11 research outputs found

    Designing emergency response networks for hazardous materials transportation

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Undesirable consequences of dangerous goods incidents can be mitigated by quick arrival of specialized response teams at the accident site. We present a novel methodology to determine the optimal design of a specialized team network so as to maximize its ability to respond to such incidents in a region. We show that this problem can be represented via a maximal arc-covering model.We discuss two formulations for the maximal arc-covering problem, a known one and a new one. Through computational experiments, we establish that the known formulation has excessive computational requirements for large-scale problems, whereas the alternative model constitutes a basis for an efficient heuristic. The methodology is applied to assess the emergency response capability to transport incidents, that involve gasoline, in Quebec and Ontario. We point out the possibility of a significant improvement via relocation of the existing specialized teams, which are currently stationed at the shipment origins. 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The oil spill risk assessment and research on the oil pollution emergency plan in CNOOC(Huizhou) logistics base wharf

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    Hazmats Transportation Network Design Model with Emergency Response under Complex Fuzzy Environment

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    A bilevel optimization model for a hazardous materials transportation network design is presented which considers an emergency response teams location problem. On the upper level, the authority designs the transportation network to minimize total transportation risk. On the lower level, the carriers first choose their routes so that the total transportation cost is minimized. Then, the emergency response department locates their emergency service units so as to maximize the total weighted arc length covered. In contrast to prior studies, the uncertainty associated with transportation risk has been explicitly considered in the objective function of our mathematical model. Specifically, our research uses a complex fuzzy variable to model transportation risk. An improved artificial bee colony algorithm with priority-based encoding is also applied to search for the optimal solution to the bilevel model. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed model and algorithm is evaluated using a practical case and various computing attributes

    Hazardous Materials Transportation: a Literature Review and an Annotated Bibliography

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    The hazardous materials transportation poses risks to life, health, property, and the environment due to the possibility of an unintentional release. We present a bibliographic survey on this argument paying particular attention to the road transportation. We attempt to encompass both theoretical and application oriented works. Research on this topic is spread over the broad spectrum of computer science and the literature has an operations research and quantitative risk assessment focus. The models present in the literature vary from simple risk equations to set of differential equations. In discussing the literature, we present and compare the underlying assumptions, the model specifications and the derived results. We use the previous perspectives to critically cluster the papers in the literature into a classification scheme


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    Transportation of dangerous goods has been receiving more attention in the realm of academic and scientific research during the last few decades as countries have been increasingly becoming industrialized throughout the world, thereby making Hazmats an integral part of our life style. However, the number of scholarly articles in this field is not as many as those of other areas in SCM. Considering the low-probability-and-high-consequence (LPHC) essence of transportation of Hazmats, on the one hand, and immense volume of shipments accounting for more than hundred tons in North America and Europe, on the other, we can safely state that the number of scholarly articles and dissertations have not been proportional to the significance of the subject of interest. On this ground, we conducted our research to contribute towards further developing the domain of Hazmats transportation, and sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), in general terms. Transportation of Hazmats, from logistical standpoint, may include all modes of transport via air, marine, road and rail, as well as intermodal transportation systems. Although road shipment is predominant in most of the literature, railway transportation of Hazmats has proven to be a potentially significant means of transporting dangerous goods with respect to both economies of scale and risk of transportation; these factors, have not just given rise to more thoroughly investigation of intermodal transportation of Hazmats using road and rail networks, but has encouraged the competition between rail and road companies which may indeed have some inherent advantages compared to the other medium due to their infrastructural and technological backgrounds. Truck shipment has ostensibly proven to be providing more flexibility; trains, per contra, provide more reliability in terms of transport risk for conveying Hazmats in bulks. In this thesis, in consonance with the aforementioned motivation, we provide an introduction into the hazardous commodities shipment through rail network in the first chapter of the thesis. Providing relevant statistics on the volume of Hazmat goods, number of accidents, rate of incidents, and rate of fatalities and injuries due to the incidents involving Hazmats, will shed light onto the significance of the topic under study. As well, we review the most pertinent articles while putting more emphasis on the state-of-the-art papers, in chapter two. Following the discussion in chapter 3 and looking at the problem from carrier company’s perspective, a mixed integer quadratically constraint problem (MIQCP) is developed which seeks for the minimization of transportation cost under a set of constraints including those associating with Hazmats. Due to the complexity of the problem, the risk function has been piecewise linearized using a set of auxiliary variables, thereby resulting in an MIP problem. Further, considering the interests of both carrier companies and regulatory agencies, which are minimization of cost and risk, respectively, a multiobjective MINLP model is developed, which has been reduced to an MILP through piecewise linearization of the risk term in the objective function. For both single-objective and multiobjective formulations, model variants with bifurcated and nonbifurcated flows have been presented. Then, in chapter 4, we carry out experiments considering two main cases where the first case presents smaller instances of the problem and the second case focuses on a larger instance of the problem. Eventually, in chapter five, we conclude the dissertation with a summary of the overall discussion as well as presenting some comments on avenues of future work

