729 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Modeling in Wireless Communication Networks

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل تدفق هجرة الأفراد بين المحافظات العراقية باستخدام بيانات مجهولة حقيقية من شركة كورك تيليكوم في العراق. الغرض من هذا التحليل هو فهم بنية الاتصال وجاذبية المدن أو المحافظات من خلال فحص هجرة التدفق والكثافة السكانية، لذلك من وجهة النظر هذه يتم تصنيفها على أساس الهجرة البشرية في وقت معين. تمت ملاحظة بيانات الهاتف المحمول من نوع المكالمات التفصيلية للمكالمات ((CDRs، والتي تقع في فترة 6 أشهر خلال COVID-19 في العام 2020-2021. وفقًا لطبيعة CDRs، تم تطبيق الخوارزميات المكانية والزمانية المعروفة: نموذج الإشعاع ونموذج الجاذبية لتحليل هذه البيانات، واتضح أنها مكملة للآخر بناءً على النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها. تم تمثيل النتائج من خلال استكشاف التدفقات لكل محافظة على مستويين من التجريد: الماكروسكوب والميزوسكوب. وجدت النتائج أن نماذج التفاعل الزماني المكاني مكملة للآخر، حيث تم حساب التدفقات بواسطة نموذج الإشعاع الذي سيتم استخدامه في نموذج الجاذبية. كما تم الحصول على ملخص للتدفقات بين المحافظات ولكل محافظة على حدة. واستناداً إلى العينة المأخوذة من إجمالي عدد التدفقات، كانت أعلى نسبة جذب بين محافظتي نينوى وذي قار وبلغت٪ ، بينما كانت أقل نسبة جذب بين محافظتي واسط وكربلاء والتي بلغت   . بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أظهرت الخرائط النسبة المئوية لكل محافظة، في إشارة إلى لون كل محافظة، من اللون الفاتح الذي يعني انخفاض الجذب، إلى الغامق الذي يعني الجذب العالي. في المستقبل، من الممكن الحصول على بيانات أكثر تفصيلاً واستخدام خوارزميات الشبكة المعقدة لتحليل هذه البيانات.This study aims to analyze the flow migration of individuals between Iraqi governorates using real anonymized data from Korek Telecom company in Iraq. The purpose of this analysis is to understand the connection structure and the attractiveness of these governorates through examining the flow migration and population densities. Hence, they are classified based on the human migration at a particular period. The mobile phone data of type Call Detailed Records (CDRs) have been observed, which fall in a 6-month period during COVID-19 in the year 2020-2021. So, according to the CDRs nature, the well-known spatiotemporal algorithms: the radiation model and the gravity model were applied to analyze these data, and they are turned out to be complementary to each other. However, the results explore the flows of each governorate at two levels of abstraction: The Macroscopic and Mesoscopic. These results found that the spatiotemporal interaction models are complementary to the other, as the determined flows based on the radiation model have been used in the gravitational model. Furthermore, flows summary among all the governorates as well as for each of them has been obtained separately. Thus, based on the total number of flows, the highest attraction rate was between Nineveh and Dhi Qar governorates which reached , while the lowest attraction was between Wasit and Karbala governorates which reached . In addition, the extracted geographical maps showed each governorate ratio. Regarding the color of each governorate that degraded from light to dark, which indicated the low to high attraction respectively. In the future, it is possible to obtain more detailed data, and to use complex network algorithms for analyzing this data

    Workshop sensing a changing world : proceedings workshop November 19-21, 2008

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    Knowledge discovery from trajectories

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesAs a newly proliferating study area, knowledge discovery from trajectories has attracted more and more researchers from different background. However, there is, until now, no theoretical framework for researchers gaining a systematic view of the researches going on. The complexity of spatial and temporal information along with their combination is producing numerous spatio-temporal patterns. In addition, it is very probable that a pattern may have different definition and mining methodology for researchers from different background, such as Geographic Information Science, Data Mining, Database, and Computational Geometry. How to systematically define these patterns, so that the whole community can make better use of previous research? This paper is trying to tackle with this challenge by three steps. First, the input trajectory data is classified; second, taxonomy of spatio-temporal patterns is developed from data mining point of view; lastly, the spatio-temporal patterns appeared on the previous publications are discussed and put into the theoretical framework. In this way, researchers can easily find needed methodology to mining specific pattern in this framework; also the algorithms needing to be developed can be identified for further research. Under the guidance of this framework, an application to a real data set from Starkey Project is performed. Two questions are answers by applying data mining algorithms. First is where the elks would like to stay in the whole range, and the second is whether there are corridors among these regions of interest

