1,120 research outputs found

    3D locomotion biomimetic robot fish with haptic feedback

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    This thesis developed a biomimetic robot fish and built a novel haptic robot fish system based on the kinematic modelling and three-dimentional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) hydrodynamic analysis. The most important contribution is the successful CFD simulation of the robot fish, supporting users in understanding the hydrodynamic properties around it

    Multiple cues produced by a robotic fish modulate aggressive behaviour in Siamese fighting fishes

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    The use of robotics to establish social interactions between animals and robots, represents an elegant and innovative method to investigate animal behaviour. However, robots are still underused to investigate high complex and flexible behaviours, such as aggression. Here, Betta splendens was tested as model system to shed light on the effect of a robotic fish eliciting aggression. We evaluated how multiple signal systems, including a light stimulus, affect aggressive responses in B. splendens. Furthermore, we conducted experiments to estimate if aggressive responses were triggered by the biomimetic shape of fish replica, or whether any intruder object was effective as well. Male fishes showed longer and higher aggressive displays as puzzled stimuli from the fish replica increased. When the fish replica emitted its full sequence of cues, the intensity of aggression exceeded even that produced by real fish opponents. Fish replica shape was necessary for conspecific opponent perception, evoking significant aggressive responses. Overall, this study highlights that the efficacy of an artificial opponent eliciting aggressive behaviour in fish can be boosted by exposure to multiple signals. Optimizing the cue combination delivered by the robotic fish replica may be helpful to predict escalating levels of aggression


