266 research outputs found

    A wireless method for monitoring medication compliance

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    There are many devices on the market to help remind patients to take their pills, but most require observation by a caregiver to assure medication compliance. This project demonstrates three modes to detect pill removal from a pillbox: a switch under the pills, a reflective type photointerrupter and a transmissive electric eye photosensor. Each mode exhibited blind spots or other failures to detect pill presence, but by combining modes with complementary characteristics, the accuracy of pill detection is greatly increased. Two methods of caregiver notification are demonstrated: text messages transmitted via an attached cellular phone, or the status is collected by a PC which provides an audit trail and daily notification if no pills were taken

    Big data analytics towards predictive maintenance at the INFN-CNAF computing centre

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    La Fisica delle Alte Energie (HEP) è da lungo tra i precursori nel gestire e processare enormi dataset scientifici e nell'operare alcuni tra i più grandi data centre per applicazioni scientifiche. HEP ha sviluppato una griglia computazionale (Grid) per il calcolo al Large Hadron Collider (LHC) del CERN di Ginevra, che attualmente coordina giornalmente le operazioni di calcolo su oltre 800k processori in 170 centri di calcolo e gestendo mezzo Exabyte di dati su disco distribuito in 5 continenti. Nelle prossime fasi di LHC, soprattutto in vista di Run-4, il quantitativo di dati gestiti dai centri di calcolo aumenterà notevolmente. In questo contesto, la HEP Software Foundation ha redatto un Community White Paper (CWP) che indica il percorso da seguire nell'evoluzione del software moderno e dei modelli di calcolo in preparazione alla fase cosiddetta di High Luminosity di LHC. Questo lavoro ha individuato in tecniche di Big Data Analytics un enorme potenziale per affrontare le sfide future di HEP. Uno degli sviluppi riguarda la cosiddetta Operation Intelligence, ovvero la ricerca di un aumento nel livello di automazione all'interno dei workflow. Questo genere di approcci potrebbe portare al passaggio da un sistema di manutenzione reattiva ad uno, più evoluto, di manutenzione predittiva o addirittura prescrittiva. La tesi presenta il lavoro fatto in collaborazione con il centro di calcolo dell'INFN-CNAF per introdurre un sistema di ingestione, organizzazione e processing dei log del centro su una piattaforma di Big Data Analytics unificata, al fine di prototipizzare un modello di manutenzione predittiva per il centro. Questa tesi contribuisce a tale progetto con lo sviluppo di un algoritmo di clustering dei messaggi di log basato su misure di similarità tra campi testuali, per superare il limite connesso alla verbosità ed eterogeneità dei log raccolti dai vari servizi operativi 24/7 al centro

    Logging Statements Analysis and Automation in Software Systems with Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques

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    Log files are widely used to record runtime information of software systems, such as the timestamp of an event, the name or ID of the component that generated the log, and parts of the state of a task execution. The rich information of logs enables system developers (and operators) to monitor the runtime behavior of their systems and further track down system problems in development and production settings. With the ever-increasing scale and complexity of modern computing systems, the volume of logs is rapidly growing. For example, eBay reported that the rate of log generation on their servers is in the order of several petabytes per day in 2018 [17]. Therefore, the traditional way of log analysis that largely relies on manual inspection (e.g., searching for error/warning keywords or grep) has become an inefficient, a labor intensive, error-prone, and outdated task. The growth of the logs has initiated the emergence of automated tools and approaches for log mining and analysis. In parallel, the embedding of logging statements in the source code is a manual and error-prone task, and developers often might forget to add a logging statement in the software's source code. To address the logging challenge, many e orts have aimed to automate logging statements in the source code, and in addition, many tools have been proposed to perform large-scale log le analysis by use of machine learning and data mining techniques. However, the current logging process is yet mostly manual, and thus, proper placement and content of logging statements remain as challenges. To overcome these challenges, methods that aim to automate log placement and content prediction, i.e., `where and what to log', are of high interest. In addition, approaches that can automatically mine and extract insight from large-scale logs are also well sought after. Thus, in this research, we focus on predicting the log statements, and for this purpose, we perform an experimental study on open-source Java projects. We introduce a log-aware code-clone detection method to predict the location and description of logging statements. Additionally, we incorporate natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning methods to further enhance the performance of the log statements' description prediction. We also introduce deep learning based approaches for automated analysis of software logs. In particular, we analyze execution logs and extract natural language characteristics of logs to enable the application of natural language models for automated log le analysis. Then, we propose automated tools for analyzing log files and measuring the information gain from logs for different log analysis tasks such as anomaly detection. We then continue our NLP-enabled approach by leveraging the state-of-the-art language models, i.e., Transformers, to perform automated log parsing

