3,026 research outputs found

    Improving the multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithm for hydropower reservoir operations in the California Oroville-Thermalito complex

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    This study demonstrates the application of an improved Evolutionary optimization Algorithm (EA), titled Multi-Objective Complex Evolution Global Optimization Method with Principal Component Analysis and Crowding Distance Operator (MOSPD), for the hydropower reservoir operation of the Oroville-Thermalito Complex (OTC) - a crucial head-water resource for the California State Water Project (SWP). In the OTC's water-hydropower joint management study, the nonlinearity of hydropower generation and the reservoir's water elevation-storage relationship are explicitly formulated by polynomial function in order to closely match realistic situations and reduce linearization approximation errors. Comparison among different curve-fitting methods is conducted to understand the impact of the simplification of reservoir topography. In the optimization algorithm development, techniques of crowding distance and principal component analysis are implemented to improve the diversity and convergence of the optimal solutions towards and along the Pareto optimal set in the objective space. A comparative evaluation among the new algorithm MOSPD, the original Multi-Objective Complex Evolution Global Optimization Method (MOCOM), the Multi-Objective Differential Evolution method (MODE), the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA), the Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing approach (MOSA), and the Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization scheme (MOPSO) is conducted using the benchmark functions. The results show that best the MOSPD algorithm demonstrated the best and most consistent performance when compared with other algorithms on the test problems. The newly developed algorithm (MOSPD) is further applied to the OTC reservoir releasing problem during the snow melting season in 1998 (wet year), 2000 (normal year) and 2001 (dry year), in which the more spreading and converged non-dominated solutions of MOSPD provide decision makers with better operational alternatives for effectively and efficiently managing the OTC reservoirs in response to the different climates, especially drought, which has become more and more severe and frequent in California

    Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Space Applications

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    Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) has been increasingly studied in aerospace engineering with the main purpose of reducing monetary and schedule costs. The traditional design approach of optimizing each discipline separately and manually iterating to achieve good solutions is substituted by exploiting the interactions between the disciplines and concurrently optimizing every subsystem. The target of the research was the development of a flexible software suite capable of concurrently optimizing the design of a rocket propellant launch vehicle for multiple objectives. The possibility of combining the advantages of global and local searches have been exploited in both the MDO architecture and in the selected and self developed optimization methodologies. Those have been compared according to computational efficiency and performance criteria. Results have been critically analyzed to identify the most suitable optimization approach for the targeted MDO problem

    Metaheuristics for Transmission Network Expansion Planning

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    This chapter presents the characteristics of the metaheuristic algorithms used to solve the transmission network expansion planning (TNEP) problem. The algorithms used to handle single or multiple objectives are discussed on the basis of selected literature contributions. Besides the main objective given by the costs of the transmission system infrastructure, various other objectives are taken into account, representing generation, demand, reliability and environmental aspects. In the single-objective case, many metaheuristics have been proposed, in general without making strong comparisons with other solution methods and without providing superior results with respect to classical mathematical programming. In the multi-objective case, there is a better convenience of using metaheuristics able to handle conflicting objectives, in particular with a Pareto front-based approach. In all cases, improvements are still expected in the definition of benchmark functions, benchmark networks and robust comparison criteria

    An evolutionary multi-objective optimization system for earthworks

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    Earthworks involve the levelling or shaping of a target area through the moving or processing of the ground surface. Most construction projects require earthworks, which are heavily dependent on mechanical equipment (e.g., excavators, trucks and compactors). Often, earthworks are the most costly and time-consuming component of infrastructure constructions (e.g., road, railway and airports) and current pressure for higher productivity and safety highlights the need to optimize earthworks, which is a nontrivial task. Most previous attempts at tackling this problem focus on single-objective optimization of partial processes or aspects of earthworks, overlooking the advantages of a multi-objective and global optimization. This work describes a novel optimization system based on an evolutionary multi-objective approach, capable of globally optimizing several objectives simultaneously and dynamically. The proposed system views an earthwork construction as a production line, where the goal is to optimize resources under two crucial criteria (costs and duration) and focus the evolutionary search (non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II) on compaction allocation, using linear programming to distribute the remaining equipment (e.g., excavators). Several experiments were held using real-world data from a Portuguese construction site, showing that the proposed system is quite competitive when compared with current manual earthwork equipment allocation.The authors wish to thank FCT for the financial support under the doctoral Grant SFRH/BD/71501/2010, as well as the construction company that kindly provided the real-world data. Also, we wish to thank Olaf Mersmann for kindly providing the R code for the SMS-EMOA algorithm

    Parallel optimization algorithms for high performance computing : application to thermal systems

