12 research outputs found

    5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications

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    5G Outlook - Innovations and Applications is a collection of the recent research and development in the area of the Fifth Generation Mobile Technology (5G), the future of wireless communications. Plenty of novel ideas and knowledge of the 5G are presented in this book as well as divers applications from health science to business modeling. The authors of different chapters contributed from various countries and organizations. The chapters have also been presented at the 5th IEEE 5G Summit held in Aalborg on July 1, 2016. The book starts with a comprehensive introduction on 5G and its need and requirement. Then millimeter waves as a promising spectrum to 5G technology is discussed. The book continues with the novel and inspiring ideas for the future wireless communication usage and network. Further, some technical issues in signal processing and network design for 5G are presented. Finally, the book ends up with different applications of 5G in distinct areas. Topics widely covered in this book are: • 5G technology from past to present to the future• Millimeter- waves and their characteristics• Signal processing and network design issues for 5G• Applications, business modeling and several novel ideas for the future of 5

    5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications

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    5G Outlook - Innovations and Applications is a collection of the recent research and development in the area of the Fifth Generation Mobile Technology (5G), the future of wireless communications. Plenty of novel ideas and knowledge of the 5G are presented in this book as well as divers applications from health science to business modeling. The authors of different chapters contributed from various countries and organizations. The chapters have also been presented at the 5th IEEE 5G Summit held in Aalborg on July 1, 2016. The book starts with a comprehensive introduction on 5G and its need and requirement. Then millimeter waves as a promising spectrum to 5G technology is discussed. The book continues with the novel and inspiring ideas for the future wireless communication usage and network. Further, some technical issues in signal processing and network design for 5G are presented. Finally, the book ends up with different applications of 5G in distinct areas. Topics widely covered in this book are: • 5G technology from past to present to the future• Millimeter- waves and their characteristics• Signal processing and network design issues for 5G• Applications, business modeling and several novel ideas for the future of 5

    Architecture for ultra-low power multi-channel transmitters for Body Area Networks using RF resonators

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-103).Body Area Networks (BANs) are gaining prominence for their use in medical and sports monitoring. This thesis develops the specifications of a ultra-low power 2.4GHz transmitter for use in a Body Area Networks, taking advantage of the asymmetric energy constraints on the sensor node and the basestation. The specifications include low transmit output powers, around -10dBm, low startup time, simple modulation schemes of OOK, FSK and BPSK and high datarates of 1Mbps. An architecture that is suited for the unique requirements of transmitters in these BANs is developed. RF Resonators, and in particular Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators (FBARs) are explored as carrier frequency generators since they provide stable frequencies without the need for PLLs. The frequency of oscillation is directly modulated to generate FSK. Since these oscillators have low tuning range, the architecture uses multiple resonators to define the center frequencies of the multiple channels. A scalable scheme that uses a resonant buffer is developed to multiplex the oscillators' outputs to the Power Amplifier (PA). The buffer is also capable of generating BPSK signals. Finally a PA optimized for efficiently delivering the low output powers required in BANs is developed. A tunable matching network in the PA also enables pulse-shaping for spectrally efficient modulation. A prototype transmitter supporting 3 FBAR-oscillator channels in the 2.4GHz ISM band was designed in a 65nm CMOS process. It operates from a 0.7V supply for the RF portion and 1V for the digital section. The transmitter achieves 1Mbps FSK, up to 10Mbps for OOK and BPSK without pulse shaping and 1Mbps for OOK and BPSK with pulse shaping. The power amplifier has an efficiency of up to 43% and outputs between -15dBm and -7.5dBm onto a 50Q antenna. Overall, the transmitter achieves an efficiency of upto 26% and energy per bit of 483pJ/bit at 1Mbps.by Arun Paidimarri.S.M

