14 research outputs found

    An Optimal Centralized Carbon Dioxide Repository for Florida, USA

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    For over a decade, the United States Department of Energy, and engineers, geologists, and scientists from all over the world have investigated the potential for reducing atmospheric carbon emissions through carbon sequestration. Numerous reports exist analyzing the potential for sequestering carbon dioxide at various sites around the globe, but none have identified the potential for a statewide system in Florida, USA. In 2005, 83% of Florida’s electrical energy was produced by natural gas, coal, or oil (e.g., fossil fuels), from power plants spread across the state. In addition, only limited research has been completed on evaluating optimal pipeline transportation networks to centralized carbon dioxide repositories. This paper describes the feasibility and preliminary locations for an optimal centralized Florida-wide carbon sequestration repository. Linear programming optimization modeling is used to plan and route an idealized pipeline network to existing Florida power plants. Further analysis of the subsurface geology in these general locations will provide insight into the suitability of the subsurface conditions and the available capacity for carbon sequestration at selected possible repository sites. The identification of the most favorable site(s) is also presented

    Simulation-based techno-economic evaluation for optimal design of COâ‚‚ transport pipeline network

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    For large volumes of carbon dioxide (CO₂) onshore and offshore transportation, pipeline is considered the preferred method. This paper presents a study of the pipeline network planned in the Humber region of the UK. Steady state process simulation models of the CO₂ transport pipeline network were developed using Aspen HYSYS®. The simulation models were integrated with Aspen Process Economic Analyser® (APEA). In this study, techno-economic evaluations for different options were conducted for the CO₂ compression train and the trunk pipelines respectively. The evaluation results were compared with other published cost models. Optimal options of compression train and trunk pipelines were applied to form an optimal case. The overall cost of CO₂ transport pipeline network was analyzed and compared between the base case and the optimal case. The results show the optimal case has an annual saving of 22.7 M€. For the optimal case, levelized energy and utilities cost is 7.62 €/t-CO₂, levelized capital cost of trunk pipeline is about 8.11 €/t-CO₂ and levelized capital cost of collecting system is 2.62 €/t- CO₂. The overall levelized cost of the optimal case was also compared to the result of another project to gain more insights for CO₂ pipeline network design

    A systematic review of Dutch energy policy literature

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    International transport of captured CO2: Who can gain and how much?

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    If Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is to become a viable option for lowcarbon power generation, its deployment will require the construction of dedicated CO2 transport infrastructure. In a scenario of large-scale deployment of CCS in Europe by 2050, the optimal (cost-minimising) CO2 transport network would consist of large international bulk pipelines from the main CO2 source regions to the CO2 sinks in hydrocarbon elds and aquifers, which are mostly located in the North Sea. In this paper, we use a Shapley value approach to analyse the multilateral negotiation process that would be required to develop such jointly optimised CO2 infrastructure. Using the InfraCCS CO2 pipeline network optimisation tool, we perform numerical simulations on the cost burden allocation of a 28 billion euro CO2 pipeline network, which would be required to reach the EU's 2050 climate goals in the PRIMES-based Power Choices scenario. We analyse two EU pipeline policy cases: one with national pipeline monopolies and one with liberalised pipeline construction. We nd that countries with excess storage capacity capture 38% to 45% of the benets of multilateral coordination, with the higher number corresponding to the case with liberalised pipeline construction. Countries with a strategic transit location capture 19% of the rent in the case of national pipeline monopolies. Finally, liberalisation of CO2 pipeline construction reduces by two-thirds the dierences between countries in terms of cost per tonne of CO2 exported. As a side result of the analysis, we nd that the resource rent of a depleted hydrocarbon eld (when used for CO2 storage) is roughly $1 per barrel of original recoverable oil reserves, or 1 euro per MWh of original recoverable gas reserves. This adds 25-600% to current estimates of CO2 storage cost.JRC.F.6-Energy systems evaluatio

    Optimization of CCUS supply chains in the UK: A strategic role for emissions reduction

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    The UK is the second largest emitter of carbon dioxide in Europe. It aims to take urgent actions to achieve the 2030 target for CO_{2} emissions reduction imposed by EU environmental policies. Three different carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) supply chains are developed giving economic indicators for CO_{2} utilization routes not implying carbon dioxide hydrogenation (i.e. with high TRL). The study presents an innovative proposal to reduce CO_{2} impact in the UK, a country rich in coal, which requires reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from flue gases as the easiest and best performing solution. Bunter Sandstone, Scottish offshore and Ormskirk Sandstone are the storage sites considered, while several attractive potential utilization options are considered. Through minimization of total costs, the CCUS supply chain with Bunter Sandstone as storage site results in the most economically profitable solution due to the highest value of net present value (€ 0.554 trillion) and lowest value of pay back period (2.85 years). Only carbon tax is considered. The total cost is € 1.04 billion/year. Across the supply chain, 6.4 Mton/year of carbon dioxide emissions are avoided, to be either stored or used for calcium carbonate production. Future work should consider uncertainty, dynamics of market demand and social aspects

