4,376 research outputs found

    Neural Based Statement Classification for Biased Language

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    Biased language commonly occurs around topics which are of controversial nature, thus, stirring disagreement between the different involved parties of a discussion. This is due to the fact that for language and its use, specifically, the understanding and use of phrases, the stances are cohesive within the particular groups. However, such cohesiveness does not hold across groups. In collaborative environments or environments where impartial language is desired (e.g. Wikipedia, news media), statements and the language therein should represent equally the involved parties and be neutrally phrased. Biased language is introduced through the presence of inflammatory words or phrases, or statements that may be incorrect or one-sided, thus violating such consensus. In this work, we focus on the specific case of phrasing bias, which may be introduced through specific inflammatory words or phrases in a statement. For this purpose, we propose an approach that relies on a recurrent neural networks in order to capture the inter-dependencies between words in a phrase that introduced bias. We perform a thorough experimental evaluation, where we show the advantages of a neural based approach over competitors that rely on word lexicons and other hand-crafted features in detecting biased language. We are able to distinguish biased statements with a precision of P=0.92, thus significantly outperforming baseline models with an improvement of over 30%. Finally, we release the largest corpus of statements annotated for biased language.Comment: The Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, February 11--15, 2019, Melbourne, VIC, Australi

    Methods for detecting and mitigating linguistic bias in text corpora

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    Im Zuge der fortschreitenden Ausbreitung des Webs in alle Aspekte des tĂ€glichen Lebens wird Bias in Form von Voreingenommenheit und versteckten Meinungen zu einem zunehmend herausfordernden Problem. Eine weitverbreitete Erscheinungsform ist Bias in Textdaten. Um dem entgegenzuwirken hat die Online-EnzyklopĂ€die Wikipedia das Prinzip des neutralen Standpunkts (Englisch: Neutral Point of View, kurz: NPOV) eingefĂŒhrt, welcher die Verwendung neutraler Sprache und die Vermeidung von einseitigen oder subjektiven Formulierungen vorschreibt. WĂ€hrend Studien gezeigt haben, dass die QualitĂ€t von Wikipedia-Artikel mit der QualitĂ€t von Artikeln in klassischen EnzyklopĂ€dien vergleichbar ist, zeigt die Forschung gleichzeitig auch, dass Wikipedia anfĂ€llig fĂŒr verschiedene Typen von NPOV-Verletzungen ist. Bias zu identifizieren, kann eine herausfordernde Aufgabe sein, sogar fĂŒr Menschen, und mit Millionen von Artikeln und einer zurĂŒckgehenden Anzahl von Mitwirkenden wird diese Aufgabe zunehmend schwieriger. Wenn Bias nicht eingedĂ€mmt wird, kann dies nicht nur zu Polarisierungen und Konflikten zwischen Meinungsgruppen fĂŒhren, sondern Nutzer auch negativ in ihrer freien Meinungsbildung beeinflussen. Hinzu kommt, dass sich Bias in Texten und in Ground-Truth-Daten negativ auf Machine Learning Modelle, die auf diesen Daten trainiert werden, auswirken kann, was zu diskriminierendem Verhalten von Modellen fĂŒhren kann. In dieser Arbeit beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit Bias, indem wir uns auf drei zentrale Aspekte konzentrieren: Bias-Inhalte in Form von geschriebenen Aussagen, Bias von Crowdworkern wĂ€hrend des Annotierens von Daten und Bias in Word Embeddings ReprĂ€sentationen. Wir stellen zwei AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die Identifizierung von Aussagen mit Bias in Textsammlungen wie Wikipedia vor. Unser auf Features basierender Ansatz verwendet Bag-of-Word Features inklusive einer Liste von Bias-Wörtern, die wir durch das Identifizieren von Clustern von Bias-Wörtern im Vektorraum von Word Embeddings zusammengestellt haben. Unser verbesserter, neuronaler Ansatz verwendet Gated Recurrent Neural Networks, um Kontext-AbhĂ€ngigkeiten zu erfassen und die Performance des Modells weiter zu verbessern. Unsere Studie zum Thema Crowd Worker Bias deckt Bias-Verhalten von Crowdworkern mit extremen Meinungen zu einem bestimmten Thema auf und zeigt, dass dieses Verhalten die entstehenden Ground-Truth-Label beeinflusst, was wiederum Einfluss auf die Erstellung von DatensĂ€tzen fĂŒr Aufgaben wie Bias Identifizierung oder Sentiment Analysis hat. Wir stellen AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die AbschwĂ€chung von Worker Bias vor, die Bewusstsein unter den Workern erzeugen und das Konzept der sozialen Projektion verwenden. Schließlich beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit dem Problem von Bias in Word Embeddings, indem wir uns auf das Beispiel von variierenden Sentiment-Scores fĂŒr Namen konzentrieren. Wir zeigen, dass Bias in den Trainingsdaten von den Embeddings erfasst und an nachgelagerte Modelle weitergegeben wird. In diesem Zusammenhang stellen wir einen Debiasing-Ansatz vor, der den Bias-Effekt reduziert und sich positiv auf die produzierten Label eines nachgeschalteten Sentiment Classifiers auswirkt

