11 research outputs found

    Architecting Memory Systems for Emerging Technologies

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    The advance of traditional dynamic random access memory (DRAM) technology has slowed down, while the capacity and performance needs of memory system have continued to increase. This is a result of increasing data volume from emerging applications, such as machine learning and big data analytics. In addition to such demands, increasing energy consumption is becoming a major constraint on the capabilities of computer systems. As a result, emerging non-volatile memories, for example, Spin Torque Transfer Magnetic RAM (STT-MRAM), and new memory interfaces, for example, High Bandwidth Memory (HBM), have been developed as an alternative. Thus far, most previous studies have retained a DRAM-like memory architecture and management policy. This preserves compatibility but hides the true benefits of those new memory technologies. In this research, we proposed the co-design of memory architectures and their management policies for emerging technologies. First, we introduced a new memory architecture for an STT-MRAM main memory. In particular, we defined a new page mode operation for efficient activation and sensing. By fully exploiting the non-destructive nature of STT- MRAM, our design achieved higher performance, lower energy consumption, and a smaller area than the traditional designs. Second, we developed a cost-effective technique to improve load balancing for HBM memory channels. We showed that the proposed technique was capable of efficiently redistributing memory requests across multiple memory channels to improve the channel utilization, resulting in improved performance.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145988/1/bcoh_1.pd

    Energy-efficient architectures for chip-scale networks and memory systems using silicon-photonics technology

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    Today's supercomputers and cloud systems run many data-centric applications such as machine learning, graph algorithms, and cognitive processing, which have large data footprints and complex data access patterns. With computational capacity of large-scale systems projected to rise up to 50GFLOPS/W, the target energy-per-bit budget for data movement is expected to reach as low as 0.1pJ/bit, assuming 200bits/FLOP for data transfers. This tight energy budget impacts the design of both chip-scale networks and main memory systems. Conventional electrical links used in chip-scale networks (0.5-3pJ/bit) and DRAM systems used in main memory (>30pJ/bit) fail to provide sustained performance at low energy budgets. This thesis builds on the promising research on silicon-photonic technology to design system architectures and system management policies for chip-scale networks and main memory systems. The adoption of silicon-photonic links as chip-scale networks, however, is hampered by the high sensitivity of optical devices towards thermal and process variations. These device sensitivities result in high power overheads at high-speed communications. Moreover, applications differ in their resource utilization, resulting in application-specific thermal profiles and bandwidth needs. Similarly, optically-controlled memory systems designed using conventional electrical-based architectures require additional circuitry for electrical-to-optical and optical-to-electrical conversions within memory. These conversions increase the energy and latency per memory access. Due to these issues, chip-scale networks and memory systems designed using silicon-photonics technology leave much of their benefits underutilized. This thesis argues for the need to rearchitect memory systems and redesign network management policies such that they are aware of the application variability and the underlying device characteristics of silicon-photonic technology. We claim that such a cross-layer design enables a high-throughput and energy-efficient unified silicon-photonic link and main memory system. This thesis undertakes the cross-layer design with silicon-photonic technology in two fronts. First, we study the varying network bandwidth requirements across different applications and also within a given application. To address this variability, we develop bandwidth allocation policies that account for application needs and device sensitivities to ensure power-efficient operation of silicon-photonic links. Second, we design a novel architecture of an optically-controlled main memory system that is directly interfaced with silicon-photonic links using a novel read and write access protocol. Such a system ensures low-energy and high-throughput access from the processor to a high-density memory. To further address the diversity in application memory characteristics, we explore heterogeneous memory systems with multiple memory modules that provide varied power-performance benefits. We design a memory management policy for such systems that allocates pages at the granularity of memory objects within an application