    Characterisation of Industrial Clusters in the UK and Techno-Economic Cost Assessment for CCTS Implementation

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    Following the recommendations of the UK Climate Change Committee (CCC) for the 6th Carbon Budget, the UK Government has set up a new target cutting emissions by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels. In addition to this, and as a part of its COVID recovery plans, the UK Government has presented a 10-point plan for a green industrial revolution, describing investments and developments across different sectors of the economy. One key point of this plan is investing in carbon capture, usage and storage, linked to the industrial decarbonisation challenge launched by the UK Government, providing up to £170 million, matched by £261 million from industry, for the development of decarbonisation technologies such as carbon capture and storage and hydrogen fuel switching. The technologies will be deployed and scaled up within the six largest industrial clusters in the UK. All these recent policy developments suggest that there will be important efforts in the UK for the implementation of carbon capture, transport and storage (CCTS). However, there is a lack of detailed UK cluster definitions in the literature. Looking at the CCTS technology literature more widely, there is a considerable number of different cost models for these technologies. However, the available literature presents a wide range of cost values, the studies do not tend to consider all CCTS elements together (onshore, offshore transport networks, shipping and storage), in some cases the studies are too old, and there are very limited number of UK specific analyses. In this paper, we present a review and a detailed characterisation of the main UK industrial clusters. Also, we provide a brief review CCTS cost models and a techno-economic assessment of the characterised UK industrial clusters. To the best of our knowledge, this has not been done yet for the UK context, and such analysis is key for policy analysis and further research

    Exploring the spatiotemporal evolution of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage and decarbonization of oil refineries with a national energy system model of Colombia

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    Bioenergy combined with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) has a high mitigation potential of greenhouse gases in the energy system. However, the feasibility of its deployment depends on co–location of suitable storage basins and biomass resources with low-carbon stocks. Moreover, national transition analyses towards low–carbon energy systems have often given little attention to the mitigation potential of existing oil refineries, which are major components of current energy systems. We parametrized and incorporated these knowledge gaps into an energy system optimization model and used it analyze mitigation pathways towards carbon neutrality of the Colombian energy system by midcentury. Our results show that modern bioenergy could contribute 0.8–0.9 EJ/y (48–51 %) to the final energy consumption by 2050 at a system cost of 29–35 B$/y. BECCS value chains could deliver a mitigation potential of 37–41 % of the cumulative avoided emissions between 2030 and 2050. Low–carbon retrofitting of existing oil refineries could contribute up to 19 % of the total biofuel production and 10 % of the total CO2 capture by 2050. The Andes and Caribbean could be promising regions for BECCS because of their high potential for biomass supply and carbon sinks. In contrast, Orinoquía has a high potential for bioenergy and more uncertainty of CCS, depending on the access to nearby carbon sinks. This framework could be used to harmonize between the visions of the energy and agricultural sectors, national government and the oil sector, and national and regional governments, towards integrated planning for low-carbon development

    Análise Multicrédito e análise de percursos de menor custo aplicadas ao transporte de CO2 no Mediterrâneo Ocidental

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    Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação GeográficaA tecnologia de captura e armazenamento de CO2 (CCS) pode representar um dos principais papéis na mitigação de CO2 atmosférico. Esta representa a captura do CO2 em fontes estacionárias de emissão, como centrais eléctricas e instalações industriais, e o seu armazenamento em reservatórios geológicos. O transporte do CO2 entre ambos os locais ocorreria sobretudo através de gasodutos dedicados. Actualmente, alguns dos estudos de viabilidade económica e de optimização de infra-estruturas de CCS utilizam como input os custos de investimento de diferentes percursos de gasodutos candidatos a fazer parte da rede final, entre nós da possível rede de transporte. Posteriormente esses percursos são seleccionados para integrar a infra-estrutura final de forma a optimizar a mitigação de CO2 ao longo do tempo da forma mais custo-efectiva. Este trabalho ilustrou uma metodologia capaz de determinar percursos de gasodutos de CO2 mais custo-efectivo e respectivos investimentos necessários para sua implementação na região do Mediterrâneo Ocidental através de análise multicritério e análise de percursos de menor custo. Foi utilizado um modelo linear para gerar uma superfície de custos capaz de identificar os custos de investimento, para cada célula, em função das características espaciais locais. Esta superfície, em conjunto com os hipotéticos nós da rede a conectar, foi utilizada por forma a avaliar a melhor localização, em função dos paramentos utilizados, para construção dos gasodutos e respectivos custos de investimento finais. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as técnicas utilizadas permitem atingir o objectivo proposto e que provavelmente será ainda possível inserir melhorias no modelo através do aumento da qualidade da informação espacial utilizada, aumento da resolução de trabalho e/ou refinamento dos valores de custo utilizados.Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies may pose a major role in atmospheric CO2 mitigation. This group of technologies represent the capture of CO2 emissions at stationary sources, such as power plants and industrial facilities and their storage in geological reservoirs. The transport of CO2 would occur through dedicated pipelines connecting both regions. Usually, economic viability and CCS infrastructure optimization studies use as input multiple candidate pipeline routes between nodes of a hypothetical transport network, with the nodes representing places where CO2 is emitted and stored. In the end those pipeline routes are selected in a way that optimizes CO2 mitigation through time in a cost-efficient way. This study described a methodology that allows determining the most cost effective routes, and respective investment costs, between nodes in the West Mediterranean region through the usage of multi-criteria and least cost path analysis. A linear model was used to create a cost surface capable of identifying the investment costs, for each cell, accordingly to the local spatial characteristics. This surface, combined with the network nodes, was used to retrieve the best routes location, accordingly with the used parameters, to develop a CO2 pipeline and respective investment costs. The model results indicate that the proposed techniques allow achieving the objectives, but if needed the model can still be improved trough increase of spatial information quality, increase of the work resolution and/or refining the costing values

    Characterisation of UK industrial clusters and techno-economic cost assessment for carbon dioxide transport and storage implementation

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    The UK Government and British industries are making important efforts for the development and implementation of carbon capture, transport and storage (CCTS). Critical to this will be an understanding of the composition and characteristics of the industrial clusters and of the costs for the CCTS systems. However, the available literature presents a wide range of cost values and many of the studies do not tend to consider all of the carbon transport and storage elements together. Moreover, there are a very limited number of UK specific analyses and in some cases the studies are considered to be too historical. In this paper, we present a review and characterisation of the main UK industrial clusters, in terms of geographical limits, available infrastructure, industries present and level of emissions. We then provide a brief review of carbon transport and storage (T&S) cost models and costing information before conducting a technoeconomic assessment of the potential T&S system costs for the UK industrial clusters. To the best of our knowledge, this integrated analysis has not been conducted for the UK context, and this is key for policy development and to assess the wider economic impacts of CCTS. Fromourcluster characterisation and techno-economic analysis, we found that there is important potential for CCTS for industrial decarbonisation in the UK. Also, the creation of a CO2 shipping industry will allow for industrial clusters that do not have an adequate storage sites nearby to use the CCTS infrastructure in other sites. The development of a CO2 shipping infrastructure also enables carbon management and storage services to be exported to polluters overseas, potentially creating and maintaining jobs and economic growth. We believe that the cluster characterisation and cost estimates produced here provide valuable insight to inform policy and can be used as a first step for to develop further analysis in policy relevant areas such as an analysis of the wider economic impacts of these investments, the effect on jobs and competitiveness and the impact on the wider society

    Designing a cost-effective CO2 storage infrastructure using a GIS based linear optimization energy model

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    Large-scale deployment of carbon capture and storage needs a dedicated infrastructure. Planning and designing of this infrastructure require incorporation of both temporal and spatial aspects. In this study, a toolbox has been developed that integrates ArcGIS, a geographical information system with spatial and routing functions, and MARKAL, an energy bottom-up model based on linear optimization. Application of this toolbox led to blueprints of a CO2 infrastructure in the Netherlands. The results show that in a scenario with 20% and 50% CO2 emissions reduction targets compared to their 1990 level in respectively 2020 and 2050, an infrastructure of around 600 km of CO2 trunklines may need to be built before 2020. Investment costs for the pipeline construction and the storage site development amount to around 720 m€ and 340 m€, respectively. The results also show the implication of policy choices such as allowing or prohibiting CO2 storage onshore on CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) and infrastructure development. This paper illustrates how the ArcGIS/MARKAL-based toolbox can provide insights into a CCS infrastructure development, and support policy makers by giving concrete blueprints over time with respect to scale, pipeline trajectories, and deployment of individual storage sites