631 research outputs found

    User-centred design of smartphone augmented reality in urban tourism context.

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    Exposure to new and unfamiliar environments is a necessary part of nearly everyone’s life. Effective communication of location-based information through various locationbased service interfaces (LBSIs) became a key concern for cartographers, geographers, human-computer interaction (HCI) and professional designers alike. Much attention is directed towards Augmented Reality (AR) interfaces. Smartphone AR browsers deliver information about physical objects through spatially registered virtual annotations and can function as an interface to (geo)spatial and attribute data. Such applications have considerable potential for tourism. Recently, the number of studies discussing the optimal placement and layout of AR content increased. Results, however, do not scale well to the domain of urban tourism, because: 1) in any urban destination, many objects can be augmented with information; 2) each object can be a source of a substantial amount of information; 3) the incoming video feed is visually heterogeneous and complex; 4) the target user group is in an unfamiliar environment; 5) tourists have different information needs from urban residents. Adopting a User-Centred Design (UCD) approach, the main aim of this research project was to make a theoretical contribution to design knowledge relevant to effective support for (geo)spatial knowledge acquisition in unfamiliar urban environments. The research activities were divided in four (iterative) stages: (1) theoretical, (2) requirements analysis, (3) design and (4) evaluation. After critical analysis of existing literature on design of AR, the theoretical stage involved development of a theoretical user-centred design framework, capturing current knowledge in several relevant disciplines. In the second stage, user requirements gathering was carried out through a field quasi experiment where tourists were asked to use AR browsers in an unfamiliar for them environment. Qualitative and quantitative data were used to identify key relationships, extend the user-centred design framework and generate hypotheses about effective and efficient design. In the third stage, several design alternatives were developed and used to test the hypotheses through a laboratory-based quantitative study with 90 users. The results indicate that information acquisition through AR browsers is more effective and efficient if at least one element within the AR annotation matches the perceived visual characteristics or inferred non-visual attributes of target physical objects. Finally, in order to ensure that all major constructs and relationships are identified, qualitative evaluation of AR annotations was carried out by HCI and GIS domain-expert users in an unfamiliar urban tourism context. The results show that effective information acquisition in urban tourism context will depend on the visual design and delivered content through AR annotations for both visible and non-visible points of interest. All results were later positioned within existing theory in order to develop a final conceptual user-centred design framework that shifts the perspective towards a more thorough understanding of the overall design space for mobile AR interfaces. The dissertation has theoretical, methodological and practical implications. The main theoretical contribution of this thesis is to Information Systems Design Theory. The developed framework provides knowledge regarding the design of mobile AR. It can be used for hypotheses generation and further empirical evaluations of AR interfaces that facilitate knowledge acquisition in different types of environments and for different user groups. From a methodological point of view, the described userbased studies showcase how a UCD approach could be applied to design and evaluation of novel smartphone interfaces within the travel and tourism domain. Within industry the proposed framework could be used as a frame of reference by designers and developers who are not familiar with knowledge acquisition in urban environments and/or mobile AR interfaces

    User experience guidelines of augmented reality application for historical tourism

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    Malaysia Smart Tourism 4.0 is a government initiative that aims to transform the tourism industry to the next level. Tourism 4.0 is the next generation of the tourism industry that uses the latest industrial revolution technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR). AR is a new technology that uses computer graphics to create the illusion of being in the real world. In recent years, the Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) approach has been used in many sectors such as tourism, education, and healthcare. User experience is crucial for MAR applications since it attempts to meet the user's needs and enhance engagement. However, limited studies on user experience in historical tourism have been explored due to the lack of evidence and empirical research. Thus, this study is to propose user experience guidelines for an Augmented Reality application for historical tourism. More than 60 articles related to AR in tourism were analyzed using thematic analysis in this study. The study resulted in two findings: (1) the user experience guidelines of Augmented Reality for historical tourism applications, and (2) user experience that was influenced by the application features and the requirements of tourists. The findings will be used to propose an UX design for MAR applications in the context of historical tourism. Most significantly, the number of successful deployment use cases for MAR applications is currently limited, especially in the tourism industry. Thus, it is critical to have a comprehensive set of variables has been considered for success

