26 research outputs found


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    Practice shows that the best built and maintain by the knowledge, is based on and secured personal work experience. Source of expertise can be carried out e-laboratory theoretical and practical experiments. The study key is the development of the system will hamper its inappropriate use. There is a lack of e-tools that enable students to deal with the challenge, problem or phenomenon monitoring experiments t. y. entering or selecting the initial data. New technology, especially electronic, progress is very important because it allows the development of continuing education, distance education, the democratization of it, adapting to people with different capabilities and needs. Discussed problem is creating a different type of laboratory. The key novelty is that it is not a virtual laboratory based on software tools, but the real remote-controlled electronics lab. Produced simplified conceptual model for remote laboratory experiments and demonstration. The article describes a real remote e-laboratory designed and applied in Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences as an experimental practical method for distance learning

    Analysis of a thermal system through remote laboratories

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    This paper describes the experiences using remote laboratories for thorough analysis of a thermal system, including disturbances. Remote laboratories for education in subjects of control, is a common resorted method, used by universities. This method is applied to offer a flexible service in schedules so as to obtain greater and better results of available resources. Remote laboratories have been used for controlling physical devices remotely. Furthermore, remote labs have been used for transfer function identification of real equipment. Nevertheless, remote analyses of disturbances have not been done. The aim of this contribution is thereby to apply the experience of remote laboratories in the study of disturbances. Some experiments are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness in using remote laboratories for complete analysis of a thermal system. Considering the remote access to thermal system, “Sistema de Laboratorios a Distancia” (SLD) was used

    Pedagogical Methods and Advances for Synchronous/Asynchronous Instruction of Laboratories in Engineering Technology Programs

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    Significant research has been done on the subject of distance learning (DL) instruction for many academic disciplines. However, when it comes to engineering technology (ET) programs, particularly, engineering laboratory work, limited studies are available. It is unquestionable that engineering laboratory work is essential for the successful preparation of individuals enrolled in ET programs. The focus of ET programs is on the correct use and application of engineering principles with a direct focus on practical application rather than on theory alone. The difficulties increase significantly when laboratories are offered in DL mode, particularly for ET programs. It is well known that DL instruction provides the unique opportunity to individuals to achieve an academic degree without being required to attend classes live during the day. A great number of people cannot attend face-to-face (F2F) lectures due to employment reasons, personal limitations, and/or military commitment, among other things. DL programs offer a viable solution to these limitations. Assessment of DL courses becomes more challenging than those that are F2F. As a result, asynchronous instruction is required to be more interactive than synchronous for obvious reasons. It is the interest of the authors to provide guidelines for the successful preparation and delivery of engineering laboratory work in asynchronous mode for ET programs. The guidelines will provide adequate techniques and methods for assessment in line with ABET outcomes for engineering technology programs. Lastly, the paper includes considerations to follow for continuous improvement models

    Industry 4.0 Competencies as the Core of Online Engineering Laboratories

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    Online laboratories are widely used in higher engineering education and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have taken on an even greater relevance. At Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, well-established techniques such as Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Project-Oriented Learning (POL) and Research-Based Learning (RBL) have been implemented over the years, and over the past year, have been successfully incorporated into the students’ learning process within online and remote laboratories. Nevertheless, these learning techniques do not include an element which is crucial in today’s industrialized world: Industry 4.0 competencies. Therefore, this work aims to describe a pedagogical approach in which the development of Industry based competencies complements the aforementioned learning techniques. The use and creation of virtual environments and products is merged with the understanding of fundamental engineering concepts. Further, a measurement of the students’ perceived self-efficacy related to this pedagogical approach is carried out, focusing on the physiological states and mastery experiences of the students. An analysis of its results is presented as well as a discussion on these findings, coupled with the perspectives from different key stakeholders on the importance of the educational institutions’ involvement in developing Industry 4.0 competencies in engineering students. Finally, comments regarding additional factors which play a role in the educational process, but were not studied at this time, as well as additional areas of interest are given

    Sistema didáctico para el control de nivel con tanques acoplados

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    Visita Técnica InternacionalEl presente trabajo de grado tiene como finalidad realizar el diseño y construcción de un sistema para el control, medición y monitoreo de variables que se presentan en procesos industriales, como lo son el nivel y el caudal de líquido. Para tal fin, se emplean los conocimientos obtenidos en la Visita Técnica Internacional al Canal de Panamá sobre el procedimiento de llenado y vaciado de esclusas mediante el principio básico de gravedad, aplicando los conceptos necesarios para su utilización en el desarrollo teórico-práctico del prototipo.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. DESCRIPCIÓN DE LOS COMPONENTES 3. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL FUNCIONAMIENTO 4. IMPLEMENTACIÓN 5. DESCRIPCIÓN ECONÓMICA DEL PROYECTO 6. CONCLUSIONES 7. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Electrónic

    Herramienta en línea para la programación y depuración remota de funciones lógicas digitales.

