145 research outputs found

    Network-Based Detection and Prevention System against DNS-Based Attacks

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    Individuals and organizations rely on the Internet as an essential environment for personal or business transactions. However, individuals and organizations have been primary targets for attacks that steal sensitive data. Adversaries can use different approaches to hide their activities inside the compromised network and communicate covertly between the malicious servers and the victims. The domain name system (DNS) protocol is one of these approaches that adversaries use to transfer stolen data outside the organization\u27s network using various forms of DNS tunneling attacks. The main reason for targeting the DNS protocol is because DNS is available in almost every network, ignored, and rarely monitored. In this work, the primary aim is to design a reliable and robust network-based solution as a detection system against DNS-based attacks using various techniques, including visualization, machine learning techniques, and statistical analysis. The network-based solution acts as a DNS proxy server that provides DNS services as well as detection and prevention against DNS-based attacks, which are either embedded in malware or used as stand-alone attacking tools. The detection system works in two modes: real-time and offline modes. The real-time mode relies on the developed Payload Analysis (PA) module. In contrast, the offline mode operates based on two of the contributed modules in this dissertation, including the visualization and Traffic Analysis (TA) modules. We conducted various experiments in order to test and evaluate the detection system against simulated real-world attacks. Overall, the detection system achieved high accuracy of 99.8% with no false-negative rate. To validate the method, we compared the developed detection system against the open-source detection system, Snort intrusion detection system (IDS). We evaluated the two detection systems using a confusion matrix, including the recall, false-negatives rate, accuracy, and others. The detection system detects all case scenarios of the attacks while Snort missed 50% of the performed attacks. Based on the results, we can conclude that the detection system is significant and original improvement of the present methods used for detecting and preventing DNS-based attacks

    Improving the Stealthiness of DNS-Based Covert Communication

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    At present, the recommended stance to take regarding Cyber Security is to assume a state of compromise. With the increase in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), the Internet of Things (IOT) and Advanced Persistent Threats (ATPs), network boundaries have become porous and difficult to defend from external threats. Modern malware is complex and adept at making its presence hard to detect. Recent studies have shown that some malware variants are capable of using multiple covert communication channels for command and control (C2) and data exfiltration activities. Examples of this level of covert communication can be found in malware that targets Point of Sale (POS) systems and it has been hugely successful in exfiltrating large amounts of valuable payment information that can be sold on the black market. In the vast majority of cases, malware needs to communicate with some control mechanism or human controller in order to coordinate attacks, maintain lists of compromised machines and to exfiltrate data. There are many channels that malware can use for its communication. However, in recent times there has been an increase in malware that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) for communications in some shape or form. The work carried out in this paper explores the extent to which DNS can be used as a covert communication channel by examining a number of advanced approaches that can be used to increase the stealthy nature of DNS-based covert channels. Our work describes techniques that can be used to shadow legitimate network traffic by observing network packets leaving a host machine (piggybacking), the use of statistical modelling such as the Poisson distribution and a dynamic Poisson distribution model that can be used to further conceal malicious DNS activity within a network. The results obtained from this work show that current DNS-based C2 and data exfiltration approaches employed by malware have considerable room for improvement which suggests that DNS-based covert communication will remain a realistic threat into the future

