15 research outputs found

    Student's Perspective on Virtual Laboratory Using Phet as A Media in Conducting Physics Laboratory Activities

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    The purpose of writing this paper article is to review students' perceptions in the use of PhET-based virtual labs and also to provide a description in comparison to perceptions of virtual lab use from some of the results of previous studies that are relevant to this study. There are five aspects in the perception that will be surveyed, including; (1) aspects of innovation, (2) aspects of benefits (3) aspects of motivation, (4) aspects of effectiveness, (5) aspects of presenting procedures for laboratory activities. The method used is quantitative and qualitative with a Likert scale questionnaire which must be filled in by 40 people and then interviewing the subjects, after the data is collected, percentage data analysis is carried out. The results of the data analyzed show that the aspects of innovation, effectiveness, benefits and presentation of the procedure get a positive view compared to the motivational aspects which are stated to be negative, so this study also shows that the use of virtual labs based on PhET is innovative and effective, but lacks motivation in its use because of essential activities. laboratory is not felt, in presenting the module is required to increase 4C Skills to support 21st century skill

    Diseño de instrumentos para la investigación sobre la implementación educativa del laboratorio remoto VISIR en Latinoamérica

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general describir los instrumentos de investigación diseñados para el seguimiento de la implementación de los Módulos Educativos sobre teoría y práctica de circuitos eléctricos y electrónicos con el apoyo del laboratorio remoto VISIR (Virtual Instrument Systems in Reality) en instituciones de educación superior de Brasil y Argentina en el marco del proyecto VISIR+. Los objetivos particulares son: describir las dimensiones técnicas y pedagógicas que se desprenden de los propósitos del Proyecto VISIR y definir cómo se operacionalizan en el diseño de los instrumentos para la recolección de datos destinados a los profesores y alumnos que participan en la implementación de los módulos. La investigación educativa ofrece herramientas que se fundamentan en posturas epistemológicas diversas y que pueden reconocerse en las decisiones que se toman al elaborar un diseño de investigación. A través de esta presentación, se espera contribuir a acercar ámbitos habitualmente disociados tales como la docencia, la ciencia y la tecnología, la innovación educativa y la investigación en la educación para la ingeniería.N/

    Estudo Comparativo entre Laboratórios Remotos e Simuladores

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    Os laboratórios remotos são ferramentas ágeis e acessíveis, proporcionando maior acesso aos alunos através do conceito de Educação 4.0. O uso destes laboratórios sugere o desenvolvimento da capacidade analítica dos usuários, apresentando resultados reais com influências externas como térmica, elétrica, magnética ou eletromagnética e ainda as não idealidades relacionadas aos aspectos construtivos de componentes eletrônicos. Assim, este capítulo propõe explorar o potencial dos laboratórios remotos realizando experimentações práticas reais no laboratório remoto VISIR em comparação a simulações no PSIM e PROTEUS, verificando as diferenças entre as plataformas.Remote laboratories are agile and accessible tools, providing major access to the students through the concept of Education 4.0. These laboratories support the development of the users’ analytical capacity, showing real results with external influences like thermal, electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic and the non-idealities related to the electronics components constructive aspects. In this context, this chapter explores the remote laboratories potential using real experiments on VISIR in comparison with simulations on PSIM and PROTEUS, looking for the differences between these two educational platforms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of Learning Using a Remote Access Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory

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    The extremely high cost of clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems and potential safety hazards precludes their use in student laboratories. Consequently, radiography students have traditionally learnt MRI physics by textbook alone. We have developed a remote access benchtop MRI system that provides students with 24/7 access to experimental learning exercises. Students work their way at their own pace through a series of guided measurements and experiments that progress from basic magnetic resonance phenomena to imaging and contrast manipulation. Learning is assessed by formative barrier quizzes that ensure appropriate progression, contributions to guided online discussion of the experiments, interpretation of experimental results, evidence of exploration beyond the guided experiment, discussion of the relevance to clinical imaging, and critical reflection on the learning experience. Student feedback on the experimental MRI learning experience has been extremely positive and all claim to have achieved an understanding of MRI theory concepts that is difficult to grasp from textbook descriptions alone

    Virtual Reality Laboratories in Engineering Blended Learning Environments: Challenges and Opportunities

