12 research outputs found


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    The paper proposes an approach that allows countering attacks on cryptocurrency exchanges and their clients. This approach is formalized in the form of a synthesis of a dynamic model of resistance to phishing attacks and a perceptron model in the form of the simplest artificial neural network. The dynamics of the confrontation are determined by a system of differential equations that determines the change in the states of the victim of phishing attacks and the attacker who organizes such attacks. This allows to find optimal strategies for opposing parties within the scheme of a bilinear differential game with complete information. The solution of the game allows you to determine payment matrices, which are elements of the training set for artificial neural networks. The synthesis of such models will make it possible to find a strategy to resist phishing with a sufficient degree of accuracy. This will minimize the losses of the victim of phishing attacks and of the protection side, which provides a secure system of communication with clients of the cryptocurrency exchange. The proposed neuro-game approach makes it possible to effectively forecast the process of countering phishing in the context of costs for parties using different strategies.У роботі запропоновано підхід, що дозволяє здійснювати протидію атакам на криптовалютні біржі та їх клієнтів. Даний підхід формалізований у вигляді синтезу динамічної моделі протистояння фішинговим атакам та моделі персептрона у вигляді найпростішої штучної нейронної мережі. Динаміка протистояння визначається системою диференціальних рівнянь, що визначає зміну станів жертви фішингових атак та зловмисника, який організовує такі атаки. Це дозволяє знайти оптимальні стратегії протистояння сторін у рамках схеми білінійної диференціальної гри з повною інформацією. Рішення гри дозволяє визначити платіжні матриці, що є елементами навчального набору для штучних нейронних мереж. Синтез таких моделей дасть можливість із достатнім ступенем точності знаходити стратегію протистояння фішингу. Це дозволить мінімізувати втрати жертви фішингових атак та сторони захисту, яка забезпечує безпечну систему спілкування із клієнтами криптовалютної біржі. Запропонований нейро-ігровий підхід дозволяє ефективно здійснювати прогноз процесу протистояння фішингу у контексті витрат для сторін, що використовують різні стратегії

    Exhaustive study on Detection of phishing practices and tactics

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    Due to the rapid development in the technologies related to the Internet, users have changed their preferences from conventional shop based shopping to online shopping, from office work to work from home and from personal meetings to web meetings. Along with the rapidly increasing number of users, Internet has also attracted many attackers, such as fraudsters, hackers, spammers and phishers, looking for their victims on the huge cyber space. Phishing is one of the basic cybercrimes, which uses anonymous structure of Internet and social engineering approach, to deceive users with the use of malicious phishing links to gather their private information and credentials. Identifying whether a web link used by the attacker is a legitimate or phishing link is a very challenging problem because of the semantics-based structure of the attack, used by attackers to trick users in to entering their personal information. There are a diverse range of algorithms with different methodologies that can be used to prevent these attacks. The efficiency of such systems may be influenced by a lack of proper choice of classifiers along with the types of feature sets. The purpose of this analysis is to understand the forms of phishing threats and the existing approaches used to deter them

    A Survey on Phishing Website Detection Using Hadoop

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    Phishing is an activity carried out by phishers with the aim of stealing personal data of internet users such as user IDs, password, and banking account, that data will be used for their personal interests. Average internet user will be easily trapped by phishers due to the similarity of the websites they visit to the original websites. Because there are several attributes that must be considered, most of internet user finds it difficult to distinguish between an authentic website or not. There are many ways to detecting a phishing website, but the existing phishing website detection system is too time-consuming and very dependent on the database it has. In this research, the focus of Hadoop MapReduce is to quickly retrieve some of the attributes of a phishing website that has an important role in identifying a phishing website, and then informing to users whether the website is a phishing website or not

    A Review on Cybersecurity based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms

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    Machin learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) technique have been widely applied to areas like image processing and speech recognition so far. Likewise, ML and DL plays a critical role in detecting and preventing in the field of cybersecurity. In this review, we focus on recent ML and DL algorithms that have been proposed in cybersecurity, network intrusion detection, malware detection. We also discuss key elements of cybersecurity, main principle of information security and the most common methods used to threaten cybersecurity. Finally, concluding remarks are discussed including the possible research topics that can be taken into consideration to enhance various cyber security applications using DL and ML algorithms

    An Experiment to Create Awareness in People concerning Social Engineering Attacks