    상변화 메모리 시스템의 간섭 오류 완화 및 RMW 성능 향상 기법

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2021.8. 이혁재.Phase-change memory (PCM) announces the beginning of the new era of memory systems, owing to attractive characteristics. Many memory product manufacturers (e.g., Intel, SK Hynix, and Samsung) are developing related products. PCM can be applied to various circumstances; it is not simply limited to an extra-scale database. For example, PCM has a low standby power due to its non-volatility; hence, computation-intensive applications or mobile applications (i.e., long memory idle time) are suitable to run on PCM-based computing systems. Despite these fascinating features of PCM, PCM is still far from the general commercial market due to low reliability and long latency problems. In particular, low reliability is a painful problem for PCM in past decades. As the semiconductor process technology rapidly scales down over the years, DRAM reaches 10 nm class process technology. In addition, it is reported that the write disturbance error (WDE) would be a serious issue for PCM if it scales down below 54 nm class process technology. Therefore, addressing the problem of WDEs becomes essential to make PCM competitive to DRAM. To overcome this problem, this dissertation proposes a novel approach that can restore meta-stable cells on demand by levering two-level SRAM-based tables, thereby significantly reducing the number WDEs. Furthermore, a novel randomized approach is proposed to implement a replacement policy that originally requires hundreds of read ports on SRAM. The second problem of PCM is a long-latency compared to that of DRAM. In particular, PCM tries to enhance its throughput by adopting a larger transaction unit; however, the different unit size from the general-purpose processor cache line further degrades the system performance due to the introduction of a read-modify-write (RMW) module. Since there has never been any research related to RMW in a PCM-based memory system, this dissertation proposes a novel architecture to enhance the overall system performance and reliability of a PCM-based memory system having an RMW module. The proposed architecture enhances data re-usability without introducing extra storage resources. Furthermore, a novel operation that merges commands regardless of command types is proposed to enhance performance notably. Another problem is the absence of a full simulation platform for PCM. While the announced features of the PCM-related product (i.e., Intel Optane) are scarce due to confidential issues, all priceless information can be integrated to develop an architecture simulator that resembles the available product. To this end, this dissertation tries to scrape up all available features of modules in a PCM controller and implement a dedicated simulator for future research purposes.상변화 메모리는(PCM) 매력적인 특성을 통해 메모리 시스템의 새로운 시대의 시작을 알렸다. 많은 메모리 관련 제품 제조업체(예 : 인텔, SK 하이닉스, 삼성)가 관련 제품 개발에 박차를 가하고 있다. PCM은 단순히 대규모 데이터베이스에만 국한되지 않고 다양한 상황에 적용될 수 있다. 예를 들어, PCM은 비휘발성으로 인해 대기 전력이 낮다. 따라서 계산 집약적인 애플리케이션 또는 모바일 애플리케이션은(즉, 긴 메모리 유휴 시간) PCM 기반 컴퓨팅 시스템에서 실행하기에 적합하다. PCM의 이러한 매력적인 특성에도 불구하고 PCM은 낮은 신뢰성과 긴 대기 시간으로 인해 여전히 일반 산업 시장에서는 DRAM과 다소 격차가 있다. 특히 낮은 신뢰성은 지난 수십 년 동안 PCM 기술의 발전을 저해하는 문제다. 반도체 공정 기술이 수년에 걸쳐 빠르게 축소됨에 따라 DRAM은 10nm 급 공정 기술에 도달하였다. 이어서, 쓰기 방해 오류 (WDE)가 54nm 등급 프로세스 기술 아래로 축소되면 PCM에 심각한 문제가 될 것으로 보고되었다. 