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    A great number of educational institutions worldwide have had their activities partially or fully interrupted following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, universities have had to take the necessary steps in order to adapt their teaching, including laboratory workshops, to a fully online or mixed mode of delivery while maintaining their academic standards and providing a high-quality student experience. This transition has required, among other efforts, adequate investments in tools, accessibility, content development, and competences as well as appropriate training for both the teaching and administrative staff. In such a complex scenario, Virtual Reality Laboratories (VRLabs), which in the past already proved themselves to be efficient tools supporting the traditional practical activities, could well represent a valid alternative in the hybrid didactic mode of the contemporary educational landscape, rethinking the educational proposal in light of the indications coming from the scientific literature in the pedagogical field. In this context, the present work carries out a critical review of the existent virtual labs developed in the Engineering departments in the last ten years (2010-2020) and includes a pre-pandemic experience of a VRLab tool-StreamFlowVR-within the Hydraulics course of Basilicata University, Italy. This analysis is aimed at highlighting how ready VRLabs are to be exploited not only in emergency but also in ordinary situations, together with valorising an interdisciplinary dialogue between the pedagogical and technological viewpoints, in order to progressively foster a high-quality and evidence-based educational experience

    Virtual laboratories for education in science, technology, and engineering: A review

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    Within education, concepts such as distance learning, and open universities, are now becoming more widely used for teaching and learning. However, due to the nature of the subject domain, the teaching of Science, Technology, and Engineering are still relatively behind when using new technological approaches (particularly for online distance learning). The reason for this discrepancy lies in the fact that these fields often require laboratory exercises to provide effective skill acquisition and hands-on experience. Often it is difficult to make these laboratories accessible for online access. Either the real lab needs to be enabled for remote access or it needs to be replicated as a fully software-based virtual lab. We argue for the latter concept since it offers some advantages over remotely controlled real labs, which will be elaborated further in this paper. We are now seeing new emerging technologies that can overcome some of the potential difficulties in this area. These include: computer graphics, augmented reality, computational dynamics, and virtual worlds. This paper summarizes the state of the art in virtual laboratories and virtual worlds in the fields of science, technology, and engineering. The main research activity in these fields is discussed but special emphasis is put on the field of robotics due to the maturity of this area within the virtual-education community. This is not a coincidence; starting from its widely multidisciplinary character, robotics is a perfect example where all the other fields of engineering and physics can contribute. Thus, the use of virtual labs for other scientific and non-robotic engineering uses can be seen to share many of the same learning processes. This can include supporting the introduction of new concepts as part of learning about science and technology, and introducing more general engineering knowledge, through to supporting more constructive (and collaborative) education and training activities in a more complex engineering topic such as robotics. The objective of this paper is to outline this problem space in more detail and to create a valuable source of information that can help to define the starting position for future research

    Evaluating Intention to Use Remote Robotics Experimentation in Programming Courses

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    The Digital Agenda for Europe (2015) states that there will be 825,000 unfilled vacancies for Information and Communications Technology by 2020. This lack of IT professionals stems from the small number of students graduating in computer science. To retain more students in the field, teachers can use remote robotic experiments to explain difficult concepts. This correlational study used the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) to examine if performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions can predict the intention of high school computer science teachers in Cyprus, to use remote robotic experiments in their classes. Surveys, based on the UTAUT survey instrument, were collected from 90 high school computer science teachers in Cyprus, and a multiple regression analysis was used to measure the correlations between the constructs and finally the model fit of the analysis. The model was able to predict approximately 35% of the variation of the teachers\u27 intent to use remote robotic experiments. The biggest predictor was facilitating conditions followed by effort expectancy. Performance expectancy had little impact, whereas social influence had no impact on the intention of high school teachers to use remote robotic experiments in their classes. These results can help curriculum decision makers in the Ministry of Education in Cyprus to examine what factors affect the acceptance of remote robotic experiments and develop them in ways that would increase their implementation in high schools. By incorporating remote robotic experiments in high schools, students may learn difficult concepts, leading to an increase in computer science graduates and ultimately an increase in IT professionals

    Étude, simulation et contrôle d'un système d'énergies renouvelables intégrant une éolienne, des panneaux solaires et une génératrice au biodiesel

