40 research outputs found

    Novel control approaches for the next generation computer numerical control (CNC) system for hybrid micro-machines

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    It is well-recognised that micro-machining is a key enabling technology for manufacturing high value-added 3D micro-products, such as optics, moulds/dies and biomedical implants etc. These products are usually made of a wide range of engineering materials and possess complex freeform surfaces with tight tolerance on form accuracy and surface finish.In recent years, hybrid micro-machining technology has been developed to integrate several machining processes on one platform to tackle the manufacturing challenges for the aforementioned micro-products. However, the complexity of system integration and ever increasing demand for further enhanced productivity impose great challenges on current CNC systems. This thesis develops, implements and evaluates three novel control approaches to overcome the identified three major challenges, i.e. system integration, parametric interpolation and toolpath smoothing. These new control approaches provide solid foundation for the development of next generation CNC system for hybrid micro-machines.There is a growing trend for hybrid micro-machines to integrate more functional modules. Machine developers tend to choose modules from different vendors to satisfy the performance and cost requirements. However, those modules often possess proprietary hardware and software interfaces and the lack of plug-and-play solutions lead to tremendous difficulty in system integration. This thesis proposes a novel three-layer control architecture with component-based approach for system integration. The interaction of hardware is encapsulated into software components, while the data flow among different components is standardised. This approach therefore can significantly enhance the system flexibility. It has been successfully verified through the integration of a six-axis hybrid micro-machine. Parametric curves have been proven to be the optimal toolpath representation method for machining 3D micro-products with freeform surfaces, as they can eliminate the high-frequency fluctuation of feedrate and acceleration caused by the discontinuity in the first derivatives along linear or circular segmented toolpath. The interpolation for parametric curves is essentially an optimization problem, which is extremely difficult to get the time-optimal solution. This thesis develops a novel real-time interpolator for parametric curves (RTIPC), which provides a near time-optimal solution. It limits the machine dynamics (axial velocities, axial accelerations and jerk) and contour error through feedrate lookahead and acceleration lookahead operations. Experiments show that the RTIPC can simplify the coding significantly, and achieve up to ten times productivity than the industry standard linear interpolator. Furthermore, it is as efficient as the state-of-the-art Position-Velocity-Time (PVT) interpolator, while achieving much smoother motion profiles.Despite the fact that parametric curves have huge advantage in toolpath continuity, linear segmented toolpath is still dominantly used on the factory floor due to its straightforward coding and excellent compatibility with various CNC systems. This thesis presents a new real-time global toolpath smoothing algorithm, which bridges the gap in toolpath representation for CNC systems. This approach uses a cubic B-spline to approximate a sequence of linear segments. The approximation deviation is controlled by inserting and moving new control points on the control polygon. Experiments show that the proposed approach can increase the productivity by more than three times than the standard toolpath traversing algorithm, and 40% than the state-of-the-art corner blending algorithm, while achieving excellent surface finish.Finally, some further improvements for CNC systems, such as adaptive cutting force control and on-line machining parameters adjustment with metrology, are discussed in the future work section.It is well-recognised that micro-machining is a key enabling technology for manufacturing high value-added 3D micro-products, such as optics, moulds/dies and biomedical implants etc. These products are usually made of a wide range of engineering materials and possess complex freeform surfaces with tight tolerance on form accuracy and surface finish.In recent years, hybrid micro-machining technology has been developed to integrate several machining processes on one platform to tackle the manufacturing challenges for the aforementioned micro-products. However, the complexity of system integration and ever increasing demand for further enhanced productivity impose great challenges on current CNC systems. This thesis develops, implements and evaluates three novel control approaches to overcome the identified three major challenges, i.e. system integration, parametric interpolation and toolpath smoothing. These new control approaches provide solid foundation for the development of next generation CNC system for hybrid micro-machines.There is a growing trend for hybrid micro-machines to integrate more functional modules. Machine developers tend to choose modules from different vendors to satisfy the performance and cost requirements. However, those modules often possess proprietary hardware and software interfaces and the lack of plug-and-play solutions lead to tremendous difficulty in system integration. This thesis proposes a novel three-layer control architecture with component-based approach for system integration. The interaction of hardware is encapsulated into software components, while the data flow among different components is standardised. This approach therefore can significantly enhance the system flexibility. It has been successfully verified through the integration of a six-axis hybrid micro-machine. Parametric curves have been proven to be the optimal toolpath representation method for machining 3D micro-products with freeform surfaces, as they can eliminate the high-frequency fluctuation of feedrate and acceleration caused by the discontinuity in the first derivatives along linear or circular segmented toolpath. The interpolation for parametric curves is essentially an optimization problem, which is extremely difficult to get the time-optimal solution. This thesis develops a novel real-time interpolator for parametric curves (RTIPC), which provides a near time-optimal solution. It limits the machine dynamics (axial velocities, axial accelerations and jerk) and contour error through feedrate lookahead and acceleration lookahead operations. Experiments show that the RTIPC can simplify the coding significantly, and achieve up to ten times productivity than the industry standard linear interpolator. Furthermore, it is as efficient as the state-of-the-art Position-Velocity-Time (PVT) interpolator, while achieving much smoother motion profiles.Despite the fact that parametric curves have huge advantage in toolpath continuity, linear segmented toolpath is still dominantly used on the factory floor due to its straightforward coding and excellent compatibility with various CNC systems. This thesis presents a new real-time global toolpath smoothing algorithm, which bridges the gap in toolpath representation for CNC systems. This approach uses a cubic B-spline to approximate a sequence of linear segments. The approximation deviation is controlled by inserting and moving new control points on the control polygon. Experiments show that the proposed approach can increase the productivity by more than three times than the standard toolpath traversing algorithm, and 40% than the state-of-the-art corner blending algorithm, while achieving excellent surface finish.Finally, some further improvements for CNC systems, such as adaptive cutting force control and on-line machining parameters adjustment with metrology, are discussed in the future work section


