395 research outputs found

    Unattended acoustic sensor systems for noise monitoring in national parks

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    2017 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Detection and classification of transient acoustic signals is a difficult problem. The problem is often complicated by factors such as the variety of sources that may be encountered, the presence of strong interference and substantial variations in the acoustic environment. Furthermore, for most applications of transient detection and classification, such as speech recognition and environmental monitoring, online detection and classification of these transient events is required. This is even more crucial for applications such as environmental monitoring as it is often done at remote locations where it is unfeasible to set up a large, general-purpose processing system. Instead, some type of custom-designed system is needed which is power efficient yet able to run the necessary signal processing algorithms in near real-time. In this thesis, we describe a custom-designed environmental monitoring system (EMS) which was specifically designed for monitoring air traffic and other sources of interest in national parks. More specifically, this thesis focuses on the capabilities of the EMS and how transient detection, classification and tracking are implemented on it. The Sparse Coefficient State Tracking (SCST) transient detection and classification algorithm was implemented on the EMS board in order to detect and classify transient events. This algorithm was chosen because it was designed for this particular application and was shown to have superior performance compared to other algorithms commonly used for transient detection and classification. The SCST algorithm was implemented on an Artix 7 FPGA with parts of the algorithm running as dedicated custom logic and other parts running sequentially on a soft-core processor. In this thesis, the partitioning and pipelining of this algorithm is explained. Each of the partitions was tested independently to very their functionality with respect to the overall system. Furthermore, the entire SCST algorithm was tested in the field on actual acoustic data and the performance of this implementation was evaluated using receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves and confusion matrices. In this test the FPGA implementation of SCST was able to achieve acceptable source detection and classification results despite a difficult data set and limited training data. The tracking of acoustic sources is done through successive direction of arrival (DOA) angle estimation using a wideband extension of the Capon beamforming algorithm. This algorithm was also implemented on the EMS in order to provide real-time DOA estimates for the detected sources. This algorithm was partitioned into several stages with some stages implemented in custom logic while others were implemented as software running on the soft-core processor. Just as with SCST, each partition of this beamforming algorithm was verified independently and then a full system test was conducted to evaluate whether it would be able to track an airborne source. For the full system test, a model airplane was flown at various trajectories relative to the EMS and the trajectories estimated by the system were compared to the ground truth. Although in this test the accuracy of the DOA estimates could not be evaluated, it was show that the algorithm was able to approximately form the general trajectory of a moving source which is sufficient for our application as only a general heading of the acoustic sources is desired

    Detection and classification of non-stationary signals using sparse representations in adaptive dictionaries

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    Automatic classification of non-stationary radio frequency (RF) signals is of particular interest in persistent surveillance and remote sensing applications. Such signals are often acquired in noisy, cluttered environments, and may be characterized by complex or unknown analytical models, making feature extraction and classification difficult. This thesis proposes an adaptive classification approach for poorly characterized targets and backgrounds based on sparse representations in non-analytical dictionaries learned from data. Conventional analytical orthogonal dictionaries, e.g., Short Time Fourier and Wavelet Transforms, can be suboptimal for classification of non-stationary signals, as they provide a rigid tiling of the time-frequency space, and are not specifically designed for a particular signal class. They generally do not lead to sparse decompositions (i.e., with very few non-zero coefficients), and use in classification requires separate feature selection algorithms. Pursuit-type decompositions in analytical overcomplete (non-orthogonal) dictionaries yield sparse representations, by design, and work well for signals that are similar to the dictionary elements. The pursuit search, however, has a high computational cost, and the method can perform poorly in the presence of realistic noise and clutter. One such overcomplete analytical dictionary method is also analyzed in this thesis for comparative purposes. The main thrust of the thesis is learning discriminative RF dictionaries directly from data, without relying on analytical constraints or additional knowledge about the signal characteristics. A pursuit search is used over the learned dictionaries to generate sparse classification features in order to identify time windows that contain a target pulse. Two state-of-the-art dictionary learning methods are compared, the K-SVD algorithm and Hebbian learning, in terms of their classification performance as a function of dictionary training parameters. Additionally, a novel hybrid dictionary algorithm is introduced, demonstrating better performance and higher robustness to noise. The issue of dictionary dimensionality is explored and this thesis demonstrates that undercomplete learned dictionaries are suitable for non-stationary RF classification. Results on simulated data sets with varying background clutter and noise levels are presented. Lastly, unsupervised classification with undercomplete learned dictionaries is also demonstrated in satellite imagery analysis

    A Channel Ranking And Selection Scheme Based On Channel Occupancy And SNR For Cognitive Radio Systems

