21 research outputs found

    Cloud-Based Iot Monitoring System for Poultry Farming in Nigeria

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    The monitoring of environmental parameters of poultry farm using IoT applications is no longer a new research area in the field of engineering. However, the cost of implementing most of the reviewed research work seams unaffordable to rural farmers in Nigeria. This could limit the adoption and usage of such devices. In this paper, we present a cost-effective cloud-based IoT monitoring system for poultry farming. The system uses two vital weather parameters- temperature and humidity. The methodology adopted, employed the use of DHT11 sensor (a temperature and humidity sensor) to note every change in temperature and humidity data of the farm environment. The sensed data were extracted, sampled and processed by the microcontroller before transmitting the data to a remote cloud server through the WiFi module. The cloud server (Thingspeak) received the sensed data, analysed the data and plot the data graphically. The plotted graph is viewed from a computer or any smart devices. The result indicates that temperature and humidity values range between 33-38°C and 31-33mmHg respectively. Furthermore, the results show that the device is efficient in monitoring the two environmental parameters. Therefore, the efficiency of the system will no doubt provide much quicker and accurate information about change in temperature and humidity data of farm environment

    Internet of Things is a revolutionary approach for future technology enhancement: a review

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    Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm that has changed the traditional way of living into a high tech life style. Smart city, smart homes, pollution control, energy saving, smart transportation, smart industries are such transformations due to IoT. A lot of crucial research studies and investigations have been done in order to enhance the technology through IoT. However, there are still a lot of challenges and issues that need to be addressed to achieve the full potential of IoT. These challenges and issues must be considered from various aspects of IoT such as applications, challenges, enabling technologies, social and environmental impacts etc. The main goal of this review article is to provide a detailed discussion from both technological and social perspective. The article discusses different challenges and key issues of IoT, architecture and important application domains. Also, the article bring into light the existing literature and illustrated their contribution in different aspects of IoT. Moreover, the importance of big data and its analysis with respect to IoT has been discussed. This article would help the readers and researcher to understand the IoT and its applicability to the real world

    IoT Data Processing for Smart City and Semantic Web Applications

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    The world has been experiencing rapid urbanization over the last few decades, putting a strain on existing city infrastructure such as waste management, water supply management, public transport and electricity consumption. We are also seeing increasing pollution levels in cities threatening the environment, natural resources and health conditions. However, we must realize that the real growth lies in urbanization as it provides many opportunities to individuals for better employment, healthcare and better education. However, it is imperative to limit the ill effects of rapid urbanization through integrated action plans to enable the development of growing cities. This gave rise to the concept of a smart city in which all available information associated with a city will be utilized systematically for better city management. The proposed system architecture is divided in subsystems and is discussed in individual chapters. The first chapter introduces and gives overview to the reader of the complete system architecture. The second chapter discusses the data monitoring system and data lake system based on the oneM2M standards. DMS employs oneM2M as a middleware layer to achieve interoperability, and DLS uses a multi-tenant architecture with multiple logical databases, enabling efficient and reliable data management. The third chapter discusses energy monitoring and electric vehicle charging systems developed to illustrate the applicability of the oneM2M standards. The fourth chapter discusses the Data Exchange System based on the Indian Urban Data Exchange framework. DES uses IUDX standard data schema and open APIs to avoid data silos and enable secure data sharing. The fifth chapter discusses the 5D-IoT framework that provides uniform data quality assessment of sensor data with meaningful data descriptions

    Evaluación del sistema de monitoreo inteligente con IoT en granja avícola

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Zootecnia. Departamento Académico de NutriciónEl objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el sistema de monitoreo inteligente basado en Internet de las cosas (IoT) dentro del proceso de crianza de pollos de carne de la línea Ross 308. Se utilizo este sistema que funciona enviando información sobre el estado de la calidad en los niveles de temperatura, humedad, peso, pH, y temperatura de agua. Al proporcionar la información de estos valores en tiempo real, y dentro del proceso productivo, nos permitió gestionar la toma de acciones de manera más rápida. Este sistema utilizo nodos con sensores específicos, para luego interconectarse a través de Redes de área amplia de baja potencia (LP-WAN) – Largo alcance (LoRa), y enviar la información a un Gateway, que subió la información a la nube con una señal de internet. La plataforma Ubidots, fue la que nos permitió almacenar, procesar, y visualizar los datos de toda la etapa de crianza desde la llegada, hasta los 35 días de edad. Los resultados mostraron, que el control de variables que intervienen en el desarrollo óptimo llevaron a una mejor ganancia de peso, y un mayor peso final. Se concluye que el sistema de monitoreo inteligente puede destacar como una solución basada en tecnología, y a través de un sistema integrado pueda crear estrategias, respuestas inmediatas, y control de variables importantes en toda la etapa de crianza de pollos de carne.The objective of the present study was to evaluate the intelligent monitoring system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) within the broiler rearing process of the Ross 308 line. This system was used, which works by sending information on the quality status in temperature, humidity, weight, pH, and water temperature levels. By providing information on these values in real time, and within the production process, it allowed us to manage the taking of actions more quickly. This system used nodes with specific sensors, to later interconnect through Low Power Wide Area Networks (LP-WAN) - Long Range (LoRa), and send the information to a Gateway, which uploaded the information to the cloud with a signal of Internet. The Ubidots platform was the one that allowed us to store, process, and visualize the data of the entire aging stage from arrival to 35 days of age. The results showed that the control of variables that intervene in the optimal development led to a better weight gain, and a higher final weight. It is concluded that the intelligent monitoring system can stand out as a solution based on technology, and through an integrated system it can create strategies, immediate responses, and control of important variables throughout the broiler rearing stage

