13,515 research outputs found

    Stored Electromagnetic Energy and Antenna Q

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    Decomposition of the electromagnetic energy into its stored and radiated parts is instrumental in the evaluation of antenna Q and the corresponding fundamental limitations on antennas. This decomposition is not unique and there are several proposals in the literature. Here, it is shown that stored energy defined from the difference between the energy density and the far field energy equals the new energy expressions proposed by Vandenbosch for many cases. This also explains the observed cases with negative stored energy and suggests a possible remedy to them. The results are compared with the classical explicit expressions for spherical regions where the results only differ by ka that is interpreted as the far-field energy in the interior of the sphere. Numerical results of the Q-factors for dipole, loop, and inverted L-antennas are also compared with estimates from circuit models and differentiation of the impedance. The results indicate that the stored energy in the field agrees with the stored energy in the Brune synthesized circuit models whereas the differentiated impedance gives a lower value for some cases. The corresponding results for the bandwidth suggest that the inverse proportionality between bandwidth and Q depends on the relative bandwidth or equivalent the threshold of the reflection coefficient. The Q from the differentiated impedance and stored energy are most useful for relative narrow and wide bandwidths, respectively

    Exact Solution for the Protected TEM edge mode in a PTD-Symmetric Parallel-Plate Waveguide

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    A Parity Time-reversal Dual (PTD) symmetric structure constituted by a Perfectly-Electric-Perfectly magnetic (PEC-PMC) parallel plate waveguide (PPW) is analyzed. This waveguide supports unimodal transverse electromagnetic (TEM) edge mode propagation protected against back-scattering from a certain class of deformations and defects. The TEM solution is found in analytical form by using three different methods, namely conformal mapping, mode-matching, and Fourier-transform methods. It is shown through numerical simulations that the mode propagation is robust with respect to deformations such as 90{\deg} bends and discontinuity such as transition to free-space. Implementation of the PMC boundary conditions via both a bed of nails and a mushroom structure is also successfully investigated

    Pembangunan dan penganalisisan aplikasi permohonan peruntukkan penyelenggaraan bangunan sekolah berasaskan proses pengurusan dalam kejuruteraan awam

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    Penyelenggaraan adalah aktiviti yang dilakukan secara berterusan bagi memastikan fungsi bangunan dapat dilaksanakan sebagaimana fungsinya secara normal. Penyelenggaraan bangunan sekolah adalah aktiviti rutin yang harus dijalankan memandangkan sekolah adalah lokasi pertama dalam pengembangan minda kanak�kanak. Namun begitu, kajian literatur menunjukkan terdapat beberapa masalah dalam pengurusan penyelenggaraan yang lazimnya diselia oleh ahli jawatankuasa penyelenggaraan sekolah. Antaranya ialah kegagalan mereka mematuhi Pekeliling Am Bil.2 Tahun 1995 dalam proses permohonan penyelenggaraan. Disebabkan permasalahan tersebut, tesis ini diwujudkan bagi membantu mereka dalam menyelesaikan sebahagian masalah yang dihadapi dengan cara membangunkan satu aplikasi permohonan penyelenggaraan sekolah berkomputer. Pembangunan aplikasi adalah menggunakan Microsoft Access. Aplikasi pertama yang dibangunkan adalah CoRTMaS di mana ia hanya tertumpu kepada penyelenggaraan bumbung dan tandas berdasarkan kepada kajian literatur yang mengatakan 2 komponen ini paling kerap mengalami kerosakan. Hasil soal selidik diuji menggunakan SPSS dan mendapati kadar ketepatan hasil kajian adalah α = 0.893. Walaupun hasil kajian CoRTMaS amat memuaskan, aplikasi SiPBaS dibangunkan bagi menambah baik fungsi aplikasi dalam CoRTMaS. Kesimpulannya, pembangunan aplikasi dapat menyumbang kepada kelancaran proses permohonan penyelenggaraan sekolah namun terdapat beberapa cadangan lanjutan yang dicadangkan bagi memantapkan aplikasi SiPBaS iaitu menjadikan aplikasi ini berfungsi secara atas talian, mewujudkan ruangan bagi memuat turun gambar kerosakan serta mewujudkan kod keselamatan untuk kontraktor terlibat

    Hubungan di antara status Sosio Ekonomi (SSE) keluarga dengan pencapaian akademk : satu kajian ke at as pelajar aliran teknikal di Sekolah Menengah Teknik Negeri Sembilan

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan di antara status sosio ekonomi (SSE) keluarga dengan pencapaian akademik di kalangan pelajar aliran teknikal. Kajian ini dijalankan ke atas pelajar tingkatan empat aliran teknikal di lima buah Sekolah Menengah Teknik di Negeri Sembilan iaitu Sekolah Menengah Teknik Tuanku Jaafar, Sekolah Menengah Teknik Juasseh, Sekolah Menengah Teknik Pertanian Rembau, Sekolah Menengah Teknik Ampangan dan Sekolah Menengah Teknik Port Dicksoa Seramai 350 orang pelajar terlibat dalam kajian ini dan dipilih secara rawak mudah. Analisis regresi mudah dan regresi berbilang digunakan untuk melihat hubungan di antara pembolehubah yang dikaji. Keseluruhan data kajian telah dianahsis menggunakan perisian Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 11.5 dengan membuat pengiraan peratusan dan regresi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan secara majoritinya, SSE mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan tahap pencapaian akademik pelajar. Dengan itu dapat dirumuskan bahawa SSE mempengaruhi tahap pencapaian akademik pelajar aliran teknikal. Beberapa cadangan dikemukakan untuk panduan kajian selanjutnya

    Novel Approach to Design Ultra Wideband Microwave Amplifiers: Normalized Gain Function Method

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    In this work, we propose a novel approach called as “Normalized Gain Function (NGF) method” to design low/medium power single stage ultra wide band microwave amplifiers based on linear S parameters of the active device. Normalized Gain Function TNGF is defined as the ratio of T and |S21|^2, desired shape or frequency response of the gain function of the amplifier to be designed and the shape of the transistor forward gain function, respectively. Synthesis of input/output matching networks (IMN/OMN) of the amplifier requires mathematically generated target gain functions to be tracked in two different nonlinear optimization processes. In this manner, NGF not only facilitates a mathematical base to share the amplifier gain function into such two distinct target gain functions, but also allows their precise computation in terms of TNGF=T/|S21|^2 at the very beginning of the design. The particular amplifier presented as the design example operates over 800-5200 MHz to target GSM, UMTS, Wi-Fi and WiMAX applications. An SRFT (Simplified Real Frequency Technique) based design example supported by simulations in MWO (MicroWave Office from AWR Corporation) is given using a 1400mW pHEMT transistor, TGF2021-01 from TriQuint Semiconductor

    Analytical Formulas for the Coverage of Tunable Matching Networks for Reconfigurable Applications

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    Reflection Coefficient Transformations for Phase-Shift Circuits

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    It is shown how switchable one-port circuits having two impedance states may be transformed so as to exhibit reflection coefficients which have a prescribed phase angle difference and equal magnitude in the two states. In reflection-type phase shifters, arbitrary phase shift may be obtained without change of signal amplitude. The reflection properties are achieved by the use of an impedance-transforming two-port network. Design equations and an example are given
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