311 research outputs found

    From Marxan to management: ocean zoning with stakeholders for Tun Mustapha Park in Sabah, Malaysia

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    Tun Mustapha Park, in Sabah, Malaysia, was gazetted in May 2016 and is the first multiple-use park in Malaysia where conservation, sustainable resource use and development co-occur within one management framework. We applied a systematic conservation planning tool, Marxan with Zones, and stakeholder consultation to design and revise the draft zoning plan. This process was facilitated by Sabah Parks, a government agency, and WWF-Malaysia, under the guidance of the Tun Mustapha Park steering committee and with support from the University of Queensland. Four conservation and fishing zones, including no-take areas, were developed, each with representation and replication targets for key marine habitats, and a range of socio-economic and community objectives. Here we report on how decision-support tools informed the reserve design process in three planning stages: prioritization, government review, and community consultation. Using marine habitat and species representation as a reporting metric, we describe how the zoning plan changed at each stage of the design process. We found that the changes made to the zoning plan by the government and stakeholders resulted in plans that compromised the achievement of conservation targets because no-take areas were moved away from villages and the coastline, where unique habitats are located. The design process highlights a number of lessons learned for future conservation zoning, which we believe will be useful as many other places embark on similar zoning processes on land and in the sea

    Integrating climate adaptation and biodiversity conservation in the global ocean

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    The impacts of climate change and the socioecological challenges they present are ubiquitous and increasingly severe. Practical efforts to operationalize climate-responsive design and management in the global network of marine protected areas (MPAs) are required to ensure long-term effectiveness for safeguarding marine biodiversity and ecosystem services. Here, we review progress in integrating climate change adaptation into MPA design and management and provide eight recommendations to expedite this process. Climate-smart management objectives should become the default for all protected areas, and made into an explicit international policy target. Furthermore, incentives to use more dynamic management tools would increase the climate change responsiveness of the MPA network as a whole. Given ongoing negotiations on international conservation targets, now is the ideal time to proactively reform management of the global seascape for the dynamic climate-biodiversity reality

    Marine Protected Areas in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Defining Success for Conservation and Management

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    With growing attention to and use of marine protected areas [MPAs], there are an increasing number of policy goals ascribed to these area-based management tools [ABMT]. One expectation is that an MPA can increase system “resilience”, yet oftentimes resilience – including whether we are considering social, economic or ecological resilience – stays unspecified. In recent years, there has also been a specific focus on MPAs as tools to promote climate change resilient ocean systems. Through a meta-analysis of the scientific literature and an analysis of over one thousand three hundred voluntary commitments made at the United Nation Ocean Conference, this work presents a typology of how the concept of resilience is beyond deployed in MPA science and policy-making. Further analysis, supplemented by semi- structure interviews and surveys highlights the diversity of ways in which practitioners define MPA success. These analyses reveal that – in contemporary international ocean governance – different stakeholders are connecting MPAs to different forms of resilience. This work also highlights a disconnect between expressed goals of MPAs, such as cultural effectiveness, and what is deemed important in practice (ecological factors)

    Improving marine conservation planning in a time of global change

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    Linking deep seabed structure to biodiversity: an exploration of seamounts and deeper reefs in the South and Western Indian Ocean