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    The need of optimization is present in every field of engineering. Moreover, applications requiring a multidisciplinary approach in order to make a step forward are increasing. This leads to the need of solving complex optimization problems that exceed the capacity of human brain or intuition. A standard way of proceeding is to use evolutionary algorithms, among which genetic algorithms hold a prominent place. These are characterized by their robustness and versatility, as well as their high computational cost and low convergence speed. Many optimization packages are available under free software licenses and are representative of the current state of the art in optimization technology. However, the ability of optimization algorithms to adapt to massively parallel computers reaching satisfactory efficiency levels is still an open issue. Even packages suited for multilevel parallelism encounter difficulties when dealing with objective functions involving long and variable simulation times. This variability is common in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (CFD & HT), nonlinear mechanics, etc. and is nowadays a dominant concern for large scale applications. Current research in improving the performance of evolutionary algorithms is mainly focused on developing new search algorithms. Nevertheless, there is a vast knowledge of sequential well-performing algorithmic suitable for being implemented in parallel computers. The gap to be covered is efficient parallelization. Moreover, advances in the research of both new search algorithms and efficient parallelization are additive, so that the enhancement of current state of the art optimization software can be accelerated if both fronts are tackled simultaneously. The motivation of this Doctoral Thesis is to make a step forward towards the successful integration of Optimization and High Performance Computing capabilities, which has the potential to boost technological development by providing better designs, shortening product development times and minimizing the required resources. After conducting a thorough state of the art study of the mathematical optimization techniques available to date, a generic mathematical optimization tool has been developed putting a special focus on the application of the library to the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (CFD & HT). Then the main shortcomings of the standard parallelization strategies available for genetic algorithms and similar population-based optimization methods have been analyzed. Computational load imbalance has been identified to be the key point causing the degradation of the optimization algorithm¿s scalability (i.e. parallel efficiency) in case the average makespan of the batch of individuals is greater than the average time required by the optimizer for performing inter-processor communications. It occurs because processors are often unable to finish the evaluation of their queue of individuals simultaneously and need to be synchronized before the next batch of individuals is created. Consequently, the computational load imbalance is translated into idle time in some processors. Several load balancing algorithms have been proposed and exhaustively tested, being extendable to any other population-based optimization method that needs to synchronize all processors after the evaluation of each batch of individuals. Finally, a real-world engineering application that consists on optimizing the refrigeration system of a power electronic device has been presented as an illustrative example in which the use of the proposed load balancing algorithms is able to reduce the simulation time required by the optimization tool.El aumento de las aplicaciones que requieren de una aproximación multidisciplinar para poder avanzar se constata en todos los campos de la ingeniería, lo cual conlleva la necesidad de resolver problemas de optimización complejos que exceden la capacidad del cerebro humano o de la intuición. En estos casos es habitual el uso de algoritmos evolutivos, principalmente de los algoritmos genéticos, caracterizados por su robustez y versatilidad, así como por su gran coste computacional y baja velocidad de convergencia. La multitud de paquetes de optimización disponibles con licencias de software libre representan el estado del arte actual en tecnología de optimización. Sin embargo, la capacidad de adaptación de los algoritmos de optimización a ordenadores masivamente paralelos alcanzando niveles de eficiencia satisfactorios es todavía una tarea pendiente. Incluso los paquetes adaptados al paralelismo multinivel tienen dificultades para gestionar funciones objetivo que requieren de tiempos de simulación largos y variables. Esta variabilidad es común en la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional y la Transferencia de Calor (CFD & HT), mecánica no lineal, etc. y es una de las principales preocupaciones en aplicaciones a gran escala a día de hoy. La investigación actual que tiene por objetivo la mejora del rendimiento de los algoritmos evolutivos está enfocada principalmente al desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de búsqueda. Sin embargo, ya se conoce una gran variedad de algoritmos secuenciales apropiados para su implementación en ordenadores paralelos. La tarea pendiente es conseguir una paralelización eficiente. Además, los avances en la investigación de nuevos algoritmos de búsqueda y la paralelización son aditivos, por lo que el proceso de mejora del software de optimización actual se verá incrementada si se atacan ambos frentes simultáneamente. La motivación de esta Tesis Doctoral es avanzar hacia una integración completa de las capacidades de Optimización y Computación de Alto Rendimiento para así impulsar el desarrollo tecnológico proporcionando mejores diseños, acortando los tiempos de desarrollo del producto y minimizando los recursos necesarios. Tras un exhaustivo estudio del estado del arte de las técnicas de optimización matemática disponibles a día de hoy, se ha diseñado una librería de optimización orientada al campo de la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional y la Transferencia de Calor (CFD & HT). A continuación se han analizado las principales limitaciones de las estrategias de paralelización disponibles para algoritmos genéticos y otros métodos de optimización basados en poblaciones. En el caso en que el tiempo de evaluación medio de la tanda de individuos sea mayor que el tiempo medio que necesita el optimizador para llevar a cabo comunicaciones entre procesadores, se ha detectado que la causa principal de la degradación de la escalabilidad o eficiencia paralela del algoritmo de optimización es el desequilibrio de la carga computacional. El motivo es que a menudo los procesadores no terminan de evaluar su cola de individuos simultáneamente y deben sincronizarse antes de que se cree la siguiente tanda de individuos. Por consiguiente, el desequilibrio de la carga computacional se convierte en tiempo de inactividad en algunos procesadores. Se han propuesto y testado exhaustivamente varios algoritmos de equilibrado de carga aplicables a cualquier método de optimización basado en una población que necesite sincronizar los procesadores tras cada tanda de evaluaciones. Finalmente, se ha presentado como ejemplo ilustrativo un caso real de ingeniería que consiste en optimizar el sistema de refrigeración de un dispositivo de electrónica de potencia. En él queda demostrado que el uso de los algoritmos de equilibrado de carga computacional propuestos es capaz de reducir el tiempo de simulación que necesita la herramienta de optimización