    Realistic deployment of hybrid wireless sensor networks based on ZigBee and LoRa for search and rescue applications

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    Search and Rescue operations in emergency response to natural or human catastrophes have the main objective of locating and rescuing potential victims as fast as possible, thus quick response and accurate actions are mandatory. While standard communications may be affected, a Wireless Sensor Network can be deployed to support the rescue team. This kind of network allows data acquisition close to events and enables persistence over time, among other advantages. However, enhancements must be made to improve the adaptation to this kind of scenario. This work presents two Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks, based on ZigBee and LoRa, developed to address some of the challenges that Search and Rescue operations pose to the use of Wireless Sensor Networks, and tested in realistic scenarios in cooperation with first responders. Likewise, several software developments that increase the performance of the networks are described. Finally, the conclusions presented, and the lessons learnt are supported by a high amount of data, gathered in realistic exercises in cooperation with civilian and military first responders.Spanish Project RTI2018-093421-B-I0

    VISTA:an inclusive insider threat taxonomy, with mitigation strategies

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    Insiders have the potential to do a great deal of damage, given their legitimate access to organisational assets and the trust they enjoy. Organisations can only mitigate insider threats if they understand what the different kinds of insider threats are, and what tailored measures can be used to mitigate the threat posed by each of them. Here, we derive VISTA (inclusiVe InSider Threat tAxonomy) based on an extensive literature review and a survey with C-suite executives to ensure that the VISTA taxonomy is not only scientifically grounded, but also meets the needs of organisations and their executives. To this end, we map each VISTA category of insider threat to tailored mitigations that can be deployed to reduce the threat

    Remote Sensing

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    This dual conception of remote sensing brought us to the idea of preparing two different books; in addition to the first book which displays recent advances in remote sensing applications, this book is devoted to new techniques for data processing, sensors and platforms. We do not intend this book to cover all aspects of remote sensing techniques and platforms, since it would be an impossible task for a single volume. Instead, we have collected a number of high-quality, original and representative contributions in those areas

    Individual control and data protection. Looking back and moving forward.

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    This work aims at investigating the concept of “individual control over personal data”, as a core constituent of data protection law. In an era in which personal data have become a main driving force behind innovation, growth and prosperity; companies and governments are at war to gain new usable knowledge; technological advances are upstaging expectations in terms of what can be inferred, predicted and manipulated through data, and people are milked at an increasing speed to fulfill the generalized data hunger, calls to bring individuals back in control of their personal data and develop a more individual-friendly data ecosystem have been increasingly pressing. Yet, older and newer hurdles still hinder a satisfactory implementation of this vision. Against this backdrop, this work intends to investigate in depth the notion of “individual control” in the data protection realm and its persisting shortcomings, and attempt to further explore what steps could be made to move forward, in order to offer the necessary support or supplementation to this underlying principle of data protection. To this end, the analysis starts by providing a historical overview to track the emergence of this notion in the European data protection context, taking into account the role assigned to the concept of “control” in the doctrinal debate, its legal manifestation within regulatory provisions (at national, international and EU level) and the approach of the CJEU jurisprudence on the matter. The analysis further considers the manifold issues that undermine the effective implementation of the idea of individual control, particularly as a result of the technological changes that have transformed our society and revolutionized the way in which we live and communicate. Finally, in light of the shortcomings affecting the privacy self-management logic, the work seeks to explore possible a selection of mechanisms and approaches that, if adequately leveraged and implemented, could offer effective support and complementation to the individual control model, with a view to increasing the level of protection offered to individuals. These mechanisms include both “individual-centric” measures, whose leading actors remain data subjects and whose objective is to enhance the means individuals can use to gain better control, but also measures that move beyond a strict “data subject-focused” dimension, in that they are addressed to different societal actors and approach data protection from a broader collective rather than strictly individualistic perspective. As the analysis shows, there is, unfortunately, no silver bullet. However, the promotion and valorization of the proposed mechanisms and the combined benefits that these could bring, in their own way, on the data protection table are a first essential step to start building a systemic and comprehensive response to the protection gaps that afflict individuals and society as a result of the weaknesses currently affecting the individual control logic