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    In nature, the environment varies from day to day. Through natural selection and competition law of survival of the fittest, the winning creatures survive and their species are able to retain and persist in nature. Based on this fact, creatures existent in nature have their unique features and advantages adapt to the surrounding environment. In recent years, many researches focused on the features of the creatures in nature have been done actively to clarify their morphology and functions and apply the morphology and functions to various fields. Among these researches, the development of the biomimetic robots based on mimicking the creature’s structures and functions has become an active field in robotics recently. In the research, the development of biomimetic robotic fish is focused. So far, there are many researches on biomimetic robotic fish, but improvement on motion performances and efficiency is still an important issue for robot development. Specially, on the biomimetic soft robotic fish utilizing the flexibility of fishes, the developments have been done by the trial and error approach. That is, the design and control method of soft robotic fish has not been established currently. Therefore, it motives us to investigate the design and control of soft robotic fish by numerical simulation that takes into account the interaction between flexible structure and surrounding fluid to develop the biomimetic soft robotic fish with high performance. In order to develop the biomimetic soft robotic fish with high performance, the basic design method and corresponding numerical simulation system are firstly proposed and constructed in this dissertation. Then, based on finite element method (FEM), modelling of soft robotic fish by mimicking the soft structure and driving mechanism of fishes is carried out. The propulsion motion and propulsive force of the soft robotic fish are investigated through two kinds of numerical analyses. One is the modal and transient analysis considering the surrounding fluid as acoustic fluid. The propulsion mode and amplitude of the propulsion motion of soft robotic fish corresponding directly to the propulsion mechanism and motion performance of the robotic fish can be investigated. The other is the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis. The interaction between soft robot structure and surrounding fluid including the dissipation due to fluid viscosity and influence of wake performance around the soft robotic fish are taken into account. From FSI analysis, the hydrodynamic performances of the soft robotic fish can be obtained for investigating its propulsion motion. It is possible to further improve the performance of the soft robotic fish through its design and control based on FSI analysis. Besides, based on coupling analysis by using acoustic fluid, the turning motion control of the soft robotic fish is investigated by its propulsion modes in the fluid. In order to investigate the feasibility of modelling method and numerical simulation analysis on design and control of the biomimetic soft robotic fish, the performance evaluation is carried out by comparison between the simulation and experiment on an actual prototype. Finally, the optimization and improvement are performed for developing the biomimetic soft robotic fish with higher performance based on verified coupling analysis considering the fluid as acoustic fluid, and corresponding performance evaluation on new robot prototype is presented. The performance improvement of the soft robotic fish is confirmed through the new robot prototype. The dissertation consists of six chapters and the main contents are shown as follows. Chapter 1 is an introduction. The background and relative previous work about biomimetic soft robotic fish are briefly reviewed. It summarizes the current research status and problems of biomimetic soft robotic fish, and describes the purposes of this research. Chapter 2 presents the design method, procedures and numerical simulation system in the present research for developing the biomimetic soft robotic fish with high performance. Different from previous development method, our purpose is how to design and control the soft robotic fish by utilizing interaction between the flexible structure and surrounding fluid effectively based on numerical simulations. Therefore, it is necessary to model a fish-like soft robot structure including soft actuators and an enclosed fluid. Besides, by the numerical analysis considering the interaction between flexible structure and fluid, the fish-like propulsion motion should be realized and established, and then the robot structure and control inputs are needed to be optimized for performance improvement. In order to meet these requirements of designing and developing the optimal soft robotic fish, the design method based on modelling, simulation analysis and improvement is presented and the numerical simulation system for soft robotic fish is built. In the simulation system, modelling of soft robotic fish, modal and transient analysis considering the enclosed fluid as acoustic fluid are firstly described based on FEM to realize the fish-like propulsion motion with large amplitude for the soft robotic fish. Then, the FSI analysis is performed to describe and establish the hydrodynamic performances of the soft robotic fish. Based on this numerical simulation system, it is possible to develop the biomimetic soft robotic fish with high performance effectively by optimization of design and control of the soft robotic fish. Chapter 3 describes the modelling and numerical analysis of biomimetic soft robotic fish by using the method presented in Chapter 2. The soft robotic fish uses the piezoelectric fiber composite (PFC) as soft actuator. Firstly, the relationships between the input voltage and generated stress of the PFC are derived. The generated stress can be applied on soft structure to investigate the motion performance of the soft robotic fish. To support the driving model of the PFC, the corresponding experiments on simple beam model are carried out. By comparing the simulation results with experimental results, the effectiveness of the driving model is verified. Then, the modal analysis in which the fluid is considered as acoustic fluid is performed. The structural mode frequencies and mode shapes of the soft robotic fish in the fluid are calculated. By comparing these modes’ motion with those of the real fishes, the fish-like propulsion mode is identified to realize the corresponding propulsion motion of the soft robotic fish. Furthermore, based on the verified driving model of soft actuator, the amplitude of the main propulsion motion of soft robotic fish is calculated. Through FSI analysis, the relationships of driving frequencies of input signal with propulsive force and displacement of propulsion motion, and vortex distribution in the wake around the soft robotic fish are investigated for the case of fixing robot head. Besides, the motion control of soft robot is investigated to realize turning motion in the fluid. Through controlling the input voltage amplitude on soft actuators of the robot, turning right and turning left motion are identified in the swimming when the input voltage amplitudes on two actuators are in asymmetric distribution. Chapter 4 is experiment evaluation. In order to validate the results of numerical simulation analysis described in Chapter 3, the mode shapes, amplitude of propulsion motion, propulsive force and vortex distribution around soft robotic fish for the case of fixing robot head, and turning motion are measured by using actual robot prototype. The present simulation results are congruent with experiments. By the results, the effectiveness of the modelling method and numerical analysis used in the research is verified and they are useful to predict the propulsion characteristics of the soft robotic fish in the fluid for performance improvement. Chapter 5 develops a new soft robotic fish with high performance based on above modelling method and numerical analysis by optimization. Firstly, the structural parameters of the robot are allowed to vary within a range and the amplitude of the propulsion motion for the soft robot is calculated for different parameters by the numerical analysis. Then the structural parameters of the robot capable of propulsion motion with largeramplitude are chosen for improvement. Based on this result, new soft robot is designed and evaluated by experiments. From the experimental results of the new soft robot, it is confirmed that the higher swimming speed, better fish-like swimming performance and larger turning velocity are realized. It can be said that the new soft robotic fish has been developed successfully for improvement. Chapter 6 summarizes the conclusions and future works of this research.電気通信大学201

