersebut, variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pemasok tersebut adalah kebijakan pengadaan. Kata Kunci : Kepuasan pemasok, PT Semen Padang, Analisis Regresi Logistik Ordina

    Investigating the role of apparel supplier satisfaction in developing a collaborative buyer–supplier relationship: a power-dependency perspective

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the affective and cognitive dimensions of satisfaction that impact the buyer-supplier relationship (BSR) from the supplier's perspective and to consider satisfaction within the context of power-dependency theory.Design/methodology/approach Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 Chinese apparel supply professionals who regularly interact with apparel buyers. Audio or video interviews were conducted via WeChat (the most popular social media platform in China).Findings A thematic analysis of the interview data revealed that both affective and cognitive dimensions of satisfaction impact the BSR. A model of supplier affective and cognitive satisfaction in a collaborative BSR was developed to illustrate the connections between the two dimensions.Originality/values Due to intense competition in the market, supplier satisfaction is essential for building relationships in the apparel industry. Existing studies have focused on satisfaction from the perspective of the buyer rather than the supplier because in a BSR, the buyer tends to hold more power. Moreover, research has primarily considered cognitive evaluations of satisfaction with the BSR. This study offers new insight on both cognitive and affective satisfaction from the perspective of suppliers within the context of power-dependency theory


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    Abstrak. Penyakit berbasis lingkungan masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Penyakit yang disebababkan oleh nyamuk merupakan bagian dari penyakit yang berbasis lingkungan. Kondisi lingkungan berperan penting dalam transmisi penularan penyakit ini. Beberapa penyakit yang ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk antara lain filariasis. Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) dan malaria. Dalam penelitian ini akan dikaji lebih jauh hubungan antara aspek sanitasi lingkungan yang berhubungan dengan pengendalian vektor penyakit, meliputi akses sanitasi, penyediaan air bersih, pengelolaan sampah dan ketersediaan saluran pembuangan air dan limbah (SPAL) dengan prevalensi penyakit filariasis, demam berdarah dengue dan malaria. Teknik pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah analisis korelasi kanonik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi kanonik diperoleh bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara peubah sanitasi lingkungan dengan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh nyamuk (dalam penelitian ini dibatasi untuk penyakit filariasis, DBD dan malaria). Peubah kualitas fisik air dan peubah akses sanitasi merupakan peubah yang mempunyai kontribusi besar terhadap aspek sanitasi lingkungan. Peubah-peubah tersebut juga mempunyai hubungan yang erat dengan penyakit-penyakit yang ditularkan nyamuk. Kata Kunci: Korelasi kanonik, Filariasis, DBD, Malaria, Sanitasi lingkunga

    Preferred customer status, supplier satisfaction and their contingencies

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    Over the last decades, firms shift increasingly from traditional in-house value creation strategies to cooperative buyer–supplier relationships as a source of value creation and competitive advantage. To reap extensive benefits from relationships with suppliers, assuring supplier satisfaction and achieving preferred customer status are key for buyers. In the past, several mechanisms have been identified that influence supplier satisfaction and preferred customer status; however, little is known about the role of major contingency factors such as: product type, dependencies and power influencing them. This dissertation focuses on the potential of preferred customer status to mitigate the negative effects of buyer dependency, the influences of a buyer’s power usage on supplier satisfaction, and potential perception differences of preferred status in buyer-supplier relationships. Additionally, this dissertation adds novel methods (i.e. partial least squares point predictions and polynomial regressions with response surface modeling) together with a dyadic perspective to supplier satisfaction and preferred customer research. These methods enable an assessment of the predictive abilities of models, reveal curvilinear interaction effects and discover asymmetric relationships between factors, which would have not been discovered otherwise

    Assessing multi-stakeholder approach in the relationship between ISO/TS16949 with organizational performance

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    Business organizations need to have a proactive approach to fulfill stakeholder needs and interests. In line with stakeholder theory, ISO/TS16949 is a standard that has been developed to enhance organizational performance through fulfilling interested parties needs and interests. Based on literature reviewed, studies on the effect of the standard on organizational performance are few and far between. The study investigate the mediating effect of stakeholder relationship and satisfaction as well as moderating effect of firm size and industry type on the relationship between ISO/TS16949 implementation and organizational performance. A quantitative methodology using a cross-sectional survey method was used to investigate the relationship between variables. Data were collected from a stratified random sample of 272 automotive companies in Iran. The overall response rate was 76.1%. The relationships between variables were examined using structural equation modelling (SEM) technique and partial least squares (PLS) software was used. The indirect exploratory effect of the moderators was examined using multi-group analysis (MGA) method. The results revealed there is a significant positive relationship between ISO/TS16949 implementation, stakeholder relationship and stakeholder satisfaction. Besides that, the results disclosed that the implementation of ISO/TS16949 standard through the mediating variables of stakeholder relationship and stakeholder satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational performance. Furthermore, the results of multi-group analysis confirmed the relationship between ISO/TS16949 implementation, stakeholders’ relationship, stakeholders’ satisfaction and organizational performance is moderated by firm size and industry type. The study combined resource-based theory, resource dependence and stakeholder theories to develop a new theoretical framework to demonstrate the importance of social capital in improving organizational performance. Moreover, the study has provided a new platform to effectively implement ISO/TS16949

