48 research outputs found

    Інформаційне суспільство: амбівалентність динаміки розвитку

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    The article attempts to clarify the place of freedom and responsibility in the process of transformation axiosphere information society. It is shown that the information society is a society in which there are intense philosophical transformation, where are the main values information, as well as related simulacrisis and virtualization that stimulate changes in axiological priorities, the relationships and communication of people who value freedom and responsibility. Have that ethical transformation of the information society most related to the topic of social sustainability of personality, which often does not realize the limits of their freedom and responsibility in the information space.У статті продемонстровано, що у сучасному суспільстві проявляються реалії у вигляді «нормальних аварій». Виділено декілька найбільш ілюстративних амбівалентних тенденцій сучасного соціального розвитку, що проявилися у різних аспектах людської діяльності і є «нормальними аваріями». Обґрунтовується, що сучасні мережеві комунікації відрізняються нелінійністю, відсутністю центру та ієрархії, що впливає на динаміку суспільства.В статье показано, что в современном обществе проявляются реалии в виде «нормальных аварий». Выделено несколько наиболее иллюстративных амбивалентных тенденций современного социального развития, проявившихся в различных аспектах человеческой деятельности и являющихся «нормальными авариями». Обосновывается, что современные сетевые коммуникации отличаются нелинейностью, отсутствием центра и иерархии, что влияет на динамику общества

    Інформаційне суспільство: амбівалентність динаміки розвитку

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    The article attempts to clarify the place of freedom and responsibility in the process of transformation axiosphere information society. It is shown that the information society is a society in which there are intense philosophical transformation, where are the main values information, as well as related simulacrisis and virtualization that stimulate changes in axiological priorities, the relationships and communication of people who value freedom and responsibility. Have that ethical transformation of the information society most related to the topic of social sustainability of personality, which often does not realize the limits of their freedom and responsibility in the information space.У статті продемонстровано, що у сучасному суспільстві проявляються реалії у вигляді «нормальних аварій». Виділено декілька найбільш ілюстративних амбівалентних тенденцій сучасного соціального розвитку, що проявилися у різних аспектах людської діяльності і є «нормальними аваріями». Обґрунтовується, що сучасні мережеві комунікації відрізняються нелінійністю, відсутністю центру та ієрархії, що впливає на динаміку суспільства.В статье показано, что в современном обществе проявляются реалии в виде «нормальных аварий». Выделено несколько наиболее иллюстративных амбивалентных тенденций современного социального развития, проявившихся в различных аспектах человеческой деятельности и являющихся «нормальными авариями». Обосновывается, что современные сетевые коммуникации отличаются нелинейностью, отсутствием центра и иерархии, что влияет на динамику общества

    Information security in modern society: Sociocultural aspects

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    The purpose of the work is to study the major conceptual socio-cultural features of the essence and ensuring the information security in an information society. The research methodology is based on a complex combination of philosophical (dialectical, hermeneutical) and scientific methods to study the problem of security in modern society, and especially empirical, comparative, analytical and descriptive. They are based on the principles of consistency and historicity that allows exploring contemporary socio-cultural processes and phenomena in the dynamics and in connection with the historical conditions of their development as well as with the security issues.  The scientific novelty of the work is in revealing key aspects of understanding the essence and ensuring the information security, in defining the most significant features in conditions of the the information society. Conclusions. Ensuring the information security in modern society depends on many factors, including how a person will behave in this or that stressful situation. The key risks factors for the information subsystem of the society are large-scale socio-communicative and socio-cultural transformations, which carry a number of negative social consequences. In recent years, disorganizing and dysfunctional trends, directly related to the high speed of information change are clearly recorded. The traditional practice of information security and security against the information become more complex due to the development of virtual social reality of cyberspace. Modern communication processes lead to the information redundancy and enhance the "fissure" between the virtual and real worlds, which affects the growth of the conventions of network practices of the information security. The overabundance of low quality information, which is observed at this stage of development of the information society is not the only problem of the information security. The problem of forming the appropriate level of information culture that would prevent the emergence of her stressful situations when working with information and information technology is also among such issues. Information security in the information society is the protection of information and protection against the information. Ensuring the information security is a necessity, which becomes an attribute of modern life of any social entity, and requires a tireless work with the information that involves interaction with a variety of expert systems, the delocalization of actions, ensuring freedom and minimizing risks

    Seguridad de la información de un Estado democrático moderno: contexto axiológico

