566 research outputs found

    Automatic classification of adventitious respiratory sounds: a (un)solved problem?

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    (1) Background: Patients with respiratory conditions typically exhibit adventitious respiratory sounds (ARS), such as wheezes and crackles. ARS events have variable duration. In this work we studied the influence of event duration on automatic ARS classification, namely, how the creation of the Other class (negative class) affected the classifiers’ performance. (2) Methods: We conducted a set of experiments where we varied the durations of the other events on three tasks: crackle vs. wheeze vs. other (3 Class); crackle vs. other (2 Class Crackles); and wheeze vs. other (2 Class Wheezes). Four classifiers (linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines, boosted trees, and convolutional neural networks) were evaluated on those tasks using an open access respiratory sound database. (3) Results: While on the 3 Class task with fixed durations, the best classifier achieved an accuracy of 96.9%, the same classifier reached an accuracy of 81.8% on the more realistic 3 Class task with variable durations. (4) Conclusion: These results demonstrate the importance of experimental design on the assessment of the performance of automatic ARS classification algorithms. Furthermore, they also indicate, unlike what is stated in the literature, that the automatic classification of ARS is not a solved problem, as the algorithms’ performance decreases substantially under complex evaluation scenarios.publishe

    Investigating into segmentation methods for diagnosis of respiratory diseases using adventitious respiratory sounds

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    Respiratory condition has received a great amount of attention nowadays since respiratory diseases recently become the globally leading causes of death. Traditionally, stethoscope is applied in early diagnosis but it requires clinician with extensive training experience to provide accurate diagnosis. Accordingly, a subjective and fast diagnosing solution of respiratory diseases is highly demanded. Adventitious respiratory sounds (ARSs), such as crackle, are mainly concerned during diagnosis since they are indication of various respiratory diseases. Therefore, the characteristics of crackle are informative and valuable regarding to develop a computerised approach for pathology-based diagnosis. In this work, we propose a framework combining random forest classifier and Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method focusing on a multi-classification task of identifying subjects in 6 respiratory conditions (healthy, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, COPD, pneumonia and URTI). Specifically, 14 combinations of respiratory sound segments were compared and we found segmentation plays an important role in classifying different respiratory conditions. The classifier with best performance (accuracy = 0.88, precision = 0.91, recall = 0.87, specificity = 0.91, F1-score = 0.81) was trained with features extracted from the combination of early inspiratory phase and entire inspiratory phase. To our best knowledge, we are the first to address the challenging multi-classification problem

    An Inception-Residual-Based Architecture with Multi-Objective Loss for Detecting Respiratory Anomalies

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    This paper presents a deep learning system applied for detecting anomalies from respiratory sound recordings. Initially, our system begins with audio feature extraction using Gammatone and Continuous Wavelet transformation. This step aims to transform the respiratory sound input into a two-dimensional spectrogram where both spectral and temporal features are presented. Then, our proposed system integrates Inception-residual-based backbone models combined with multi-head attention and multi-objective loss to classify respiratory anomalies. Instead of applying a simple concatenation approach by combining results from various spectrograms, we propose a Linear combination, which has the ability to regulate equally the contribution of each individual spectrogram throughout the training process. To evaluate the performance, we conducted experiments over the benchmark dataset of SPRSound (The Open-Source SJTU Paediatric Respiratory Sound) proposed by the IEEE BioCAS 2022 challenge. As regards the Score computed by an average between the average score and harmonic score, our proposed system gained significant improvements of 9.7%, 15.8%, 17.8%, and 16.1% in Task 1-1, Task 1-2, Task 2-1, and Task 2-2, respectively, compared to the challenge baseline system. Notably, we achieved the Top-1 performance in Task 2-1 and Task 2-2 with the highest Score of 74.5% and 53.9%, respectively

    Example-based explanations with adversarial attacks for respiratory sound analysis

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    Respiratory sound classification is an important tool for remote screening of respiratory-related diseases such as pneumonia, asthma, and COVID-19. To facilitate the interpretability of classification results, especially ones based on deep learning, many explanation methods have been proposed using prototypes. However, existing explanation techniques often assume that the data is non-biased and the prediction results can be explained by a set of prototypical examples. In this work, we develop a unified example-based explanation method for selecting both representative data (prototypes) and outliers (criticisms). In particular, we propose a novel application of adversarial attacks to generate an explanation spectrum of data instances via an iterative fast gradient sign method. Such unified explanation can avoid over-generalisation and bias by allowing human experts to assess the model mistakes case by case. We performed a wide range of quantitative and qualitative evaluations to show that our approach generates effective and understandable explanation and is robust with many deep learning models

    Robust and Interpretable Temporal Convolution Network for Event Detection in Lung Sound Recordings

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    This paper proposes a novel framework for lung sound event detection, segmenting continuous lung sound recordings into discrete events and performing recognition on each event. Exploiting the lightweight nature of Temporal Convolution Networks (TCNs) and their superior results compared to their recurrent counterparts, we propose a lightweight, yet robust, and completely interpretable framework for lung sound event detection. We propose the use of a multi-branch TCN architecture and exploit a novel fusion strategy to combine the resultant features from these branches. This not only allows the network to retain the most salient information across different temporal granularities and disregards irrelevant information, but also allows our network to process recordings of arbitrary length. Results: The proposed method is evaluated on multiple public and in-house benchmarks of irregular and noisy recordings of the respiratory auscultation process for the identification of numerous auscultation events including inhalation, exhalation, crackles, wheeze, stridor, and rhonchi. We exceed the state-of-the-art results in all evaluations. Furthermore, we empirically analyse the effect of the proposed multi-branch TCN architecture and the feature fusion strategy and provide quantitative and qualitative evaluations to illustrate their efficiency. Moreover, we provide an end-to-end model interpretation pipeline that interprets the operations of all the components of the proposed framework. Our analysis of different feature fusion strategies shows that the proposed feature concatenation method leads to better suppression of non-informative features, which drastically reduces the classifier overhead resulting in a robust lightweight network.The lightweight nature of our model allows it to be deployed in end-user devices such as smartphones, and it has the ability to generate predictions in real-time.Comment: preprint submitted to JBH

    Knowledge Transfer from Weakly Labeled Audio using Convolutional Neural Network for Sound Events and Scenes

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    In this work we propose approaches to effectively transfer knowledge from weakly labeled web audio data. We first describe a convolutional neural network (CNN) based framework for sound event detection and classification using weakly labeled audio data. Our model trains efficiently from audios of variable lengths; hence, it is well suited for transfer learning. We then propose methods to learn representations using this model which can be effectively used for solving the target task. We study both transductive and inductive transfer learning tasks, showing the effectiveness of our methods for both domain and task adaptation. We show that the learned representations using the proposed CNN model generalizes well enough to reach human level accuracy on ESC-50 sound events dataset and set state of art results on this dataset. We further use them for acoustic scene classification task and once again show that our proposed approaches suit well for this task as well. We also show that our methods are helpful in capturing semantic meanings and relations as well. Moreover, in this process we also set state-of-art results on Audioset dataset, relying on balanced training set.Comment: ICASSP 201