25 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Cancer Detection and Classification: Review Study

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    Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases. Although cancer includes different types of diseases, they all start because abnormal cells grow out of control. Without treatment, cancer can cause serious health problems and even loss of life. Early detection of cancer may reduce mortality and morbidity. This paper presents a review of the detection methods for lung, breast, and brain cancers. These methods used for diagnosis include artificial intelligence techniques, such as support vector machine neural network, artificial neural network, fuzzy logic, and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, with medical imaging like X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography scan images. Imaging techniques are the most important approach for precise diagnosis of human cancer. We investigated all these techniques to identify a method that can provide superior accuracy and determine the best medical images for use in each type of cancer


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    AutomatIc BraIn Tumor SegmentatIon wIth K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means, Self-Organizing Map and Otsu MethodsAbstractThe human brain is an amazing organ of the human nervous system and controls all functions of our body. Brain tumors emerge from a mass of abnormal cells in the brain, and catching tumors early often allows for more treatment options. For diagnosing brain tumors, it has been benefited mostly from magnetic resonance images. In this study, we have developed the segmentation systems using the methods as K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means, Self-Organizing Map, Otsu, and the hybrid method of them, and evaluated the methods according to their success rates of segmentation. The developed systems, which take the brain image of MRI as input, perform skull stripping, preprocessing, and segmentation is performed using the clustering algorithms as K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means, Self-Organizing Map and Otsu Methods. Before preprocessing, the skull region is removed from the images in the MRI brain image data set. In preprocessing, the quality of the brain images is enhanced and the noise of the images is removed by some various filtering and morphological techniques. Finally, with the clustering and thresholding techniques, the tumor area of the brain is detected, and then the systems of the segmentation have been evaluated and compared with each other according to accuracy, true positive rate, and true negative rate.Keywords: Brain Tumor Segmentation, Medical Imaging, Fuzzy C-Means, K-Means, Self-Organizing Map, Otsu MethodBulanık C-Ortalamalar, K-Ortalamalar, Özdüzenlemelİ Ağ VE Otsu Metot İLE BEYİN TÜMÖRÜ SEGMENTASYONU Özetİnsan beyni, insan sinir sisteminin en önemli organıdır ve vücudumuzun tamamını kontrol eder. Beyin tümörleri beyindeki normal olmayan hücrelerden oluşur ve tümörleri erken tespit etmek birçok tedavi seçeneklerinin uygulanmasına olanak sağlar. Beyin tümörlerinin teşhisi için çoğunlukla manyetik rezonans görüntülerinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Bulanık C-Ortalamalar, K-Ortalamalar, Özdüzenlemeli Ağ, Otsu Metot ve bu metotların birleşiminden oluşan hibrid metotlar kullanılarak beyin tümör segmentasyon sistemleri geliştirilmiştir. Bu metotların segmentasyon başarı oranları tespit edilmiş ve birbirleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Geliştirilen sistemlerde, ilk olarak MRI beyin görüntülerini girdi olarak alınır, sonra kafatası bölgesinin görüntüden ayrılması, önişleme ve Bulanık C-Ortalamalar, K-Ortalamalar, Özdüzenlemeli Ağ, Otsu metot gibi algoritmalarla segmentasyon işlemleri uygulanır. Önişlemden önce, kafatası bölgesi, MRI beyin görüntüsü veri setindeki görüntülerden çıkarılır. Ön işlemede, beyin görüntülerinin kalitesi iyileştirilir ve görüntülerin gürültüsü, çeşitli filtreleme ve morfolojik tekniklerle kaldırılır. Son olarak, kümeleme ve eşikleme teknikleri ile beynin tümör bölgesi tespit edildi. Daha sonra, segmentasyon sistemleri değerlendirildi ve doğruluk, gerçek pozitif oranı ve gerçek negatif oranına göre birbirleriyle karşılaştırıldı.Anahtar Kelimeler: Beyin Tümörü Segmentasyonu, Tıbbi Görüntüleme, Bulanık C-Ortalamalar, K-Ortalamalar, Özdüzenlemeli Ağ, Otsu Meto

    Brain Tumor Detection and Multi Classification Using GNB-Based Machine Learning Approach