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    The authors of the research focus on the role and significance of values in forming the basis for the information security of a modern democratic state. In the course of the research, the authors applied general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, analogy, etc.), philosophical methods (dialectical, hermeneutic), and special legal methods (normative-analytical). Information security includes not only the protection of information resources of the society, state and people, but also ensures the preservation of value aspects, historical memory, cultural traditions, and a particular people’s specific national way of life. The most important objective of information society institutions is the protection of the country’s information sovereignty. Information wars are the continuation of economic, political, as well as cultural and religious conflicts on our planet. In this research, the authors come to the conclusion that one of the aspects of information wars is value confrontation. That is why it is necessary to consider information security not only in the legal, communication-technical and political aspects but also in the axiological context.Los autores de la investigación se centran en el papel y la importancia de los valores para formar la base de la seguridad de la información de un estado democrático moderno. En el curso de la investigación, los autores aplicaron métodos científicos generales (análisis, síntesis, analogía, etc.), métodos filosóficos (dialécticos, hermenéuticos) y métodos legales especiales (normativo-analíticos). La seguridad de la información incluye no solo la protección de los recursos de información de la sociedad, el estado y las personas, sino que también garantiza la preservación de los aspectos de valor, la memoria histórica, las tradiciones culturales y la forma de vida nacional específica de un pueblo en particular. El objetivo más importante de las instituciones de la sociedad de la información es la protección de la soberanía de la información del país. Las guerras de información son la continuación de conflictos económicos, políticos, culturales y religiosos en nuestro planeta. En esta investigación, los autores llegan a la conclusión de que uno de los aspectos de las guerras de información es la confrontación de valores. Es por eso que es necesario considerar la seguridad de la información no solo en los aspectos legales, de comunicación, técnicos y políticos, sino también en el contexto axiológico

    Information Security Awareness: Literature Review and Integrative Framework

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    Individuals’ information security awareness (ISA) plays a critical role in determining their security-related behavior in both organizational and private contexts. Understanding this relationship has important implications for individuals and organizations alike who continuously struggle to protect their information security. Despite much research on ISA, there is a lack of an overarching picture of the concept of ISA and its relationship with other constructs. By reviewing 40 studies, this study synthesizes the relationship between ISA and its antecedents and consequences. In particular, we (1) examine definitions of ISA; (2) categorize antecedents of ISA according to their level of origin; and (3) identify consequences of ISA in terms of changes in beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and actual security-related behaviors. A framework illustrating the relationships between the constructs is provided and areas for future research are identified

    Compliance with IS-Security-Policies: A Socio-Material Perspective Towards Security

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    In the face of ever-growing IS-security breaches and their substantial impacts on organizations and societies, the necessity of enhancing organizational IS-security becomes paramount. Meanwhile, the employees’ compliance with organizational IS-security policies (ISSP) is known to be critical for ensuring security. However, the extant knowledge about ISSP-compliance has remained scattered and inconclusive, and the social aspects of compliance are mostly underexplored despite their importance and impact. Moreover, there is a need for more studies that bridge the gap between the design side and the behavioral sides of IS-security; such a gap has created both conceptual and practical shortfalls within the literature. In this paper, we address these gaps by first introducing an enhanced unified framework of ISSP-compliance and, second, by theorizing a model where we propose that transparency of use enacts four distinct social practices, which, in turn, increase the employees’ compliance with ISSP. Future avenues of research are also suggested

    Close the Intention-Behavior Gap via Attitudes: Case Study of the Volitional Adoption of a Two-Factor Authentication Service

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    Most of the theories used in the behavioral security literature explain the variance in intentions to act securely. Yet, individuals often fail to act on their intentions. This disconnect is referred to as the intention-behavior gap. Most theories propose a single structural path between intentions and actual behaviors with the expectation that individuals will act on their intentions. The purpose of our paper is to investigate this intention-behavior gap in the context of the volitional adoption of information security technologies. To do so, we conducted a two-phased qualitative study of the adoption of a two-factor authentication (2FA) service. In our bottom-up investigation, we discovered emergent themes related to the four functional areas of attitudes (i.e., functional attitude theory). Our paper contributes to the behavioral security literature by suggesting that individuals must change their negative attitudes related to different functional areas to start to reduce the intention-behavior gap

    Policy Helix and Antecedents of Cybersecurity Policymaking Agility

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    The cyber threat landscape is constantly changing, and organisations need to stay current with the dynamism of their internal and external environment. One important aspect is to be agile in cybersecurity policymaking (CSPM) to identify signals, devise proper policies, and mitigate risks. However, the literature in this aspect is still understudied, and this paper strives to fill this gap by investigating the notion of agility in cybersecurity policymaking and identifying its antecedents. The paper investigates the importance of agility as a means to counter emerging threats, contributing actionable insights and best practices to the ongoing discourse on cybersecurity policymaking. The findings emphasise the vital role of agility in pursuing cyber resilience and encourage policymakers and stakeholders to embrace this principle. Ultimately, this study deepens the understanding of the agile policymaking process and introduces asset management, vulnerability management, cyber risk management, and robust awareness processes as the antecedents of CSPM agility. The findings can provide insights for both the theory and practice of IS research by introducing the concept of agility in CSPM and identifying its antecedents

    Employees\u27 Compliance with ISP: A Socio-Technical Conceptual Model

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    Employees’ compliance with Information Systems Security Policies (ISP) is critical for protecting organizational data. Both the technical side and the social aspects of IT-use were shown to have significant influence on ISP-compliance. However, they have been mostly studied in isolation, despite the literature’s emphasis on the socio-technical nature of security. Also, while the technical side has been extensively explored, there is a scarcity of research on the social mechanisms that underlie ISP-compliance. Here, we aim at bridging the gap between the technical and social sides of compliance. We also build upon Social Impact Theory to provide a more nuanced understanding of the social influence on ISP-compliance. We suggest that transparency of use is associated with the three pivotal elements of social influence, namely, perceived strength, immediacy, and number of influencing sources, which trigger normative and informational forces towards compliance. The influence of organizational ISP-compliance culture is also discussed