    Establishing Design Principles for Augmented Reality for Older Adults

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is growing rapidly and becoming a more mature and robust technology, which combines virtual information with the real environment in real-time. This becomes significant in ensuring the acceptance and success of Augmented Reality systems. With the growing number of older mobile phone users, evidence shows the possible trends associated with using AR systems to support older adults in terms of transportation, home activities, rehabilitation training and entertainment. However, there is a lack of research on a theoretical framework or AR design principles that could support designers when developing suitable AR applications for specific groups (e.g. older adults). This PhD research mainly focuses on the possibility of developing and applying AR design principles to provide various possible design alternatives in order to address the relevant AR-related issues focusing on older adults. This research firstly identified the architecture of Augmented Reality to understand the definition of AR using a range of previous AR examples. Secondly, AR design principles (version 1) were identified after describing the AR features and analysing the AR design recommendations. Thirdly, this research refined the AR design principles (version 2) by conducting two half-day focus groups with AR prototypes and related scenarios for older adults. The final version of the AR design principles (version 3) for older adults was established. These are: Instantaneous Augmentation, Layer-focus Augmentation, Modality-focus Augmentation, Accurate Augmentation and Hidden Reality. Ultimately, all of these design principles were applied to AR applications and examined in practice using two focus groups. Additionally, as part of the process of AR principle development, a number of AR issues were identified and categorised in terms of User, Device, Augmentation, Real Content, Interaction and Physical World, based on the pre-established AR architecture. These AR issues and design principles may help AR designers to explore quality design alternatives, which could potentially benefit older adults

    Facilitating Extended Reality in Museums through a Web-Based Application

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    Masteroppgave i Programvareutvikling samarbeid med HVLPROG399MAMN-PRO

    Tourists as Mobile Gamers: Gamification for Tourism Marketing

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    Gaming as a cutting-edge concept has recently been used by some innovative tourism sectors as a marketing tool and as a method of deeper engagement with visitors. This research aims to explore the gamification trend and its potential for experience development and tourism marketing. Using a focus group, this paper discusses gaming and tourism, and explores what drives tourists to play games. The results suggest tourists’ game playing motivation is multidimensional. Players tend to start with purposive information seeking, then move on to an intrinsic stimulation. Socialization is also an important dimension. The research demonstrates several implications for tourism marketing

    Nutzerzentrierte Entwicklung einer ortsunabhängigen Maschinenabnahme mittels Augmented Reality

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    Die Nutzung von Augmented Reality (AR) stellt eine Vielzahl von Lösungsansätzen für Herausforderungen unterschiedlicher Bereiche, z.B. der Industrie, Medizin, Unterhaltungsmedien und Bildung, zur Verfügung. Speziell werden hier die Möglichkeiten von AR in der Fertigungsindustrie, genauer bei der Abnahme elektrischer Antriebe der Siemens AG, betrachtet. Dabei werden unter anderem messbare Größen wie Drehmoment, Ankerstrom, -spannung, Drehzahl, Schwingungen, Fertigungstoleranzen etc. gemessen, aber auch nicht quantifizierbare Größen wie Sichtprüfungen von Schweißnähten und Lackierung in Betracht gezogen. Angestrebt wird eine Methode, welche es zukünftig ermöglicht, die Inbetriebnahme ortsunabhängig zu verfolgen und Inspektionen aus der Ferne durchzuführen. Die Herausforderung liegt dabei darin, eine zumindest gleichwertige, wenn nicht sogar verbesserte Erfahrung und Prüfergebnisvalidität für die Beteiligten gegenüber der vor Ort Abnahme zu erzeugen. Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens wurde in interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ingenieur/-innen und Sozialwissenschaftler/-innen ein Demonstrator-Konzept für eine ortsunabhängige Maschinenabnahme entwickelt

