238 research outputs found

    Exploiting AWG Free Spectral Range Periodicity in Distributed Multicast Architectures

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    Modular optical switch architectures combining wavelength routing based on arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) devices and multicasting based on star couplers hold promise for flexibly addressing the exponentially growing traffic demands in a cost- and power-efficient fashion. In a default switching scenario, an input port of the AWG is connected to an output port via a single wavelength. This can severely limit the capacity between broadcast domains, resulting in interdomain traffic switching bottlenecks. In this paper, we examine the possibility of resolving capacity bottlenecks by exploiting multiple AWG free spectral ranges (FSRs), i.e., setting up multiple parallel connections between each pair of broadcast domains. To this end, we introduce a multi-FSR scheduling algorithm for interconnecting broadcast domains by fairly distributing the wavelength resources among them. We develop a general-purpose analytical framework to study the blocking probabilities in a multistage switching scenario and compare our results with Monte Carlo simulations. Our study points to significant improvements with a moderate increase in the number of FSRs. We show that an FSR count beyond four results in diminishing returns. Furthermore, to investigate the trade-offs between the network- and physical-layer effects, we conduct a cross-layer analysis, taking into account pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and rate-adaptive forward error correction (FEC). We illustrate how the effective bit rate per port increases with an increase in the number of FSRs. %We also look at the advantages of an impairment-aware scheduling strategy in a multi-FSR switching scenario

    Terabit Burst Switching Final Report

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    This is the final report For Washington University\u27s Terabit Burst Switching Project, supported by DARPA and Rome Air Force Laboratory. The primary objective of the project has been to demonstrate the feasibility of Burst Switching, a new data communication service, which seeks to more effectively exploit the large bandwidths becoming available in WDM transmission systems. Burst switching systems dynamically assign data bursts to channels in optical datalinks, using routing information carried in parallel control channels

    Multicasting in WDM Single-Hop Local Lightwave Networks

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    In modem networks, the demand for bandwidth and high quality of service (QoS) requires the efficient utilisation of network resources such as transmitters, receivers and channel bandwidth. One method for conserving these resources is to employ efficient implementations of multicasting wherever possible. Using multicasting, a source sending a message to multiple destinations may schedule a single transmission which can then be broadcasted to multiple destinations or forwarded from one destination to another, thus conserving the source transmitter usage and channel bandwidth. This thesis investigates the behaviour of single-hop WDM optical networks when they carry multicast traffic. Each station in the network has a fixed-wavelength transceiver and is set to operate on its own unique wavelength as a control channel. Each station also has a tuneable wavelength transceiver in order to transmit or receive signals to or from all the other stations. A transmission on each channel is broadcasted by a star coupler to all nodes. Multicasting in single-hop WDM networks has been studied with different protocols. This thesis studies the multicasting performance adopting receiver collision avoidance (RCA) protocol as a multicasting protocol. This study takes into consideration the effect of the tuneable transceiver tuning time which is the time required to switch from one wavelength to another, and the propagation time required by a packet to propagate from one node to another. The strategy in RCA protocol is that nodes request transmission time by sending a control packet at the head of their queues. Upon receipt of this information all nodes run a deterministic distributed algorithm to schedule the transmission of the multicast packet. With the control information, nodes determine the earliest time at which all the members of the multicast group can receive the packet and the earliest time at which it can be transmitted. If a node belongs to the multicast group addressed in the control packet, its receiver must become idle until all nodes in the group have tuned to the appropriate wavelength to receive the packet. This problem leads to poor transmission and consequently low channel utilisation. However, throughput degradation due to receiver conflicts decreases as the multicast size increases. This is because for a given number of channels, the likelihood of a receiver being idle decreases as the number of intended recipients per transmission increases. The number of wavelengths available in a WDM network continues to be a major constraint. Thus in order to support a large number of end users, such networks must use and reuse wavelengths efficiently. This thesis also examines the number of wavelengths needed to support multicasting in single-hop optical networks

    Node design in optical packet switched networks

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) methods in optical networks: A comprehensive survey

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    Producción CientíficaArtificial intelligence (AI) is an extensive scientific discipline which enables computer systems to solve problems by emulating complex biological processes such as learning, reasoning and self-correction. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the application of AI techniques for improving performance of optical communication systems and networks. The use of AI-based techniques is first studied in applications related to optical transmission, ranging from the characterization and operation of network components to performance monitoring, mitigation of nonlinearities, and quality of transmission estimation. Then, applications related to optical network control and management are also reviewed, including topics like optical network planning and operation in both transport and access networks. Finally, the paper also presents a summary of opportunities and challenges in optical networking where AI is expected to play a key role in the near future.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project EC2014-53071-C3-2-P, TEC2015-71932-REDT