10 research outputs found

    Measuring the innovation performances of selected countries with multi-criteria decision-making techniques

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    Bu çalışmada, Avrupa Birliği ve OECD’ye üye 23 ülkenin yenilik performansının Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Teknikleri (ÇKKV) teknikleriyle ölçülmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için dünyada en prestijli yenilik endeksleri arasında yer alan Küresel Rekabet Endeksi (KRE), Küresel İnovasyon Endeksi (KİE) ve Avrupa İnovasyon Karnesi (AİK)’nin 2019 yılı göstergeleri kullanılmıştır. CRITIC, EVAMIX ve Borda Sayım yöntemlerinin bütünleşik olarak kullanıldığı uygulamanın ilk aşamasında CRITIC yöntemiyle kriterler ağırlıklandırılmış, daha sonra EVAMIX yöntemi ile ülkelerin her bir endeks için yenilik sıralaması yapılmıştır. Son aşamada ise Borda sayım yöntemiyle üç endeksin sıralamaları birleştirilerek ülkeler için tek bir sıralama elde edilmiştir. Uygulanan bütünleşik modelin yenilik performansının ölçümünde kullanılabilecek pratik bir model olduğu ve karar vericilere tatmin edici sonuçlar verdiği ortaya çıkmıştırIn this study, it is aimed to measure the innovation performance of 23 countries that are members of the European Union and OECD with Multi Criteria Decision Making Techniques (MCDM). For this, 2019 indicators of the Global Competitiveness Report Index (CRI), Global Innovation Index (GII) and European Innovation Scorecard (EIS), which are among the most prestigious innovation indices in the World, were used. In the first stage of the application where CRITIC, EVAMIX and Borda Count methods are used in an integrated way; the criteria were weighted with the CRITIC method, and then the innovation ranking of the countries has been carried out for each index with the EVAMIX method, In the last step, a single ranking for those countries was obtained by combining the rankings of three indices by using the Borda count method. It has been revealed that the applied integrated model is a practical model that can be used for the measurement of innovation performance and gives satisfactory results to decision makers

    Sustainability Ranking for Cuban Tourist Destinations Based on Composite Indexes

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    Tourism sustainability evaluation has become an important issue in the development of this economic industry due to its dependence on natural environment quality and social acceptance. The study shows different ways to measure sustainability by means of composite indicators obtained from an initial set of quantitative and qualitative information. The use of different aggregation methods makes it possible to create rankings and offers remarkable contributions to the decision making process. We use the combination of dissimilar algorithms such as DP2 distance, Data Envelopment Analysis, Principal Component Analysis and Goal Programming to achieve these rankings and Borda Count to merge them into a single order to compare these destinations. Results shows different ways to measure sustainability using the overall information contained in a set of initial indicators and represent an important contribution to composite indicator’s building and for the formulation of new strategic actions, politics or other territorial or national projections

    Resolving the Complexity of Some Fundamental Problems in Computational Social Choice

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    This thesis is in the area called computational social choice which is an intersection area of algorithms and social choice theory.Comment: Ph.D. Thesi

    Study of the Caribbean tourism destinations' competitiveness through composite indicators

