7 research outputs found

    Review on Malware and Malware Detection ‎Using Data Mining Techniques

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    البرمجيات الخبيثة هي اي نوع من البرمجيات او شفرات برمجية التي هدفها سرقة بعض المعلومات الخاصة او بيانات من نظام الكمبيوتر او عمليات الكمبيوتر او(و) فقط ببساطة لعمل المبتغيات غير المشروعة لصانع البرامجيات الخبيثة على نظام الكمبيوتر، وبدون الرخصة من مستخدمي الكمبيوتر. البرامجيات الخبيثة للمختصر القصير تعرف كملور. ومع ذلك، اكتشاف البرامجبات الخبيثة اصبحت واحدة من اهم المشاكل في مجال امن الكمبيوتر وذلك لان بنية الاتصال الحالية غير حصينه للاختراق من قبل عدة انواع من استراتيجيات الاصابات والهجومات للبرامجيات الخبيثة. فضلا على ذلك، البرامجيات الخبيثة متنوعة ومختلفة في المقدار والنوعيات وهذا يبطل بصورة تامة فعالية طرق الحماية القديمة والتقليدية مثل طريقة التواقيع والتي تكون غير قادرة على اكتشاف البرامجيات الخبيثة الجديدة. من ناحية أخرى، هذا الضعف سوف يودي الى نجاح اختراق (والهجوم) نظام الكمبيوتر بالإضافة الى نجاح هجومات أكثر تطوراً مثل هجوم منع الخدمة الموزع. طرق تنقيب البيانات يمكن ان تستخدم لتغلب على القصور في طريقة التواقيع لاكتشاف البرامجيات الخبيثة غير المعروفة. هذا البحث يقدم نظره عامة عن البرامجيات الخبيثة وانظمة اكتشاف البرامجيات الخبيثة باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة مثل تقنيات طريقة تعدين البيانات لاكتشاف عينات البرامجيات الخبيثة المعروفة وغير المعروفة.Malicious software is any type of software or codes which hooks some: private information, data from the computer system, computer operations or(and) merely just to do malicious goals of the author on the computer system, without permission of the computer users. (The short abbreviation of malicious software is Malware). However, the detection of malware has become one of biggest issues in the computer security field because of the current communication infrastructures are vulnerable to penetration from many types of malware infection strategies and attacks.  Moreover, malwares are variant and diverse in volume and types and that strictly explode the effectiveness of traditional defense methods like signature approach, which is unable to detect a new malware. However, this vulnerability will lead to a successful computer system penetration (and attack) as well as success of more advanced attacks like distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. Data mining methods can be used to overcome limitation of signature-based techniques to detect the zero-day malware. This paper provides an overview of malware and malware detection system using modern techniques such as techniques of data mining approach to detect known and unknown malware samples

    Image-based malware classification: A space filling curve approach

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    Anti-virus (AV) software is effective at distinguishing between benign and malicious programs yet lack the ability to effectively classify malware into their respective family classes. AV vendors receive considerably large volumes of malicious programs daily and so classification is crucial to quickly identify variants of existing malware that would otherwise have to be manually examined. This paper proposes a novel method of visualizing and classifying malware using Space-Filling Curves (SFC\u27s) in order to improve the limitations of AV tools. The classification models produced were evaluated on previously unseen samples and showed promising results, with precision, recall and accuracy scores of 82%, 80% and 83% respectively. Furthermore, a comparative assessment with previous research and current AV technologies revealed that the method presented her was robust, outperforming most commercial and open-source AV scanner software programs

    Análisis de características estáticas de ficheros ejecutables para la clasificación de Malware

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    El Malware es una grave amenaza para la seguridad de los sistemas. Con el uso generalizado de la World Wide Web, ha habido un enorme aumento en los ataques de virus, haciendo que la seguridad informática sea esencial para todas las computadoras y se expandan las áreas de investigación sobre los nuevos incidentes que se generan, siendo una de éstas la clasificación del malware. Los “desarrolladores de malware” utilizan nuevas técnicas para generar malware polimórfico reutilizando los malware existentes, por lo cual es necesario agruparlos en familias para estudiar sus características y poder detectar nuevas variantes de los mismos. Este trabajo, además de presentar un detallado estado de la cuestión de la clasificación del malware de ficheros ejecutables PE, presenta un enfoque en el que se mejora el índice de la clasificación de la base de datos de Malware MALICIA utilizando las características estáticas de ficheros ejecutables Imphash y Pehash, utilizando dichas características se realiza un clustering con el algoritmo clustering agresivo el cual se cambia con la clasificación actual mediante el algoritmo de majority voting y la característica icon_label, obteniendo un Precision de 99,15% y un Recall de 99,32% mejorando la clasificación de MALICIA con un F-measure de 99,23%.---ABSTRACT---Malware is a serious threat to the security of systems. With the widespread use of the World Wide Web, there has been a huge increase in virus attacks, making the computer security essential for all computers. Near areas of research have append in this area including classifying malware into families, Malware developers use polymorphism to generate new variants of existing malware. Thus it is crucial to group variants of the same family, to study their characteristics and to detect new variants. This work, in addition to presenting a detailed analysis of the problem of classifying malware PE executable files, presents an approach in which the classification in the Malware database MALICIA is improved by using static characteristics of executable files, namely Imphash and Pehash. Both features are evaluated through clustering real malware with family labels with aggressive clustering algorithm and combining this with the current classification by Majority voting algorithm, obtaining a Precision of 99.15% and a Recall of 99.32%, improving the classification of MALICIA with an F-measure of 99,23%

    Acceleration of Statistical Detection of Zero-day Malware in the Memory Dump Using CUDA-enabled GPU Hardware

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    This paper focuses on the anticipatory enhancement of methods of detecting stealth software. Cyber security detection tools are insufficiently powerful to reveal the most recent cyber-attacks which use malware. In this paper, we will present first an idea of the highest stealth malware, as this is the most complicated scenario for detection because it combines both existing anti-forensic techniques together with their potential improvements. Second, we present new detection methods, which are resilient to this hidden prototype. To help solve this detection challenge, we have analyzed Windows memory content using a new method of Shannon Entropy calculation; methods of digital photogrammetry; the Zipf Mandelbrot law, as well as by disassembling the memory content and analyzing the output. Finally, we present an idea and architecture of the software tool, which uses CUDA enabled GPU hardware to speed-up memory forensics. All three ideas are currently a work in progress

    Acceleration of Statistical Detection of Zero-day Malware in the Memory Dump Using CUDA-enabled GPU Hardware

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    This paper focuses on the anticipatory enhancement of methods of detecting stealth software. Cyber security detection tools are insufficiently powerful to reveal the most recent cyber-attacks which use malware. In this paper, we will present first an idea of the highest stealth malware, as this is the most complicated scenario for detection because it combines both existing anti-forensic techniques together with their potential improvements. Second, we will present new detection methods which are resilient to this hidden prototype. To help solve this detection challenge, we have analyzed Windows’ memory content using a new method of Shannon Entropy calculation; methods of digital photogrammetry; the Zipf–Mandelbrot law, as well as by disassembling the memory content and analyzing the output. Finally, we present an idea and architecture of the software tool, which uses CUDA-enabled GPU hardware, to speed-up memory forensics. All three ideas are currently a work in progress. Keywords: rootkit detection, anti-forensics, memory analysis, scattered fragments, anticipatory enhancement, CUDA