    Multilayer optimisation for day-ahead energy planning in microgrids

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    In the search for low carbon, reliable and affordable ways to provide electricity, an increased attention is going to the microgrid, a small-scale power system that uses a combination of energy generation and storage devices to serve local customers. The most promising feature of the microgrid is its flexibility to act as a standalone source of electricity for remote communities, and to be connected to the main power system, selling and purchasing power as required. Additionally, a microgrid can be considered as a coordinated system approach for incorporating intermittent renewable sources of energy. Microgrid customers can have power from their batteries or distributed generators, they can buy it from the utility grid, or they can reduce their consumption.When designing a new optimal planning tool for a microgrid, a major challenge (and opportunity) is to decide on what units to operate in order to meet the demand. The question is what mix will provide the performance needed at the lowest cost, or with the lowest possible emissions. Unfortunately, both objectives are often contradictory. Generally, low costs mean high emissions, and vice versa. A microgrid system operator may care more about achieving lower costs rather than lower emissions. Given the preferences, the operator needs to decide how to configure and operate the microgrid while satisfying all technical requirements, such as voltage stability and power balance. In order to control and manage the microgrid units in real-time while fully exploiting the benefit of long-term prediction, an off-line optimisation approach imposes itself to devise the online microgrid management. In this PhD thesis, an efficient multilayer control approach is developed which obtains a day-ahead unit commitment method to provide an economically and environmentally viable unit commitment (UC) that is physically feasible in terms of voltage violations. With the multilayer control approach, the future operational states of the controllable units within the microgrid are determined ahead of time. The proposed concept follows the idea of a day-ahead coordination including the unit commitment problem (scheduling layer), an off-line power flow calculation (executive layer) and a security check with feedback control (adjustment layer). Since the complete multilayer control concept works on a day-ahead time scale, the model can be considered as an off-line optimisation approach. The power reference set points provided by the multilayer control approach can, in turn, be used for an online microgrid implementation to achieve real-time system state updates

    Robust evolutionary methods for multi-objective and multdisciplinary design optimisation in aeronautics

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    Computational intelligence based complex adaptive system-of-systems architecture evolution strategy

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    The dynamic planning for a system-of-systems (SoS) is a challenging endeavor. Large scale organizations and operations constantly face challenges to incorporate new systems and upgrade existing systems over a period of time under threats, constrained budget and uncertainty. It is therefore necessary for the program managers to be able to look at the future scenarios and critically assess the impact of technology and stakeholder changes. Managers and engineers are always looking for options that signify affordable acquisition selections and lessen the cycle time for early acquisition and new technology addition. This research helps in analyzing sequential decisions in an evolving SoS architecture based on the wave model through three key features namely; meta-architecture generation, architecture assessment and architecture implementation. Meta-architectures are generated using evolutionary algorithms and assessed using type II fuzzy nets. The approach can accommodate diverse stakeholder views and convert them to key performance parameters (KPP) and use them for architecture assessment. On the other hand, it is not possible to implement such architecture without persuading the systems to participate into the meta-architecture. To address this issue a negotiation model is proposed which helps the SoS manger to adapt his strategy based on system owners behavior. This work helps in capturing the varied differences in the resources required by systems to prepare for participation. The viewpoints of multiple stakeholders are aggregated to assess the overall mission effectiveness of the overarching objective. An SAR SoS example problem illustrates application of the method. Also a dynamic programing approach can be used for generating meta-architectures based on the wave model. --Abstract, page iii
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