134 research outputs found

    Physiological-based Driver Monitoring Systems: A Scoping Review

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    A physiological-based driver monitoring system (DMS) has attracted research interest and has great potential for providing more accurate and reliable monitoring of the driver’s state during a driving experience. Many driving monitoring systems are driver behavior-based or vehicle-based. When these non-physiological based DMS are coupled with physiological-based data analysis from electroencephalography (EEG), electrooculography (EOG), electrocardiography (ECG), and electromyography (EMG), the physical and emotional state of the driver may also be assessed. Drivers’ wellness can also be monitored, and hence, traffic collisions can be avoided. This paper highlights work that has been published in the past five years related to physiological-based DMS. Specifically, we focused on the physiological indicators applied in DMS design and development. Work utilizing key physiological indicators related to driver identification, driver alertness, driver drowsiness, driver fatigue, and drunk driver is identified and described based on the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-Sc) Framework. The relationship between selected papers is visualized using keyword co-occurrence. Findings were presented using a narrative review approach based on classifications of DMS. Finally, the challenges of physiological-based DMS are highlighted in the conclusion. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-12-020 Full Text: PD

    Monitoring fatigue and drowsiness in motor vehicle occupants using electrocardiogram and heart rate - A systematic review

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    Introdução: A fadiga é um estado complexo que pode resultar em diminuição da vigilância, frequentemente acompanhada de sonolência. A fadiga durante a condução contribui significativamente para acidentes de trânsito em todo o mundo, destacando-se a necessidade de técnicas de monitorização eficazes. Existem várias tecnologias para aumentar a segurança do condutor e reduzir os riscos de acidentes, como sistemas de deteção de fadiga que podem alertar os condutores à medida que a sonolência se instala. Em particular, a análise dos padrões de frequência cardíaca pode oferecer informações valiosas sobre a condição fisiológica e o nível de vigilância do condutor, permitindo-lhe compreender os seus níveis de fadiga. Esta revisão tem como objetivo estabelecer o estado atual das estratégias de monitorização para ocupantes de veículos, com foco específico na avaliação da fadiga pela frequência cardíaca e variabilidade da frequência cardíaca. Métodos: Realizamos uma pesquisa sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados Web of Science, SCOPUS e Pubmed, utilizando os termos veículo, condutor, monitoração fisiológica, fadiga, sono, eletrocardiograma, frequência cardíaca e variabilidade da frequência cardíaca. Examinamos artigos publicados entre 1 de janeiro de 2018 e 31 de janeiro de 2023. Resultados: Um total de 371 artigos foram identificados, dos quais 71 foram incluídos neste estudo. Entre os artigos incluídos, 57 utilizam o eletrocardiograma (ECG) como sinal adquirido para medir a frequência cardíaca, sendo que a maioria das leituras de ECG foi obtida através de sensores de contacto (n=41), seguidos por sensores vestíveis não invasivos (n=11). Relativamente à validação, 23 artigos não mencionam qualquer tipo de validação, enquanto a maioria se baseia em avaliações subjetivas de fadiga relatadas pelos próprios participantes (n=27) e avaliações feitas por observadores com base em vídeos (n=11). Dos artigos incluídos, apenas 14 englobam um sistema de estimativa de fadiga e sonolência. Alguns relatam um desempenho satisfatórios, no entanto, o tamanho reduzido da amostra limita a abrangência de quaisquer conclusões. Conclusão: Esta revisão destaca o potencial da análise da frequência cardíaca e da instrumentação não invasiva para a monitorização contínua do estado do condutor e deteção de sonolência. Uma das principais questões é a falta de métodos suficientes de validação e estimativa para a fadiga, o que contribui para a insuficiência dos métodos na criação de sistemas de alarme proativos. Esta área apresenta grandes perspetivas, mas ainda está longe de ser implementada de forma fiável.Background: Fatigue is a complex state that can result in decreased alertness, often accompanied by drowsiness. Driving fatigue has become a significant contributor to traffic accidents globally, highlighting the need for effective monitoring techniques. Various technologies exist to enhance driver safety and minimize accident risks, such as fatigue detection systems that can alert drivers as drowsiness sets in. In particular, measuring heart rate patterns may offer valuable insights into the occupant's physiological condition and level of alertness, and may allow them to understand their fatigue levels. This review aims to establish the current state of the art of monitoring strategies for vehicle occupants, specifically focusing on fatigue assessed by heart rate and heart rate variability. Methods: We performed a systematic literature search in the databases of Web Of Science, SCOPUS and Pubmed, using the terms vehicle, driver, physiologic monitoring, fatigue, sleep, electrocardiogram, heart rate and heart rate variability. We examine articles published between 1st of january 2018 and 31st of January 2023. Results: A total of 371 papers were identified from which 71 articles were included in this study. Among the included papers, 57 utilized electrocardiogram (ECG) as the acquired signal for heart rate (HR) measures, with most ECG readings obtained through contact sensors (n=41), followed by non-intrusive wearable sensors (n=11). Regarding validation, 23 papers do not report validation, while the majority rely on subjective self-reported fatigue ratings (n=27) and video-based observer ratings(n=11). From the included papers, only 14 comprise a fatigue and drowsiness estimation system. Some report acceptable performances, but reduced sample size limits the reach of any conclusions. Conclusions: This review highlights the potential of HR analysis and non-intrusive instrumentation for continuous monitoring of driver's status and detecting sleepiness. One major issue is the lack of sufficient validation and estimation methods for fatigue, contributing to the insufficiency of methods in providing proactive alarm systems. This area shows great promise but is still far from being reliably implemented

