50 research outputs found

    Detecting Vital Signs with Wearable Wireless Sensors

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    The emergence of wireless technologies and advancements in on-body sensor design can enable change in the conventional health-care system, replacing it with wearable health-care systems, centred on the individual. Wearable monitoring systems can provide continuous physiological data, as well as better information regarding the general health of individuals. Thus, such vital-sign monitoring systems will reduce health-care costs by disease prevention and enhance the quality of life with disease management. In this paper, recent progress in non-invasive monitoring technologies for chronic disease management is reviewed. In particular, devices and techniques for monitoring blood pressure, blood glucose levels, cardiac activity and respiratory activity are discussed; in addition, on-body propagation issues for multiple sensors are presented

    Colorful textile antennas integrated into embroidered logos

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    We present a new methodology to create colorful textile antennas that can be embroidered within logos or other aesthetic shapes. Conductive threads (e-Threads) have already been used in former embroidery unicolor approaches as attributed to the corresponding conductive material, viz. silver or copper. But so far, they have not been adapted to \u27print\u27 colorful textile antennas. For the first time, we propose an approach to create colorful electronic textile shapes. In brief, the embroidery process uses an e-Thread in the bobbin case of the sewing machine to embroider the antenna on the back side of the garment. Concurrently, a colorful assistant yarn is threaded through the embroidery needle of the embroidery machine and used to secure or \u27couch\u27 the e-Threads onto the fabric. In doing so, a colorful shape is generated on the front side of the garment. The proposed antennas can be unobtrusively integrated into clothing or other accessories for a wide range of applications (e.g., wireless communications, Radio Frequency IDentification, sensing)

    Jaringan WBN Multisensor untuk Aplikasi Monitoring Kesehatan Pasien

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    -Aktifitas riset terkait penggunaan sistem jaringan sensor nirkabel untuk monitoring kesehatan manusia terus mengalami perkembangan yang pesat beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Penelitian terdahulu di Jurusan Teknik Elektro UNHAS, Makassar dalam bidang ini telah menghasilkan prototipe jaringan sensor nirkabel untuk monitoring denyut nadi. Aplikasi ini menggunakan sensor tunggal denyut nadi manusia dengan memanfaatkan jaringan Xbee-Pro sebagai media transfer data antara sistem WBN (wireless body network) manusia dan komputer sebagai penerima serta penampil grafik sinyal medik. Untuk kegiatan riset yang dikembangkan saat ini sistem WBN menggunakan lebih dari satu sensor (multisensor), yakni sensor detak nadi dan sensor suhu LM-35 dengan memanfaatkan jaringan nirkabel yang berbeda (bluetooth) agar dapat ditampilkan pada smartphone berbasis android. Cara kerja sistem ini adalah dengan mengambil data pendeteksi pulse sensor dan sensor suhu kemudian data dikirim oleh piranti modul arduino melalui perangkat bluetooth untuk ditampilkan pada aplikasi Bluetooth SPP Pro smartphone android

    Correlation analysis of vital signs to monitor disease risks in ubiquitous healthcare system

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    Healthcare systems for chronic diseases demand continuous monitoring of physiological parameters or vital signs of the patients’ body. Through these vital signs’ information, healthcare experts attempt to diagnose the behavior of a disease. Identifying the relationship between these vital signs is still a big question for the research community. We have proposed a sophisticated way to identify the affiliations between vital signs of three specific diseases i.e., Sepsis, Sleep Apnea, and Intradialytic Hypotension (IDH) through Pearson statistical correlation analysis. Vital signs data of about 32 patients were taken for analysis. Experimental results show significant affiliations of vital signs of Sepsis and IDH with average correlation coefficient of 0.9 and 0.58, respectively. The stability of the mentioned correlation is about 75% and 90%, respectively

    Secure IR Communication Design For Pre-Cardiac Arrest Detection In Wireless Body Area Network

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    This paper has got its vision and practical implementation from the basic idea with regard to Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks (WBASNs). The remote Body Area Sensor nodes are non-invasive which contributes to this project by making it more efficient in prototype design. The added features of low operating power and wireless intra IR communication have modified, the design and patient monitoring to a simplified version. Due to its low operating power and highly infrequent usage of the rechargeable battery power, the idea of zero maintenance is deployed. This system was developed for the earlier detection of cardiac arrest in human body. Though, numerous models were in existence, they are not practically suitable or considered as unique design for this highly secured and more miscommunicated wireless node communication. In this paper we have proposed a novel generation of a unique key for each of the patient to communicate with its own nearby node (mobile) and then to emergency unit. The basic demerit that existed in all the primitive models of direct communication with high power node has been eliminated in this proposed idea. When Wireless Body Area Sensor within two patients comes in more close proximity, there is a chance of cross communication or miscommunication i.e. picking up of sign signal of one patient by another patient (mobile) receiver. This leads to a chaotic situation and may even lead to the death of the patient if the other patient’s mobile sensor node is activated. For this reason, a unique ID is build which communicates with the mobile IR unit, where an android app is created to communicate through SMS with the patient caretaker, hospital and nearby ambulance network. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15060

    Respiration rate and volume measurements using wearable strain sensors.

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    Current methods for continuous respiration monitoring such as respiratory inductive or optoelectronic plethysmography are limited to clinical or research settings; most wearable systems reported only measures respiration rate. Here we introduce a wearable sensor capable of simultaneously measuring both respiration rate and volume with high fidelity. Our disposable respiration sensor with a Band-Aid© like formfactor can measure both respiration rate and volume by simply measuring the local strain of the ribcage and abdomen during breathing. We demonstrate that both metrics are highly correlated to measurements from a medical grade continuous spirometer on participants at rest. Additionally, we also show that the system is capable of detecting respiration under various ambulatory conditions. Because these low-powered piezo-resistive sensors can be integrated with wireless Bluetooth units, they can be useful in monitoring patients with chronic respiratory diseases in everyday settings