4 research outputs found


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    During the transitional time between Covid-19 and endemic, all Indonesian schools, and SMKN 47 in particular, had restricted educational opportunities. Due to challenges encountered by the instructor and 36 students majoring in accounting in grade 12, they were unable to carry out teaching and learning activities at school; art lesson formats with three-dimensional learning modules must be visualized in 3D. However, with hybrid teaching and learning utilizing presentations, displaying the learned 3D forms is less successful. In order to visualize three dimensions in fine arts classes using augmented reality technology, we require a new learning medium. The application of the Markerless Based Tracking approach in this work enables the presentation of a tracked 3D model in the surrounding environment in real-time by merging the actual and virtual worlds as if their boundaries did not exist. The augmented reality system scans flat surfaces utilizing points, as opposed to markers or other auxiliary media. Points used as pedestals or containers to elevate three-dimensional items. There are three sculptures and three traditional dwellings on show. Online examination outcomes average resulted a 78.2% that  the AR Fine Arts application by instructors and students are therefore consistent and well accepted

    Difusi Inovasi Aplikasi Quiver 3-D Berbasis Teknologi Augmented Reality Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

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    This innovation diffusion research aims to disseminate innovative applications containing Augmented Reality (AR) technology in Early Childhood Education institutions through coloring activities in developing children's creativity. Because every child has talent and creativity that must be welcomed through various activities that can help their development. It is important for children in their learning environment to be given the opportunity to explore multi-media in order to realize the fertilization of their creative potential. Children's interest in digital devices can be used as a great opportunity for teachers in utilizing media and learning resources in early childhood education institutions. Augmented Reality (AR) technology content contained in the Q-3D Application in coloring activities provides an interesting offer by presenting virtual world visual images formed in 3-D animation into a real environment with the help of smartphones for images created and colored, so as to develop their creativity. In this innovation diffusion research, the descriptive analysis method is used with two approaches, namely: qualitative and quantitative. The data were obtained through three methods, namely: observation, interview, and documentation. Innovation diffusion research provides important findings that the level of adopter acceptance of the innovation of the Aaugmented Reality-based Quiver 3D app is very high and children's creativity is well developed.Penelitian difusi inovasi ini bertujuan untuk menyebarkan aplikasi inovatif bermuatan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) pada lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini melalui aktivitas mewarnai dalam pengembangan kreativitas anak. Karena setiap anak memiliki bakat dan kreativitas yang harus disambut dengan baik melalui berbagai aktivitas yang dapat membantu perkembangannya. Penting bagi anak dalam lingkungan belajarnya diberikan kesempatan mengeksplorasi multi media demi terwujudnya pembuahan potensi kreativitasnya. Minat anak terhadap perangkat digital dapat dijadikan peluang besar bagi guru dalam pemanfaatan media dan sumber belajar pada lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini. Muatan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) yang terdapat pada Aplikasi Q-3D dalam aktivitas mewarnai memberikan penawaran menarik dengan menghadirkan gambar visual dunia maya yang dibentuk dalam animasi 3-D menjadi lingkungan nyata dengan bantuan  smartphone atas gambar yang dibuat dan diwarnai, sehingga mampu mengembangkan kreativitasnya. Dalam penelitian difusi inovasi ini digunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan dua pendekatan, yakni: kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pemerolehan data penelitian melalui tiga cara, yakni: observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian difusi inovasi memberikan hasil temuan penting bahwa tingkat adopter penerimaan terhadap inovasi apilikasi Quiver 3D berbasis Aaugmented Reality sangat tinggi dan kreativitas anak berkembang dengan baik