    Wireless aquatic navigator for detection and analysis (WANDA)

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    The cost of monitoring and detecting pollutants in natural waters is of major concern. Current and forthcoming bodies of legislation will continue to drive demand for spatial and selective monitoring of our environment, as the focus increasingly moves towards effective enforcement of legislation through detection of events, and unambiguous identification of perpetrators. However, these monitoring demands are not being met due to the infrastructure and maintenance costs of conventional sensing models. Advanced autonomous platforms capable of performing complex analytical measurements at remote locations still require individual power, wireless communication, processor and electronic transducer units, along with regular maintenance visits. Hence the cost base for these systems is prohibitively high, and the spatial density and frequency of measurements are insufficient to meet requirements. In this paper we present a more cost effective approach for water quality monitoring using a low cost mobile sensing/communications platform together with very low cost stand-alone ‘satellite’ indicator stations that have an integrated colorimetric sensing material. The mobile platform is equipped with a wireless video camera that is used to interrogate each station to harvest information about the water quality. In simulation experiments, the first cycle of measurements is carried out to identify a ‘normal’ condition followed by a second cycle during which the platform successfully detected and communicated the presence of a chemical contaminant that had been localised at one of the satellite stations

    Collective responses of a large mackerel school depend on the size and speed of a robotic fish but not on tail motion

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    So far, actuated fish models have been used to study animal interactions in small-scale controlled experiments. This study, conducted in a semi-controlled setting, investigates robot5interactions with a large wild-caught marine fish school (∼3000 individuals) in their natural social environment. Two towed fish robots were used to decouple size, tail motion and speed in a series of sea-cage experiments. Using high-resolution imaging sonar and sonar-video blind scoring, we monitored and classified the school's collective reaction towards the fish robots as attraction or avoidance. We found that two key releasers—the size and the speed of the robotic fish—were responsible for triggering either evasive reactions or following responses. At the same time, we found fish reactions to the tail motion to be insignificant. The fish evaded a fast-moving robot even if it was small. However, mackerels following propensity was greater towards a slow small robot. When moving slowly, the larger robot triggered significantly more avoidance responses than a small robot. Our results suggest that the collective responses of a large school exposed to a robotic fish could be manipulated by tuning two principal releasers—size and speed. These results can help to design experimental methods for in situ observations of wild fish schools or to develop underwater robots for guiding and interacting with free-ranging aggregated aquatic organisms.This work was financed by the Norwegian Research Council (grant 204229/F20) and Estonian Government Target Financing (grant SF0140018s12). JCC was partially supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism, operated by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. We are grateful to A. Totland for his technical help. The animal collection was approved by The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries, and the experiment was approved by the Norwegian Animal Research Authority. The Institute of Marine Research is permitted to conduct experiments at the Austevoll aquaculture facility by the Norwegian Biological Resource Committee and the Norwegian Animal Research Committee (Forsøksdyrutvalget)

    Development of Subcarangiform Bionic Robotic Fish Propelled by Shape Memory Alloy Actuators

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    In this paper, a shape memory alloy (SMA) actuated subcarangiform robotic fish has been demonstrated using a spring based propulsion mechanism. The bionic robotic fish developed using SMA spring actuators and light weight 3D printed components can be employed for under water applications. The proposed SMA spring-based design without conventional motor and other rotary actuators was able to achieve two-way shape memory effect and has reproduced the subcarangiform locomotion pattern. The positional kinematic model has been developed and the dynamics of the proposed mechanism were analysed and simulated using Automated Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems (ADAMS). An open loop Arduino-relay based switching control has been adopted to control the periodic actuation of the SMA spring mechanism. The undulation of caudal fin in air and water medium has been analysed. The caudal fin and posterior body of the developed fish prototype have taken part in undulation resembling subcarangiform locomotion pattern and steady swimming was achieved in water with a forward velocity of 24.5 mm/s. The proposed design is scalable, light weight and cost effective which may be suitable for underwater surveillance application