따라서, WDE 문제를 해결하는 것은 PCM이 DRAM과 동등한 경쟁력을 갖추도록 하는 데 있어 필수적이다. 이 문제를 극복하기 위해 이 논문에서는 2-레벨 SRAM 기반 테이블을 활용하여 WDE 수를 크게 줄여 필요에 따라 준 안정 셀을 복원할 수 있는 새로운 접근 방식을 제안한다. 또한, 원래 SRAM에서 수백 개의 읽기 포트가 필요한 대체 정책을 구현하기 위해 새로운 랜덤 기반의 기법을 제안한다. PCM의 두 번째 문제는 DRAM에 비해 지연 시간이 길다는 것이다. 특히 PCM은 더 큰 트랜잭션 단위를 채택하여 단위시간 당 데이터 처리량 향상을 도모한다. 그러나 범용 프로세서 캐시 라인과 다른 유닛 크기는 읽기-수정-쓰기 (RMW) 모듈의 도입으로 인해 시스템 성능을 저하하게 된다. PCM 기반 메모리 시스템에서 RMW 관련 연구가 없었기 때문에 본 논문은 RMW 모듈을 탑재 한 PCM 기반 메모리 시스템의 전반적인 시스템 성능과 신뢰성을 향상하게 시킬 수 있는 새로운 아키텍처를 제안한다. 제안된 아키텍처는 추가 스토리지 리소스를 도입하지 않고도 데이터 재사용성을 향상시킨다. 또한, 성능 향상을 위해 명령 유형과 관계없이 명령을 병합하는 새로운 작업을 제안한다. 또 다른 문제는 PCM을 위한 완전한 시뮬레이션 플랫폼이 부재하다는 것이다. PCM 관련 제품(예 : Intel Optane)에 대해 발표된 정보는 대외비 문제로 인해 부족하다. 하지만 알려져 있는 정보를 적절히 취합하면 시중 제품과 유사한 아키텍처 시뮬레이터를 개발할 수 있다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 PCM 메모리 컨트롤러에 필요한 모든 모듈 정보를 활용하여 향후 이와 관련된 연구에서 충분히 사용 가능한 전용 시뮬레이터를 구현하였다.1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Limitation of Traditional Main Memory Systems 1 1.2 Phase-Change Memory as Main Memory 3 1.2.1 Opportunities of PCM-based System 3 1.2.2 Challenges of PCM-based System 4 1.3 Dissertation Overview 7 2 BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS WORK 8 2.1 Phase-Change Memory 8 2.2 Mitigation Schemes for Write Disturbance Errors 10 2.2.1 Write Disturbance Errors 10 2.2.2 Verification and Correction 12 2.2.3 Lazy Correction 13 2.2.4 Data Encoding-based Schemes 14 2.2.5 Sparse-Insertion Write Cache 16 2.3 Performance Enhancement for Read-Modify-Write 17 2.3.1 Traditional Read-Modify-Write 17 2.3.2 Write Coalescing for RMW 19 2.4 Architecture Simulators for PCM 21 2.4.1 NVMain 21 2.4.2 Ramulator 22 2.4.3 DRAMsim3 22 3 IN-MODULE DISTURBANCE BARRIER 24 3.1 Motivation 25 3.2 IMDB: In Module-Disturbance Barrier 29 3.2.1 Architectural Overview 29 3.2.2 Implementation of Data Structures 30 3.2.3 Modification of Media Controller 36 3.3 Replacement Policy 38 3.3.1 Replacement Policy for IMDB 38 3.3.2 Approximate Lowest Number Estimator 40 3.4 Putting All Together: Case Studies 43 3.5 Evaluation 45 3.5.1 Configuration 45 3.5.2 Architectural Exploration 47 3.5.3 Effectiveness of the Replacement Policy 48 3.5.4 Sensitivity to Main Table Configuration 49 3.5.5 Sensitivity to Barrier Buffer Size 51 3.5.6 Sensitivity to AppLE Group Size 52 3.5.7 Comparison with Other Studies 54 3.6 Discussion 59 3.7 Summary 63 4 INTEGRATION OF AN RMW MODULE IN A PCM-BASED SYSTEM 64 4.1 Motivation 65 4.2 Utilization of DRAM Cache for RMW 67 4.2.1 Architectural Design 67 4.2.2 Algorithm 70 4.3 Typeless Command Merging 73 4.3.1 Architectural Design 73 4.3.2 Algorithm 74 4.4 An Alternative Implementation: SRC-RMW 78 4.4.1 Implementation of SRC-RMW 78 4.4.2 Design Constraint 80 4.5 Case Study 82 4.6 Evaluation 85 4.6.1 Configuration 85 4.6.2 Speedup 88 4.6.3 Read Reliability 91 4.6.4 Energy Consumption: Selecting a Proper Page Size 93 4.6.5 Comparison with Other Studies 95 4.7 Discussion 97 4.8 Summary 99 5 AN ALL-INCLUSIVE SIMULATOR FOR A PCM CONTROLLER 100 5.1 Motivation 101 5.2 PCMCsim: PCM Controller Simulator 103 5.2.1 Architectural Overview 103 5.2.2 Underlying Classes of PCMCsim 104 5.2.3 Implementation of Contention Behavior 108 5.2.4 Modules of PCMCsim 109 5.3 Evaluation 116 5.3.1 Correctness of the Simulator 116 5.3.2 Comparison with Other Simulators 117 5.4 Summary 119 6 Conclusion 120 Abstract (In Korean) 141 Acknowledgment 143박