    Gestão de riscos ambientais no transporte ferroviário de produtos perigosos em Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico, Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil, Florianópolis, 2011Dentre as várias vertentes exploratórias do tema Gestão de Riscos Ambientais, destacam-se os riscos decorrentes das atividades de Transporte de Produtos Perigosos. A importância do tema está: na diversidade de produtos perigosos existentes; na importância deles para o desenvolvimento da sociedade; no aumento do consumo destes produtos e, principalmente, por estar cada uma dessas substâncias associadas a um perigo em potencial. O foco no Transporte Ferroviário se dá pelo fato de que este modal tem uma representatividade significativa na logística do transporte brasileiro e existe uma tendência nacional de crescimento do setor. Tem como características importantes, a alta competitividade de transporte para grandes volumes e a longas distâncias. Comparado ao transporte rodoviário, é mais econômico, pouco poluente e mais seguro. Porém, o Transporte Ferroviário de Produtos Perigosos - TFPP tem outra peculiaridade: um acidente neste modal pode acarretar em conseqüências catastróficas devido aos grandes volumes transportados simultaneamente, além de que geralmente a malha férrea passa por diferentes áreas, algumas com relevante importância ecológica e/ou sócio-econômica. Em vista das lacunas existentes em termos de informações para a prática da gestão no Brasil, a pesquisa apresenta um panorama do TFPP em Santa Catarina, como uma contribuição à administração governamental e às gerências ferroviárias na Gestão de Riscos Ambientais.Among the various aspects of exploratory theme Environmental Risk Management, highlighted the risks arising from the activities of Transport of Dangerous Goods. The importance of the theme is: the diversity of existing hazardous products, in their importance in the development of society, the increasing consumption of these products and, particularly, for each substance to be associated with a potential danger. The focus on rail transport is due to the fact that this modal has a significant representation in the Brazilian transportation logistics and there is a national trend of growth in the sector. Its important features, the high competitiveness of transport for large volumes and long distances. Compared to road transport, is more economical, less polluting and safer. However, the Railway Transport of Dangerous Goods - TFPP has another peculiarity: a modal in this accident can result in catastrophic consequences due to large volumes transported simultaneously, and that generally the mesh railway passes through different areas, some with significant ecological importance and / or socio-economic status. In view of the gaps in terms of information for the practice of management in Brazil, the survey presents an overview of TFPP in Santa Catarina, as a contribution to government administration and to train managers in the Management of Environmental Risk

    Optimization Based Decision Support Tools for Fire and Rescue Resource Planning

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    Disaster management and its economic implications

