14 research outputs found

    Automation of the Monte Carlo simulation of medical linear accelerators

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    La consulta íntegra de la tesi, inclosos els articles no comunicats públicament per drets d'autor, es pot realitzar prèvia petició a l'Arxiu de la UPCThe main result of this thesis is a software system, called PRIMO, which simulates clinical linear accelerators and the subsequent dose distributions using the Monte Carlo method. PRIMO has the following features: (i) it is self- contained, that is, it does not require additional software libraries or coding; (ii) it includes a geometry library with most Varian and Elekta linacs; (iii) it is based on the general-purpose Monte Carlo code PENELOPE; (iv) it provides a suite of variance-reduction techniques and distributed parallel computing to enhance the simulation efficiency; (v) it is graphical user interfaced; and (vi) it is freely distributed through the website http://www.primoproject.net In order to endow PRIMO with these features the following tasks were conducted: - PRIMO was conceived with a layered structure. The topmost layer, named the GLASS, was developed in this thesis. The GLASS implements the GUI, drives all the functions of the system and performs the analysis of results. Lower layers generate geometry files, provide input data and execute the Monte Carlo simulation. - The geometry of Elekta linacs from series SU and MLCi were coded in the PRIMO system. - A geometrical model of the Varian True Beam linear accelerator was developed and validated. This model was created to surmount the limitations of the Varian distributed phase-space files and the absence of released information about the actual geometry of that machine. This geometry model was incorporated into PRIMO. - Two new variance-reduction techniques, named splitting roulette and selective splitting, were developed and validated. In a test made with an Elekta linac it was found that when both techniques are used in conjunction the simulation efficiency improves by a factor of up to 45. - A method to automatically distribute the simulation among the available CPU cores of a computer was implemented. The following investigations were done using PRIMO as a research tool : - The configu ration of the condensed history transport algorithm for charged particles in PENELOPE was optimized for linac simulation. Dose distributions in the patient were found to be particularly sensitive to the values of the transport parameters in the linac target. Use of inadequate values of these parameters may lead to an incorrect determination of the initial beam configuration or to biased dose distributions. - PRIMO was used to simulate phase-space files distributed by Varian for the True Beam linac. The results were compared with experimental data provided by five European radiotherapycenters. It was concluded thatthe latent variance and the accuracy of the phase-space files were adequate for the routine clinical practice. However, for research purposes where low statistical uncertainties are required the phase-space files are not large enough. To the best of our knowledge PRIMO is the only fully Monte Carlo-based linac and dose simulation system , addressed to research and dose verification, that does not require coding tasks from end users and is publicly available.El principal resultado de esta tesis es un sistema informático llamado PRIMO el cual simula aceleradores lineales médicos y las subsecuentes distribuciones de dosis empleando el método de Monte Carlo. PRIMO tiene las siguiente características: (i) es auto contenido, o sea no requiere de librerías de código ni de programación adicional ; (ii) incluye las geometrías de los principales modelos de aceleradores Varían y Elekta; (iii) está basado en el código Monte Carlo de propósitos generales PENELOPE; (iv) contiene un conjunto de técnicas de reducción de varianza y computación paralela distribuida para mejorar la eficiencia de simulación; (v) tiene una interfaz gráfica de usuario; y (vi) se distribuye gratis en el sitio web http://vvww.primoproject.net. Para dotar a PRIMO de esas características, se realizaron las tareas siguientes: - PRIMO se concibió con una estructura de capas. La capa superior, nombrada GLASS, fue desarrollada en esta tesis. GLASS implementa la interfazgráfica de usuario, controla todas las funciones del sistema y realiza el análisis de resultados. Las capas inferiores generan los archivos de geometría y otros datos de entrada y ejecutan la simulación Monte Carlo. - Se codificó en el sistema PRIMO la geometría de los aceleradores Elekta de las series SLi y MLC. - Se desarrolló y validó un modelo geométrico del acelerador TrueBeam de Varian. Este modelo fue creado para superar las limitaciones de los archivos de espacio de fase distribuidos por Varian, así como la ausencia de información sobre la geometría real de esta máquina. Este modelo geométrico fue incorporado en PRIMO. - Fueron desarrolladas y validadas dos nuevas técnicas de reducción de varianza nombradas splitting roulette y selective splitting. En pruebas hechas en un acelerador Elekta se encontró que cuando ambas técnicas se usan en combinación, la eficiencia de simulación mejora 45 veces. - Se implementó un método para distribuir la simulación entre los procesadores disponibles en un ordenador. Las siguientes investigaciones fueron realizadas usando PRIMO como herramienta: - Fue optimizada la configuración del algoritmo de PENELOPE para el transporte de partículas cargadas con historia condensada en la simulación del linac. Se encontró que las distribuciones de dosis en el paciente son particularmente sensibles a los valores de los parámetros de transporte usados para el target del linac. El uso de va lores inadecuados para esos parámetros puede conducir a una incorrecta determinación de la configuración del haz inicial o producir sesgos en las distribuciones de dosis. - Se utilizó PRIMO para simular archivos de espacios de fase distribuidos por Varian para el linac TrueBeam. Los resultados se compararon con datos experimentales aportados por cinco centros de radioterapia europeos. Se concluyó que la varianza latente y la exactitud de estos espacios de fase son adecuadas para la práctica clínica de rutina. Sin embargo estos espacios de fase no son suficientemente grandes para emplearse en investigaciones que requieren alcanzar una baja incertidumbre estadística. Hasta donde conocemos, PRIMO es el único sistema Monte Carlo que simula completamente el acelerador lineal y calcula la dosis absorbida, dirigido a la investigación y la verificación de dosis que no requiere del usuario tareas de codificación y está disponible públicamentePostprint (published version