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    In an abnormal tissue called a brain tumor, the cells of the tumor reproduce quickly. if no control over tumor cell growth. The difficulties involved in identifying and treating brain tumors Machine learning is the most technologically sophisticated tool for classification and detection, implementing reliable state-of-the-art A.I. as well as neural network classification techniques, the use of this technology in early diagnosis detection of brain tumors can be accomplished successfully. it is well known that the segmentation method is capable of helping simply destroy the brain's abnormal tumor regions In order to segment and categorize brain tumors, this study suggests a multimodal approach involving machine learning and medical assistance. Noise can be seen in MRI images. To make the method for eliminating noise from images easier, a geometric mean is used later. The algorithms used to segment an image into smaller pieces are fuzzy c-means algorithms. Detection of a specific area of interest is made simpler by segmentation. The dimension reduction procedure is carried out using the GLCM. Photographic features are extracted using the GLCM algorithm. Then, using a variety of ML techniques, like as CNN, ANN, SVM, Gaussian NB, and Adaptive Boosting, the photos are categorized. The Gaussian NB method performs more effectively with regard to the identification and classification of brain tumors. The plasterwork work achieved 98.80 percent accuracy using GNB, RBF SVM

    Brain Tumor Classification Using Hit-or-Miss Capsule Layers

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    The job of classifying or annotating brain tumors from MRI images can be time-consuming and difficult, even for radiologists. To increase the survival chances of a patient, medical practitioners desire a means for quick and accurate diagnosis. While datasets like CIFAR, ImageNet, and SVHN have tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of samples, an MRI dataset may not have the same luxury of receiving accurate labels for each image containing a tumor. This work covers three models that classify brain tumors using a combination of convolutional neural networks and of the concept of capsule layers. Each network utilizes a hit-or-miss capsule layer to relate classes to capsule vectors in a one-to-one relationship. Additionally, this work proposes the use of deep active learning for picking the samples that can give the best model, PSP-HitNet, the most information when adding mini-batches of unlabeled data into the master, labeled training dataset. By using an uncertainty estimated querying strategy, PSP-HitNet approaches the best validation accuracy possible within the first 12-24% of added data from the unlabeled dataset, whereas random choosing takes until 30-50% of the unlabeled to reach the same performance

    On The Potential of Image Moments for Medical Diagnosis

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    Medical imaging is widely used for diagnosis and postoperative or post-therapy monitoring. The ever-increasing number of images produced has encouraged the introduction of automated methods to assist doctors or pathologists. In recent years, especially after the advent of convolutional neural networks, many researchers have focused on this approach, considering it to be the only method for diagnosis since it can perform a direct classification of images. However, many diagnostic systems still rely on handcrafted features to improve interpretability and limit resource consumption. In this work, we focused our efforts on orthogonal moments, first by providing an overview and taxonomy of their macrocategories and then by analysing their classification performance on very different medical tasks represented by four public benchmark data sets. The results confirmed that convolutional neural networks achieved excellent performance on all tasks. Despite being composed of much fewer features than those extracted by the networks, orthogonal moments proved to be competitive with them, showing comparable and, in some cases, better performance. In addition, Cartesian and harmonic categories provided a very low standard deviation, proving their robustness in medical diagnostic tasks. We strongly believe that the integration of the studied orthogonal moments can lead to more robust and reliable diagnostic systems, considering the performance obtained and the low variation of the results. Finally, since they have been shown to be effective on both magnetic resonance and computed tomography images, they can be easily extended to other imaging techniques

    Measurement of the correlation coefficients between extracted features from CT-scan and MRI images

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    Background and aims: Nowadays applying computer in image processing is rapidly increasing to resolve shortcomings of medical images. Image features modify its image contained image information. The aim of the present study was to find correlation between CT-scan and MRI images' features. Methods: In this descriptive study, it was used 1458 CT and MRI images of 6 patients (3 females and 3 males) referred to Golestan Hospital in Ahwaz, Iran. After collecting image, pre-processing and feature extract were performed. Then, the images' features were analyzed and correlation coefficients were calculated using Pearson correlation. Results: There was significant relation between most of the extracted features of the CT-scan and the MR (T1-weighted) images (P<0.05). The correlation coefficient between CT-scan images and MR (T1-weighted) images was higher than those of CT-scan images and MRI (T2-weighted). Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between CT-scan images and MRI (T1-weighted) images was higher than those between MR (T1-weighted) and MR (T2-weighted) features' images. Maximum value of the correlation coefficient (0.93) was related to the texture features and its minimum (0.004) was related to the morphological features. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that there is a significant relationship between extracted features of CT-scan and MRI images, which leads to use a similar algorithm for classification and segmentation studies