    Architectural Techniques for Multi-Level Cell Phase Change Memory Based Main Memory

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    Phase change memory (PCM) recently has emerged as a promising technology to meet the fast growing demand for large capacity main memory in modern computing systems. Multi-level cell (MLC) PCM storing multiple bits in a single cell offers high density with low per-byte fabrication cost. However, PCM suffers from long write latency, short cell endurance, limited write throughput and high peak power, which makes it challenging to be integrated in the memory hierarchy. To address the long write latency, I propose write truncation to reduce the number of write iterations with the assistance of an extra error correction code (ECC). I also propose form switch (FS) to reduce the storage overhead of the ECC. By storing highly compressible lines in single level cell (SLC) form, FS improves read latency as well. To attack the short cell endurance and large peak power, I propose elastic RESET (ER) to construct triple-level cell PCM. By reducing RESET energy, ER significantly reduces peak power and prolongs PCM lifetime. To improve the write concurrency, I propose fine-grained write power budgeting (FPB) observing a global power budget and regulates power across write iterations according to the step-down power demand of each iteration. A global charge pump is also integrated onto a DIMM to boost power for hot PCM chips while staying within the global power budget. To further reduce the peak power, I propose intra-write RESET scheduling distributing cell RESET initializations in the whole write operation duration, so that the on-chip charge pump size can also be reduced

