31 research outputs found

    Designing for Usability in 3D Virtual Environments

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    This paper is about designing 3D applications and the software design process in desktop virtual environments. Here, we introduce parts of our work on a design-focused approach to usability engineering and software development for 3D desktop virtual environments. We begin by discussing some of the current limitations in virtual environment research. We then introduce alternate perspectives for improving the usability of virtual environment applications. We highlight the need for a software development approach to designing virtual environment applications and provide some arguments for this. Finally, we conclude by providing a summary of our work-in-progress solution

    Dermatúnel: a model of interactive learning environment in dermatology

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    O Ambiente Interativo de Aprendizagem (AIA) é um modelo educacional que integra recursos de computação gráfica 3D e contextualização, com objetivo de transmitir um conjunto de conhecimentos (ilhas de conhecimento), de forma precisa e ágil, para pessoas que não conhecem o assunto. Utiliza recursos de multimídia apoiados em ambientação contextualizada para motivar os participantes na retenção de conhecimento. Na primeira versão, foram abordados oito assuntos relevantes de dermatologia. O modelo foi implementado no 62º Congresso Brasileiro de Dermatologia e denominado Dermatúnel. Participaram das visitas 3295 pessoas, num período de quatro dias. Os resultados demonstraram alta satisfação dos participantes. Possui grande potencial como ferramenta educacional para formação médica e orientação do público geral para fins de prevenção de doenças.The Interactive Learning Environment (ILE) is an educational model that integrates features of 3D computer graphics and contextualization, in order to transmit a quantum of knowledge (islands of knowledge), in a precise and agile way, to people who do not know the subject. It is a model that uses multimedia resources supported by a contextualized environment to motivate the participants in the retention of knowledge. In this first release, eight relevant subjects in dermatology were addressed and implemented in the 62nd Brazilian Congress of Dermatology. The model was called Dermatúnel. In a period of four days, 3295 people visited it. The results showed that the participants were highly satisfied. The model has a great potential as an educational tool for medical training and guidance to the general public with the purpose of disease prevention

    Dermatúnel: modelo de ambiente interativo de aprendizagem em dermatologia

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    The Interactive Learning Environment (ILE) is an educational model that integrates features of 3D computer graphics and contextualization, in order to transmit a quantum of knowledge (islands of knowledge), in a precise and agile way, to people who do not know the subject. It is a model that uses multimedia resources supported by a contextualized environment to motivate the participants in the retention of knowledge. In this first release, eight relevant subjects in dermatology were addressed and implemented in the 62nd Brazilian Congress of Dermatology. The model was called Dermatúnel. In a period of four days, 3295 people visited it. The results showed that the participants were highly satisfied. The model has a great potential as an educational tool for medical training and guidance to the general public with the purpose of disease prevention.O Ambiente Interativo de Aprendizagem (AIA) é um modelo educacional que integra recursos de computação gráfica 3D e contextualização, com objetivo de transmitir um conjunto de conhecimentos (ilhas de conhecimento), de forma precisa e ágil, para pessoas que não conhecem o assunto. Utiliza recursos de multimídia apoiados em ambientação contextualizada para motivar os participantes na retenção de conhecimento. Na primeira versão, foram abordados oito assuntos relevantes de dermatologia. O modelo foi implementado no 62º Congresso Brasileiro de Dermatologia e denominado Dermatúnel. Participaram das visitas 3295 pessoas, num período de quatro dias. Os resultados demonstraram alta satisfação dos participantes. Possui grande potencial como ferramenta educacional para formação médica e orientação do público geral para fins de prevenção de doenças

    Experiências no Projeto de um Jogo Colaborativo sobre a Dengue

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    A utilização de jogos sérios vem se mostrando um meio efetivo de aprendizado. Considerando a possibilidade de promover a colaboração em ambiente computacional distribuído para o ensino sobre a dengue, uma das principais doenças infecciosas causada por arboviroses, este trabalho apresenta a criação e utilização de um jogo computacional colaborativo distribuído como meio diferenciado de ensino sobre esta doença. Aspectos de projeto são discutidos e dados preliminares quanto ao uso do jogo colaborativo sugerem que os usuários consideraram que aprenderam sobre esta doença, atribuindo parte do sucesso ao aspecto colaborativo do jogo

