193 research outputs found

    Analisis pengaruh perceived quality terhadap perceived value, satisfaction dan trust, serta implikasinya terhadap repurchase intention dan positive e-wom: telaah pada produk xiaomi mi3

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari hubungan perceived quality, perceived value, satisfaction, trust, repurchase intention, dan e-word of mouth, terhadap produk Xiaomi Mi4 diantara pengguna Xiaomi Mi3. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan cara melakukan penyebaran kuesioner secara online sejumlah 170 responden pengguna produk Xiaomi Mi3. Penelitian ini menggunakan structural equation model (SEM) dengan menggunakan software AMOS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perceived quality mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap perceived value dan satisfaction. perceived value mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap satisfaction.satisfaction mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap trust. Kemudian repurchase intention dipengaruhi oleh perceived value dan trust terkecuali dengan satisfaction. Dan akhirnya repurchase intention mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap positive e-WOM. Objek penelitian ini dikhususkan pada pengguna smartphone Xiaomi Mi3 yang sudah mengetahui produk terbaru dari Xiaomi yaitu Xiaomi Mi4. Penyebaran kuesioner dilakukan secara online, yaitu dengan cara menyebarkan link kuesioner secara online dengan menggunakan berbagai social media dan messenger seperti Facebook dan Kaskus


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    This paper discusses the change in business models that shift to the 4.0-based model in which newspapers which are the object of research change their product platforms from paper to websites at PT. Ambon Press Intermedia. The variables studied are the product and its effect on consumer behavior in using the value obtained which is reflected in the variable repurchase interest. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between information richness (richness of content), reliability of information (reliability of Content) and the appearance of the website (interface of website) on the behavior (Behavior) to consume sustainably. Keywords: e-products, repurchase interests, consumer behavio

    Factors Influencing Online Repurchase Intention in Thai Popular E-Commerce Platform

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of perceived ease of use, enjoyment, customers’ satisfaction, trust, and online shopping experience on online repurchase intention in Thai popular e-Commerce platforms. This study is designed and analyzed perceived ease of use, enjoyment, customers’ satisfaction, trust, and online shopping experience toward online repurchase intention in Thai popular e-Commerce platform by using secondary data analysis and an archival study approach which has been using three frameworks from previous studies to create a new conceptual framework. Research design, data and methodology: The samples (422 respondents) were collected from an online questionnaire by using convenience sampling, snowball sampling, and purposive sampling to collect data from target respondents. After gathering the data, the study was analyzed by using simple and multiple linear regression in order to confirm and show the significance of the hypotheses. Results: The results explicated that perceived ease of use presented the strongest influence on online purchase intention in Thai popular e-Commerce platforms follow by enjoyment, customer satisfaction, trust, and online shopping experience respectively. Meanwhile, when focusing on the influence of online shopping experience on trust, the result of this study revealed that there has a significant effect of online shopping experience on trust. Conclusions: The research findings have met research objectives. Therefore, it is recommended that the system administration and system development of e-Commerce should pay attention on update the contents, products information, layout, secure transaction to increase online repurchase intention. Research Limitations: The limitations of this research paper are that it is specifically focused on Thailand and consumers living in Thailand. Therefore, the findings that result from this research might not apply to other countries around the world and will only represent the situation in Thailand.

    The Impact Factors toward Online Repurchase Intention: A case study of Taobao e-Commerce platform in China

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    Purpose: the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of online customers' perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived cost, trust, and satisfaction on repurchase intention. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study employs secondary data analysis, archival research, etc., to explore the factors influencing repurchase intentions. This study creates a new conceptual framework based on three frameworks from previous studies. Findings: This study investigates the factors that influence customers' repurchase intention. According to research findings, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived cost, trust, and satisfaction positively impact repurchase intention. Research Limitations/Implications: Many factors affect customers' repurchase intention. It is difficult to analyze all the elements comprehensively, and there is no analysis of the strength of the influence. Originality/value: This study examines perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived cost, trust, and satisfaction, which impact customer repurchase intention

    The Effect of Trust Towards Online Repurchase Intention with Perceived Usefulness as an Intervening Variable: a Study on KASKUS Marketplace Customers

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    . Using the internet, producers and consumers can get more practical alternative to sell or to buy products or services that they want. Internet adoption is very important to the success of a company. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of trust towards online repurchase intention with perceived usefulness as an intervening variable. The respondents in this study consist of 400 KASKUS customers in Indonesia who has made twice or more transactions. The sampling method used in this study is convenience sampling. This research included in descriptive research with causal approach. Techniques of data analysis in this study using descriptive analysis and path analysis to determine the effect of each variable directly and indirectly. Therefore, the paper discusses the outcomes from The Effect of Trust Towards Online Repurchase Intention With Perceived Usefulness. The study show that trust has percentage of 74.656%, perceived usefulness 78.975% and online repurchase intention 78.479%. It's mean that trust, perceived usefulness and online customers repurchase intention KASKUS customers included in good category

    Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Kualitas Produk, Citra Merek dan Dukungan Layanan Purna Jual terhadap Keputusan Konsumen dalam Membeli Skuter Matik Merek Honda di Kota Semarang

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    Several studies have shown that the product and innovation (technology) in the introduction (adoption) will be judged by consumers. Items will be accepted by consumers when they have met the quality, ease of operation and value of the product (technology) to consumers. But whether or not this is the element that determines acceptance of a viable technology for further examination, especially given the automatic scooter has become a phenomenon in the science of marketing, especially consumer purchasing behavior. Therefore, the issue of the proposed research is to determine the factors that cause a consumer brand scooters dominant purchasing decisions automatically. Further research variables and indicators are also based on previous research. A model has been developed and three hypotheses have been formulated to address the research problem. The sampling technique was accidental sampling method. Respondents of the study were 100 respondents, the respondents are of Semarang Consumers using Honda automatic scooter. Data analysis is a tool used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in AMOS 18.0 program. The results of this study indicate the model data analysis and results were well received. And subsequent studies have confirmed the positive effect of product quality affect the purchasing decisions, received significant consumer automatic scooter (H1). Positive effect on the brand image of the Purchasing Decisions, received significant consumer automatic scooter (H2). After-sales service support for a positive effect on the purchasing decisions, received significant consumer automatic scooter (H3). Managerial Implications showing dominant support direct sales service in making purchasing decisions.Keywords : perception of product quality, brand image, after sales support, purchasing decision


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    The COVID-19 global pandemic is one of the defining events of 2020. It has led to radical changes in customer behavior that occurred overnight. Changes are visible in types of products or services customers buy, in the frequency and the way of buying. The aim of this paper is to present consumer behavior of online shoppers in Croatia during the corona pandemic and collect data for future researches. Questionnaire survey was conducted in April 2020. Descriptive statistics is used for presentation of quantitative data. In the last two months, consumers have been buying what they need and what is available in (online) stores. There is a notable growth of online shopping, especially when it comes to groceries. There are consumers who tried buying grocery online for the first time and many will continue buying it that way. The key drivers in their decision-making are the price and the quality of the products. It is evident that consumers have reduced spending their money on all non-essential and luxury products or services. Delivery service, contactless shopping and cashless transactions are in the sellers focus right now, and those factors will evolve, if they want to operate in the future and stay profitable.Globalna pandemija koronavirusom (COVID-19) obilježila je 2020. godinu. Dovela je do iznimno brzih i ogromnih promjena u ponašanju potrošača. Promjene su vidljive u vrsti proizvoda i usluga koje potrošači kupuju odnosno konzumiraju, u učestalosti i načinu na koji kupuju. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati ponašanje potrošača u online kupovini u Republici Hrvatskoj tijekom pandemije te prikupiti podatke za buduća istraživanja. Istraživanje putem ankete provedeno je u travnju 2020. godine. Za prikaz kvantitativnih podataka korištena je deskriptivna statistika. U posljednja dva mjeseca potrošači su kupovali ono što im je potrebno i ono što postoji na zalihama u (online) trgovinama. Značajno je povećanje potrošnje putem online kupovine, posebno prehrambenih namirnica. Postoje potrošači koji su u ovoj situaciji po prvi puta kupili namirnice online i mnogi od njih će nastaviti kupovati namirnice putem interneta. Cijena i kvaliteta su odlučujući faktori u procesu donošenja odluka. Jasno je da su potrošači smanjili potrošnju proizvoda koji nisu ključni za preživljavanje te proizvoda i usluga koje smatraju luksuznim. Dostava, beskontaktna kupovina i bezgotovinske trasnaskcije su trenutno u fokusu prodavača. Ukoliko žele nastaviti poslovati i ostati profitabilni u budućnosti morati će razvijati navedeno

    Revised and extended social commerce technology adoption in e-business of Pakistan

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    Social commerce is a new perspective change in modern electronic business procedures bringing together individuals on social media sites and opens up another electronic social marketing channel to establish business. In developing countries like Pakistan, e-business can help organizations using social commerce and social marketing intelligently on particular social network sites to grasp their business clients while they are interacting with their online community on the social media sites. This study investigated consumers’ behavior towards adoption of social commerce and introduced a revised and extended social commerce technology model. The investigation proved the proposed model is valid by confirming loading factor, Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin (KMO), reliability analysis, and structural equation modeling approach for hypotheses tests. The study found Perceived Ease of Use (PEU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Social Media Influence (SMI), and Risk (RI) have significant impact on social commerce adoption in e-business of Pakistan. More, Trust (TR) and Web experience (WXP) were insignificant that revealed the preventive behavior towards adoption of social commerce in e-business of Pakistan