23 research outputs found

    Construct validity and reliability test of social anxiety using SEM

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the construct validity and reliability of social anxiety using SEM. The subjects in this study were 150 Papuan college students who are studying in Yogyakarta. The scale in the study uses a social anxiety scale created by the researcher by referring to aspects of social anxiety from Greca and Lopez (1998). The scale arranged in the form of a semantic differential scale based on its aspects of 30 statements containing two adjectives that contradict each other with the response level used ranges from 1 to 4. The scale of this study was analyzed using Structural Equation Model (SEM) software AMOS version 24. The results showed that there were 6 valid and reliable statements

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Sosial Terhadap Kecemasan Sosial Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UMS

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    Social anxiety is a type of problem related to anxiety that arises when a person experiences fear or anxiety when interacting with other people, as well as a fear of being evaluated and judged negatively by others when interacting with others in the social environment. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an effect of using social media on social anxiety in UMS Communication Science students. This research is an explanative quantitative research. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 120 respondents. Before the questionnaire was used for research, it went through several stages of validity, reliability, normality tests. Analysis of research data using the Simple Linear Regression method. The results of research using social media have a positive and significant effect on social anxiety by 11%. The higher the use of social media, the higher the social anxiety experienced by users


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    Adiksi internet menjadi salah satu fenomena yang kian lazim dijumpai dewasa ini pada banyak kelompok, salah satunya pada mahasiswa. Hal ini kian menjadi perhatian banyak peneliti, terutama karena persoalan kesehatan mental yang menjadi salah satu konsekuensinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecemasan sosial dan kecenderungan alexithymia terhadap adiksi internet. Penelitian ini melibatkan 164 orang mahasiswa yang menggunakan internet lebih dari 7 jam dalam sehari. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kecemasan sosial dan kecenderungan alexithymia terhadap adiksi internet sebesar 40%. Temuan riset ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa alexithymia memiliki pengaruh yang lebih kuat dibandingkan kecemasan sosial


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    The purpose of this study was to see the effect of self-presentation and self-control on deception behavior among Instagram social media users. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with multiple regression analysis. The measuring instrument used to measure Self-Presentation in this study is the result of an adaptation of the Presentation of Online Self Scale (POS) compiled by Fullwood, C., James, B.M., & Chen-Wilson, C.J. Then, the measuring instrument used to measure Self-Control in this study was an adaptation of the short version of the Self-Control Scale, namely the Brief Self-Control Scale compiled by Tangney, J.P., Baumeister, R.F., & Boone, A.L. For deception behavior, the measuring tool used is the result of adopting a measuring tool developed by Moningka & Selviana. Total participants in this study were 400 people. The research sample was obtained using a non-probability sampling technique with the type of convenience sampling. The results of this study prove that there is a significant effect of Self-Presentation and Self-Control on Deception Behavior in Instagram social media users with an influence proportion of 40.6%. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh dari Self-Presentation dan Self-Control terhadap Deception Behavior pada pengguna media sosial Instagram. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan analisis regresi berganda. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur Self-Presentation pada penelitian ini adalah hasil adaptasi dari Presentation of Online Self Scale (POSS) yang disusun oleh Fullwood, C., James, B. M., & Chen-Wilson, C.J. Lalu, alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur Self-Control pada penelitian ini adalah hasil adaptasi dari versi singkat Self-Control Scale yaitu Brief Self-Control Scale yang disusun oleh Tangney, J. P., Baumeister, R. F., & Boone, A. L. Untuk deception behavior, alat ukur yang digunakan adalah hasil adopsi alat ukur yang dikembangkan oleh Moningka & Selviana. Total partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah 400 orang. Sampel penelitian ini diperoleh menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling jenis convenience sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari Self-Presentation dan Self-Control terhadap Deception Behavior pada pengguna media sosial Instagram dengan persentase pengaruh sebesar 40.6%

    Facebook Social Use and Anxiety: A Replication Attempt

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    The relationship between social media use and mental health remains under scrutiny by researchers, policy makers, and the general public. Recently, researchers have addressed whether Facebook use is beneficial to people with high social anxiety. The findings from such studies are mixed, partly due to differences in how variables are operationalised. A study by McCord et al (McCord, B., Rodebaugh, T. L., & Levinson, C. A., 2014. Facebook: Social uses and anxiety.  Computers in Human Behavior, 34, 23-27) suggested that the inclusion of a new variable, Facebook-centric social anxiety, helps explain the complex relationship between general social anxiety and frequency of usage of socially-interactive Facebook features. We undertook two studies (N=202 and N=542; majority British and non-student participants) with the aim of replicating McCord et al (2014), using the original measures (general social anxiety, Facebook-centric social anxiety, and frequency of usage of socially-interactive Facebook features). Replicating the original study, we found a significant positive association between general social anxiety and Facebook-centric social anxiety. However, unlike the original study, we did not find evidence that general social anxiety and Facebook-centric social anxiety interacted to predict frequency of usage of socially-interactive Facebook features. We discuss the implications for future research on social Facebook use

    Facebook Social Use and Anxiety: A Replication Attempt

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    The relationship between social media use and mental health remains under scrutiny by researchers, policy makers, and the general public. Recently, researchers have addressed whether Facebook use is beneficial to people with high social anxiety. The findings from such studies are mixed, partly due to differences in how variables are operationalised. A study by McCord et al (McCord, B., Rodebaugh, T. L., & Levinson, C. A., 2014. Facebook: Social uses and anxiety. Computers in Human Behavior, 34, 23-27) suggested that the inclusion of a new variable, Facebook-centric social anxiety, helps explain the complex relationship between general social anxiety and frequency of usage of socially-interactive Facebook features. We undertook two studies (N=202 and N=542; majority British and non-student participants) with the aim of replicating McCord et al (2014), using the original measures (general social anxiety, Facebook-centric social anxiety, and frequency of usage of socially-interactive Facebook features). Replicating the original study, we found a significant positive association between general social anxiety and Facebook-centric social anxiety. However, unlike the original study, we did not find evidence that general social anxiety and Facebook-centric social anxiety interacted to predict frequency of usage of socially-interactive Facebook features. We discuss the implications for future research on social Facebook use

    How Avatar Customization Affects Fear in a Game-based Digital Exposure Task for Social Anxiety

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    The treatment of social anxiety through digital exposure therapy is challenging due to the cognitive properties of social anxiety-individuals need to be fully engaged in the task and feel themselves represented in the social situation; however, avatar customization has been shown to increase both engagement and social presence. In this paper, we harness techniques used in commercial games, and investigate how customizing self-representation in a novel digital exposure task for social anxiety influences the experience of social threat. In an online experiment with 200 participants, participants either customized their avatar or were assigned a predefined avatar. Participants then controlled the avatar through a virtual shop, where they had to solve a math problem, while a simulated audience within the virtual world observed them and negatively judged their performance. Our findings show that we can stimulate the fear of evaluation by others in our task, that fear is driven primarily by trait social anxiety, and that this relationship is strengthened for people higher in trait social anxiety. We provide new insights into the effects of customization in a novel therapeutic context, and embed the discussion of avatar customization into related work in social anxiety and human-computer interaction