    Mission-Critical Communications from LMR to 5G: a Technology Assessment approach for Smart City scenarios

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    Radiocommunication networks are one of the main support tools of agencies that carry out actions in Public Protection & Disaster Relief (PPDR), and it is necessary to update these communications technologies from narrowband to broadband and integrated to information technologies to have an effective action before society. Understanding that this problem includes, besides the technical aspects, issues related to the social context to which these systems are inserted, this study aims to construct scenarios, using several sources of information, that helps the managers of the PPDR agencies in the technological decisionmaking process of the Digital Transformation of Mission-Critical Communication considering Smart City scenarios, guided by the methods and approaches of Technological Assessment (TA).As redes de radiocomunicações são uma das principais ferramentas de apoio dos órgãos que realizam ações de Proteção Pública e Socorro em desastres, sendo necessário atualizar essas tecnologias de comunicação de banda estreita para banda larga, e integra- las às tecnologias de informação, para se ter uma atuação efetiva perante a sociedade . Entendendo que esse problema inclui, além dos aspectos técnicos, questões relacionadas ao contexto social ao qual esses sistemas estão inseridos, este estudo tem por objetivo a construção de cenários, utilizando diversas fontes de informação que auxiliem os gestores destas agências na tomada de decisão tecnológica que envolve a transformação digital da Comunicação de Missão Crítica considerando cenários de Cidades Inteligentes, guiado pelos métodos e abordagens de Avaliação Tecnológica (TA)

    Latitude, longitude, and beyond:mining mobile objects' behavior

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    Rapid advancements in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), and wireless communications, have resulted in a surge in data generation. Mobility data is one of the various forms of data, which are ubiquitously collected by different location sensing devices. Extensive knowledge about the behavior of humans and wildlife is buried in raw mobility data. This knowledge can be used for realizing numerous viable applications ranging from wildlife movement analysis, to various location-based recommendation systems, urban planning, and disaster relief. With respect to what mentioned above, in this thesis, we mainly focus on providing data analytics for understanding the behavior and interaction of mobile entities (humans and animals). To this end, the main research question to be addressed is: How can behaviors and interactions of mobile entities be determined from mobility data acquired by (mobile) wireless sensor nodes in an accurate and efficient manner? To answer the above-mentioned question, both application requirements and technological constraints are considered in this thesis. On the one hand, applications requirements call for accurate data analytics to uncover hidden information about individual behavior and social interaction of mobile entities, and to deal with the uncertainties in mobility data. Technological constraints, on the other hand, require these data analytics to be efficient in terms of their energy consumption and to have low memory footprint, and processing complexity

    Content Caching and Delivery in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks