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte im Bereich des Katastrophenmanagements in der Operational Research Literatur aufzuzeigen. Katastrophenmanagement umfasst in diesem Zusammenhang einerseits Naturkatastrophen wie geophysikalische und hydro-meteorologische Katastrophen, technologische Katastrophen wie industrielle Unfälle, Transportunfälle und sonstige Unfälle, und andererseits die verschiedenen Formen des Terrorismus, allgemeinen Terrorismus sowie Bioterrorismus. Da die Anzahl und das Ausmaß von Katastrophen immer weiter zunehmen ist auch eine immer größere Notwendigkeit für die Entwicklung, den Einsatz und die wirtschaftliche Beurteilung der jeweiligen Strategien gegeben. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die Literatur im Bereich des Katastrophenmanagements und umfasst Simulation, Katastrophenmanagement in Krankenhäusern und die Rolle von Versicherungen im Katastrophenmanagementprozess. Im zweiten Teil wird eine Taxonomie entwickelt, deren Kategorien auf den Modellen und Ergebnissen der Literatur beruhen. Einerseits werden allgemeine Modelleigenschaften wie die Ebene im Katastrophenmanagementprozess, der Modelltyp und die Anwendungsgebiete der Modelle untersucht. Andererseits stellen die Art der Intervention und die Anwendbarkeit für die unterschiedlichen Katastrophenklassen weitere Kategorien der Taxonomie dar. Es wurden 90 Artikel, die beispielhaft für die Forschungsrichtungen im Bereich des Katastrophenmanagements der letzten 25 Jahre stehen, ausgewählt, und entsprechend den jeweiligen Kategorien der Taxonomie zugeordnet. Das Hauptaugenmerk der Taxonomie liegt auf der wirtschaftlichen Analyse, die wirksamkeitsbezogene, ressourcenbezogene und kostenbezogene Parameter umfasst. Es wird gezeigt ob und welche wirtschaftliche Analyse wie beispielsweise die Kosten-Nutzwert- Analyse, die Kosten-Wirksamkeits-Analyse und die Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse angewendet wird um die in den Artikeln beschriebenen Interventionen zu evaluieren. Es wird gezeigt, dass erhebliche Verbesserungen für die verschiedenen Katastrophentypen und in den verschiedenen Situationen erzielt werden können. Eingeschränkte Datenverfügbarkeit schränkt in vielen Fällen die Einsetzbarkeit der Modelle in realen Situationen ein. Im Allgemeinen ist erkennbar, dass Kooperation und Koordination zwischen den beteiligten Einheiten ausschlaggebend für den zeitgerechten und effizienten Einsatz der knappen Ressourcen sind. Oftmals erzielt der gemeinsame Einsatz mehrerer Maßnahme ein deutlich besseres Ergebnis als der Einsatz von lediglich einem einzigen Instrument. Die Taxonomie unterstreicht dass trotz der großen Fülle an Literatur im Bereich des Katastrophenmanagements nur wenige Autoren auf die Kosten-Nutzwert-Analyse, die Kosten-Wirksamkeits-Analyse und die Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse als Hilfsmittel zur wirtschaftlichen Analyse zurückgreifen. In Zukunft, um Interventionen erfolgreich evaluieren zu können oder die beste aus mehreren Interventionen bestimmen zu können wird es immer wichtiger werden, diese Art von wirtschaftlichen Analysen anzuwenden.This thesis intends to demonstrate current research directions in the field of disaster management in the Operational Research literature. Disaster management in this context comprises the management of natural, such as geophysical and hydro-meteorological, and technological disasters, such as industrial accidents, transportation accidents, and miscellaneous accidents, as well as the management of the different terrorism forms, general terrorism and bioterrorism. As the occurrence of disasters is getting more and more frequent and the accumulated loss of these events is getting higher and higher, there is a strong need for the development, implication and economic evaluation of strategies to counter these disasters. In the first part of the thesis, a general overview of the literature is given, including a focus on simulation, disaster management in hospitals, and the role of insurances in the disaster management process. The second part encompasses the taxonomy which focuses on models and outcomes presented in the literature. As a result of the review of the literature, appropriate categories for the disaster management taxonomy are derived. On the one hand, an overview of general model features, i.e., the level of disaster management, model type and methods of application is given. On the other hand, the type of intervention used and the practicability for different disaster types are discussed. 90 papers, illustrative main examples of the research directions of the last 25 years, were selected for deeper investigation and classified according to the main criteria analyzed in the articles. The main focus of the taxonomy lies on the economic analysis, which encompasses effectiveness-related, resource-related, and cost-related parameters and shows the type of economic analysis used in the literature. We analyze whether economic analysis, i.e., costutility, cost-effectiveness, and cost-benefit are used to investigate different interventions and what type of analysis has been chosen by the authors. Policy implications and results show that considerable improvements can be achieved for different disastrous events and in different situations. Limited data availability constrains the outcomes of the models and their applicability to real-world situations. In general, cooperation and coordination of the entities involved are crucial to guarantee timely and efficient assignment of scarce resources. Furthermore, different authors confirm that a combination of various measures often achieves a better outcome than if tools are used autonomously. The taxonomy has underlined that although there exists a vast disaster management literature dealing with various problems related to mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery from disasters, there are only a few authors evaluating the actions taken through economic analyses such cost-utility, cost-effectiveness, or cost-benefit analysis. In the future, to be able to evaluate interventions, or to figure out the most effective intervention among several interventions, it is crucial to stronger rely on the abovementioned economic analyses

    Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Risk Analizi Yapılarak Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi İle Güzergâh Belirlenmesi

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    TEHLİKELİ MADDE TAŞIMACILIĞINDA RİSK ANALİZİ YAPILARAK COĞRAFİ BİLGİ SİSTEMİ İLE GÜZERGÂH BELİRLENMESİ Şükrü UZUNDAĞ Doktora Tezi, İşletme Anabilim Dalı Tez Danışmanı: Doç. Dr. Hüseyin ŞENKAYAS 2020, XXX+ 200 sayfa Dünyadaki ekonomik büyüme ve teknolojik gelişmelere paralel olarak tüm sanayi sektöründeki gelişmeler neticesinde gerekli olan ticari ürünlerin hammaddesi olan tehlikeli maddelerin kullanılması son yıllarda artış göstermiştir. Tehlikeli madde taşımacılığı 1970’li yıllardan günümüze kadar üzerinde sürekli çalışılan bir konu olmuştur. Özellikle tehlikeli madde taşımacılığı esnasında karşılaşılabilecek tüm riskleri en küçükleme konusu hem kamu kurumlarının hem de firmaların dikkatini çekmiştir. Çalışmada ulusal ve uluslarası mühimmat ve patlayıcı taşımacılığı yapan bir kamu kurumunda tüm riskleri (nüfus yoğunluğu, kaza olasılığı, trafik yoğunluğu, terör/sabotaj) dikkate alarak coğrafi bilgi sistemi ArcMap 10.2.2 programı vasıtasıyla riskleri en küçükleyen en uygun güzergâhları bulmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan bölge için elde edilen tüm veriler CBS’ye girişi yapılmış ve şebeke tasarlanmış müteakiben nüfus yoğunluğu, zaman, mesafe, trafik yoğunluğu ve terör verilerine göre en uygun güzergâhlar tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca uzman personel görüşleri alınarak oluşturulan risk kriterleri belirlenen üç senaryoya göre AHP kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. AHP tekniği ile belirlenen risk kriterlerinin ağırlık dereceleri hesaplanmış ve Çok Kriterli Karar Verme yöntemlerinden olan VİKOR ve MOORA ile tüm yol dilimlerine ait girilen değerler analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen değerler neticesinde karar verme aracı olan coğrafi bilgi sistemi ile risklerin minimize edildiği en uygun güzergâhlar bulunmuştur. Son olarak tehlikeli madde taşımacılığında oluşabilecek anlık durumlara karşı dinamik olarak en uygun güzergâhlar elde edilmiştir.İÇİNDEKİLER KABUL VE ONAY SAYFASI..............................................................................................iii BİLİMSEL ETİK BİLDİRİM SAYFASI................................................................................ v ÖZET.....................................................................................................................................vii ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................................ix ÖNSÖZ...................................................................................................................................xi SİMGELER DİZİNİ............................................................................................................xvii ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ..............................................................................................................xix ÇİZELGELER DİZİNİ.........................................................................................................xxi FOTOĞRAFLAR DİZİNİ..................................................................................................xxiii FORMÜLLER DİZİNİ........................................................................................................ xxv EKLER DİZİNİ.................................................................................................................xxvii KISALTMALAR DİZİNİ ..................................................................................................xxix GİRİŞ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1. BÖLÜM.............................................................................................................................. 4 1. KAVRAMSAL VE KURAMSAL ÇERÇEVE................................................................... 4 1.1. Tehlikeli Maddeler ve Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığı ................................................. 4 1.2. Tehlikeli Maddelerin Sınıflandırılması........................................................................ 8 1.2.1. Sınıf 1: Patlayıcı ve Patlayıcı İçeren Madde ve Nesneler................................ 10 1.2.2. Sınıf 2: Gazlar.................................................................................................. 