    Evaluation of STT-MRAM main memory for HPC and real-time systems

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    It is questionable whether DRAM will continue to scale and will meet the needs of next-generation systems. Therefore, significant effort is invested in research and development of novel memory technologies. One of the candidates for nextgeneration memory is Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM). STT-MRAM is an emerging non-volatile memory with a lot of potential that could be exploited for various requirements of different computing systems. Being a novel technology, STT-MRAM devices are already approaching DRAM in terms of capacity, frequency and device size. Special STT-MRAM features such as intrinsic radiation hardness, non-volatility, zero stand-by power and capability to function in extreme temperatures also make it particularly suitable for aerospace, avionics and automotive applications. Despite of being a conceivable alternative for main memory technology, to this day, academic research of STT-MRAM main memory remains marginal. This is mainly due to the unavailability of publicly available detailed timing parameters of this novel technology, which are required to perform a cycle accurate main memory simulation. Some researchers adopt simplistic memory models to simulate main memory, but such models can introduce significant errors in the analysis of the overall system performance. Therefore, detailed timing parameters are a must-have for any evaluation or architecture exploration study of STT-MRAM main memory. These detailed parameters are not publicly available because STT-MRAM manufacturers are reluctant to release any delicate information on the technology. This thesis demonstrates an approach to perform a cycle accurate simulation of STT-MRAM main memory, being the first to release detailed timing parameters of this technology from academia, essentially enabling researchers to conduct reliable system level simulation of STT-MRAM using widely accepted existing simulation infrastructure. Our results show that, in HPC domain STT-MRAM provide performance comparable to DRAM. Results from the power estimation indicates that STT-MRAM power consumption increases significantly for Activation/Precharge power while Burst power increases moderately and Background power does not deviate much from DRAM. The thesis includes detailed STT-MRAM main memory timing parameters to the main repositories of DramSim2 and Ramulator, two of the most widely used and accepted state-of-the-art main memory simulators. The STT-MRAM timing parameters that has been originated as a part of this thesis, are till date the only reliable and publicly available timing information on this memory technology published from academia. Finally, the thesis analyzes the feasibility of using STT-MRAM in real-time embedded systems by investigating STT-MRAM main memory impact on average system performance and WCET. STT-MRAM's suitability for the real-time embedded systems is validated on benchmarks provided by the European Space Agency (ESA), EEMBC Autobench and MediaBench suite by analyzing performance and WCET impact. In quantitative terms, our results show that STT-MRAM main memory in real-time embedded systems provides performance and WCET comparable to conventional DRAM, while opening up opportunities to exploit various advantages.Es cuestionable si DRAM continuará escalando y cumplirá con las necesidades de los sistemas de la próxima generación. Por lo tanto, se invierte un esfuerzo significativo en la investigación y el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de memoria. Uno de los candidatos para la memoria de próxima generación es la Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM). STT-MRAM es una memoria no volátil emergente con un gran potencial que podría ser explotada para diversos requisitos de diferentes sistemas informáticos. Al ser una tecnología novedosa, los dispositivos STT-MRAM ya se están acercando a la DRAM en términos de capacidad, frecuencia y tamaño del dispositivo. Las características especiales de STTMRAM, como la dureza intrínseca a la radiación, la no volatilidad, la potencia de reserva cero y la capacidad de funcionar en temperaturas extremas, también lo hacen especialmente adecuado para aplicaciones aeroespaciales, de aviónica y automotriz. A pesar de ser una alternativa concebible para la tecnología de memoria principal, hasta la fecha, la investigación académica de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM sigue siendo marginal. Esto se debe principalmente a la falta de disponibilidad de los parámetros de tiempo detallados públicamente disponibles de esta nueva tecnología, que se requieren para realizar un ciclo de simulación de memoria principal precisa. Algunos investigadores adoptan modelos de memoria simplistas para simular la memoria principal, pero tales modelos pueden introducir errores significativos en el análisis del rendimiento general del sistema. Por lo tanto, los parámetros de tiempo detallados son indispensables para cualquier evaluación o estudio de exploración de la arquitectura de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM. Estos parámetros detallados no están disponibles públicamente porque los fabricantes de STT-MRAM son reacios a divulgar información delicada sobre la tecnología. Esta tesis demuestra un enfoque para realizar un ciclo de simulación precisa de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM, siendo el primero en lanzar parámetros de tiempo detallados de esta tecnología desde la academia, lo que esencialmente permite a los investigadores realizar una simulación confiable a nivel de sistema de STT-MRAM utilizando una simulación existente ampliamente aceptada infraestructura. Nuestros resultados muestran que, en el dominio HPC, STT-MRAM proporciona un rendimiento comparable al de la DRAM. Los resultados de la estimación de potencia indican que el consumo de potencia de STT-MRAM aumenta significativamente para la activation/Precharge power, mientras que la Burst power aumenta moderadamente y la Background power no se desvía mucho de la DRAM. La tesis incluye parámetros detallados de temporización memoria principal de STT-MRAM a los repositorios principales de DramSim2 y Ramulator, dos de los simuladores de memoria principal más avanzados y más utilizados y aceptados. Los parámetros de tiempo de STT-MRAM que se han originado como parte de esta tesis, son hasta la fecha la única información de tiempo confiable y disponible al público sobre esta tecnología de memoria publicada desde la academia. Finalmente, la tesis analiza la viabilidad de usar STT-MRAM en real-time embedded systems mediante la investigación del impacto de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM en el rendimiento promedio del sistema y WCET. La idoneidad de STTMRAM para los real-time embedded systems se valida en los applicaciones proporcionados por la European Space Agency (ESA), EEMBC Autobench y MediaBench, al analizar el rendimiento y el impacto de WCET. En términos cuantitativos, nuestros resultados muestran que la memoria principal de STT-MRAM en real-time embedded systems proporciona un desempeño WCET comparable al de una memoria DRAM convencional, al tiempo que abre oportunidades para explotar varias ventajas