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    Social Engineering is the technique of obtaining confidential information from users, in a fraudulent way, with the purpose of using it against themselves, or against the organizations where they work. This study presents an experiment focused on raising awareness about the consequences of this type of attack, by executing a controlled attack on trustworthy people. To accomplish this, we have carried out a set of activities or tricks that attackers use to obtain information, inspiring the curiosity of social network contacts to visit a personal blog with fictitious information. In addition to this human interaction, a hidden plug-in has been installed to collect user information such as his IP address, country, operative system, and browser type. With the information collected, a pentesting attack has been done to ports 80 and 22, in order to collect more information. Finally, the results were shown to the victims. In addition, after the attack, users were surveyed about their knowledge of Phishing or Social Engineering. The results demonstrate that only 2% of people suspected or asked about the real reason to visit the Blog. Furthermore, it reveals that the people, who visited the blog, don not have any knowledge and awareness of how to steal sensitive information in a relatively simple way.La Ingeniería Social es la técnica que permite obtener información confidencial de los usuarios, de manera fraudulenta, con la finalidad de usarla en contra de ellos mismos, o de las organizaciones en las que laboran.  Este estudio presenta un experimento enfocado a crear conciencia acerca de las consecuencias de este tipo de ataque, mediante la ejecución de un ataque controlado a personas de confianza. Para lograrlo, se han llevado a cabo un conjunto de engaños y actividades, que los atacantes usan comúnmente para obtener información sensible, incentivando la curiosidad de los contactos de las redes sociales para que visiten un blog personal con información ficticia. A más de esta interacción humana, se ha instalado un complemento oculto y no deseado, para recolectar información del usuario tales como: su dirección IP, país de origen, sistema operativo y tipo de navegador. Con la información recolectada, se realizó un ataque de escaneo a los puertos 80 (Web server) y 22 (SSH Server), para encontrar más información sensible. Posteriormente, se muestran los resultados a las víctimas. Además, luego del ataque se realizó una encuesta a los usuarios acerca de su conocimiento de Phishing y de Ingeniería Social.  Los resultados muestran que únicamente el 2% de las personas, sospecharon o preguntaron acerca del verdadero motivo para visitar el Blog. Más aún, demuestra que las personas que visitaron el blog, no tienen conocimiento y conciencia de cómo se puede vulnerar información sensible de una forma relativamente sencilla

    Unbiased phishing detection using domain name based features

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    2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Internet users are coming under a barrage of phishing attacks of increasing frequency and sophistication. While these attacks have been remarkably resilient against the vast range of defenses proposed by academia, industry, and research organizations, machine learning approaches appear to be a promising one in distinguishing between phishing and legitimate websites. There are three main concerns with existing machine learning approaches for phishing detection. The first concern is there is neither a framework, preferably open-source, for extracting feature and keeping the dataset updated nor an updated dataset of phishing and legitimate website. The second concern is the large number of features used and the lack of validating arguments for the choice of the features selected to train the machine learning classifier. The last concern relates to the type of datasets used in the literature that seems to be inadvertently biased with respect to the features based on URL or content. In this thesis, we describe the implementation of our open-source and extensible framework to extract features and create up-to-date phishing dataset. With having this framework, named Fresh-Phish, we implemented 29 different features that we used to detect whether a given website is legitimate or phishing. We used 26 features that were reported in related work and added 3 new features and created a dataset of 6,000 websites with these features of which 3,000 were malicious and 3,000 were genuine and tested our approach. Using 6 different classifiers we achieved the accuracy of 93% which is a reasonable high in this field. To address the second and third concerns, we put forward the intuition that the domain name of phishing websites is the tell-tale sign of phishing and holds the key to successful phishing detection. We focus on this aspect of phishing websites and design features that explore the relationship of the domain name to the key elements of the website. Our work differs from existing state-of-the-art as our feature set ensures that there is minimal or no bias with respect to a dataset. Our learning model trains with only seven features and achieves a true positive rate of 98% and a classification accuracy of 97%, on sample dataset. Compared to the state-of-the-art work, our per data instance processing and classification is 4 times faster for legitimate websites and 10 times faster for phishing websites. Importantly, we demonstrate the shortcomings of using features based on URLs as they are likely to be biased towards dataset collection and usage. We show the robustness of our learning algorithm by testing our classifiers on unknown live phishing URLs and achieve a higher detection accuracy of 99.7% compared to the earlier known best result of 95% detection rate

    Mitigation strategies against the phishing attacks : a systematic literature review

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    Phishing attacks are among the most prevalent attack mechanisms employed by attackers. The consequences of successful phishing include (and are not limited to) financial losses, impact on reputation, and identity theft. The paper presents a systematic literature review featuring 248 articles (from the beginning of 2018 until March 2023) across the main digital libraries to identify, (1) the existing mitigation strategies against phishing attacks, and the underlying technologies considered in the development of these strategies; (2) the most considered phishing vectors in the development of the mitigation strategies; (3) anti-phishing guidelines and recommendations for organizations and end-users respectively; and (4) gaps and open issues that exist in the state of the art. The paper advocates for the need to consider the abilities of human users during the design and development of the mitigation strategies as only technology-centric solutions will not suffice to cater to the challenges posed by phishing attacks