588 research outputs found

    Malware Detection Module using Machine Learning Algorithms to Assist in Centralized Security in Enterprise Networks

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    Malicious software is abundant in a world of innumerable computer users, who are constantly faced with these threats from various sources like the internet, local networks and portable drives. Malware is potentially low to high risk and can cause systems to function incorrectly, steal data and even crash. Malware may be executable or system library files in the form of viruses, worms, Trojans, all aimed at breaching the security of the system and compromising user privacy. Typically, anti-virus software is based on a signature definition system which keeps updating from the internet and thus keeping track of known viruses. While this may be sufficient for home-users, a security risk from a new virus could threaten an entire enterprise network. This paper proposes a new and more sophisticated antivirus engine that can not only scan files, but also build knowledge and detect files as potential viruses. This is done by extracting system API calls made by various normal and harmful executable, and using machine learning algorithms to classify and hence, rank files on a scale of security risk. While such a system is processor heavy, it is very effective when used centrally to protect an enterprise network which maybe more prone to such threats.Comment: 6 page

    Review on Malware and Malware Detection ‎Using Data Mining Techniques

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    البرمجيات الخبيثة هي اي نوع من البرمجيات او شفرات برمجية التي هدفها سرقة بعض المعلومات الخاصة او بيانات من نظام الكمبيوتر او عمليات الكمبيوتر او(و) فقط ببساطة لعمل المبتغيات غير المشروعة لصانع البرامجيات الخبيثة على نظام الكمبيوتر، وبدون الرخصة من مستخدمي الكمبيوتر. البرامجيات الخبيثة للمختصر القصير تعرف كملور. ومع ذلك، اكتشاف البرامجبات الخبيثة اصبحت واحدة من اهم المشاكل في مجال امن الكمبيوتر وذلك لان بنية الاتصال الحالية غير حصينه للاختراق من قبل عدة انواع من استراتيجيات الاصابات والهجومات للبرامجيات الخبيثة. فضلا على ذلك، البرامجيات الخبيثة متنوعة ومختلفة في المقدار والنوعيات وهذا يبطل بصورة تامة فعالية طرق الحماية القديمة والتقليدية مثل طريقة التواقيع والتي تكون غير قادرة على اكتشاف البرامجيات الخبيثة الجديدة. من ناحية أخرى، هذا الضعف سوف يودي الى نجاح اختراق (والهجوم) نظام الكمبيوتر بالإضافة الى نجاح هجومات أكثر تطوراً مثل هجوم منع الخدمة الموزع. طرق تنقيب البيانات يمكن ان تستخدم لتغلب على القصور في طريقة التواقيع لاكتشاف البرامجيات الخبيثة غير المعروفة. هذا البحث يقدم نظره عامة عن البرامجيات الخبيثة وانظمة اكتشاف البرامجيات الخبيثة باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة مثل تقنيات طريقة تعدين البيانات لاكتشاف عينات البرامجيات الخبيثة المعروفة وغير المعروفة.Malicious software is any type of software or codes which hooks some: private information, data from the computer system, computer operations or(and) merely just to do malicious goals of the author on the computer system, without permission of the computer users. (The short abbreviation of malicious software is Malware). However, the detection of malware has become one of biggest issues in the computer security field because of the current communication infrastructures are vulnerable to penetration from many types of malware infection strategies and attacks.  Moreover, malwares are variant and diverse in volume and types and that strictly explode the effectiveness of traditional defense methods like signature approach, which is unable to detect a new malware. However, this vulnerability will lead to a successful computer system penetration (and attack) as well as success of more advanced attacks like distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. Data mining methods can be used to overcome limitation of signature-based techniques to detect the zero-day malware. This paper provides an overview of malware and malware detection system using modern techniques such as techniques of data mining approach to detect known and unknown malware samples

    Malware Detection using Machine Learning and Deep Learning

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    Research shows that over the last decade, malware has been growing exponentially, causing substantial financial losses to various organizations. Different anti-malware companies have been proposing solutions to defend attacks from these malware. The velocity, volume, and the complexity of malware are posing new challenges to the anti-malware community. Current state-of-the-art research shows that recently, researchers and anti-virus organizations started applying machine learning and deep learning methods for malware analysis and detection. We have used opcode frequency as a feature vector and applied unsupervised learning in addition to supervised learning for malware classification. The focus of this tutorial is to present our work on detecting malware with 1) various machine learning algorithms and 2) deep learning models. Our results show that the Random Forest outperforms Deep Neural Network with opcode frequency as a feature. Also in feature reduction, Deep Auto-Encoders are overkill for the dataset, and elementary function like Variance Threshold perform better than others. In addition to the proposed methodologies, we will also discuss the additional issues and the unique challenges in the domain, open research problems, limitations, and future directions.Comment: 11 Pages and 3 Figure