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    RÉSUMÉ: Le réchauffement climatique progresse d’année en année. Il est démontré par les scientifiques que les énergies fossiles en sont responsables. Celles-ci sont couramment utilisées par les populations pour leurs besoins. C'est pourquoi nous voulons sensibiliser les populations par l'enseignement sur les technologies des énergies renouvelables qui sont capables de lutter efficacement contre ce fléau. Le but de ce travail de recherche est donc d'étudier le fonctionnement et le contrôle optimal d'un système hybride d'énergies renouvelables composé d’une éolienne, de panneaux solaires, d’une génératrice au biodiesel ainsi que d'une batterie de stockage. Ce système sera ultérieurement implanté dans un laboratoire pour des fins éducatives. Dans la première partie de ce travail, le concept du laboratoire est présenté où les différents composants sont spécifiés. Le choix et le dimensionnement des sources d'énergies sont aussi effectués et leurs systèmes sont étudiés et simulés séparément puis couplés. Ensuite, dans la deuxième partie, la modélisation, la simulation et le contrôle des systèmes de sources d'énergie sont réalisés. Des contrôleurs de type MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) sont utilisés pour l'extraction des puissances maximales des éoliennes et des panneaux solaires. Le contrôle de vitesse spécifique (TSR) est utilisé pour l'éolienne et la méthode «Perturber et Observer (P&O)» pour les panneaux solaires. Le système de la génératrice au biodiesel est aussi décrit et la stratégie de couplage des trois sources est démontrée. Un contrôleur par hystérésis est utilisé pour le démarrage et l'arrêt de la génératrice. Celle-ci ne démarre uniquement que lorsque la batterie est complètement déchargée. Ainsi, elle alimente la charge et charge simultanément la batterie jusqu'à ce que celle-ci atteigne son niveau de charge maximal. Des scénarios sont appliqués au système afin de valider son fonctionnement. Dans la dernière partie, l'extraction des puissances maximales des sources est améliorée en remplaçant les contrôleurs précédents par des contrôleurs intelligents basés sur la logique floue. L'étude réalisée montre que ces contrôleurs permettent d'améliorer l’efficacité des éoliennes et des panneaux solaires. De plus, le couplage de trois sources assure la fiabilité du système hybride. -- Mot(s) clé(s) en français : Système hybride, MPPT, logique floue, laboratoire éducationnel, énergie solaire, énergie éolienne. -- ABSTRACT: The global climate warming has been progressing for decades. It has been demonstrated by scientists that fossil fuels are largely responsible for this scourge. The fossil fuels are commonly used by the population for their daily needs. That is the reason why we have found it useful to raise awareness of the harmful effects of fossil fuels and the usefulness of renewable energies that are capable of effectively fighting against fossil fuels progress. The purpose of this project is therefore to study a renewable energy hybrid power system composed of wind turbines, solar panels and a biodiesel generator as well as a storage battery which will be subsequently installed in a laboratory for educational purposes. To carry out our study, in the first part, the concept of the laboratory was presented which includes all the physical and software components that will be used in the laboratory. The choice and the sizing of the energy sources, the battery and the loads were performed and then studied separately and coupled. Then, in the second part, the modeling and the simulation of the energies sources were realized. MPPT controllers were used to extract maximum power from wind turbines and solar panels. The tip speed ratio (TSR) MPPT was used for the wind energy system and the Perturb and Observe (P&O) MPPT for the solar photovoltaic system. The biodiesel generator system was described and the coupling strategy of the three sources was then demonstrated. A hysteresis controller is used to start and stop automatically the biodiesel generator which only starts when the battery is fully discharged. Some scenarios were applied to the hybrid system to study its operation. In the last part, the extraction of the maximum power of the sources was improved by replacing the TSR and P&O controllers by intelligent controllers using the fuzzy logic. The study showed that the efficient controllers made it possible to improve the efficiency of wind turbines and solar panels. In addition, the coupling of three sources ensures the reliability of the hybrid system. -- Mot(s) clé(s) en anglais : Hybrid power system, fuzzy logic, MPPT, educational laboratory, solar energy, wind energy

    Примена виртуелних светова у истраживању теорије агената и инжењерском образовању

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    The focus of this doctoral dissertation is on exploring the potentials of virtual worlds, for applications in research and education. Regarding this, there are two central aspects that are explored in the dissertation. The first one considers the concept of autonomous agents, and agent theory in general, in the context of virtual worlds. The second aspect is related to the educational applications of virtual worlds, while especially focusing on the concept of virtual laboratories. An introduction to basic terminology related to the subject is given at the start of the dissertation. After that, a thorough analysis of the role of agents in virtual worlds is presented. This, among others, includes the analysis of the techniques that shape the agent’s behavior. The development of the virtual gamified educational system, specially dedicated to agents is then presented in the dissertation, along with a thorough description. While, in the end, analysis of the concept of virtual laboratories in STE (Science, Technology, and Engineering) disciplines is performed, and existing solutions are evaluated according to the criteria defined in the dissertation.Фокус ове докторске дисертације је на истраживању потенцијала виртуелних светова за примене у истраживањима и образовању. У вези са тим, постоје два главна аспекта која су обрађена у дисертацији. Први аспект се тиче концепта аутономних агената, као и теорије агената у целини, а у контексту виртуелних светова. Други аспект је везан за примену виртуелних светова у образовању, при чему је посебан акценат стављен на виртуелне лабораторије. На почетку дисертације је дат кратак увод који се тиче терминологије и појединих појмова везаних за област којом се ова дисертција бави. Након тога је представљена систематична и темељна анализа улоге агената у виртуелним световима. Између осталог, ово укључује и анализу техника потребних за обликовање понашања агената. Потом је у дисертацији детаљно представљен развој оригиналног виртуелног образовног система посвећеног агентима. На крају, анализиран је концепт виртуелних лабораторија у НТИ (наука, технологија, инжењерство) дисциплинама и извршена је евалуација постојећих решења у складу са критеријумима који су дефинисани у дисертацији