    Visualisation of PF firewall logs using open source

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    If you cannot measure, you cannot manage. This is an age old saying, but still very true, especially within the current South African cybercrime scene and the ever-growing Internet footprint. Due to the significant increase in cybercrime across the globe, information security specialists are starting to see the intrinsic value of logs that can ‘tell a story’. Logs do not only tell a story, but also provide a tool to measure a normally dark force within an organisation. The collection of current logs from installed systems, operating systems and devices is imperative in the event of a hacking attempt, data leak or even data theft, whether the attempt is successful or unsuccessful. No logs mean no evidence, and in many cases not even the opportunity to find the mistake or fault in the organisation’s defence systems. Historically, it remains difficult to choose what logs are required by your organization. A number of questions should be considered: should a centralised or decentralised approach for collecting these logs be followed or a combination of both? How many events will be collected, how much additional bandwidth will be required and will the log collection be near real time? How long must the logs be saved and what if any hashing and encryption (integrity of data) should be used? Lastly, what system must be used to correlate, analyse, and make alerts and reports available? This thesis will address these myriad questions, examining the current lack of log analysis, practical implementations in modern organisation, and also how a need for the latter can be fulfilled by means of a basic approach. South African organizations must use technology that is at hand in order to know what electronic data are sent in and out of their organizations network. Concentrating only on FreeBSD PF firewall logs, it is demonstrated within this thesis the excellent results are possible when logs are collected to obtain a visual display of what data is traversing the corporate network and which parts of this data are posing a threat to the corporate network. This threat is easily determined via a visual interpretation of statistical outliers. This thesis aims to show that in the field of corporate data protection, if you can measure, you can manage

    Review and Analysis of Failure Detection and Prevention Techniques in IT Infrastructure Monitoring

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    Maintaining the health of IT infrastructure components for improved reliability and availability is a research and innovation topic for many years. Identification and handling of failures are crucial and challenging due to the complexity of IT infrastructure. System logs are the primary source of information to diagnose and fix failures. In this work, we address three essential research dimensions about failures, such as the need for failure handling in IT infrastructure, understanding the contribution of system-generated log in failure detection and reactive & proactive approaches used to deal with failure situations. This study performs a comprehensive analysis of existing literature by considering three prominent aspects as log preprocessing, anomaly & failure detection, and failure prevention. With this coherent review, we (1) presume the need for IT infrastructure monitoring to avoid downtime, (2) examine the three types of approaches for anomaly and failure detection such as a rule-based, correlation method and classification, and (3) fabricate the recommendations for researchers on further research guidelines. As far as the authors\u27 knowledge, this is the first comprehensive literature review on IT infrastructure monitoring techniques. The review has been conducted with the help of meta-analysis and comparative study of machine learning and deep learning techniques. This work aims to outline significant research gaps in the area of IT infrastructure failure detection. This work will help future researchers understand the advantages and limitations of current methods and select an adequate approach to their problem

    MongoDB Incidence Response

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    NoSQL (Not only SQL) databases have been gaining some popularity over the last few years. Such big companies as Expedia, Shutterfly, MetLife, and Forbes use NoSQL databases to manage data on different projects. These databases can contain a variety of information ranging from nonproprietary data to personally identifiable information like social security numbers. Databases run the risk of cyber intrusion at all times. This paper gives a brief explanation of NoSQL and thoroughly explains a method of Incidence Response with MongoDB, a NoSQL database provider. This method involves an automated process with a new self-built software tool that analyzing MongoDB audit log\u27s and generates an html page with indicators to show possible intrusions and activities on the instance of MongoDB. When dealing with NoSQL databases there is a lot more to consider than with the traditional RDMS\u27s, and since there is not a lot of out of the box support forensics tools can be very helpful

    Intrusion detection systems in wireless ad-hoc networks: detecting worm attacks

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    As wireless networks become more commonplace, it is important to have methods to detect attacks against them. We have surveyed current open source and commercial wireless intrusion detection systems, and we present our findings. An intrusion detection system utilizing cross-layer detection, which has been designed and implemented, is described. Kismet, in conjunction with Snort and a custom developed CPU usage monitoring tool, is used to detect worm attacks on wireless networks. The process of designing and implementing a computer worm to test the accuracy of the developed system is detailed. The design, implementation, and configuration of the wireless intrusion detection system are presented. After testing how well this system detects the worm, the results are given and discussed, which indicate that the tools we use work well together and can accurately detect a worm attack. We include a discussion on how our intrusion detection system can be broadened into a more useful general framework that can be used in different environments to detect different attacks. Conclusions about the performance of this system and directions of future research are included at the end

    Generalized techniques for using system execution traces to support software performance analysis

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    This dissertation proposes generalized techniques to support software performance analysis using system execution traces in the absence of software development artifacts such as source code. The proposed techniques do not require modifications to the source code, or to the software binaries, for the purpose of software analysis (non-intrusive). The proposed techniques are also not tightly coupled to the architecture specific details of the system being analyzed. This dissertation extends the current techniques of using system execution traces to evaluate software performance properties, such as response times, service times. The dissertation also proposes a novel technique to auto-construct a dataflow model from the system execution trace, which will be useful in evaluating software performance properties. Finally, it showcases how we can use execution traces in a novel technique to detect Excessive Dynamic Memory Allocations software performance anti-pattern. This is the first attempt, according to the author\u27s best knowledge, of a technique to detect automatically the excessive dynamic memory allocations anti-pattern. The contributions from this dissertation will ease the laborious process of software performance analysis and provide a foundation for helping software developers quickly locate the causes for negative performance results via execution traces
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