    Development of techniques for verification of advanced radiotherapy by portal dosimetry

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    This research work is related to the development of an enhanced method for the treatment verification of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT). Such advanced treatment techniques require accurate verification procedures to ensure treatments are delivered as correctly as possible. This work focused on the use of the Varian aS1000 Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) with Dosimetry Check software-based verification system. This EPID-based patient dose verification had been widely discussed and proposed as a way to achieve treatment delivery accuracy and patient safety, and as an ‘in vivo’ verification technique that helps to avoid or minimise dosimetric errors. In this work, a novel matrix-based software method to correct for backscatter effects from the Varian aS1000 EPID support arm has been developed. The methodology allows a reliable quantification of the backscatter effect to be applied directly to the Dosimetry Check calibration and verification system. This process includes the use of a clinical treatment planning system (Oncentra MasterPlan, Nucletron) to calculate predicted dose distribution within a phantom or patient, which may be compared to the dose reconstructed by Dosimetry Check. It has been demonstrated that the developed method can be applied to both ‘pre-treatment’ and ‘on treatment’ portal dosimetry for IMRT Head-and-Neck. The Gamma Index Method confirmed excellent validation rates of 97% (3%/3mm) and 95% (5%/3mm) for the ‘pre-treatment’ and ‘on treatment’ approach respectively. Pre-treatment verification of VMAT Head-and Neck treatment also reported excellent validation rates of 96% (3%/5mm). In addition, a convenient way to use the developed methodology within Dosimetry Check software was also piloted and tested. This presents an opportunity of future clinical implementation of the techniques developed in this investigation

    On the development of a novel detector for simultaneous imaging and dosimetry in radiotherapy

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    Radiotherapy uses x-ray beams to deliver prescribed radiation doses that conform to target anatomy and minimise exposure of healthy tissue. Accuracy of dose delivery is essential, thus verification of dose distributions in vivo is desirable to monitor treatments and prevent errors from compromising patient outcomes. Electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) are commonly used x-ray imagers, however their non water-equivalent response complicates use for dosimetry. In this thesis, a Monte Carlo (MC) model of a standard EPID was developed and extended to novel water-equivalent configurations based on prototypes in which the high atomic number components were replaced with an array of plastic scintillator fibres. The model verified that full simulation of optical transport is not necessary to predict the standard EPID dose response, which can be accurately quantified from energy deposited in the phosphor screen. By incorporating computed tomography images into the model, its capacity to predict portal dose images of humanoid anatomy was also demonstrated. The prototype EPID’s water-equivalent dose response was characterised experimentally and with the MC model. Despite exhibiting lower spatial resolution and contrast-to-noise ratio relative to the standard EPID, its image quality was sufficient to discern gross anatomical structures of an anthropomorphic phantom. Opportunities to improve imaging performance while maintaining a water-equivalent dose response were identified using the model. Longer fibres increased efficiency and use of an extra-mural absorber maximised spatial resolution. Optical coupling between the scintillator fibres and the imaging panel may further improve performance. This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of developing a next-generation EPID for simultaneous imaging and dosimetry in radiotherapy. Such a detector could monitor treatment deliveries in vivo and thereby facilitate adaptations to treatment plans in order to improve patient outcomes