    Opiskelijoiden kokemuksia opetuspelin käytöstä projektinhallinnan opetuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia projektinhallinnan opetukseen tehdyn tietokonepelin vaikutusta oppimiseen projektinhallinnan opetuksessa. Oppimista mitataan opiskelijoiden subjektiivisilla arvioilla ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään laadullista sisällönanalyysiä. Aineisto kerättiin 47:ltä Stevens Institute of Technology:n opiskelijalta pelin jälkeen. Pelillä on tarkoitus opettaa ymmärrystä projektinhallinnan päätöksenteon monimutkaisuuteen, riskien vaikutusta projektin kustannuksiin, aikatauluun ja laatuun, sekä tuloksenarvo menetelmän soveltamista projektin arviointiin ja suunnitteluun. Laadullisen sisällönanalyysin mukaan suurin osa opiskelijoista kokee, että projektinhallintapeli auttaa ymmärtämään asioita, joita pelillä on tarkoituksena opettaa. Osa opiskelijoista kertoi oppineensa myös yleisiä taitoja pelatessa. Peli tuki oppimista, koska se on motivoiva ja interaktiivinen. Opiskelijat myös kilpailivat toisiaan vastaan, mikä sai heidät pelaamaan peliä enemmän. Lisäksi tunnistettiin asioita, jotka vaikuttavat kielteisesti oppimiseen ja oppimiskokemukseen. Näitä ovat muun muassa pelissä olevat virheet ja käyttöliittymä sekä ohjeiden ja kokousominaisuuden puute. Työn tuloksia voi hyödyntää pelin soveltamisessa opetuksessa ja pelin kehittämisessä.Student’s experiences of using an educational game in project management teaching. Abstract. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to study the effect a computer game made to teach project management has in project management teaching. Learning is measured by students’ subjective assessments and qualitative content analysis is used as a research method. The material was collected from 47 students studying in the Stevens Institute of Technology after they played the game. The game’s learning objectives are to understand the complexity of decision-making in project management, the impact of risks on project costs, schedule and quality, and the application of earned value method for project evaluation and project planning. According to the qualitative content analysis, most students feel that the project management game helps them better understand the things that the game teaches. Some students said they also learned soft skills while playing. The game supported learning because it was motivating and interactive. Students also competed against each other which made them play the game more. In addition, things that negatively affect learning and the learning experience were identified. These include the game’s bugs and interface as well as lack of instructions and meeting features. The results of the bachelor’s thesis can be used in the application of the game in teaching and development of the game

    Creating a 4D photoreal VR environment to teach civil engineering

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    Motivated by recent developments in AR/VR technology and accessibility, an interdisciplinary team at a Sinoforeign Higher Education Institution in China have been engaged in the creation of a virtual reality learning resource that will be offered to students and educators in the institution’s Civil Engineering department. In Civil Engineering education, it is difficult to explain to students how classroom theories translate into real life solutions and field trips can help resolve this problem. However, these must overcome fundamental concerns associated with student site visits, which include safety, logistics and accessibility for disadvantaged students. The presented case study details the development of a virtual field trip that is accessible from simple phone-based virtual reality headsets. The photoreal virtual field trip was constructed through multiple site visits to capture data and the experience now provides students with an opportunity to view the entire construction process of a university library. This paper contributes to current research by exploring the challenges and conjugate solutions encountered whilst building the virtual reality environment, and by presenting the first known photoreal virtual field trip that allows students to autonomously move both spatially and chronologically around a construction site. This will benefit other educational practitioners who are contemplating similar initiatives

    Extending the Classroom through Second Life

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    Second Life is a three-dimensional (3D) electronic environment where members can socialize, hold virtual meetings, or conduct economic transactions. Utilizing virtual environments like Second Life is believed to provide educators with a new medium for teaching and information dissemination that bypasses the normal boundaries associated with traditional online and face-to-face interactions. This unique platform not only provides educators with traditional online teaching conventions but also allows for simulated social interactions, which are essential to student-teacher relations in the classroom. This paper presents a series of field trials and focuses on one recent case study of the integration of Second Life into an introductory computer course. The benefits, lessons learned and effective practices of integrating the technology are provided. The case study findings are supplemented with results from student surveys. The study found that the integration of Second Life activities improved students’ learning experience. Furthermore, students participated in the Second Life activities in the case study showed higher learning motivation and better performance. Limitations of this study and future research directions are also provided

    Prikazi procesa poučavanja vjerojatnosti posredstvom igre

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    The aim of this study is to determine what happens when the subject of probability is taught via educational games. Participants in the research were fourth-grade students (N= 24, aged 9-10) who were taught for 3 class hours (each 40 minutes) by their teacher. The designed games were played among groups of 3-4 students. Data was gathered from 8 selected students’ responses to semi-structured interviews, the teacher’s views about the process, researchers’ evaluations of students’ reflections, students’ journal entries regarding the process, and audio and video recordings of students’ interactions. The findings were presented according to data collection sources. Evidence suggested that game-based teaching facilitated understanding, enhanced students’ participation and motivation, enabled them to work with peers, helped them overcome math anxiety, provided an amusing learning environment, although it also resulted in classroom management difficulty and a noisy learning environment. Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti što će se dogoditi kada vjerojatnost poučavamo posredstvom obrazovne igre. Sudionici istraživanja bili su učenici četvrtog razreda (N= 24, dob 9-10) koji su imali tri nastavna sata (u trajanju od 40 minuta) i njihov učitelj. Odabrane igre provodile su se u skupinama od 3 do 4 učenika. Podaci su dobiveni na temelju odgovora osam učenika u polustrukturiranom intervjuu, stavova učitelja o procesu, istraživačke procjene učeničkih razmatranja, učeničkih bilješki u dnevnicima vezanim uz proces, kao i na temelju audio i video zapisa interakcije učenika. Nalazi su prikazani prema načinu prikupljanja podataka. Dokazi ukazuju na to da učenje posredstvom igre potiče razumijevanje, poboljšava sudjelovanje učenika i motivaciju, omogućuje zajednički rad s djecom, pomaže u suzbijanju straha od matematike, stvara zabavno okruženje za učenje, ali kao posljedicu ima poroblem vladanja razredom i prilično bučnu atmosferu za učenje