    Feature selection and clustering for malicious and benign software characterization

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    Malware or malicious code is design to gather sensitive information without knowledge or permission of the users or damage files in the computer system. As the use of computer systems and Internet is increasing, the threat of malware is also growing. Moreover, the increase in data is raising difficulties to identify if the executables are malicious or benign. Hence, we have devised a method that collects features from portable executable file format using static malware analysis technique. We have also optimized the important or useful features by either normalizing or giving weightage to the feature. Furthermore, we have compared accuracy of various unsupervised learning algorithms for clustering huge dataset of samples. So once the clusters are created we can use antivirus (AV) to identify one or two file and if they are detected by AV then all the files in cluster are malicious even if the files contain novel or unknown malware; otherwise all are benign

    A Comparison of Clustering Techniques for Malware Analysis

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    In this research, we apply clustering techniques to the malware detection problem. Our goal is to classify malware as part of a fully automated detection strategy. We compute clusters using the well-known �-means and EM clustering algorithms, with scores obtained from Hidden Markov Models (HMM). The previous work in this area consists of using HMM and �-means clustering technique to achieve the same. The current effort aims to extend it to use EM clustering technique for detection and also compare this technique with the �-means clustering

    A survey on Malware, Botnets and their detection

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    The use of Internet and its related services is increasing day by day. Many million people everyday surf net and use it for various reasons. With so much use of internet, the threats related to security are the major concern of today. There are many security concerns or threats faced by the net surfers and that is because of malwares which have many forms such as viruses, worms, trojans horses, rootkits, botnets and various other forms of data attacks. Among all the threats mentioned above, botnet seems to be quite prevalent now days. It has already spread its roots in Wide Area Network (WAN) such as Internet and continuously spreading at very high pace. Botnet is a network of computers where the computers are infected by installing in them a harmful program. Each computer as a part of Botnet is called a bot or zombie. A Botnet is remotely controlled by a person who commands and controls the bots through a server called command and control sever(C). Such person who commands the bots is called a botmaster or bot herder. This paper is written to serve the objective to perform an extensive study of core problem that is the study and detection of Botnets.This paper focuses on the study of malwares where special emphasis is put on botnets and their detection

    Analysis of Malware Impact on Network Traffic using Behavior-based Detection Technique

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    Malware is a software or computer program that is used to carry out malicious activity. Malware is made with the aim of harming user’s device because it can change user’s data, use up bandwidth and other resources without user's permission. Some research has been done before to identify the type of malware and its effects. But previous research only focused on grouping the types of malware that attack via network traffic. This research analyzes the impact of malware on network traffic using behavior-based detection techniques. This technique analyzes malware by running malware samples into an environment and monitoring the activities caused by malware samples. To obtain accurate results, the analysis is carried out by retrieving API call network information and network traffic activities. From the analysis of the malware API call network, information is generated about the order of the API call network used by malware. Using the network traffic, obtained malware activities by analyzing the behavior of network traffic malware, payload, and throughput of infected traffic. Furthermore, the results of the API call network sequence used by malware and the results of network traffic analysis, are analyzed so that the impact of malware on network traffic can be determined

    Malware Detection and Analysis

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    Malicious software poses a serious threat to the cybersecurity of network infrastructures and is a global pandemic in the form of computer viruses, Trojan horses, and Internet worms. Studies imply that the effects of malware are deteriorating. The main defense against malware is malware detectors. The methods that such a detector employ define its level of quality. Therefore, it is crucial that we research malware detection methods and comprehend their advantages and disadvantages. Attackers are creating malware that is polymorphic and metamorphic and has the capacity to modify their source code as they spread. Furthermore, existing defenses, which often utilize signature-based approaches and are unable to identify the previously undiscovered harmful executables, are significantly undermined by the diversity and volume of their variations. Malware families\u27 variations exhibit common behavioral characteristics that reveal their origin and function. Machine learning techniques may be used to detect and categorize novel viruses into their recognized families utilizing the behavioral patterns discovered via static or dynamic analysis. In this paper, we\u27ll talk about malware, its various forms, malware concealment strategies, and malware attack mechanisms. Additionally, many detection methods and classification models are presented in this study. The method of malware analysis is demonstrated by conducting an analysis of a malware program in a contained environment