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    These days, information technology really makes the difference in manufacturing industry. High performance computers allow to realize control algorithms of increasing complexity and high speed reliable computer networks allows the communication between different devices and realization of advanced distributed control applications. In this thesis, we focus on the optimization of the production lines using two different approaches. First we focus on the improvement of a single workstation of the production line, then we focus on the improvement of the interactions between various stations of the production line.. A typical workstation that can be found in a production line is the machine tool for manufacturing workpieces. Advances in manufacturing technologies allow to increase quality and efficiency in production lines, but also ask for new and increasing requirements on the motion planning and control systems. The increase of CPU processing power has permitted, in traditional CNC systems, the introduction of NURBS interpolation capabilities, thus determining a further increase in machining quality and efficiency. This has posed new and still unsolved issues, such as the need to satisfy multiple opposite constraints like limiting chord error, acceleration and jerk and offering real-time guarantees. In addition, the ability of privileging the production throughput by relaxing one or more of the previous constraints in a simple way has emerged as another requirement of modern manufacturing plants. Nevertheless, none of the existing NURBS interpolators have these characteristics. In this thesis, we propose a NURBS interpolator that is able to satisfy all the manufacturing technology requirements and is able to respect, thanks to its bounded computational complexity, the position control real-time constraints. Such interpolator is easily reconfigurable, i.e. it can relax some of the constraints and can be adapted in order to include constraints that were not originally considered. Performances of the proposed algorithm have been evaluated both by simulations and by real milling experiments. However, improvements in productivity of a the machine tool can be neutralized if the various workstations of the production line are not properly synchronized. Distributed control allows to improve the coordination of different workstations but its design is challenging. The IEC 61499 standard has been developed to ease the modeling and design of distributed control systems, providing advanced concepts of software engineering (such as abstraction, encapsulation, reuse) to the world of control engineering. The introduction of such standard in already existing control environments poses challenges, since the widespread IEC 61131-3 programming standard is not compatible with the new standard. In order to solve this problem, this thesis presents an architecture that permits to integrate modules of the two standards, allowing to exploit the benefits of both. The proposed architecture is based on coexistence of control logic of both standards. Each standard interacts with some particular interfaces that encapsulate information and functionalities to be exchanged with the other standard. A methodology of integration of 61131-3 modules in a 61499 distributed solution based on such architecture is also developed, and it is described via a case study to prove feasibility and benefits