    Smart Safety and Accident Prevention System

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    The primary cause of road accident results in fatalities, serious injuries and monetary losses is known to be due to drowsy or sleepy drivers, according to analysis reports on recent traffic accidents. Lack of sleep, medication, drugs, or prolonged driving contributes to drowsiness. A system that can identify a driver’s drowsy state and warn him before an accident occurs is required to avoid roadside accidents caused by distracted driving. Many researchers have recently expressed their interest in drowsiness detection. The methods essentially involve monitoring the driver’s physiological or behavioral 1summarizes some of the most recent methods put forth in this field is given. We propose an algorithm to monitor eye blinks that uses eye feature points to determine whether the eye is open or closed and sets off an alarm if the driver is drowsy. In-depth experimental results are also provided to highlight the benefits and drawbacks of the proposed method

    Drowsiness Classification for Internal Driving Situation Awareness on Mobile Platform

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    the sleeping driver is potentially more likely to cause an accident than the person who speeds up since the driver is the victim of sleepiness. Automobile industry researchers, including manufacturers, seek to solve this issue with various technical solutions that can avoid such a situation. This paper proposes an implementation of a lightweight method to detect driver's sleepiness using facial landmarks and head pose estimation based on neural network methodologies on a mobile device. We try to improve the accurateness by using face images that the camera detects and passes to CNN to identify sleepiness. Firstly, applied a behavioral landmark's sleepiness detection process. Then, an integrated Head Pose Estimation technique will strengthen the system's reliability. The preliminary findings of the tests demonstrate that with real-time capability, more than 86% identification accuracy can be reached in several real-world scenarios for all classes, including with glasses, without glasses, and light-dark background. This work aims to classify drowsiness, warn, and inform drivers, helping them to stop falling asleep at the wheel. The integrated CNN-based method is used to create a high accuracy and simple-to-use real-time driver drowsiness monitoring framework for embedded devices and Android phone

    Multimodal Features for Detection of Driver Stress and Fatigue: Review

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    Driver fatigue and stress significantly contribute to higher number of car accidents worldwide. Although, different detection approaches have been already commercialized and used by car producers (and third party companies), research activities in this field are still needed in order to increase the reliability of these alert systems. Also, in the context of automated driving, the driver mental state assessment will be an important part of cars in future. This paper presents state-of-the-art review of different approaches for driver fatigue and stress detection and evaluation. We describe in details various signals (biological, car and video) and derived features used for these tasks and we discuss their relevance and advantages. In order to make this review complete, we also describe different datasets, acquisition systems and experiment scenarios

    Fatigue and drowsiness detection using a support vector machine for traffic accident reduction

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    Fatigue and drowsiness are major contributors to road safety issues, causing slower reactions, poor decision-making, and increased accidents. Support vector machine (SVM) can improve road safety by analyzing complex data sets and patterns related to driver behavior. When using features extracted from electrooculography signals to determine driver fatigue, SVM demonstrated high classification accuracy. This shows that it could be a useful tool in real-time fatigue detection systems. SVM's successful application in traffic accident reduction demonstrates its potential for improving road safety through predictive modeling and early warning systems. Integrating SVM algorithms into traffic accident prediction models enables the analysis of a wide range of factors, including road conditions, driver behavior, and vehicle characteristics, in order to identify potential risk factors and take proactive measures to avoid accidents. Studies have shown that SVM-based systems can predict accidents with high accuracy, resulting in timely interventions and, ultimately, fewer road fatalities and injuries. In conclusion, using SVM to detect driver fatigue and drowsiness is critical for increasing road safety. Future research should focus on improving the system's accuracy and real-time capabilities, incorporating advanced machine learning algorithms, and developing adaptive SVM models that constantly learn and update their parameters based on real-time data