    Resident Perspectives of the Resident-Tourist Relationship: Examining Tourist Attractiveness and Social Determinants Affecting Jeju Residents’ Satisfaction and Commitment towards Chinese Tourists

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    Successful tourism is based on a good relationship between tourists and the residents. To date, the resident-tourist relationship has been understood through two major approaches. The studies emphasizing the industrial aspects of tourism consider tourists as customers who bring economic benefits to a destination, while seeing residents as beneficiaries of the tourists’ expenditure during their trip. Other studies that see the resident-tourist relationship in terms of a host-guest relationship assume that residents, as hosts, should treat their guests with respect, while disregarding the industrial aspects of tourism. These two approaches have amplified the skewed and incomplete understanding of the resident-tourist relationship, while disregarding the importance of reciprocity and the merchandized purpose of the exchanges in this relationship. This dissertation explored the resident perspective in the resident-tourist relationship throughout three journal articles using a case study of Jeju Island, South Korea. In Study One, the concepts of tourist attractiveness, resident satisfaction, and resident commitment were explored and operated through a mixed-method approach in order to examine the resident perception of tourists and their attitude towards relationships with tourists. This study posited that tourist attractiveness includes five sub-dimensions: tourist familiarity, tourist financial capacity, tourist responsibility, positive tourist influence, and negative tourist influence. Using the constructs established in Study One, Study Two examined the relationship among the variables in order to examine the mechanism of residents’ sequential decision making process in the resident-tourist relationship: how their perception of and their relationship with tourists predict their reactions. The structural equation model (SEM) showed the statistically significant relationships between the variables, indicating tourist attractiveness is a crucial predictor of resident satisfaction with relationships with tourists and resident satisfaction leads to resident commitment to a future relationship with tourists. Study Three adopted and operated a theoretical framework of the social determinants suggested by Urry (2002) in order to explore the social-contextual factors influencing the resident-tourist relationship. Of the nine determinants of the original framework, seven remained after the purification of the factors: ratio of tourist to resident; tourist’s level of involvement in tourist attractions; organization of the tourism industry (primary and second industry; tertiary industry); economic and social differences; needs of standard services (restaurant and food service; travel service); tourism-friendly government and policies; and the extent to which tourists are blamed for local problems. In addition, the SEM analysis of the seven dimensions showed that six of these social determinants — the exception being tourism-friendly government and policy — had significant influences on the resident-tourist relationship. The approach used in this research is consistent with the sustainable tourism paradigm, which emphasizes community participation as a way to express the needs of residents as well as to improve tourist satisfaction, given that the resident is part of the tourist experience and an important stakeholder. These studies also provided an opportunity to rethink our traditional understanding of the relationship between residents and tourists, one that has often been described in terms of a host-guest relationship, by reminding us that it is business-like relationship pursuing rewards or benefits from each other

    Antecedents and consequences of preferred customer status

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    Suppliers have evolved to become significant stakeholders in any companies’ business. Suppliers might seem hands-down or be taken for granted because of the vast number of available options nowadays, and buyers might consider the process of procurement to be simple and trivial. That might be true for the majority of purchased products, however, there are situations in which lack of supply resources or scarcity of certain products results in competition between customers to secure their access to the scarce goods or services offered by competent suppliers. In these situations, these highly demanded suppliers can pick and choose, giving birth to the concept of preferred customer status. Preferred customer status is a level of customer attractiveness in which the buying firm has become the preferred and chosen customer of a certain supplier and will benefit from exclusive offers like early access to innovations and the best brainpower from the supplier. The objective of this study is to investigate how buying firms can become more attractive and gain this preferred status and to analyse the benefits a buyer gains by being an attractive or preferred customer. The drivers and consequences are explored from the available literature and a model of preferred customer status is constructed to be tested. In this study, three antecedents and two consequences are tested using data from a survey study. Statistical equation modeling is used to form a model and partial least square method is used to test the model using SmartPLS software. The results of this study show that the bridging capability of a buyer or its ability to connect suppliers to interesting new markets or interesting potential partners has a significant effect on customer attractiveness. It also shows that both customer attractiveness and preferred customer status are positively influenced by the performance feedback that the buyer provides to the supplier. Furthermore, the study shows that common goals and strategic fit of the two parties has a positive effect on the chance of gaining preferred status but has no effect on customer attractiveness. Moreover, testing the consequences, it is found out that customer attractiveness and preferred customer status both increase the supplier’s willingness to share information with the customer and improve the mutual performance of the two companies. These results are strong indications of the benefits of being a preferred customer. They show that becoming more attractive leads to valuable information that suppliers share with the buyer and the supplier’s commitment and efforts to improve the mutual relationship. The results also show that in order to gain attractiveness, buyers can leverage their network of partners and to connect the target supplier to interesting markets. It is also observed that developing an effective feedback system and having regular discussions with supplier about the relationship is very desirable to suppliers and buyers should take it into account in order to gain preferred status. Finally, buyers should consider the strategic fit between the two parties when thinking about becoming closer and gaining preferred status