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    En el diseño de circuitos electrónicos digitales, los ejercicios y prácticas deben integrarse a los procesos de enseñanza. La mayoría de prácticas se realizan en espacios locales, como aulas de laboratorio especializadas; sin embargo, la educación en línea se ha fortalecido y actualmente es posible experimentar desde ubicaciones remotas. En este trabajo se describen los principales aportes realizados por grupos de investigación en el campo de los laboratorios en línea, enfocándose en los sistemas electrónicos digitales. Se describe también una herramienta software desarrollada para la programación remota de funciones lógicas digitales, que apoya la enseñanza de los Sistemas Digitales. Esta herramienta fue diseñada para trabajo local o en red y permite a los usuarios interactuar con un conjunto de herramientas para la configuración de un FPGA Cyclone II sobre una tarjeta de desarrollo DE2-70

    5G-enabled education 4.0: enabling technologies, challenges, and solutions

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    New technologies such as mobile phones, social media and artificial intelligence, have significant impacts on every aspect of education, where digital connectivity is the foundation to support the way people learn. Current Internet and pre-5G cellular communication networks can deliver visual and auditory data, which enable distance/virtual learning. However, remote physical interaction between students and learning facilities, which is an essential part of a new education paradigm i.e., Education 4.0, is still missing. The 5G cellular network with excellent latency and reliability performance would be a game changer by enabling students to feel the physical objects and control them remotely. In this paper, we identify and discuss the unique opportunities the 5G networks can bring to Education 4.0, their technical challenges and potential solutions. We also showcase our Education 4.0 prototype of remote lab

    Knowledge based educational framework for enhancing practical skills in engineering distance learners

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    This paper presents a concept of knowledge-based education (KBEd) framework and method in capturing, mapping, reusing and automating the knowledge of on-campus engineering laboratory instructor for imparting and assessing practical skills in engineering distance learners. The concept of distance learning in engineering science subjects like mechanical and automotive is still in its infant stage. As laboratory plays a vital role in engineering curriculum, delivering these programs and evaluating them have been the two major challenges for universities offering distance learning engineering courses. In order to overcome these challenges; an instructional system automated through experts knowledge with more granularity in monitoring the learners transition throughout the learning process is required. © 2015 IEEE

    Fortalecimiento de las competencias laborales de estudiantes de séptimo semestre del programa de administración de empresas de una institución de educación superior, desde un laboratorio virtual enriquecido con casos gamificados

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    El presente trabajo de investigación de aula pretende fortalecer las competencias laborales de estudiantes de Administración de empresas, tales como trabajo en equipo, toma de decisiones y solución de problemas, a partir de un laboratorio virtual enriquecido con casos gamificados. De esta manera, se desarrollan experiencias pedagógicas interactivas y contextualizadas, que integran el componente teórico y práctico de la asignatura Procesos Administrativos y enfrenta a los estudiantes a situaciones retadoras de su campo laboral. Esta propuesta se fundamenta metodológicamente desde el enfoque cualitativo y se estructura bajo un diseño de investigación-acción, en el que se aplican las técnicas de entrevista semiestructurada y grupo focal con los protocolos de entrevista semiestructurada y grupo focal como instrumentos. Como resultados alcanzados, se logró la participación de los estudiantes en los casos “Cooperamos”, “Decidiendo” y “Superando obstáculos”, creados y desarrollados desde la plataforma UnityRPGZ; en donde se identifica un efecto colateral al despertar el interés de los estudiantes por los procesos asociados con la administración de empresas. Se concluye resaltando que la integración de la tecnología emergente de gamificación, ha sido una estrategia de gran acogida por los estudiantes, pues favorece su comprensión y motivación hacia el aprendizaje de contenidos administrativos, la aplicación de la teoría al contexto laboral, y la construcción de competencias laborales en colectivo.MaestríaMagister en Educación Mediada por TI