    PlayMaps - Representation of 3D cartography data in Augmented Reality (AR) games

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    A presente dissertação tem como tema a representação de dados cartográficos 3D em ambientes de Realidade Aumentada (RA) aplicados a tecnologias móveis. No turismo, a escolha de um lugar para visitar pode ser um processo árduo e exaustivo que na maioria das vezes traz contratempos imprevistos. Dada a abundância de informações sobre um local, ou mesmo a falta dela em muitas circunstâncias, é simples para um possível turista ficar desorientado e fazer o julgamento incorreto de não visitá-lo. Em muitos casos, as pessoas até desconhecem o potencial das regiões. Muitos representantes têm lutado para encontrar maneiras de atrair mais turistas para suas cidades, muitas vezes se perguntando: "Como posso promover minha cidade para o mundo de uma maneira mais eficaz?". Obviamente, essa divulgação precisa ser feita de forma segura e acessível. Assim, esta dissertação pretende criar um jogo para adolescentes, entre os 10 e os 15 anos, baseado em Realidade Aumentada (RA), que seja capaz de digitalizar um mapa em papel e permitir ao utilizador interagir com o mesmo. A app terá de proporcionar a componente educativa do território e também um nível adequado de interação com o utilizador. Este aplicativo será fácil de usar e compatível com qualquer sistema operacional móvel. Como tal, foi pensado para que qualquer pessoa com um smartphone possa utilizar esta tecnologia. Além disso, este aplicativo será flexível, adaptável e genérico. Cartografias diferentes exigirão modelos geográficos diferentes ou mesmo metodologias de jogo diferentes. Portanto, este aplicativo terá a capacidade de importar diferentes informações geográficas e criar um jogo específico para essa cartografia. Dois estudos anteriores foram realizados nesta área, nomeadamente para potenciar a experiência de visitas à Galeria da Biodiversidade e ao Jardim Botânico como forma de jogo. O primeiro estudo utiliza o método "case study", utilizando uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa para entender como a experiência lúdica proporcionada pela tecnologia de realidade aumentada pode contribuir para a entrega de informações que esses espaços pretendem transmitir aos visitantes {soares2021flo}. O segundo estudo procurou explorar formas de conectar ambientes internos e externos por meio de Realidade Aumentada (RA) {teixeira2021serious}. Esses tipos de abordagens de como disseminar informações são fundamentais para que o usuário tenha uma compreensão adequada do que a região tem a oferecer. Esses recursos serão aplicados ao mapeamento de territórios conhecidos a fim de investigar formas de promover o turismo melhorando e inovando a forma como as pessoas aprendem e exploram novas cidades e outros espaços. Embora esta dissertação seja apenas um caso de estudo, com esta implementação, a solução proposta pode funcionar como base para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta universal para qualquer instituição e/ou cidade que se queira promover.The present dissertation has, as its theme, the representation of 3D cartography data in Augmented Reality (AR) environments applied to mobile technologies. In tourism, choosing a place to visit can be a hard and exhaustive process which most times brings unforeseen setbacks. Given the abundance of information about a location, or even the lack thereof in many circumstances, it's simple for a possible tourist to become disoriented and make the incorrect judgement of not visiting it. In many cases, people even are unaware of the regions' potential. Many city officials and space marketers have struggled to find ways to attract more tourists to their cities, often asking themselves, "How can I promote my city to the world in a more effective way?". Obviously, this advertisement needs to be done in a safe and affordable way. Therefore, this dissertation aims to create a game for teens, between 10 and 15 years old, based on Augmented Reality (AR), which is capable to digitise a paper map and allowing the user to interact with it. The app will have to provide the educational component of the territory and also an appropriate level of interaction with the user. This app will be easy to use, user-friendly and compatible with any mobile operating system. As such, it is designed that anyone with a smart phone can use this technology. Furthermore, this app will be flexible, adaptable and generic. Different cartographies will require different geographical models or even different game methodologies. Therefore, this application will have the ability to import different geographic information, and create a specific game to that cartography. Two previous studies were carried out in this area, namely to enhance the experience of visits to Galeria da Biodiversidade and Jardim Botânico as a form of a game. The first study employs the case study method, using a quantitative and qualitative approach to comprehend how the entertaining experience given by augmented reality technology may contribute in the delivery of the information these spaces intend to transmit to visitors {soares2021flo}. The second study sought to explore ways to connect indoor and outdoor environments through Augmented Reality (AR) {teixeira2021serious}. These types of approaches on how to disseminate information are fundamental for the user to have an appropriate grasp of what the region has to offer. These functionalities will be applied to cartography of know territories in order to investigate ways to promote tourism by improving and innovating the way people learn and explore new cities and other spaces. Although this dissertation is only a case study, with this implementation, the proposed solution can become a stepping stone to the development of a universal tool for any institution and/or city that intends to promote itself
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