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    Environmental heterogeneity, understood as spatial or temporal variability in environmental conditions, influences biodiversity and ecosystem processes over multiple scales, including at the deep seabed. However, as a result of the inaccessibility of the ocean beyond conventional SCUBA depth (> 30 m), key knowledge gaps remain on the biotic and abiotic patterns that influence the occurrence and distribution of seabed-associated taxa, habitats and resulting ecological processes and ecosystem services. Although seabed and habitat mapping documents seabed environmental and habitat heterogeneity, very little research explicitly quantifies it to draw conclusions on its ecological consequences. To study the character and effect of environmental heterogeneity on biodiversity and marine ecological processes in the deep sea, this thesis explored the potential of combining existing seabed and habitat mapping practices with the theoretical framework and analytical techniques from land- and seascape ecology. This thesis first reviews seascape ecology and its potential to study the ecological implications of environmental heterogeneity at the deep seabed, and identifies theoretical focal areas for the application of tools and concepts from seascape ecology deeper than 30 m (Chapter 1: Introduction). The objectives of this thesis, based on these focal areas, can be divided in three main themes: 1) characterising spatial heterogeneity using spatial pattern metrics; 2) assessing the ecological relevance of spatial heterogeneity quantified using spatial pattern metrics; and 3) applying this knowledge to inform environmental management. Objectives are addressed through a set of case studies that provide the opportunity to explore the multi-scale relationship between seabed structure and ecology in habitats at seamounts (km-m scale, Chapter 2 and 3) and reefs found between 30 m-250 m on atoll slopes (m-cm scale, Chapter 4 and 5) in theWestern Indian Ocean. Case studies test specific ecological hypotheses using spatial pattern metrics quantifying seascape composition, configuration and terrain structure, which function as predictors for the occurrence and distribution of benthic assemblages and demersal fish. Chapter 2 combines habitat mapping and spatial pattern metrics from seascape ecology to quantitatively test for and compare differences in seascape composition and configuration between five seamounts on the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR). Results quantitatively demonstrate that seamounts are highly variable in morphology, even when part of the same geological feature. As heterogeneity in the relative proportion and spatial relationships of habitats may influence ecological functioning, habitat mappers and marine managers focusing on representational protection of seamounts could benefit from such spatially-explicit approaches to quantify seabed heterogeneity. Chapter 3 examines the influence of multi-scale seabed spatial heterogeneity on 15 commercially important fish families at three SWIR seamounts, focusing on patch affinity, patch complexity, patch size and seascape aggregation. Although strongly driven by site and depth, demersal fish respond to unique combinations of seascape composition, configuration and terrain structure depending on their family. Further, seascape composition and configuration (i.e. habitat size, shape and structural connectivity) had higher predictive power than terrain derivatives commonly used in developing proxies for deepwater fish biodiversity. These outcomes indicate the importance of incorporating spatial pattern metrics when identifying environmental predictors of fish distributions and suitable habitat in deep-sea environments. Chapter 4 tests whether multi-scale geomorphology can act as a reliable spatial proxy for deeper reef assemblage (30 m-250 m) distribution. It found that assemblage occurrence and distribution is determined by a combination of environmental parameters, explained by the functional characteristics of each assemblage. Depth and structural complexity were main predictors, and broad scale predictors (25 m) proved more informative than finer scale predictors (2 m). Findings addressed geographical gaps in our knowledge of the distribution of deeper reef habitats and generated insights into ecological relationships. Complex geomorphological structures, including terraces and paleoshorelines, supported particularly high densities of mesophotic benthic assemblages and could be considered priority habitats for management. Chapter 5 investigates the effect of fine-scale (cm-m) environmental heterogeneity on fish associated with mesophotic reefs (30 m-120 m). Spatial pattern metrics quantifying benthic composition, configuration and terrain structure were extracted from transect terrain models and orthomosaics produced with Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry. In addition to known drivers (depth and geographic location), results show a combination of fine-scale seascape metrics of terrain structure, patch composition and patch configuration best explains mesophotic fish assemblage structure. Overall, sites with steep slopes and high terrain complexity hosted highest fish abundance and biomass. Across case studies, spatial pattern metrics allowed quantification and comparison of seascape structure and functioned as reliable predictors for the occurrence and distribution of benthic assemblages and demersal fish at deeper reefs and seamounts in the Western Indian Ocean. Overall, spatial pattern metrics facilitated a better understanding of biodiversity-environment relationships in heterogeneous environments, in some cases functioning as the main explanatory variable. This thesis therefore recommends their further application in deep sea ecology, monitoring and ecosystembased management and conservation, whilst accounting for the biological phenomenon under consideration and scale- and context dependency in survey and analysis