    Feedrate planning for machining with industrial six-axis robots

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    The authors want to thank StÀubli for providing the necessary information of the controller, Dynalog for its contribution to the experimental validations and X. Helle for its material contributions.Nowadays, the adaptation of industrial robots to carry out high-speed machining operations is strongly required by the manufacturing industry. This new technology machining process demands the improvement of the overall performances of robots to achieve an accuracy level close to that realized by machine-tools. This paper presents a method of trajectory planning adapted for continuous machining by robot. The methodology used is based on a parametric interpolation of the geometry in the operational space. FIR filters properties are exploited to generate the tool feedrate with limited jerk. This planning method is validated experimentally on an industrial robot

    Smooth and Time-Optimal Trajectory Generation for High Speed Machine Tools

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    In machining complex dies, molds, aerospace and automotive parts, or biomedical components, it is crucial to minimize the cycle time, which reduces costs, while preserving the quality and tolerance integrity of the part being produced. To meet the demands for high quality finishes and low production costs in machining parts with complex geometry, computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools must be equipped with spline interpolation, feedrate modulation, and feedrate optimization capabilities. This thesis presents the development of novel trajectory generation algorithms for Non Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) toolpaths that can be implemented on new low-cost CNC's, as well as, in conjunction with existing CNC's. In order to minimize feedrate fluctuations during the interpolation of NURBS toolpaths, the concept of the feed correction polynomial is applied. Feedrate fluctuations are reduced from around 40 % for natural interpolation to 0.1 % for interpolation with feed correction. Excessive acceleration and jerk in the axes are also avoided. To generate jerk-limited feed motion profiles for long segmented toolpaths, a generalized framework for feedrate modulation, based on the S-curve function, is presented. Kinematic compatibility conditions are derived to ensure that the position, velocity, and acceleration profiles are continuous and that the jerk is limited in all axes. This framework serves as the foundation for the proposed heuristic feedrate optimization strategy in this thesis. Using analytically derived kinematic compatibility equations and an efficient bisection search algorithm, the command feedrate for each segment is maximized. Feasible solutions must satisfy the optimization constraints on the velocity, control signal (i.e. actuation torque), and jerk in each axis throughout the trajectory. The maximized feedrates are used to generate near-optimal feed profiles that have shorter cycle times, approximately 13-26% faster than the feed profiles obtained using the worst-case curvature approach, which is widely used in industrial CNC interpolators. The effectiveness of the NURBS interpolation, feedrate modulation and feedrate optimization techniques has been verified in 3-axis machining experiments of a biomedical implant

    Arc-Length Parameterized NURBS Tool Path Generation and Velocity Profile Planning for Accurate 3-Axis Curve Milling

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    In modern industrial CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining processes, the pursuing of higher accuracy and efficiency has always been one of the most important tasks to be discussed and studied. A lot of proposed algorithms are developed in order to optimize the machining performance in either of the above focused domains. Nevertheless, there is forever a trade-off between gaining less machining error and providing higher feed rate. As for machining a free-shaped curve (e.g., Bezier curves, B-splines and NURBS) in a three-dimensional space, a better manner to balance out the aforementioned trade-offs turns out to be even more critical and essential. The conventional iterative function used for tool path generation could cause feed rate fluctuation during the actual machining, and it thus might lead to failure on constraining the error within the machining accuracy requirement. Another potential problem occurs when the machining process comes across into a relatively high curvature segment with the prescribed high feed rate, due to the machine axial acceleration limit, the machine may not be able to maintain the tool tip trajectory within the error tolerance. Therefore, a new approach to NURBS tool path generation for high feed rate machining is proposed. In this work, several criterions are set for checking the viability of the prescribed feed rate and adjusting it according to the actual shape of the objective curve and the capability of the machine. After the offline feed rate viability check and readjustment, a new iterative algorithm based on the arc-length re-parameterized NURBS function would be implemented to calculate the tool path in real-time. By using this proposed method, the feed rate fluctuation is diminished and the overall efficiency of the machining process would have been optimized under the condition of accuracy guaranteed

    Precision sculptured surface CNC machining using cutter location data

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    Industrial parts with sculptured surfaces are typically, manufactured with the use of CNC machining technology and CAM software to generate surface tool paths. To assess tool paths computed for 3-and 5-axis machining, the machining error is evaluated in advance referring to the parameter controlling the linearization of high-order curves, as well as the scallop yielded as a function of radial cutting engagement parameter. The two parameters responsible for the machining error are modeled and corresponding cutter location data for tool paths are utilized to compare actual trajectories with theoretical curves on a sculptured surface assessing thus the deviation when virtual tools are employed to maintain low cost; whilst ensuring high precision cutting. This operation is supported by applying a flexible automation code capable of computing the tool path; extracting its CL data; importing them to the CAD part and finally projecting them onto the part’s surface. For a given tolerance, heights from projected instances are computed for tool paths created by changing the parameters under a cutting strategy, towards the identification of the optimum tool path. To represent a global solution rough machining is also discussed prior to finish machining where the new proposals are mainly applied.</jats:p

