221 research outputs found

    Documentation of Rotationally Symmetric Archaeological Finds by 3D Shape Estimation

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    Zehntausende Scherben von Keramiken werden auf archäologischen Ausgrabungen gefunden. Diese Tonscherben müssen für abschließende wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen dokumentiert werden. Grundlage dieser Dokumentation ist bis heute die händische Zeichnung der Profillinie, welche einen vertikalen Schnitt durch die Scherbe entlang der Rotationsachse, auch Symetrieachse genannt, beschreibt. Die Handzeichnungen der Profillinie und die dafür benötigte Rotationsachse werden von Archäologen unter zur Hilfenahme verschiedenster Werkzeuge, wie zum Beispiel dem Profilkamm, flexiblem Bleidraht oder Kreisschablonen erstellt. Diese traditionelle Methode der Dokumentation ist allerdings sehr zeitaufwendig und fehleranfällig. Daher wurde der Profilograph entwickelt, der mit manuellem, mechanischem Abtasten der Scherben die Profillinie zur Weiterverarbeitung an einen Computer übermittelt. Da auch der Profilograph auf Grund der manuellen Arbeitsschritte keine schnellere Dokumentation ermöglicht, wurde ein automatisches System zur Aufnahme von Scherben und zur automatisierten Berechnung der Profillinie entwickelt. Die Erfassung wird mittels Lichtschnittverfahren (strukturiertes Licht) durchgeführt. Aus den Aufnahmen wird ein 3D-Modell erstellt, aus dem die Rotationsachse und somit die Profillinie von Scherben berechnet wird. Durch ständige Experimente, Zusammenarbeit mit Archäologen und dem Vergleich mit traditionellen Methoden, wurde das automatische System weiterentwickelt. Diese Arbeit stellt eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Rotationsachse, basierend auf den traditionellen Methoden der Archäologen vor, welche eine genauere Berechnung der Profillinie ermöglicht. Weiters werden auch methodische Experimente zur Analyse der Geometrie von Keramiken gezeigt, welche Rückschlüsse auf antike Fertigungstechniken ermöglichen. Das vorgestellte System wurde auf künstlichen und realen Daten getestet. Für die Experimente mit realen Daten wurde das System mittels Funden der archäologischen Ausgrabung in Tel Dor in Israel getestet und mit den traditionellen Handzeichnungen und dem Profilographen verglichen. Die Ergebnisse im Bezug auf dokumentierten Scherben pro Stunde und zur Präzision der verschiedenen Verfahren werden in diesem Dokument gezeigt. Abschließend werden künftige Erweiterungen vorgestellt

    Archaeology at Ayers Town: An Early Federal Period Community in the Catawba Nation

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    Research Report No. 37, Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Reports in this series discuss the findings of archaeological excavations and research projects undertaken by the RLA between 1984 and present

    The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia

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    "The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia is a landmark study in the origins of metallurgy. The project aimed to trace the invention and innovation of metallurgy in the Balkans. It combined targeted excavations and surveys with extensive scientific analyses at two Neolithic-Chalcolithic copper production and consumption sites, Belovode and Pločnik, in Serbia. At Belovode, the project revealed chronologically and contextually secure evidence for copper smelting in the 49th century BC. This confirms the earlier interpretation of c. 7000-year-old metallurgy at the site, making it the earliest record of fully developed metallurgical activity in the world. However, far from being a rare and elite practice, metallurgy at both Belovode and Pločnik is demonstrated to have been a common and communal craft activity. This monograph reviews the pre-existing scholarship on early metallurgy in the Balkans. It subsequently presents detailed results from the excavations, surveys and scientific analyses conducted at Belovode and Pločnik. These are followed by new and up-to-date regional syntheses by leading specialists on the Neolithic-Chalcolithic material culture, technologies, settlement and subsistence practices in the Central Balkans. Finally, the monograph places the project results in the context of major debates surrounding early metallurgy in Eurasia before proposing a new agenda for global early metallurgy studies.

    3D Pedestrian Tracking and Virtual Reconstruction of Ceramic Vessels Using Geometric and Color Cues

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    Object tracking using cameras has many applications ranging from monitoring children and the elderly, to behavior analysis, entertainment, and homeland security. This thesis concentrates on the problem of tracking person(s) of interest in crowded scenes (e.g., airports, train stations, malls, etc.), rendering their locations in time and space along with high quality close-up images of the person for recognition. The tracking is achieved using a combination of overhead cameras for 3D tracking and a network of pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras to obtain close-up frontal face images. Based on projective geometry, the overhead cameras track people using salient and easily computable feature points such as head points. When the obtained head point is not accurate enough, the color information of the head tops across subsequent frames is integrated to detect and track people. To capture the best frontal face images of a target across time, a PTZ camera scheduling is proposed, where the 'best' PTZ camera is selected based on the capture quality (as close as possible to frontal view) and handoff success (response time needed by the newly selected camera to move from current to desired state) probabilities. The experiments show the 3D tracking errors are very small (less than 5 cm with 14 people crowding an area of around 4 m2) and the frontal face images are captured effectively with most of them centering in the frames. Computational archaeology is becoming a success story of applying computational tools in the reconstruction of vessels obtained from digs, freeing the expert from hours of intensive labor in manually stitching shards into meaningful vessels. In this thesis, we concentrate on the use of geometric and color information of the fragments for 3D virtual reconstruction of broken ceramic vessels. Generic models generated by the experts as a rendition of what the original vessel may have looked like are also utilized. The generic models need not to be identical to the original vessel, but are within a geometric transformation of it in most of its parts. The markings on the 3D surfaces of fragments and generic models are extracted based on their color cues. Ceramic fragments are then aligned against the corresponding generic models based on the geometric relation between the extracted markings. The alignments yield sub-scanner resolution fitting errors.Ph.D., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 201