    A reef manager's guide to coral bleaching

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    Scientists agree that tropical seas will continue to warm over coming decades, increasing both the probability and severity of mass bleaching events8-11. These scenarios pose particular challenges to coral reef managers, not the least because the main cause of mass coral bleaching–anomalously warm sea temperatures–is largely beyond their control.Yet, managers can play a critical role in helping reefs survive the threat of coral bleaching. Managers are in a unique position to increase our understanding of the phenomenon of coral bleaching, to take meaningful action during a bleaching event, and to develop strategies to support the natural resilience of reefs in the face of long-term changes in climate. Because of increasingly strong collaborations between reef managers and scientists, strategies are being developed to directly address the threat of coral bleaching. Management needs and preliminary strategies were first documented in 2000, when the IUCN published Management of Bleached and Severely Damaged Coral Reefs12. In 2002, the US Coral Reef Task Force called for a collaborative effort to identify actions local managers could take to address the impacts of climate change and mass bleaching on coral reefs. In response, three US government agencies (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of the Interior) convened an international workshop entitled 'Coral Reefs, Climate Change and Coral Bleaching' in June 2003. This workshop significantly advanced thinking about the strategies that could support managers in their efforts to respond to coral bleaching

    Seafloor characterization using airborne hyperspectral co-registration procedures independent from attitude and positioning sensors

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    The advance of remote-sensing technology and data-storage capabilities has progressed in the last decade to commercial multi-sensor data collection. There is a constant need to characterize, quantify and monitor the coastal areas for habitat research and coastal management. In this paper, we present work on seafloor characterization that uses hyperspectral imagery (HSI). The HSI data allows the operator to extend seafloor characterization from multibeam backscatter towards land and thus creates a seamless ocean-to-land characterization of the littoral zone

    Integrating social-ecological values into marine protected area spatial planning

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    Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are useful tools for balancing complex social-ecological interactions and human demands on marine ecosystems when the overall intention is to support long-term social-ecological resilience. Historically, the design of MPAs have been skewed towards ecological values and principles, but recently focus has widened to the identification, protection, and inclusion of the social and economic values of key stakeholders into marine protected area spatial planning. However, there are very few applied studies to date that have achieved this, and included a wide range of stakeholder groups. Even rarer has been the integration of ecological spatial with this social data to create holistic snapshots of social and ecological assets for modelling MPA design vulnerability and adaptation. Using the Port Stephens-Great Lakes Marine Park (PSGLMP) in New South Wales (NSW) Australia as a case study, this PhD research was grounded in social-ecological theoretical principles that utilised mixed-methods participatory mapping interviews with a diversity of stakeholder groups. These groups spanned commercial and recreational fishers, Aboriginal Traditional Owners, tourism business operators, non-government organisations (NGOs), scientists, and marine resource managers. Data were analysed using novel combinations of fuzzy-set GIS multi-criteria evaluation methods and network analyses to develop a spatial representation and in-depth analysis of stakeholder uses, values, and ecological knowledge. These outputs were then used to assess how the current MPA spatial plan supports social-ecological objectives, and make predictions of how the current plan may support long-term social-ecological resilience. The overall objective of this research thesis was to create a balanced social-ecological spatial understanding of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) as a model for expanding the values on which to develop equitable spatial management plans to support social-ecological resilience. To meet this overall objective, there were four aims that have each been written as standalone peer-reviewed articles using data collected in interviews with stakeholders. These aims were to: 1) identify the key knowledge gaps within social-ecological marine spatial planning using a literature review, 2) create a spatial understanding of the social context and dynamics of an MPA, 3) collate and develop a high-quality spatial ecological understanding of an MPA, and 4) integrate social and ecological into a predictive analysis of how a spatial management plan can support long-term social-ecological resilience in a coastal ecosystem. Collectively, these individual published chapters and the overarching theoretical outcomes of this thesis provide a novel spatial modelling method used to represent key biodiversity values and a diversity of stakeholder uses and values. The method demonstrates that MPAs within Australia and around the world are needed to protect marine ecosystems alongside supporting the social and economic needs of people who depend on their marine environments for their livelihoods and wellbeing. Outcomes of this thesis research have been applied to the review of the PSGLMP management plan, which is a pilot for assessment of better management of the NSW coastal MPAs under the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy (2018-2028). Future priorities arising from this research include testing the method on MPAs across Australia, development of the GIS models to include greater integration of freshwater social-ecological influences, and developing these frameworks into three-dimensional models that better reflect cultural understandings and marine ecosystem processes. Overall, the outcomes of this research reflect the cultural importance and depth of knowledge of stakeholders of the marine environment, which needs to be respected and supported through the development of balanced MPAs that support social-ecological resilience
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