    Optics for AI and AI for Optics

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    Artificial intelligence is deeply involved in our daily lives via reinforcing the digital transformation of modern economies and infrastructure. It relies on powerful computing clusters, which face bottlenecks of power consumption for both data transmission and intensive computing. Meanwhile, optics (especially optical communications, which underpin today’s telecommunications) is penetrating short-reach connections down to the chip level, thus meeting with AI technology and creating numerous opportunities. This book is about the marriage of optics and AI and how each part can benefit from the other. Optics facilitates on-chip neural networks based on fast optical computing and energy-efficient interconnects and communications. On the other hand, AI enables efficient tools to address the challenges of today’s optical communication networks, which behave in an increasingly complex manner. The book collects contributions from pioneering researchers from both academy and industry to discuss the challenges and solutions in each of the respective fields

    Intelligent Massive MIMO Systems for Beyond 5G Networks: An Overview and Future Trends

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    Machine learning (ML) which is a subset of artificial intelligence is expected to unlock the potential of challenging large-scale problems in conventional massive multiple-input-multiple-output (CM-MIMO) systems. This introduces the concept of intelligent massive MIMO (I-mMIMO) systems. Due to the surge of application of different ML techniques in the enhancement of mMIMO systems for existing and emerging use cases beyond fifth-generation (B5G) networks, this article aims to provide an overview of the different aspects of the I-mMIMO systems. First, the characteristics and challenges of the CM-MIMO have been identified. Secondly, the most recent efforts aimed at applying ML to a different aspect of CM-MIMO systems are presented. Thirdly, the deployment of I-mMIMO and efforts towards standardization are discussed. Lastly, the future trends of I-mMIMO-enabled application systems are presented. The aim of this paper is to assist the readers to understand different ML approaches in CM-MIMO systems, explore some of the advantages and disadvantages, identify some of the open issues, and motivate the readers toward future trends