    On the development of a novel detector for simultaneous imaging and dosimetry in radiotherapy

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    Radiotherapy uses x-ray beams to deliver prescribed radiation doses that conform to target anatomy and minimise exposure of healthy tissue. Accuracy of dose delivery is essential, thus verification of dose distributions in vivo is desirable to monitor treatments and prevent errors from compromising patient outcomes. Electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) are commonly used x-ray imagers, however their non water-equivalent response complicates use for dosimetry. In this thesis, a Monte Carlo (MC) model of a standard EPID was developed and extended to novel water-equivalent configurations based on prototypes in which the high atomic number components were replaced with an array of plastic scintillator fibres. The model verified that full simulation of optical transport is not necessary to predict the standard EPID dose response, which can be accurately quantified from energy deposited in the phosphor screen. By incorporating computed tomography images into the model, its capacity to predict portal dose images of humanoid anatomy was also demonstrated. The prototype EPID’s water-equivalent dose response was characterised experimentally and with the MC model. Despite exhibiting lower spatial resolution and contrast-to-noise ratio relative to the standard EPID, its image quality was sufficient to discern gross anatomical structures of an anthropomorphic phantom. Opportunities to improve imaging performance while maintaining a water-equivalent dose response were identified using the model. Longer fibres increased efficiency and use of an extra-mural absorber maximised spatial resolution. Optical coupling between the scintillator fibres and the imaging panel may further improve performance. This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of developing a next-generation EPID for simultaneous imaging and dosimetry in radiotherapy. Such a detector could monitor treatment deliveries in vivo and thereby facilitate adaptations to treatment plans in order to improve patient outcomes

    Impact of Geometric Uncertainties on Dose Calculations for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy of Prostate Cancer

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    IMRT uses non-uniform beam intensities within a radiation field to provide patient-specific dose shaping, resulting in a dose distribution that conforms tightly to the planning target volume (PTV). Unavoidable geometric uncertainty arising from patient repositioning and internal organ motion can lead to lower conformality index (CI), a decrease in tumor control probability (TCP) and an increase in normal tissue complication probability (NTCP). The CI of the IMRT plan depends heavily on steep dose gradients between the PTV and organ at risk (OAR). Geometric uncertainties reduce the planned dose gradients and result in a less steep or “blurred” dose gradient. The blurred dose gradients can be maximized by constraining the dose objective function in the static IMRT plan or by reducing geometric uncertainty during treatment with corrective verification imaging. Internal organ motion and setup error were evaluated simultaneously for 118 individual patients with implanted fiducials and MV electronic portal imaging (EPI). The Gaussian PDF is patient specific and group standard deviation (SD) should not be used for accurate treatment planning for individual patients. Frequent verification imaging should be employed in situations where geometric uncertainties are expected. The dose distribution including geometric uncertainties was determined from integration of the convolution of the static dose gradient with the PDF. Local maximum dose gradient (LMDG) was determined via optimization of dose objective function by manually adjusting DVH control points or selecting beam numbers and directions during IMRT treatment planning. EUDf is a useful QA parameter for interpreting the biological impact of geometric uncertainties on the static dose distribution. The EUDf has been used as the basis for the time-course NTCP evaluation in the thesis. Relative NTCP values are useful for comparative QA checking by normalizing known complications (e.g. reported in the RTOG studies) to specific DVH control points. For prostate cancer patients, rectal complications were evaluated from specific RTOG clinical trials and detailed evaluation of the treatment techniques. Treatment plans that did not meet DVH constraints represented additional complication risk. Geometric uncertainties improved or worsened rectal NTCP depending on individual internal organ motion within patient

    CT Scanning

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    Since its introduction in 1972, X-ray computed tomography (CT) has evolved into an essential diagnostic imaging tool for a continually increasing variety of clinical applications. The goal of this book was not simply to summarize currently available CT imaging techniques but also to provide clinical perspectives, advances in hybrid technologies, new applications other than medicine and an outlook on future developments. Major experts in this growing field contributed to this book, which is geared to radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, engineers, and clinical and basic researchers. We believe that CT scanning is an effective and essential tools in treatment planning, basic understanding of physiology, and and tackling the ever-increasing challenge of diagnosis in our society

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen