94 research outputs found

    CGXplain: Rule-Based Deep Neural Network Explanations Using Dual Linear Programs

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    Rule-based surrogate models are an effective and interpretable way to approximate a Deep Neural Network's (DNN) decision boundaries, allowing humans to easily understand deep learning models. Current state-of-the-art decompositional methods, which are those that consider the DNN's latent space to extract more exact rule sets, manage to derive rule sets at high accuracy. However, they a) do not guarantee that the surrogate model has learned from the same variables as the DNN (alignment), b) only allow to optimise for a single objective, such as accuracy, which can result in excessively large rule sets (complexity), and c) use decision tree algorithms as intermediate models, which can result in different explanations for the same DNN (stability). This paper introduces the CGX (Column Generation eXplainer) to address these limitations - a decompositional method using dual linear programming to extract rules from the hidden representations of the DNN. This approach allows to optimise for any number of objectives and empowers users to tweak the explanation model to their needs. We evaluate our results on a wide variety of tasks and show that CGX meets all three criteria, by having exact reproducibility of the explanation model that guarantees stability and reduces the rule set size by >80% (complexity) at equivalent or improved accuracy and fidelity across tasks (alignment).Comment: Accepted at ICLR 2023 Workshop on Trustworthy Machine Learning for Healthcar

    Data Mining with Enhanced Neural Networks-CMMSE

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    Abstract This paper presents a new method to extract knowledge from existing data sets, that is, to extract symbolic rules using the weights of an Artificial Neural Network. The method has been applied to a neural network with special architecture named Enhanced Neural Network (ENN). This architecture improves the results that have been obtained with multilayer perceptron (MLP). The relationship among the knowledge stored in the weights, the performance of the network and the new implemented algorithm to acquire rules from the weights is explained. The method itself gives a model to follow in the knowledge acquisition with ENN

    A Hybrid heuristic-exhaustive search approach for rule extraction

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    The topic of this thesis is knowledge discovery and artificial intelligence based knowledge discovery algorithms. The knowledge discovery process and associated problems are discussed, followed by an overview of three classes of artificial intelligence based knowledge discovery algorithms. Typical representatives of each of these classes are presented and discussed in greater detail. Then a new knowledge discovery algorithm, called Hybrid Classifier System (HCS), is presented. The guiding concept behind the new algorithm was simplicity. The new knowledge discovery algorithm is loosely based on schemata theory. It is evaluated against one of the discussed algorithms from each class, namely: CN2; C4.5, BRAINNE and BGP. Results are discussed and compared. A comparison was done using a benchmark of classification problems. These results show that the new knowledge discovery algorithm performs satisfactory, yielding accurate, crisp rule sets. Probably the main strength of the HCS algorithm is its simplicity, so it can be the foundation for many possible future extensions. Some of the possible extensions of the new proposed algorithm are suggested in the final part of this thesis.Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2007.Computer Scienceunrestricte

    A Set Membership Approach to Discovering Feature Relevance and Explaining Neural Classifier Decisions

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    Neural classifiers are non linear systems providing decisions on the classes of patterns, for a given problem they have learned. The output computed by a classifier for each pattern constitutes an approximation of the output of some unknown function, mapping pattern data to their respective classes. The lack of knowledge of such a function along with the complexity of neural classifiers, especially when these are deep learning architectures, do not permit to obtain information on how specific predictions have been made. Hence, these powerful learning systems are considered as black boxes and in critical applications their use tends to be considered inappropriate. Gaining insight on such a black box operation constitutes a one way approach in interpreting operation of neural classifiers and assessing the validity of their decisions. In this paper we tackle this problem introducing a novel methodology for discovering which features are considered relevant by a trained neural classifier and how they affect the classifier's output, thus obtaining an explanation on its decision. Although, feature relevance has received much attention in the machine learning literature here we reconsider it in terms of nonlinear parameter estimation targeted by a set membership approach which is based on interval analysis. Hence, the proposed methodology builds on sound mathematical approaches and the results obtained constitute a reliable estimation of the classifier's decision premises

    Artificial intelligence methods for security and cyber security systems

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    This research is in threat analysis and countermeasures employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods within the civilian domain, where safety and mission-critical aspects are essential. AI has challenges of repeatable determinism and decision explanation. This research proposed methods for dense and convolutional networks that provided repeatable determinism. In dense networks, the proposed alternative method had an equal performance with more structured learnt weights. The proposed method also had earlier learning and higher accuracy in the Convolutional networks. When demonstrated in colour image classification, the accuracy improved in the first epoch to 67%, from 29% in the existing scheme. Examined in transferred learning with the Fast Sign Gradient Method (FSGM) as an analytical method to control distortion of dissimilarity, a finding was that the proposed method had more significant retention of the learnt model, with 31% accuracy instead of 9%. The research also proposed a threat analysis method with set-mappings and first principle analytical steps applied to a Symbolic AI method using an algebraic expert system with virtualized neurons. The neural expert system method demonstrated the infilling of parameters by calculating beamwidths with variations in the uncertainty of the antenna type. When combined with a proposed formula extraction method, it provides the potential for machine learning of new rules as a Neuro-Symbolic AI method. The proposed method uses extra weights allocated to neuron input value ranges as activation strengths. The method simplifies the learnt representation reducing model depth, thus with less significant dropout potential. Finally, an image classification method for emitter identification is proposed with a synthetic dataset generation method and shows the accurate identification between fourteen radar emission modes with high ambiguity between them (and achieved 99.8% accuracy). That method would be a mechanism to recognize non-threat civil radars aimed at threat alert when deviations from those civilian emitters are detected

    Graded Decompositional Semantic Prediction

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    Compared to traditional approaches, decompositional semantic labeling (DSL) is compelling but introduces complexities for data collection, quality assessment, and modeling. To shed light on these issues and lower barriers to the adoption of DSL or related approaches I bring existing models and novel variations into a shared, familiar framework, facilitating empirical investigation

    Radical Artificial Intelligence: A Postmodern Approach

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