    Towards reliable communication in low-power wireless body area networks

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    Es wird zunehmend die Ansicht vertreten, dass tragbare Computer und Sensoren neue Anwendungen in den Bereichen Gesundheitswesen, personalisierte Fitness oder erweiterte Realität ermöglichen werden. Die am Körper getragenen Geräte sind dabei mithilfe eines Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) verbunden, d.h. es wird drahtlose Kommunikation statt eines drahtgebundenen Kanals eingesetzt. Der drahtlose Kanal ist jedoch typischerweise ein eher instabiles Kommunikationsmedium und die Einsatzbedingungen von WBANs sind besonders schwierig: Einerseits wird die Kanalqualität stark von den physischen Bewegungen der Person beeinflusst, andererseits werden WBANs häufig in lizenzfreien Funkbändern eingesetzt und sind daher Störungen von anderen drahtlosen Geräten ausgesetzt. Oft benötigen WBAN Anwendungen aber eine zuverlässige Datenübertragung. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein besseres Verständnis dafür zu schaffen, wie sich die spezifischen Einsatzbedingungen von WBANs auf die intra-WBAN Kommunikation auswirken. So wird zum Beispiel analysiert, welchen Einfluss die Platzierung der Geräte auf der Oberfläche des menschlichen Körpers und die Mobilität des Benutzers haben. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass während regelmäßiger Aktivitäten wie Laufen die empfangene Signalstärke stark schwankt, gleichzeitig aber Signalstärke-Spitzen oft einem regulären Muster folgen. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass in urbanen Umgebungen die Effekte von 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) Interferenz im Vergleich zu den Auswirkungen von fading (Schwankungen der empfangenen Signalstärke) eher gering sind. Allerdings führt RF Interferenz dazu, dass häufiger Bündelfehler auftreten, d.h. Fehler zeitlich korrelieren. Dies kann insbesondere in Anwendungen, die eine geringe Übertragungslatenz benötigen, problematisch sein. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse von Verfahren, die potentiell die Zuverlässigkeit der Kommunikation in WBANs erhöhen, ohne dass wesentlich mehr Energie verbraucht wird. Zunächst wird der Trade-off zwischen Übertragungslatenz und der Zuverlässigkeit der Kommunikation analysiert. Diese Analyse basiert auf einem neuen Paket-Scheduling Algorithmus, der einen Beschleunigungssensor nutzt, um die WBAN Kommunikation auf die physischen Bewegungen der Person abzustimmen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass unzuverlässige Kommunikationsverbindungen oft zuverlässig werden, wenn Pakete während vorhergesagter Signalstärke-Spitzen gesendet werden. Ferner wird analysiert, inwiefern die Robustheit gegen 2.4 GHz RF Interferenz verbessert werden kann. Dazu werden zwei Verfahren betrachtet: Ein bereits existierendes Verfahren, das periodisch einen Wechsel der Übertragungsfrequenz durchführt (channel hopping) und ein neues Verfahren, das durch RF Interferenz entstandene Bitfehler reparieren kann, indem der Inhalt mehrerer fehlerhafter Pakete kombiniert wird (packet combining). Eine Schlussfolgerung ist, dass Frequenzdiversität zwar das Auftreten von Bündelfehlern reduzieren kann, dass jedoch die statische Auswahl eines Kanals am oberen Ende des 2.4 GHz Bandes häufig schon eine akzeptable Abhilfe gegen RF Interferenz darstellt.There is a growing belief that wearable computers and sensors will enable new applications in areas such as healthcare, personal fitness or augmented reality. The devices are attached to a person and connected through a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), which replaces the wires of traditional monitoring systems by wireless communication. This comes, however, at the cost of turning a reliable communication channel into an unreliable one. The wireless channel is typically a rather unstable medium for communication and the conditions under which WBANs have to operate are particularly harsh: not only is the channel strongly influenced by the movements of the person, but WBANs also often operate in unlicensed frequency bands and may therefore be exposed to a significant amount of interference from other wireless devices. Yet, many envisioned WBAN applications require reliable data transmission. The goals of this thesis are twofold: first, we aim at establishing a better understanding of how the specific WBAN operating conditions, such as node placement on the human body surface and user mobility, impact intra-WBAN communication. We show that during periodic activities like walking the received signal strength on an on-body communication link fluctuates strongly, but signal strength peaks often follow a regular pattern. Furthermore, we find that in comparison to the effects of fading 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) interference causes relatively little packet loss - however, urban 2.4 GHz RF noise is bursty (correlated in time), which may be problematic for applications with low latency bounds. The second goal of this thesis is to analyze how communication reliability in WBANs can be improved without sacrificing a significant amount of additional energy. To this end, we first explore the trade-off between communication latency and communication reliability. This analysis is based on a novel packet scheduling algorithm, which makes use of an accelerometer to couple WBAN communication with the movement patterns of the user. The analysis shows that unreliable links can often be made reliable if packets are transmitted at predicted signal strength peaks. In addition, we analyze to what extent two mechanisms can improve robustness against 2.4 GHz RF interference when adopted in a WBAN context: we analyze the benefits of channel hopping, and we examine how the packet retransmission process can be made more efficient by using a novel packet combining algorithm that allows to repair packets corrupted by RF interference. One of the conclusions is that while frequency agility may decrease "burstiness" of errors the static selection of a channel at the upper end of the 2.4 GHz band often already represents a good remedy against RF interference

    Advances in Optical Amplifiers

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    Optical amplifiers play a central role in all categories of fibre communications systems and networks. By compensating for the losses exerted by the transmission medium and the components through which the signals pass, they reduce the need for expensive and slow optical-electrical-optical conversion. The photonic gain media, which are normally based on glass- or semiconductor-based waveguides, can amplify many high speed wavelength division multiplexed channels simultaneously. Recent research has also concentrated on wavelength conversion, switching, demultiplexing in the time domain and other enhanced functions. Advances in Optical Amplifiers presents up to date results on amplifier performance, along with explanations of their relevance, from leading researchers in the field. Its chapters cover amplifiers based on rare earth doped fibres and waveguides, stimulated Raman scattering, nonlinear parametric processes and semiconductor media. Wavelength conversion and other enhanced signal processing functions are also considered in depth. This book is targeted at research, development and design engineers from teams in manufacturing industry, academia and telecommunications service operators

    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference - June 5-12, 2022 - Saint-Étienne (France). https://smc22.grame.f