    Feedrate planning for machining with industrial six-axis robots

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    The authors want to thank StÀubli for providing the necessary information of the controller, Dynalog for its contribution to the experimental validations and X. Helle for its material contributions.International audienceNowadays, the adaptation of industrial robots to carry out high-speed machining operations is strongly required by the manufacturing industry. This new technology machining process demands the improvement of the overall performances of robots to achieve an accuracy level close to that realized by machine-tools. This paper presents a method of trajectory planning adapted for continuous machining by robot. The methodology used is based on a parametric interpolation of the geometry in the operational space. FIR filters properties are exploited to generate the tool feedrate with limited jerk. This planning method is validated experimentally on an industrial robot

    Research of Cubic Bezier Curve NC Interpolation Signal Generator

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    Abstract: Interpolation technology is the core of the computer numerical control (CNC) system, and the precision and stability of the interpolation algorithm directly affect the machining precision and speed of CNC system. Most of the existing numerical control interpolation technology can only achieve circular arc interpolation, linear interpolation or parabola interpolation, but for the numerical control (NC) machining of parts with complicated surface, it needs to establish the mathematical model and generate the curved line and curved surface outline of parts and then discrete the generated parts outline into a large amount of straight line or arc to carry on the processing, which creates the complex program and a large amount of code, so it inevitably introduce into the approximation error. All these factors affect the machining accuracy, surface roughness and machining efficiency. The stepless interpolation of cubic Bezier curve controlled by analog signal is studied in this paper, the tool motion trajectory of Bezier curve can be directly planned out in CNC system by adjusting control points, and then these data were put into the control motor which can complete the precise feeding of Bezier curve. This method realized the improvement of CNC trajectory controlled ability from the simple linear and circular arc to the complex project curve, and it provides a new way for economy realizing the curve surface parts with high quality and high efficiency machining

    Time-Optimal Feedrate Planning for Freeform Toolpaths for Manufacturing Applications

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    Optimality and computational efficiency are two desired yet competing attributes of time-optimal feedrate planning. A well-designed algorithm can vastly increase machining productivity, by reducing tool positioning time subject to limits of the machine tool and process kinematics. In the optimization, it is crucial to not overload the machining operation, saturate the actuators’ limits, or cause unwanted vibrations and contour errors. This presents a nonlinear optimization problem for achieving highest possible feedrates along a toolpath, while keeping the actuator level velocity, acceleration and jerk profiles limited. Methods proposed in literature either use highly elaborate nonlinear optimization solvers like Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP), employ iterative heuristics which extends the computational time, or make conservative assumptions that reduces calculation time but lead to slower tool motion. This thesis proposes a new feedrate optimization algorithm, which combines recasting of the original problem into a Linear Programming (LP) form, and the development of a new windowing scheme to handle very long toolpaths. All constraint equations are linearized by applying B-spline discretization on the kinematic profiles, and approximating the nonlinear jerk equation with a linearized upper bound (so-called ‘pseudo-jerk’). The developed windowing algorithm first solves adjacent portions of the feed profile with zero boundary conditions at overlap points. Afterwards, using the Principle of Optimality, connection boundary conditions are identified that guarantee a feasible initial guess for blending the pre-solved adjacent feed profiles into one another, through a consecutive pass of LP. Experiments conducted at the sponsoring company of this research, Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC), show that the proposed algorithm is able to reliably reduce cycle time by up to 56% and 38% in two different contouring operations, without sacrificing dynamic positioning accuracy. Benchmarks carried out with respect to two earlier proposed feedrate optimization algorithms, validate both the time optimality and also drastic (nearly 60 times) reduction in the computational load, achieved with the new method. Part quality, robustness and feed drive positioning accuracy have also been validated in 3-axis surface machining of a part with 1030 waypoints and 10,000 constraint checkpoints