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    Wireless networks and information traffic have grown exponentially over the last decade. Consequently, an increase in demand for radio spectrum frequency bandwidth has resulted. Recent studies have shown that with the current fixed spectrum allocation (FSA), radio frequency band utilization ranges from 15% to 85%. Therefore, there are spectrum holes that are not utilized all the time by the licensed users, and, thus the radio spectrum is inefficiently exploited. To solve the problem of scarcity and inefficient utilization of the spectrum resources, dynamic spectrum access has been proposed as a solution to enable sharing and using available frequency channels. With dynamic spectrum allocation (DSA), unlicensed users can access and use licensed, available channels when primary users are not transmitting. Cognitive Radio technology is one of the next generation technologies that will allow efficient utilization of spectrum resources by enabling DSA. However, dynamic spectrum allocation by a cognitive radio system comes with the challenges of accurately detecting and selecting the best channel based on the channelâs availability and quality of service. Therefore, the spectrum sensing and analysis processes of a cognitive radio system are essential to make accurate decisions. Different spectrum sensing techniques and channel selection schemes have been proposed. However, these techniques only consider the spectrum occupancy rate for selecting the best channel, which can lead to erroneous decisions. Other communication parameters, such as the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) should also be taken into account. Therefore, the spectrum decision-making process of a cognitive radio system must use techniques that consider spectrum occupancy and channel quality metrics to rank channels and select the best option. This thesis aims to develop a utility function based on spectrum occupancy and SNR measurements to model and rank the sensed channels. An evolutionary algorithm-based SNR estimation technique was developed, which enables adaptively varying key parameters of the existing Eigenvalue-based blind SNR estimation technique. The performance of the improved technique is compared to the existing technique. Results show the evolutionary algorithm-based estimation performing better than the existing technique. The utility-based channel ranking technique was developed by first defining channel utility function that takes into account SNR and spectrum occupancy. Different mathematical functions were investigated to appropriately model the utility of SNR and spectrum occupancy rate. A ranking table is provided with the utility values of the sensed channels and compared with the usual occupancy rate based channel ranking. According to the results, utility-based channel ranking provides a better scope of making an informed decision by considering both channel occupancy rate and SNR. In addition, the efficiency of several noise cancellation techniques was investigated. These techniques can be employed to get rid of the impact of noise on the received or sensed signals during spectrum sensing process of a cognitive radio system. Performance evaluation of these techniques was done using simulations and the results show that the evolutionary algorithm-based noise cancellation techniques, particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm perform better than the regular gradient descent based technique, which is the least-mean-square algorithm

    Data Driven Techniques for Modeling Coupled Dynamics in Transient Processes

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    We study the problem of modeling coupled dynamics in transient processes that happen in a network. The problem is considered at two levels. At the node level, the coupling between underlying sub-processes of a node in a network is considered. At the network level, the direct influence among the nodes is considered. After the model is constructed, we develop a network-based approach for change detection in high dimension transient processes. The overall contribution of our work is a more accurate model to describe the underlying transient dynamics either for each individual node or for the whole network and a new statistic for change detection in multi-dimensional time series. Specifically, at the node level, we developed a model to represent the coupled dynamics between the two processes. We provide closed form formulas on the conditions for the existence of periodic trajectory and the stability of solutions. Numerical studies suggest that our model can capture the nonlinear characteristics of empirical data while reducing computation time by about 25% on average, compared to a benchmark modeling approach. In the last two problems, we provide a closed form formula for the bound in the sparse regression formulation, which helps to reduce the effort of trial and error to find an appropriate bound. Compared to other benchmark methods in inferring network structure from time series, our method reduces inference error by up to 5 orders of magnitudes and maintain better sparsity. We also develop a new method to infer dynamic network structure from a single time series. This method is the basis for introducing a new spectral graph statistic for change detection. This statistic can detect changes in simulation scenario with modified area under curve (mAUC) of 0.96. When applying to the problem of detecting seizure from EEG signal, our statistic can capture the physiology of the process while maintaining a detection rate of 40% by itself. Therefore, it can serve as an effective feature to detect change and can be added to the current set of features for detecting seizures from EEG signal

    PHM survey: implementation of signal processing methods for monitoring bearings and gearboxes

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    The reliability and safety of industrial equipments are one of the main objectives of companies to remain competitive in sectors that are more and more exigent in terms of cost and security. Thus, an unexpected shutdown can lead to physical injury as well as economic consequences. This paper aims to show the emergence of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) concept in the industry and to describe how it comes to complement the different maintenance strategies. It describes the benefits to be expected by the implementation of signal processing, diagnostic and prognostic methods in health-monitoring. More specifically, this paper provides a state of the art of existing signal processing techniques that can be used in the PHM strategy. This paper allows showing the diversity of possible techniques and choosing among them the one that will define a framework for industrials to monitor sensitive components like bearings and gearboxes

    Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Roller Element Bearing

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    Rolling element bearings play a crucial role in determining the overall health condition of a rotating machine. An effective condition-monitoring program on bearing operation can improve a machine’s operation efficiency, reduce the maintenance/replacement cost, and prolong the useful lifespan of a machine. This chapter presents a general overview of various condition-monitoring and fault diagnosis techniques for rolling element bearings in the current practice and discusses the pros and cons of each technique. The techniques introduced in the chapter include data acquisition techniques, major parameters used for bearing condition monitoring, signal analysis techniques, and bearing fault diagnosis techniques using either statistical features or artificial intelligent tools. Several case studies are also presented in the chapter to exemplify the application of these techniques in the data analysis as well as bearing fault diagnosis and pattern recognition

    Some New Results on the Estimation of Sinusoids in Noise

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