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    Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), which enable information exchange and content delivery in real time, are expected to revolutionize current transportation systems for better driving safety, traffic efficiency, and environmental sustainability. However, the emerging CAV applications such as content delivery pose stringent requirements on latency, throughput, reliability, and global connectivity. The current wireless networks face significant challenges to satisfy the requirements due to scarce radio spectrum resources, inflexibility to dynamic traffic demands, and geographic-constrained fixed infrastructure deployment. To empower multifarious CAV content delivery, heterogeneous vehicular networks (HetVNets), which integrate the terrestrial networks with aerial networks formed by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and space networks constituting of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, can guarantee reliable, flexible, cost-effective, and globally seamless service provisioning. In addition, edge caching is a promising solution to facilitate content delivery by caching popular files in the HetVNet access points (APs) to relieve the backhaul traffic with a lower delivery delay. The main technical issues are: 1) to fully reveal the potential of HetVNets for content delivery performance enhancement, content caching scheme design in HetVNets should jointly consider network characteristics, vehicle mobility patterns, content popularity, and APs’ caching capacities; 2) to fully exploit the controllable mobility and agility of UAVs to support dynamic vehicular content demands, the caching scheme and trajectory design for UAVs should be jointly optimized, which has not been well addressed due to their intricate inter-coupling relationships; and 3) for caching-based content delivery in HetVNets, a cooperative content delivery scheme should be designed to enable the cooperation among different network segments with ingenious utilization of heterogeneous network resources. In this thesis, we design the content caching and delivery schemes in the caching-enabled HetVNet to address the three technical issues. First, we study the content caching in HetVNets with fixed terrestrial APs including cellular base stations (CBSs), Wi-Fi roadside units (RSUs), and TV white space (TVWS) stations. To characterize the intermittent network connection caused by limited network coverage and high vehicle mobility, we establish an on-off model with service interruptions to describe the vehicular content delivery process. Content coding then is leveraged to resist the impact of unstable network connections and enhance caching efficiency. By jointly considering file characteristics and network conditions, the content placement is formulated as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem. Adopting the idea of the student admission model, the ILP problem is then transformed into a many-to-one matching problem between content files and HetVNet APs and solved by our proposed stable-matching-based caching scheme. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can achieve near-optimal performances in terms of delivery delay and offloading ratio with a low complexity. Second, UAV-aided caching is considered to assist vehicular content delivery in aerial-ground vehicular networks (AGVN) and a joint caching and trajectory optimization (JCTO) problem is investigated to jointly optimize content caching, content delivery, and UAV trajectory. To enable real-time decision-making in highly dynamic vehicular networks, we propose a deep supervised learning scheme to solve the JCTO problem. Specifically, we first devise a clustering-based two-layered (CBTL) algorithm to solve the JCTO problem offline. With a given content caching policy, we design a time-based graph decomposition method to jointly optimize content delivery and UAV trajectory, with which we then leverage the particle swarm optimization algorithm to optimize the content caching. We then design a deep supervised learning architecture of the convolutional neural network (CNN) to make online decisions. With the CNN-based model, a function mapping the input network information to output decisions can be intelligently learnt to make timely inferences. Extensive trace-driven experiments are conducted to demonstrate the efficiency of CBTL in solving the JCTO problem and the superior learning performance with the CNN-based model. Third, we investigate caching-assisted cooperative content delivery in space-air-ground integrated vehicular networks (SAGVNs), where vehicular content requests can be cooperatively served by multiple APs in space, aerial, and terrestrial networks. In specific, a joint optimization problem of vehicle-to-AP association, bandwidth allocation, and content delivery ratio, referred to as the ABC problem, is formulated to minimize the overall content delivery delay while satisfying vehicular quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. To address the tightly-coupled optimization variables, we propose a load- and mobility-aware ABC (LMA-ABC) scheme to solve the joint optimization problem as follows. We first decompose the ABC problem to optimize the content delivery ratio. Then the impact of bandwidth allocation on the achievable delay performance is analyzed, and an effect of diminishing delay performance gain is revealed. Based on the analysis results, the LMA-ABC scheme is designed with the consideration of user fairness, load balancing, and vehicle mobility. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed LMA-ABC scheme can significantly reduce the cooperative content delivery delay compared to the benchmark schemes. In summary, we have investigated the content caching in terrestrial networks with fixed APs, joint caching and trajectory optimization in the AGVN, and caching-assisted cooperative content delivery in the SAGVN. The proposed schemes and theoretical results should provide useful guidelines for future research in the caching scheme design and efficient utilization of network resources in caching-enabled heterogeneous wireless networks