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    Programa de Doctorado en Administración y Dirección de EmpresasLínea de Investigación: Métodos Cuantitativos en GestiónClave Programa: DAECódigo Línea: 5Tourism is frequently viewed as an important engine for the economic growth and development for both, developed and developing countries. Consequently, the number of new tourist products and markets is constantly rising worldwide. Therefore, the competence among tourism destinations in attracting more visitors and investors is also on the rise. As a result, tourism destination competitiveness has become a principal topic in the field of tourism research and its importance has augmented the debate regarding its definition and measurement tools. In this respect, the present research aims to propose new feasible and reliable tools to measure the competitiveness of the tourism destinations of the Caribbean region, which is one of the most intensely and tourism-dependent regions worldwide. To this end, a variety of studies are presented towards the proposal of composite indicators to measure this phenomenon. Certain comprised techniques are based on mathematical procedures that strive to guarantee the higher explanatory power of the global measures proposed. Furthermore, they attempt to overcome those aspects that have been criticised of the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum. The present studies analysed tourism competitiveness from either two perspectives, and propose static and dynamic measures A total of 33 destinations are included, almost twice the number of countries from the region included within the editions of the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report. Furthermore, diverse sets of indicators have been employed. The results of the static measures demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methodologies the measurement of tourism destination competitiveness and its closeness to the World Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index. First, the proposed methods enable all the information provided by the World Economic Forum to be utilized. Additionally, less information can be employed to attain results close to those provided by the Global International ranking. This is a major finding that may lead to the inclusion of developing countries into the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index. The dynamic methods developed herein attain outputs consistent with the predictions of the World Travel and Tourism Council. The analysis comprised all the available information within a given time span and, therefore, the intermediate scores influenced the results. Moreover, the dynamic indicator provides a detailed information regarding the change in competitiveness over time of a tourism destination and enables the cause of the improvement in the level of competitiveness to be determined, whether it be due to internal improvement of its performance or to changes relative to external issues.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía, Métodos Cuantitativos e Historia Económic

    A deep exploration of the complexity border of strategic voting problems

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    Voting has found applications in a variety of areas. Unfortunately, in a voting activity there may exist strategic individuals who have incentives to attack the election by performing some strategic behavior. One possible way to address this issue is to use computational complexity as a barrier against the strategic behavior. The point is that if it is NP-hard to successfully perform a strategic behavior, the strategic individuals may give up their plan of attacking the election. This thesis is concerned with strategic behavior in restricted elections, in the sense that the given elections are subject to some combinatorial restrictions. The goal is to find out how the complexity of the strategic behavior changes from the very restricted case to the general case.Abstimmungen werden auf verschiedene Gebiete angewendet. Leider kann es bei einer Abstimmung einzelne Teilnehmer geben, die Vorteile daraus ziehen, die Wahl durch strategisches Verhalten zu manipulieren. Eine Möglichkeit diesem Problem zu begegnen ist es, die Berechnungskomplexität als Hindernis gegen strategisches Verhalten zu nutzen. Die Annahme ist, dass falls es NP-schwer ist, um strategisches Verhalten erfolgreich anzuwenden, der strategisch Handelnde vielleicht den Plan aufgibt die Abstimmung zu attackieren. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit strategischem Vorgehen in eingeschränkten Abstimmungen in dem Sinne, dass die vorgegebenen Abstimmungen kombinatorischen Einschränkungen unterliegen. Ziel ist es herauszufinden, wie sich die Komplexität des strategischen Handelns von dem sehr eingeschränkten zu dem generellen Fall ändert

    Detector of Image Orientation based on Borda-count

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    none2Accurately and automatically detecting image orientation is a task of great importance in intelligent image processing. In this paper, we present an automatic image orientation detection algorithm based on low-level features: color moments; Harris corner; phase symmetry; edge direction histogram. Support vector machines, statistical classifiers, parzen window classifiers are used in our approach: we use Borda Count as combination rule for these classifiers. Large amounts of experiments have been conducted, on a database of more than 6000 images of real photos, to validate our approach. Discussions and future directions for this work are also addressed at the end of the paper.noneA. LUMINI; L. NANNIA., Lumini; Nanni, Lori

    Detector of Image Orientation based on Borda-count

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    Accurately and automatically detecting image orientation is a task of great importance in intelligent image processing. In this paper, we present an automatic image orientation detection algorithm based on low-level features: color moments; harris corner; phase symmetry; edge direction histogram. Support vector machines, statistical classifiers, parzen window classifiers are used in our approach: we use Borda Count as combination rule for these classifiers. Large amounts of experiments have been conducted, on a database of more than 6,000 images of real photos, to validate our approach. Discussions and future directions for this work are also addressed at the end of the paper