    상변화 메모리 시스템의 간섭 오류 완화 및 RMW 성능 향상 기법

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    학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :공과대학 전기·정보공학부,2021. 8. 이혁재.Phase-change memory (PCM) announces the beginning of the new era of memory systems, owing to attractive characteristics. Many memory product manufacturers (e.g., Intel, SK Hynix, and Samsung) are developing related products. PCM can be applied to various circumstances; it is not simply limited to an extra-scale database. For example, PCM has a low standby power due to its non-volatility; hence, computation-intensive applications or mobile applications (i.e., long memory idle time) are suitable to run on PCM-based computing systems. The second problem of PCM is a long-latency compared to that of DRAM. In particular, PCM tries to enhance its throughput by adopting a larger transaction unit; however, the different unit size from the general-purpose processor cache line further degrades the system performance due to the introduction of a read-modify-write (RMW) module. Since there has never been any research related to RMW in a PCM-based memory system, this dissertation proposes a novel architecture to enhance the overall system performance and reliability of a PCM-based memory system having an RMW module. The proposed architecture enhances data re-usability without introducing extra storage resources. Furthermore, a novel operation that merges commands regardless of command types is proposed to enhance performance notably.Despite these fascinating features of PCM, PCM is still far from the general commercial market due to low reliability and long latency problems. In particular, low reliability is a painful problem for PCM in past decades. As the semiconductor process technology rapidly scales down over the years, DRAM reaches 10 nm class process technology. In addition, it is reported that the write disturbance error (WDE) would be a serious issue for PCM if it scales down below 54 nm class process technology. Therefore, addressing the problem of WDEs becomes essential to make PCM competitive to DRAM. To overcome this problem, this dissertation proposes a novel approach that can restore meta-stable cells on demand by levering two-level SRAM-based tables, thereby significantly reducing the number WDEs. Furthermore, a novel randomized approach is proposed to implement a replacement policy that originally requires hundreds of read ports on SRAM.Another problem is the absence of a full simulation platform for PCM. While the announced features of the PCM-related product (i.e., Intel Optane) are scarce due to confidential issues, all priceless information can be integrated to develop an architecture simulator that resembles the available product. To this end, this dissertation tries to scrape up all available features of modules in a PCM controller and implement a dedicated simulator for future research purposes

    Understanding and Improving the Latency of DRAM-Based Memory Systems

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    Over the past two decades, the storage capacity and access bandwidth of main memory have improved tremendously, by 128x and 20x, respectively. These improvements are mainly due to the continuous technology scaling of DRAM (dynamic random-access memory), which has been used as the physical substrate for main memory. In stark contrast with capacity and bandwidth, DRAM latency has remained almost constant, reducing by only 1.3x in the same time frame. Therefore, long DRAM latency continues to be a critical performance bottleneck in modern systems. Increasing core counts, and the emergence of increasingly more data-intensive and latency-critical applications further stress the importance of providing low-latency memory access. In this dissertation, we identify three main problems that contribute significantly to long latency of DRAM accesses. To address these problems, we present a series of new techniques. Our new techniques significantly improve both system performance and energy efficiency. We also examine the critical relationship between supply voltage and latency in modern DRAM chips and develop new mechanisms that exploit this voltage-latency trade-off to improve energy efficiency. The key conclusion of this dissertation is that augmenting DRAM architecture with simple and low-cost features, and developing a better understanding of manufactured DRAM chips together lead to significant memory latency reduction as well as energy efficiency improvement. We hope and believe that the proposed architectural techniques and the detailed experimental data and observations on real commodity DRAM chips presented in this dissertation will enable development of other new mechanisms to improve the performance, energy efficiency, or reliability of future memory systems.Comment: PhD Dissertatio

