21 research outputs found

    Sources of Variations in Error Sensitivity of Computer Systems

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    Technology scaling is reducing the reliability of integrated circuits. This makes it important to provide computers with mechanisms that can detect and correct hardware errors. This thesis deals with the problem of assessing the hardware error sensitivity of computer systems. Error sensitivity, which is the likelihood that a hardware error will escape detection and produce an erroneous output, measures a system’s inability to detect hardware errors. This thesis present the results of a series of fault injection experiments that investigated how er- ror sensitivity varies for different system characteristics, including (i) the inputs processed by a program, (ii) a program’s source code implementation, and (iii) the use of compiler optimizations. The study focused on the impact of tran- sient hardware faults that result in bit errors in CPU registers and main memory locations. We investigated how the error sensitivity varies for single-bit errors vs. double-bit errors, and how error sensitivity varies with respect to machine instructions that were targeted for fault injection. The results show that the in- put profile and source code implementation of the investigated programs had a major impact on error sensitivity, while using different compiler optimizations caused only minor variations. There was no significant difference in error sen- sitivity between single-bit and double-bit errors. Finally, the error sensitivity seems to depend more on the type of data processed by an instruction than on the instruction type

    Mitigating Silent Data Corruptions In Integer Matrix Products: Toward Reliable Multimedia Computing On Unreliable Hardware

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    The generic matrix multiply (GEMM) routine comprises the compute and memory-intensive part of many information retrieval, machine learning and object recognition systems that process integer inputs. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to ensure that integer GEMM computations remain robust to silent data corruptions (SDCs), which stem from accidental voltage or frequency overscaling, or other hardware non-idealities. In this paper, we introduce a new method for SDC mitigation based on the concept of numerical packing. The key difference between our approach and all existing methods is the production of redundant results within the numerical representation of the outputs, rather than as a separate set of checksums. Importantly, unlike well-known algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT) approaches for GEMM, the proposed approach can reliably detect the locations of the vast majority of all possible SDCs in the results of GEMM computations. An experimental investigation of voltage-scaled integer GEMM computations for visual descriptor matching within state-of-the art image and video retrieval algorithms running on an Intel i7- 4578U 3GHz processor shows that SDC mitigation based on numerical packing leads to comparable or lower execution and energy-consumption overhead in comparison to all other alternatives

    SyRA: early system reliability analysis for cross-layer soft errors resilience in memory arrays of microprocessor systems

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Cross-layer reliability is becoming the preferred solution when reliability is a concern in the design of a microprocessor-based system. Nevertheless, deciding how to distribute the error management across the different layers of the system is a very complex task that requires the support of dedicated frameworks for cross-layer reliability analysis. This paper proposes SyRA, a system-level cross-layer early reliability analysis framework for radiation induced soft errors in memory arrays of microprocessor-based systems. The framework exploits a multi-level hybrid Bayesian model to describe the target system and takes advantage of Bayesian inference to estimate different reliability metrics. SyRA implements several mechanisms and features to deal with the complexity of realistic models and implements a complete tool-chain that scales efficiently with the complexity of the system. The simulation time is significantly lower than micro-architecture level or RTL fault-injection experiments with an accuracy high enough to take effective design decisions. To demonstrate the capability of SyRA, we analyzed the reliability of a set of microprocessor-based systems characterized by different microprocessor architectures (i.e., Intel x86, ARM Cortex-A15, ARM Cortex-A9) running both the Linux operating system or bare metal. Each system under analysis executes different software workloads both from benchmark suites and from real applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Error tolerant multimedia stream processing: There's plenty of room at the top (of the system stack)

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    There is a growing realization that the expected fault rates and energy dissipation stemming from increases in CMOS integration will lead to the abandonment of traditional system reliability in favor of approaches that offer reliability to hardware-induced errors across the application, runtime support, architecture, device and integrated-circuit (IC) layers. Commercial stakeholders of multimedia stream processing (MSP) applications, such as information retrieval, stream mining systems, and high-throughput image and video processing systems already feel the strain of inadequate system-level scaling and robustness under the always-increasing user demand. While such applications can tolerate certain imprecision in their results, today's MSP systems do not support a systematic way to exploit this aspect for cross-layer system resilience. However, research is currently emerging that attempts to utilize the error-tolerant nature of MSP applications for this purpose. This is achieved by modifications to all layers of the system stack, from algorithms and software to the architecture and device layer, and even the IC digital logic synthesis itself. Unlike conventional processing that aims for worst-case performance and accuracy guarantees, error-tolerant MSP attempts to provide guarantees for the expected performance and accuracy. In this paper we review recent advances in this field from an MSP and a system (layer-by-layer) perspective, and attempt to foresee some of the components of future cross-layer error-tolerant system design that may influence the multimedia and the general computing landscape within the next ten years. © 1999-2012 IEEE