12 1.2.3. Sınıf 3: Yanıcı Sıvı Maddeler.......................................................................... 14 1.2.4. Sınıf 4: Yanıcı Katı Maddeler.......................................................................... 16 1.2.5. Sınıf 5: Yakıcı (Oksitleyici) ve Organik Peroksit Maddeler ........................... 18 1.2.6. Sınıf 6: Zehirleyici ve Bulaşıcı Maddeler........................................................ 20 1.2.7. Sınıf 7: Radyoaktif Maddeler .......................................................................... 21 1.2.8. Sınıf 8: Aşındırıcı Maddeler............................................................................ 22 1.2.9. Sınıf 9: Farklı Tehlikeleri Olan Maddeler ....................................................... 23 xiv 1.3. Tehlikeli Maddelerin Paketlenmesi........................................................................... 24 1.4. Tehlikeli Maddelerin Yüklenmesi ve Boşaltılması ................................................... 27 1.5. Tehlikeli Maddelerin Taşınmasında Kullanılan Araçlar........................................... 29 1.5.1. Kara Yollarında Kullanılan Araçlar ................................................................ 30 1.5.2. Deniz Yollarında Kullanılan Araçlar .............................................................. 30 1.5.3. Demir Yollarında Kullanılan Araçlar.............................................................. 31 1.5.4. Hava Yollarında Kullanılan Araçlar................................................................ 31 1.6. Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığına İlişkin Mevzuat...................................................... 32 1.6.1. Tehlikeli Maddelerin Kara Yolu ile Taşınmasına Yönelik Çok Taraflı Avrupa Anlaşması (ADR)................................................................................ 32 1.6.2. Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Sınırlı Taşıma Kuralları ............................ 34 1.7. Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Meydana Gelen Kaza ve Ekonomik Durum ....... 35 1.8. Mühimmat ve Patlayıcıların Taşınması..................................................................... 37 1.8.1. Mühimmat ve Patlayıcıların Taşınmasında Sınırlamalar................................ 39 1.8.2. Mühimmat ve Patlayıcı Maddelerin İşaretlenmesi.......................................... 42 1.8.3. Mühimmat ve Patlayıcıların Karayolu ile Taşınması...................................... 43 1.8.4. Mühimmat ve Patlayıcıların Demiryolu ile Taşınması ................................... 46 1.8.5. Mühimmat ve Patlayıcıların Denizyolu ile Taşınması.................................... 46 1.8.6. Mühimmat ve Patlayıcıların Havayolu ile Taşınması ..................................... 47 1.9. Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Literatür Araştırması ........................................... 47 2. BÖLÜM............................................................................................................................ 59 2. TEHLİKELİ MADDE TAŞIMACILIĞINDA RİSK ANALİZİ YAPILMASI VE GÜZERGAH SEÇİMİNDE KULLANILABİLECEK YÖNTEMLER...................... 59 2.1. Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Risk Analizi......................................................... 59 2.1.1. Riskin Tanımı ve Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığımda Kullanılan Risk Analiz Modelleri.......................................................................................................... 59 2.1.2. Nüfusa Etki Risk Modeli................................................................................. 63 2.1.3. Olaylı Kaza Olma Olasılığı ............................................................................. 64 xv 2.1.4. Terör Risk Analizi ........................................................................................... 65 2.2. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi Yöntemi ile Risk Analizi ........................................................ 65 2.2.1. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi ....................................................................................... 65 2.2.2. Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında CBS Analizi............................................... 66 2.2.3. Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi ile Risk Analizi Yöntemi............................................................................................................ 68 2.3. Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Teknikleri.................. 69 2.3.1. Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci – AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) Yöntemi ...... 74 2.3.2. VIKOR Yöntemi (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje)............................................................................................................ 84 2.3.3. MOORA Yöntemi (Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis) .......... 89 3. BÖLÜM............................................................................................................................ 93 3. TEHLİKELİ MADDE TAŞIMACILIĞINDA RİSK ANALİZİ YAPILARAK COĞRAFİ BİLGİ SİSTEMİ İLE GÜZERGAH BELİRLENMESİ............................ 93 3.1. Çalışmanın Uygulama Alanı...................................................................................... 93 3.2. Çalışmanın Amacı, Kapsamı ve Önemi..................................................................... 94 3.3. Çalışmanın Yöntemi .................................................................................................. 97 3.4. Çalışma İçin Kullanılacak Araç ve Mühimmat Cinsi.............................................. 100 3.5. Çalışma ile İlgili Verilerin Toplanması ve Girilmesi .............................................. 101 3.5.1. CBS’ye Mesafe ve Zaman Verilerin Girilmesi ............................................. 102 3.5.2. Trafik Yoğunluğu Verilerin Girilmesi........................................................... 104 3.5.3. Kaza Sayısı Verilerin Girilmesi..................................................................... 106 3.5.4. Nüfus Verilerin Girilmesi.............................................................................. 109 3.5.5. Terör Verilerin Girilmesi............................................................................... 110 3.6. Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında CBS Kullanılarak Şebeke Oluşturulması .......... 111 3.6.1. CBS’de Mesafe ve Zaman Verileri Kullanılarak En Uygun Güzergâhın Tespit Edilmesi............................................................................................... 113 3.6.2. Nüfus Verileri Kullanılarak En Uygun Güzergâhın Tespit Edilmesi............ 117 3.6.3. Kaza Sayısı Verileri Kullanılarak En Uygun Güzergâhın Tespit Edilmesi... 119 xvi 3.6.4. Trafik Yoğunluk Verileri Kullanılarak En Uygun Güzergâhın Tespit Edilmesi ......................................................................................................... 120 3.6.5. Terör Verileri Kullanılarak En Uygun Güzergâhın Tespit Edilmesi ............ 121 3.7. Risk Kriterlerin Belirlenmesi ve Ağırlıkların Hesaplanması .................................. 122 3.7.1. Karar Vericilerin, Risk Kriterlerin Belirlenmesi ve Kriter Değerlendirme Anketinin Yapılması ...................................................................................... 122 3.7.2. AHP Tekniği ile Risk Kriter Ağırlıklarının Tespit Edilmesine Yönelik Uygulama....................................................................................................... 124 3.8. Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemi ile Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Güzergâh Belirlenmesi.......................................................................................... 127 3.8.1. VİKOR Yöntemi ile Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Güzergâh Belirlenmesi ................................................................................................... 128 3.8.2. MOORA Yöntemi ile Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Güzergâh Belirlenmesi ................................................................................................... 136 3.9. Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığında Anlık Durumlar ile Karşılaşıldığında Güzergâh Belirlenmesi .......................................................................................................... 143 4. SONUÇ VE ÖNERİLER.............................................................................................. 145 5. KAYNAKLAR............................................................................................................... 151 6. EKLER........................................................................................................................... 165 ÖZGEÇMİŞ....................................................................................................................... 19