    Evaluation of STT-MRAM main memory for HPC and real-time systems

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    It is questionable whether DRAM will continue to scale and will meet the needs of next-generation systems. Therefore, significant effort is invested in research and development of novel memory technologies. One of the candidates for nextgeneration memory is Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM). STT-MRAM is an emerging non-volatile memory with a lot of potential that could be exploited for various requirements of different computing systems. Being a novel technology, STT-MRAM devices are already approaching DRAM in terms of capacity, frequency and device size. Special STT-MRAM features such as intrinsic radiation hardness, non-volatility, zero stand-by power and capability to function in extreme temperatures also make it particularly suitable for aerospace, avionics and automotive applications. Despite of being a conceivable alternative for main memory technology, to this day, academic research of STT-MRAM main memory remains marginal. This is mainly due to the unavailability of publicly available detailed timing parameters of this novel technology, which are required to perform a cycle accurate main memory simulation. Some researchers adopt simplistic memory models to simulate main memory, but such models can introduce significant errors in the analysis of the overall system performance. Therefore, detailed timing parameters are a must-have for any evaluation or architecture exploration study of STT-MRAM main memory. These detailed parameters are not publicly available because STT-MRAM manufacturers are reluctant to release any delicate information on the technology. This thesis demonstrates an approach to perform a cycle accurate simulation of STT-MRAM main memory, being the first to release detailed timing parameters of this technology from academia, essentially enabling researchers to conduct reliable system level simulation of STT-MRAM using widely accepted existing simulation infrastructure. Our results show that, in HPC domain STT-MRAM provide performance comparable to DRAM. Results from the power estimation indicates that STT-MRAM power consumption increases significantly for Activation/Precharge power while Burst power increases moderately and Background power does not deviate much from DRAM. The thesis includes detailed STT-MRAM main memory timing parameters to the main repositories of DramSim2 and Ramulator, two of the most widely used and accepted state-of-the-art main memory simulators. The STT-MRAM timing parameters that has been originated as a part of this thesis, are till date the only reliable and publicly available timing information on this memory technology published from academia. Finally, the thesis analyzes the feasibility of using STT-MRAM in real-time embedded systems by investigating STT-MRAM main memory impact on average system performance and WCET. STT-MRAM's suitability for the real-time embedded systems is validated on benchmarks provided by the European Space Agency (ESA), EEMBC Autobench and MediaBench suite by analyzing performance and WCET impact. In quantitative terms, our results show that STT-MRAM main memory in real-time embedded systems provides performance and WCET comparable to conventional DRAM, while opening up opportunities to exploit various advantages.Es cuestionable si DRAM continuará escalando y cumplirá con las necesidades de los sistemas de la próxima generación. Por lo tanto, se invierte un esfuerzo significativo en la investigación y el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de memoria. Uno de los candidatos para la memoria de próxima generación es la Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM). STT-MRAM es una memoria no volátil emergente con un gran potencial que podría ser explotada para diversos requisitos de diferentes sistemas informáticos. Al ser una tecnología novedosa, los dispositivos STT-MRAM ya se están acercando a la DRAM en términos de capacidad, frecuencia y tamaño del dispositivo. Las características especiales de STTMRAM, como la dureza intrínseca a la radiación, la no volatilidad, la potencia de reserva cero y la capacidad de funcionar en temperaturas extremas, también lo hacen especialmente adecuado para aplicaciones aeroespaciales, de aviónica y automotriz. A pesar de ser una alternativa concebible para la tecnología de memoria principal, hasta la fecha, la investigación académica de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM sigue siendo marginal. Esto