    A comparison study of biologically inspired propulsion systems for an autonomous underwater vehicle

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    The field of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) has increased dramatically in size and scope over the past two decades. Application areas for AUVs are numerous and varied; from deep sea exploration, to pipeline surveillance to mine clearing. However, one limiting factor with the current technology is the duration of missions that can be undertaken and one contributing factor to this is the efficiency of the propulsion system, which is usually based on marine propellers. As fish are highly efficient swimmers greater propulsive efficiency may be possible by mimicking their fish tail propulsion system. The main concept behind this work was therefore to investigate whether a biomimetic fish-like propulsion system is a viable propulsion system for an underwater vehicle and to determine experimentally the efficiency benefits of using such a system. There have been numerous studies into biomimetic fish like propulsion systems and robotic fish in the past with many claims being made as to the benefits of a fish like propulsion system over conventional marine propulsion systems. These claims include increased efficiency and greater manoeuvrability. However, there is little published experimental data to characterise the propulsive efficiency of a fish like propulsive system. Also, very few direct experimental comparisons have been made between biomimetic and conventional propulsion systems. This work attempts to address these issues by directly comparing experimentally a biomimetic underwater propulsion system to a conventional propulsion system to allow for a better understanding of the potential benefits of the biomimetic system. This work is split into three parts. Firstly, the design and development of a novel prototype vehicle called the RoboSalmon is covered. This vehicle has a biomimetic tendon drive propulsion system which utilizes one servo motor for actuation and has a suite of onboard sensors and a data logger. The second part of this work focuses on the development of a mathematical model of the RoboSalmon vehicle to allow for a better understanding of the dynamics of the system. Simulation results from this model are compared to the experimental results and show good correlation. The final part of the work presents the experimental results obtained comparing the RoboSalmon prototype with the biomimetic tail system to the propeller and rudder system. These experiments include a study into the straight swimming performance, recoil motion, start up transients and power consumption. For forward swimming the maximum surge velocity of the RoboSalmon was 0.18ms-1 and at this velocity the biomimetic system was found to be more efficient than the propeller system. When manoeuvring the biomimetic system was found to have a significantly reduced turning radius. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the main findings from each aspect of the work, covering the benefits obtained from using the tendon drive system in terms of efficiencies and manoeuvring performance. The limitations of the system are also discussed and suggestions for further work are included

    Effect of Communication Delays on the Successful Coordination of a Group of Biomimetic AUVs

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    In this paper, the influence of delays on the ability of a formation control algorithm to coordinate a group of twelve Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (BAUVs) is investigated. In this study the formation control algorithm is a decentralized methodology based on the behavioural mechanisms of fish within school structures. Incorporated within this algorithm is a representation of the well-known and frequently used communication protocol, Time-Division-Multiple-Access (TDMA). TDMA operates by assigning each vehicle a specific timeslot during which it can broadcast to the remaining members of the group. The size of this timeslot varies depending on a number of operational parameters such as the size of the message being transmitted, the hardware used and the distance between neighbouring vehicles. Therefore, in this work, numerous timeslot sizes are tested that range from theoretical possible values through to values used in practice. The formation control algorithm and the TDMA protocol have been implemented within a validated mathematical of the RoboSalmon BAUV designed and manufactured at the University of Glasgow. The results demonstrate a significant deterioration in the ability of the formation control algorithms as the timeslot size is increased. This deterioration is due to the fact that as the timeslot size is increased, the interim period between successive communication updates increases and as a result, the error between where the formation control algorithm estimates each vehicle to be and where they actually are, increases. As a result, since the algorithm no longer has an accurate representation of the positioning of neighbouring vehicles, it is no longer capable of selecting the correct behavioural equation and subsequently, is unable to coordinate the vehicles to form a stable group structure