7 research outputs found

    TADEU - Sistema simulador de teclado para deficientes físicos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós -Graduação em Computação.O trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento de tecnologias computacionais capazes de atender as necessidades especiais dos deficientes fisicos durante a interação com computadores. O trabalho enfoca conceitos relacionados com deficiência, necessidades especiais e ergonomia de interfaces com base para o desenvolvimento de um sistema simulador de teclado destinado a usuários incapazes de utilizar os dispositivos convencionais

    Development of a concept-based EMG-based speller

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    Physiological computing is a paradigm of computing that treats users’ physiological data as input during computing tasks in an Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environment. By monitoring, analyzing and responding to such inputs, Physiological Computing Systems (PCS) are able to respond to the users’ cognitive, emotional and physical states. A specific case of PCS is Neural Computer Interface (NCI), which uses electrical signals governing users’ muscular activity (EMG data) to establish a direct communication pathway between the user and a computer. We present taxonomy of speller application parameters, propose a model of PCS, and describe the development of the EMG-based speller as a benchmark application. We analyze and develop an EMG-based speller application with a traditional letter-based as well as visual concept-based interface. Finally, we evaluate the performance and usability of the developed speller using empirical (accuracy, information transfer speed, input speed) metrics

    Classification of Frequency and Phase Encoded Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials for Brain Computer Interface Speller Applications using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Over the past decade there have been substantial improvements in vision based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) spellers for quadriplegic patient populations. This thesis contains a review of the numerous bio-signals available to BCI researchers, as well as a brief chronology of foremost decoding methodologies used to date. Recent advances in classification accuracy and information transfer rate can be primarily attributed to time consuming patient specific parameter optimization procedures. The aim of the current study was to develop analysis software with potential ‘plug-in-and-play’ functionality. To this end, convolutional neural networks, presently established as state of the art analytical techniques for image processing, were utilized. The thesis herein defines deep convolutional neural network architecture for the offline classification of phase and frequency encoded SSVEP bio-signals. Networks were trained using an extensive 35 participant open source Electroencephalographic (EEG) benchmark dataset (Department of Bio-medical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing). Average classification accuracies of 82.24% and information transfer rates of 22.22 bpm were achieved on a BCI naïve participant dataset for a 40 target alphanumeric display, in absence of any patient specific parameter optimization

    Recomendações de acessibilidade digital em cursos de educação básica a distância via web para portadores de deficiência visual

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.Este trabalho propõe recomendações de acessibilidade digital em cursos Educação a Distância via WEB, objetivando contribuir para integração, inclusão digital, autonomia de Pessoas Portadoras de Deficiência Visual. As recomendações foram estruturadas como um guia para a implantação de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem acessíveis visando a interatividade e a colaboração. A abordagem dada a esta pesquisa abrange as áreas da Telemática, Ergonomia de Interface-Homem-Máquina, Design Universal e Acessibilidade. A confluência destas linhas de pesquisa, subsidiaram a análise da interação dos usuários portadores de deficiência visual com a tecnologia. Esta análise foi feita com base na constatação de problemas a partir da observação e da opinião daqueles usuários ao executarem um conjunto de tarefas realizadas a distância via WEB. A flexibilidade e a funcionalidade tanto das tecnologias desenvolvidas para Educação a Distância quanto dos conteúdos textuais, sonoros ou por meio de imagens foram, igualmente, analisados. O estudo de caso realizou-se na da ACIC- Associação Catarinense de Integração do Cego e o ambiente virtual utilizado para este estudo foi o EDUCAR. Os leitores de tela utilizados foram o DosVox, Virtual Vision e Jaws for Windows

    Workshop on Universal Accessibility of Ubiquitous Computing: Providing for the Elderly Designing User Interfaces for Severely Handicapped Persons

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    This paper addresses the many factors involved in the design of user interfaces for persons with severe disabilities. Interface design must take into consideration new user requirements on top of the requirements of normal users and consider the wider range of user model parameters that must be accommodated to provide adaptation to the user. The paper stresses the wide variability of user needs and questions if and how such user needs can be satisfied. An example from the ongoing INTERCOMUNICANDO project is presented. The results show the need for highly parameterised applications and the need for further research to design frameworks and tools to enable support of many different levels of users by applications