    Current Studies and Applications of Krill Herd and Gravitational Search Algorithms in Healthcare

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    Nature-Inspired Computing or NIC for short is a relatively young field that tries to discover fresh methods of computing by researching how natural phenomena function to find solutions to complicated issues in many contexts. As a consequence of this, ground-breaking research has been conducted in a variety of domains, including synthetic immune functions, neural networks, the intelligence of swarm, as well as computing of evolutionary. In the domains of biology, physics, engineering, economics, and management, NIC techniques are used. In real-world classification, optimization, forecasting, and clustering, as well as engineering and science issues, meta-heuristics algorithms are successful, efficient, and resilient. There are two active NIC patterns: the gravitational search algorithm and the Krill herd algorithm. The study on using the Krill Herd Algorithm (KH) and the Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) in medicine and healthcare is given a worldwide and historical review in this publication. Comprehensive surveys have been conducted on some other nature-inspired algorithms, including KH and GSA. The various versions of the KH and GSA algorithms and their applications in healthcare are thoroughly reviewed in the present article. Nonetheless, no survey research on KH and GSA in the healthcare field has been undertaken. As a result, this work conducts a thorough review of KH and GSA to assist researchers in using them in diverse domains or hybridizing them with other popular algorithms. It also provides an in-depth examination of the KH and GSA in terms of application, modification, and hybridization. It is important to note that the goal of the study is to offer a viewpoint on GSA with KH, particularly for academics interested in investigating the capabilities and performance of the algorithm in the healthcare and medical domains.Comment: 35 page

    Slantlet transform-based segmentation and α -shape theory-based 3D visualization and volume calculation methods for MRI brain tumour

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) being the foremost significant component of medical diagnosis which requires careful, efficient, precise and reliable image analyses for brain tumour detection, segmentation, visualisation and volume calculation. The inherently varying nature of tumour shapes, locations and image intensities make brain tumour detection greatly intricate. Certainly, having a perfect result of brain tumour detection and segmentation is advantageous. Despite several available methods, tumour detection and segmentation are far from being resolved. Meanwhile, the progress of 3D visualisation and volume calculation of brain tumour is very limited due to absence of ground truth. Thus, this study proposes four new methods, namely abnormal MRI slice detection, brain tumour segmentation based on Slantlet Transform (SLT), 3D visualization and volume calculation of brain tumour based on Alpha (α) shape theory. In addition, two new datasets along with ground truth are created to validate the shape and volume of the brain tumour. The methodology involves three main phases. In the first phase, it begins with the cerebral tissue extraction, followed by abnormal block detection and its fine-tuning mechanism, and ends with abnormal slice detection based on the detected abnormal blocks. The second phase involves brain tumour segmentation that covers three processes. The abnormal slice is first decomposed using the SLT, then its significant coefficients are selected using Donoho universal threshold. The resultant image is composed using inverse SLT to obtain the tumour region. Finally, in the third phase, four original ideas are proposed to visualise and calculate the volume of the tumour. The first idea involves the determination of an optimal α value using a new formula. The second idea is to merge all tumour points for all abnormal slices using the α value to form a set of tetrahedrons. The third idea is to select the most relevant tetrahedrons using the α value as the threshold. The fourth idea is to calculate the volume of the tumour based on the selected tetrahedrons. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, a series of experiments are conducted using three standard datasets which comprise of 4567 MRI slices of 35 patients. The methods are evaluated using standard practices and benchmarked against the best and up-to-date techniques. Based on the experiments, the proposed methods have produced very encouraging results with an accuracy rate of 96% for the abnormality slice detection along with sensitivity and specificity of 99% for brain tumour segmentation. A perfect result for the 3D visualisation and volume calculation of brain tumour is also attained. The admirable features of the results suggest that the proposed methods may constitute a basis for reliable MRI brain tumour diagnosis and treatments