449 research outputs found

    Contributions towards understanding and building sustainable science

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    This dissertation focuses on either understanding and detecting threats to the epistemology of science (chapters 1-6) or making practical advances to remedy epistemological threats (chapters 7-9). Chapter 1 reviews the literature on responsible conduct of research, questionable research practices, and research misconduct. Chapter 2 reanalyzes Head et al (2015) their claims about widespread p-hacking for robustness. Chapter 3 examines 258,050 test results across 30,710 articles from eight high impact journals to investigate the existence of a peculiar prevalence of pp-values just below .05 (i.e., a bump) in the psychological literature, and a potential increase thereof over time. Chapter 4 examines evidence for false negatives in nonsignificant results throughout psychology, gender effects, and the Reproducibility Project: Psychology. Chapter 5 describes a dataset that is the result of content mining 167,318 published articles for statistical test results reported according to the standards prescribed by the American Psychological Association (APA). In Chapter 6, I test the validity of statistical methods to detect fabricated data in two studies. Chapter 7 tackles the issue of data extraction from figures in scholarly publications. In Chapter 8 I argue that "after-the-fact" research papers do not help alleviate issues of access, selective publication, and reproducibility, but actually cause some of these threats because the chronology of the research cycle is lost in a research paper. I propose to give up the academic paper and propose a digitally native "as-you-go" alternative. In Chapter 9 I propose a technical design for this

    Electroanalgesia: Historical and Contemporary Developments

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    Aims and Objectives: This thesis makes an in-depth examination of the historical, including the eighteenth-century pioneering electrical treatments of the Rev John Wesley, together with contemporary developments in electroanalgesia from the late twentieth-century, including the author's own pilot study, in order to provide a sound, scientific basis for their continuing use. The problem and the hypothesis: Controversy still surrounds the effectiveness of electrical treatments, even after 250 years of application. This is seen in its most researched form as TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) and ALTENS (acupuncture-like transcu taneous electrical nerve stimulation) for chronic back pain. The empirical research making up the main part of the thesis sets out to provide clear evidence to reject the null hypothesis, i.e. that there are no significant clinical effects from the use of electrical treatments for chronic back pain. Methods and findings: The empirical tertiary research centred on a systematic review and meta-analysis, within the framework of the Cochrane Collaboration, of all randomised controlled trials of TENS/ ALTENS for chronic back pain found during rigorous searches of the medical literature. Pooling their results in a meta-analysis established that effective clinical benefits are to be found in the use of ALTENS/TENS for chronic back pain, at least in the short term. Conclusions and recommendations: This wide ranging PhD thesis demonstrates for the first time significant clinical benefits of TENS/ ALTENS for treating patients with chronic back pain and if implemented on a global basis, then considerable numbers of chronic back pain sufferers could benefit

    Caracterização e estudo comparativo de exsudações de hidrocarbonetos e plays petrolíferos em bacias terrestres das regiões central do Irã e sudeste do Brasil usando sensoriamento remoto espectral