    A CNN-LSTM-based Deep Learning Approach for Driver Drowsiness Prediction

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    Abstract: The development of neural networks and machine learning techniques has recently been the cornerstone for many applications of artificial intelligence. These applications are now found in practically all aspects of our daily life. Predicting drowsiness is one of the most particularly valuable of artificial intelligence for reducing the rate of traffic accidents. According to earlier studies, drowsy driving is at responsible for 25 to 50% of all traffic accidents, which account for 1,200 deaths and 76,000 injuries annually. The goal of this research is to diminish car accidents caused by drowsy drivers. This research tests a number of popular deep learning-based models and presents a novel deep learning-based model for predicting driver drowsiness using a combination of convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to achieve results that are superior to those of state-of-the-art methods. Utilizing convolutional layers, CNN has excellent feature extraction abilities, whereas LSTM can learn sequential dependencies. The National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) driver drowsiness dataset is used to test the model and compare it to several other current models as well as state-of-the-art models. The proposed model outperformed state-of-the-art models, with results up to 98.30% for training accuracy and 97.31% for validation accuracy

    A CNN-LSTM-based Deep Learning Approach for Driver Drowsiness Prediction

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    Abstract: The development of neural networks and machine learning techniques has recently been the cornerstone for many applications of artificial intelligence. These applications are now found in practically all aspects of our daily life. Predicting drowsiness is one of the most particularly valuable of artificial intelligence for reducing the rate of traffic accidents. According to earlier studies, drowsy driving is at responsible for 25 to 50% of all traffic accidents, which account for 1,200 deaths and 76,000 injuries annually. The goal of this research is to diminish car accidents caused by drowsy drivers. This research tests a number of popular deep learning-based models and presents a novel deep learning-based model for predicting driver drowsiness using a combination of convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to achieve results that are superior to those of state-of-the-art methods. Utilizing convolutional layers, CNN has excellent feature extraction abilities, whereas LSTM can learn sequential dependencies. The National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) driver drowsiness dataset is used to test the model and compare it to several other current models as well as state-of-the-art models. The proposed model outperformed state-of-the-art models, with results up to 98.30% for training accuracy and 97.31% for validation accuracy

    Human-Centric Detection and Mitigation Approach for Various Levels of Cell Phone-Based Driver Distractions

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    abstract: Driving a vehicle is a complex task that typically requires several physical interactions and mental tasks. Inattentive driving takes a driver’s attention away from the primary task of driving, which can endanger the safety of driver, passenger(s), as well as pedestrians. According to several traffic safety administration organizations, distracted and inattentive driving are the primary causes of vehicle crashes or near crashes. In this research, a novel approach to detect and mitigate various levels of driving distractions is proposed. This novel approach consists of two main phases: i.) Proposing a system to detect various levels of driver distractions (low, medium, and high) using a machine learning techniques. ii.) Mitigating the effects of driver distractions through the integration of the distracted driving detection algorithm and the existing vehicle safety systems. In phase- 1, vehicle data were collected from an advanced driving simulator and a visual based sensor (webcam) for face monitoring. In addition, data were processed using a machine learning algorithm and a head pose analysis package in MATLAB. Then the model was trained and validated to detect different human operator distraction levels. In phase 2, the detected level of distraction, time to collision (TTC), lane position (LP), and steering entropy (SE) were used as an input to feed the vehicle safety controller that provides an appropriate action to maintain and/or mitigate vehicle safety status. The integrated detection algorithm and vehicle safety controller were then prototyped using MATLAB/SIMULINK for validation. A complete vehicle power train model including the driver’s interaction was replicated, and the outcome from the detection algorithm was fed into the vehicle safety controller. The results show that the vehicle safety system controller reacted and mitigated the vehicle safety status-in closed loop real-time fashion. The simulation results show that the proposed approach is efficient, accurate, and adaptable to dynamic changes resulting from the driver, as well as the vehicle system. This novel approach was applied in order to mitigate the impact of visual and cognitive distractions on the driver performance.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Applied Psychology 201
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