    Deteção de atividades ilícitas de software Bots através do DNS

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    DNS is a critical component of the Internet where almost all Internet applications and organizations rely on. Its shutdown can deprive them from being part of the Internet, and hence, DNS is usually the only protocol to be allowed when Internet access is firewalled. The constant exposure of this protocol to external entities force corporations to always be observant of external rogue software that may misuse the DNS to establish covert channels and perform multiple illicit activities, such as command and control and data exfiltration. Most current solutions for bot malware and botnet detection are based on Deep Packet Inspection techniques, such as analyzing DNS query payloads, which may reveal private and sensitive information. In addiction, the majority of existing solutions do not consider the usage of licit and encrypted DNS traffic, where Deep Packet Inspection techniques are impossible to be used. This dissertation proposes mechanisms to detect malware bots and botnet behaviors on DNS traffic that are robust to encrypted DNS traffic and that ensure the privacy of the involved entities by analyzing instead the behavioral patterns of DNS communications using descriptive statistics over collected network metrics such as packet rates, packet lengths, and silence and activity periods. After characterizing DNS traffic behaviors, a study of the processed data is conducted, followed by the training of Novelty Detection algorithms with the processed data. Models are trained with licit data gathered from multiple licit activities, such as reading the news, studying, and using social networks, in multiple operating systems, browsers, and configurations. Then, the models were tested with similar data, but containing bot malware traffic. Our tests show that our best performing models achieve detection rates in the order of 99%, and 92% for malware bots using low throughput rates. This work ends with some ideas for a more realistic generation of bot malware traffic, as the current DNS Tunneling tools are limited when mimicking licit DNS usages, and for a better detection of malware bots that use low throughput rates.O DNS é um componente crítico da Internet, já que quase todas as aplicações e organizações que a usam dependem dele para funcionar. A sua privação pode deixá-las de fazerem parte da Internet, e por causa disso, o DNS é normalmente o único protocolo permitido quando o acesso à Internet está restrito. A exposição constante deste protocolo a entidades externas obrigam corporações a estarem sempre atentas a software externo ilícito que pode fazer uso indevido do DNS para estabelecer canais secretos e realizar várias atividades ilícitas, como comando e controlo e exfiltração de dados. A maioria das soluções atuais para detecção de malware bots e de botnets são baseadas em técnicas inspeção profunda de pacotes, como analizar payloads de pedidos de DNS, que podem revelar informação privada e sensitiva. Além disso, a maioria das soluções existentes não consideram o uso lícito e cifrado de tráfego DNS, onde técnicas como inspeção profunda de pacotes são impossíveis de serem usadas. Esta dissertação propõe mecanismos para detectar comportamentos de malware bots e botnets que usam o DNS, que são robustos ao tráfego DNS cifrado e que garantem a privacidade das entidades envolvidas ao analizar, em vez disso, os padrões comportamentais das comunicações DNS usando estatística descritiva em métricas recolhidas na rede, como taxas de pacotes, o tamanho dos pacotes, e os tempos de atividade e silêncio. Após a caracterização dos comportamentos do tráfego DNS, um estudo sobre os dados processados é realizado, sendo depois usados para treinar os modelos de Detecção de Novidades. Os modelos são treinados com dados lícitos recolhidos de multiplas atividades lícitas, como ler as notícias, estudar, e usar redes sociais, em multiplos sistemas operativos e com multiplas configurações. De seguida, os modelos são testados com dados lícitos semelhantes, mas contendo também tráfego de malware bots. Os nossos testes mostram que com modelos de Detecção de Novidades é possível obter taxas de detecção na ordem dos 99%, e de 98% para malware bots que geram pouco tráfego. Este trabalho finaliza com algumas ideas para uma geração de tráfego ilícito mais realista, já que as ferramentas atuais de DNS tunneling são limitadas quando usadas para imitar usos de DNS lícito, e para uma melhor deteção de situações onde malware bots geram pouco tráfego.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Comparing the Effectiveness of Different Classification Techniques in Predicting DNS Tunnels

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    DNS is one of the most widely used protocols on the internet and is used in the translation of domain names into IP address in order to correctly route messages between computers. It presents an attractive attack vector for criminals as the service is not as closely monitored by security experts as other protocols such as HTTP or FTP. Its use as a covert means of communication has increased with the availability of tools that allow for the creation of DNS tunnels using the protocol. One of the primary motivations for using DNS tunnels is the illegal extraction of information from a company’s network. This can lead to reputational damage for the organisation and result in significant fines – particularly with the introduction of General Data Protection Regulations in the EU. Most of the research into the detection of DNS tunnels has used anomalies in the relationship between DNS requests and other protocols, or anomalies in the rate of DNS requests made over specific time periods. This study will look at the characteristics of an individual DNS requests to see how effective different classification techniques are at identifying tunnels. The different techniques selected are Logistic Regression (LR), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The effectiveness of the different techniques will be measured and compared to see if there are statistically significant differences between them using a Cochran’s Q test. The results will indicate that DT, RF and SVM, are the most effective techniques at categorising DNS requests, and that they are significantly different to the other models. Key Words: DNS Tunnel, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Cochran’s Q Test

    Federated Agentless Detection of Endpoints Using Behavioral and Characteristic Modeling

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    During the past two decades computer networks and security have evolved that, even though we use the same TCP/IP stack, network traffic behaviors and security needs have significantly changed. To secure modern computer networks, complete and accurate data must be gathered in a structured manner pertaining to the network and endpoint behavior. Security operations teams struggle to keep up with the ever-increasing number of devices and network attacks daily. Often the security aspect of networks gets managed reactively instead of providing proactive protection. Data collected at the backbone are becoming inadequate during security incidents. Incident response teams require data that is reliably attributed to each individual endpoint over time. With the current state of dissociated data collected from networks using different tools it is challenging to correlate the necessary data to find origin and propagation of attacks within the network. Critical indicators of compromise may go undetected due to the drawbacks of current data collection systems leaving endpoints vulnerable to attacks. Proliferation of distributed organizations demand distributed federated security solutions. Without robust data collection systems that are capable of transcending architectural and computational challenges, it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide endpoint protection at scale. This research focuses on reliable agentless endpoint detection and traffic attribution in federated networks using behavioral and characteristic modeling for incident response