    II Workshop on Late Neolithic Ceramics in Ancient Mesopotamia : pottery in context

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    Aquest volum és el resultat del workshop celebrat per investigadors i especialistes en ceràmiques del Pròxim Orient que va tenir lloc al MAC-Empúries l'octubre de 2015. Els articles compilats en el llibre han estat escrits per 31 investigadors de 13 nacionalitats diferents i abasten temàtiques diverses al voltant de la producció ceràmica: matèries primeres, tècniques, analítiques, etc. Pel que fa al context geogràfic, els estudis se centren a Turquia, Siria, Irak, Jordània, Israel i Palestina, els països en que va aparèixer la ceràmica per primera vegada en l'àrea mediterrània, i on va experimentar un ràpid procés de transformació morfotipològic i tecnològic

    The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia

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    "The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia is a landmark study in the origins of metallurgy. The project aimed to trace the invention and innovation of metallurgy in the Balkans. It combined targeted excavations and surveys with extensive scientific analyses at two Neolithic-Chalcolithic copper production and consumption sites, Belovode and Pločnik, in Serbia. At Belovode, the project revealed chronologically and contextually secure evidence for copper smelting in the 49th century BC. This confirms the earlier interpretation of c. 7000-year-old metallurgy at the site, making it the earliest record of fully developed metallurgical activity in the world. However, far from being a rare and elite practice, metallurgy at both Belovode and Pločnik is demonstrated to have been a common and communal craft activity. This monograph reviews the pre-existing scholarship on early metallurgy in the Balkans. It subsequently presents detailed results from the excavations, surveys and scientific analyses conducted at Belovode and Pločnik. These are followed by new and up-to-date regional syntheses by leading specialists on the Neolithic-Chalcolithic material culture, technologies, settlement and subsistence practices in the Central Balkans. Finally, the monograph places the project results in the context of major debates surrounding early metallurgy in Eurasia before proposing a new agenda for global early metallurgy studies.

    Northeast Insulae Project: Context and Analysis (revised edition)

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    This volume of the Final Report places the excavation of the northeast insulae into its historical and archaeological context and draws interpretive conclusions from the work done. Much of the material presented here is repeated in a second volume which recounts the history of the project sequentially. But the focus in this volume is on interpretation of the material remains in their context.https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/nip-final/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Life on Jackson Creek, Smith County, Texas: Archeological Investigations of a 14th Century Caddo Domicile at the Leaning Rock Site (41SM325)

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    The 14th century Caddo Leaning Rock site was initially discovered in the Fall of 2004. It was located during reconnaissance to search out a location for the survey portion of the Texas Archeologica! Society\u27s Academy IO I held in Tyler in February 2005. This was not a formal survey with transect lines. nor one using regularly spaced shovel tests. but was rather more of a windshield \u27 type survey, consisting of driving across pasture lands looking at gopher mounds and checking fore, evidence of archeological deposits on likely looking landforms. !n this area. landform and soil type seem to be the major determining factors in locating Caddo sites. The sandy soils in the scattered gopher mounds appeared almost white. especially in droughty conditions that prevailed at the time. causing an area with darker mounds of soil to catch my attention. Pocket gophers (G. breviceps) can play havoc with buried archeological deposits but can also be useful in bringing buried soils along with archeological materials to the surface from their underground tunnel system. While this dark area could have been the result of past historic land clearing and burning activities. a closer inspection revealed burned bone. mussel she!L and Caddo sherds mixed in the dark brown soils in the scattered gopher mounds. The next step was to record the site with the State of Texas, obtaining the trinomial 41SM325. It is common practice to also gin: sites informal names and after recording several hundred sites, selecting a name becomes a challenge. One large sandstone slab, pan of the R-horizon that is exposed around the margins of Leaning Rock. was unearthed during prior landclearing activities and pushed up against a lonely pine tree on the northern margins of the site: consequently the nom de plume Leaning Rock

    Nonsuch Palace

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    Nonsuch in Surrey was Henry VIII's last and most fantastic palace. Begun in 1538, at the start of the 30th year of Henry's reign, the palace was intended as a triumphal celebration of the power and the grandeur of Henry VIII and the Tudor dynasty. The site was chosen for its fine countryside and hunting potential. The palace was ornately decorated with intricate Renaissance designs in carved and gilded slate and plasterwork, with two great octagonal towers, five storeys high at either end. The finds fall into two categories: architectural and domestic. This volume, the second in the series, publishes the domestic finds, including a large amount of complete or reconstructible glass, ceramics (such as tin-glazed wares, stoneware and earthenware), coins and tokens, clay pipes, pewter vessels, objects of iron, bone, ivory and leather, and a wooden pocket sundial

    Approaches to the Analysis of Production Activity at Archaeological Sites

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    Approaches to the Analysis of Production Activity at Archaeological Sites presents the proceedings of an international and interdisciplinary workshop held in Berlin in 2018, which brought together scholars whose work focusses on manufacturing activities identified at archaeological sites. The various approaches presented here include new excavation techniques, ethnographic research, archaeometric approaches, GIS and experimental archaeology as well as theoretical issues associated with how researchers understand production in the past. These approaches are applied to research questions related to various technological and socio-economic aspects of production, including the organisation and setting of manufacturing activities, the access to and use of raw materials, firing structures and other production-related installations. The chapters discuss production activities in various domestic and institutional contexts throughout the ancient world, together with the production and use of tools and other items made of stone, bone, ceramics, glass and faience. Since manufacturing activities are encountered at archaeological sites on a regular basis, the wide range of materials and approaches presented in this volume provides a useful reference for scholars and students studying technologies and production activities in the past