    Automatic Detection of Online Jihadist Hate Speech

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    We have developed a system that automatically detects online jihadist hate speech with over 80% accuracy, by using techniques from Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. The system is trained on a corpus of 45,000 subversive Twitter messages collected from October 2014 to December 2016. We present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the jihadist rhetoric in the corpus, examine the network of Twitter users, outline the technical procedure used to train the system, and discuss examples of use.Comment: 31 page

    Uncertainty Detection as Approximate Max-Margin Sequence Labelling

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    This paper reports experiments for the CoNLL 2010 shared task on learning to detect hedges and their scope in natural language text. We have addressed the experimental tasks as supervised linear maximum margin prediction problems. For sentence level hedge detection in the biological domain we use an L1-regularised binary support vector machine, while for sentence level weasel detection in the Wikipedia domain, we use an L2-regularised approach. We model the in-sentence uncertainty cue and scope detection task as an L2-regularised approximate maximum margin sequence labelling problem, using the BIO-encoding. In addition to surface level features, we use a variety of linguistic features based on a functional dependency analysis. A greedy forward selection strategy is used in exploring the large set of potential features. Our official results for Task 1 for the biological domain are 85.2 F1-score, for the Wikipedia set 55.4 F1-score. For Task 2, our official results are 2.1 for the entire task with a score of 62.5 for cue detection. After resolving errors and final bugs, our final results are for Task 1, biological: 86.0, Wikipedia: 58.2; Task 2, scopes: 39.6 and cues: 78.5

    NELA-GT-2018: A Large Multi-Labelled News Dataset for The Study of Misinformation in News Articles

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    In this paper, we present a dataset of 713k articles collected between 02/2018-11/2018. These articles are collected directly from 194 news and media outlets including mainstream, hyper-partisan, and conspiracy sources. We incorporate ground truth ratings of the sources from 8 different assessment sites covering multiple dimensions of veracity, including reliability, bias, transparency, adherence to journalistic standards, and consumer trust. The NELA-GT-2018 dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ULHLCB.Comment: Published at ICWSM 201

    Pushing Your Point of View: Behavioral Measures of Manipulation in Wikipedia

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    As a major source for information on virtually any topic, Wikipedia serves an important role in public dissemination and consumption of knowledge. As a result, it presents tremendous potential for people to promulgate their own points of view; such efforts may be more subtle than typical vandalism. In this paper, we introduce new behavioral metrics to quantify the level of controversy associated with a particular user: a Controversy Score (C-Score) based on the amount of attention the user focuses on controversial pages, and a Clustered Controversy Score (CC-Score) that also takes into account topical clustering. We show that both these measures are useful for identifying people who try to "push" their points of view, by showing that they are good predictors of which editors get blocked. The metrics can be used to triage potential POV pushers. We apply this idea to a dataset of users who requested promotion to administrator status and easily identify some editors who significantly changed their behavior upon becoming administrators. At the same time, such behavior is not rampant. Those who are promoted to administrator status tend to have more stable behavior than comparable groups of prolific editors. This suggests that the Adminship process works well, and that the Wikipedia community is not overwhelmed by users who become administrators to promote their own points of view

    False News On Social Media: A Data-Driven Survey

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    In the past few years, the research community has dedicated growing interest to the issue of false news circulating on social networks. The widespread attention on detecting and characterizing false news has been motivated by considerable backlashes of this threat against the real world. As a matter of fact, social media platforms exhibit peculiar characteristics, with respect to traditional news outlets, which have been particularly favorable to the proliferation of deceptive information. They also present unique challenges for all kind of potential interventions on the subject. As this issue becomes of global concern, it is also gaining more attention in academia. The aim of this survey is to offer a comprehensive study on the recent advances in terms of detection, characterization and mitigation of false news that propagate on social media, as well as the challenges and the open questions that await future research on the field. We use a data-driven approach, focusing on a classification of the features that are used in each study to characterize false information and on the datasets used for instructing classification methods. At the end of the survey, we highlight emerging approaches that look most promising for addressing false news

    Exploiting Social Network Structure for Person-to-Person Sentiment Analysis

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    Person-to-person evaluations are prevalent in all kinds of discourse and important for establishing reputations, building social bonds, and shaping public opinion. Such evaluations can be analyzed separately using signed social networks and textual sentiment analysis, but this misses the rich interactions between language and social context. To capture such interactions, we develop a model that predicts individual A's opinion of individual B by synthesizing information from the signed social network in which A and B are embedded with sentiment analysis of the evaluative texts relating A to B. We prove that this problem is NP-hard but can be relaxed to an efficiently solvable hinge-loss Markov random field, and we show that this implementation outperforms text-only and network-only versions in two very different datasets involving community-level decision-making: the Wikipedia Requests for Adminship corpus and the Convote U.S. Congressional speech corpus