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    Orientador: Carlos Roberto de Souza FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeociênciasResumo: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi explorar as assinaturas de exsudações de hidrocarbonetos na superfície usando a tecnologia de detecção remota espectral. Isso foi alcançado primeiro, realizando uma revisão abrangente das capacidades e potenciais técnicas de detecção direta e indireta. Em seguida, a técnica foi aplicada para investigar dois locais de teste localizados no Irã e no Brasil, conhecidos por hospedar sistemas ativos de micro-exsudações e afloramentos betuminosos, respectivamente. A primeira área de estudo está localizada perto da cidade de Qom (Irã), e está inserida no campo petrolífero Alborz, enterrado sob sedimentos datados do Oligoceno da Formação Upper Red. O segundo local está localizado perto da cidade de Anhembi (SP), na margem oriental da bacia do Paraná, no Brasil, e inclui acumulações de betume em arenitos triássicos da Formação Pirambóia. O trabalho na área de Qom integrou evidências de (i) estudos petrográficos e geoquímicos em laboratório, (ii) investigações de afloramentos em campo, e (iii) mapeamento de anomalia em larga escala através de conjuntos de dados multi-espectrais ASTER e Sentinel-2. O resultado deste estudo se trata de novos indicadores mineralógicos e geoquímicos para a exploração de micro-exsudações e um modelo de micro-exsudações atualizado. Durante este trabalho, conseguimos desenvolver novas metodologias para análise de dados espectroscópicos. Através da utilização de dados simulados, indicamos que o instrumento de satélite WorldView-3 tem potencial para detecção direta de hidrocarbonetos. Na sequência do estudo, dados reais sobre afloramentos de arenitos e óleo na área de Anhembi foram investigados. A área foi fotografada novamente no chão e usando o sistema de imagem hiperespectral AisaFENIX. Seguiu-se estudos e amostragem no campo,incluindo espectroscopia de alcance fechado das amostras no laboratório usando instrumentos de imagem (ou seja, sisuCHEMA) e não-imagem (ou seja, FieldSpec-4). O estudo demonstrou que uma abordagem espectroscópica multi-escala poderia fornecer uma imagem completa das variações no conteúdo e composição do betume e minerais de alteração que acompanham. A assinatura de hidrocarbonetos, especialmente a centrada em 2300 nm, mostrou-se consistente e comparável entre as escalas e capaz de estimar o teor de betume de areias de petróleo em todas as escalas de imagemAbstract: The objective of this research was to explore for the signatures of seeping hydrocarbons on the surface using spectral remote sensing technology. It was achieved firstly by conducting a comprehensive review of the capacities and potentials of the technique for direct and indirect seepage detection. Next, the technique was applied to investigate two distinctive test sites located in Iran and Brazil known to retain active microseepage systems and bituminous outcrops, respectively. The first study area is located near the city of Qom in Iran, and consists of Alborz oilfield buried under Oligocene sediments of the Upper-Red Formation. The second site is located near the town of Anhembi on the eastern edge of the Paraná Basin in Brazil and includes bitumen accumulations in the Triassic sandstones of the Pirambóia Formation. Our work in Qom area integrated evidence from (i) petrographic, spectroscopic, and geochemical studies in the laboratory, (ii) outcrop investigations in the field, and (iii) broad-scale anomaly mapping via orbital remote sensing data. The outcomes of this study was novel mineralogical and geochemical indicators for microseepage characterization and a classification scheme for the microseepage-induced alterations. Our study indicated that active microseepage systems occur in large parts of the lithofacies in Qom area, implying that the extent of the petroleum reservoir is much larger than previously thought. During this work, we also developed new methodologies for spectroscopic data analysis and processing. On the other side, by using simulated data, we indicated that WorldView-3 satellite instrument has the potential for direct hydrocarbon detection. Following this demonstration, real datasets were acquired over oil-sand outcrops of the Anhembi area. The area was further imaged on the ground and from the air by using an AisaFENIX hyperspectral imaging system. This was followed by outcrop studies and sampling in the field and close-range spectroscopy in the laboratory using both imaging (i.e. sisuCHEMA) and nonimaging instruments. The study demonstrated that a multi-scale spectroscopic approach could provide a complete picture of the variations in the content and composition of bitumen and associated alteration mineralogy. The oil signature, especially the one centered at 2300 nm, was shown to be consistent and comparable among scales, and capable of estimating the bitumen content of oil-sands at all imaging scalesDoutoradoGeologia e Recursos NaturaisDoutor em Geociências2015/06663-7FAPES

    Improving literature searching in systematic reviews: the application of tailored literature searching compared to ‘the conventional approach’

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    Background Literature searching is acknowledged as a crucial step in a systematic review. Information professionals, in response to the needs of intervention effectiveness systematic reviews, have developed a systematic process of literature searching which aims to be comprehensive, transparent and reproducible, and to minimise the introduction of bias in systematic reviews. The process which has evolved has not been examined in detail before but it has been adopted as the principal approach to literature searching in other types of systematic review. It is not clear if this is appropriate and if an alternative approach might be more effective. Thesis aims The aims of this thesis are to: 1) examine approaches to systematic literature searching for systematic reviews; and 2) propose and test a method of systematic literature searching for reviews which do not focus on the effectiveness of clinical interventions. Methods Two literature reviews, one systematic review and two comparative case studies were undertaken to meet the aims of the thesis. Results A critical literature review identified and described a conventional approach to literature searching common to nine leading handbooks of systematic review. An alternative, tailored approach to literature searching was developed. Two case studies illustrated that the tailored approach was more effective, and potentially offered better value, than the conventional approach. Conclusions Information professionals can develop tailored literature search approaches for use in systematic reviews and as a useful alternative to the conventional approach, particularly for reviews including study designs beyond controlled trials. The role of the information professional as decision maker, the involvement of the research team and experts, preparing for literature searching and the use of supplementary search methods, are important to the success of tailored literature search approaches