    Opportunistic Spectrum Utilization for Vehicular Communication Networks

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    Recently, vehicular networks (VANETs), has become the key technology of the next-generation intelligent transportation systems (ITS). By incorporating wireless communication and networking capabilities into automobiles, information can be efficiently and reliably disseminated among vehicles, road side units, and infrastructure, which enables a number of novel applications enhancing the road safety and providing the drivers/passengers with an information-rich environment. With the development of mobile Internet, people want to enjoy the Internet access in vehicles just as anywhere else. This fact, along with the soaring number of connected vehicles and the emerging data-craving applications and services, has led to a problem of spectrum scarcity, as the current spectrum bands for VANETs are difficult to accommodate the increasing mobile data demands. In this thesis, we aim to solve this problem by utilizing extra spectrum bands, which are not originally allocated for vehicular communications. In this case, the spectrum usage is based on an opportunistic manner, where the spectrum is not available if the primary system is active, or the vehicle is outside the service coverage due to the high mobility. We will analyze the features of such opportunistic spectrum, and design efficient protocols to utilize the spectrum for VANETs. Firstly, the application of cognitive radio technologies in VANETs, termed CR-VANETs, is proposed and analyzed. In CR-VANETs, the channel availability is severely affected by the street patterns and the mobility features of vehicles. Therefore, we theoretically analyze the channel availability in urban scenario, and obtain its statistics. Based on the knowledge of channel availability, an efficient channel access scheme for CR-VANETs is then designed and evaluated. Secondly, using WiFi to deliver mobile data, named WiFi offloading, is employed to deliver the mobile data on the road, in order to relieve the burden of the cellular networks, and provide vehicular users with a cost-effective data pipe. Using queueing theory, we analyze the offloading performance with respect to the vehicle mobility model and the users' QoS preferences. Thirdly, we employ device-to-device (D2D) communications in VANETs to further improve the spectrum efficiency. In a vehicular D2D (V-D2D) underlaying cellular network, proximate vehicles can directly communicate with each other with a relatively small transmit power, rather than traversing the base station. Therefore, many current transmissions can co-exist on one spectrum resource block. By utilizing the spatial diversity, the spectrum utilization is greatly enhanced. We study the performance of the V-D2D underlaying cellular network, considering the vehicle mobility and the street pattern. We also investigate the impact of the preference of D2D/cellular mode on the interference and network throughput, and obtain the theoretical results. In summary, the analysis and schemes developed in this thesis are useful to understand the future VANETs with heterogeneous access technologies, and provide important guidelines for designing and deploying such networks

    Design and Mining of Health Information Systems for Process and Patient Care Improvement

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    abstract: In healthcare facilities, health information systems (HISs) are used to serve different purposes. The radiology department adopts multiple HISs in managing their operations and patient care. In general, the HISs that touch radiology fall into two categories: tracking HISs and archive HISs. Electronic Health Records (EHR) is a typical tracking HIS, which tracks the care each patient receives at multiple encounters and facilities. Archive HISs are typically specialized databases to store large-size data collected as part of the patient care. A typical example of an archive HIS is the Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS), which provides economical storage and convenient access to diagnostic images from multiple modalities. How to integrate such HISs and best utilize their data remains a challenging problem due to the disparity of HISs as well as high-dimensionality and heterogeneity of the data. My PhD dissertation research includes three inter-connected and integrated topics and focuses on designing integrated HISs and further developing statistical models and machine learning algorithms for process and patient care improvement. Topic 1: Design of super-HIS and tracking of quality of care (QoC). My research developed an information technology that integrates multiple HISs in radiology, and proposed QoC metrics defined upon the data that measure various dimensions of care. The DDD assisted the clinical practices and enabled an effective intervention for reducing lengthy radiologist turnaround times for patients. Topic 2: Monitoring and change detection of QoC data streams for process improvement. With the super-HIS in place, high-dimensional data streams of QoC metrics are generated. I developed a statistical model for monitoring high- dimensional data streams that integrated Singular Vector Decomposition (SVD) and process control. The algorithm was applied to QoC metrics data, and additionally extended to another application of monitoring traffic data in communication networks. Topic 3: Deep transfer learning of archive HIS data for computer-aided diagnosis (CAD). The novelty of the CAD system is the development of a deep transfer learning algorithm that combines the ideas of transfer learning and multi- modality image integration under the deep learning framework. Our system achieved high accuracy in breast cancer diagnosis compared with conventional machine learning algorithms.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Industrial Engineering 201