se debe principalmente a la falta de disponibilidad de los parámetros de tiempo detallados públicamente disponibles de esta nueva tecnología, que se requieren para realizar un ciclo de simulación de memoria principal precisa. Algunos investigadores adoptan modelos de memoria simplistas para simular la memoria principal, pero tales modelos pueden introducir errores significativos en el análisis del rendimiento general del sistema. Por lo tanto, los parámetros de tiempo detallados son indispensables para cualquier evaluación o estudio de exploración de la arquitectura de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM. Estos parámetros detallados no están disponibles públicamente porque los fabricantes de STT-MRAM son reacios a divulgar información delicada sobre la tecnología. Esta tesis demuestra un enfoque para realizar un ciclo de simulación precisa de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM, siendo el primero en lanzar parámetros de tiempo detallados de esta tecnología desde la academia, lo que esencialmente permite a los investigadores realizar una simulación confiable a nivel de sistema de STT-MRAM utilizando una simulación existente ampliamente aceptada infraestructura. Nuestros resultados muestran que, en el dominio HPC, STT-MRAM proporciona un rendimiento comparable al de la DRAM. Los resultados de la estimación de potencia indican que el consumo de potencia de STT-MRAM aumenta significativamente para la activation/Precharge power, mientras que la Burst power aumenta moderadamente y la Background power no se desvía mucho de la DRAM. La tesis incluye parámetros detallados de temporización memoria principal de STT-MRAM a los repositorios principales de DramSim2 y Ramulator, dos de los simuladores de memoria principal más avanzados y más utilizados y aceptados. Los parámetros de tiempo de STT-MRAM que se han originado como parte de esta tesis, son hasta la fecha la única información de tiempo confiable y disponible al público sobre esta tecnología de memoria publicada desde la academia. Finalmente, la tesis analiza la viabilidad de usar STT-MRAM en real-time embedded systems mediante la investigación del impacto de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM en el rendimiento promedio del sistema y WCET. La idoneidad de STTMRAM para los real-time embedded systems se valida en los applicaciones proporcionados por la European Space Agency (ESA), EEMBC Autobench y MediaBench, al analizar el rendimiento y el impacto de WCET. En términos cuantitativos, nuestros resultados muestran que la memoria principal de STT-MRAM en real-time embedded systems proporciona un desempeño WCET comparable al de una memoria DRAM convencional, al tiempo que abre oportunidades para explotar varias ventajas.Postprint (published version

    STT-MRAM characterization and its test implications

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    Spin torque transfer (STT)-magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM) has come a long way in research to meet the speed and power consumption requirements for future memory applications. The state-of-the-art STT-MRAM bit-cells employ magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA). The process repeatabil- ity and yield stability for wafer fabrication are some of the critical issues encountered in STT-MRAM mass production. Some of the yield improvement techniques to combat the e ect of process variations have been previously explored. However, little research has been done on defect oriented testing of STT-MRAM arrays. In this thesis, the author investi- gates the parameter deviation and non-idealities encountered during the development of a novel MTJ stack con guration. The characterization result provides motivation for the development of the design for testability (DFT) scheme that can help test and characterize STT-MRAM bit-cells and the CMOS peripheral circuitry e ciently. The primary factors for wafer yield degradation are the device parameter variation and its non-uniformity across the wafer due to the fabrication process non-idealities. There- fore, e ective in-process testing strategies for exploring and verifying the impact of the parameter variation on the wafer yield will be needed to achieve fabrication process opti- mization. While yield depends on the CMOS process variability, quality of the deposited MTJ lm, and other process non-idealities, test platform can enable parametric optimiza- tion and veri cation using the CMOS-based DFT circuits. In this work, we develop a DFT algorithm and implement a DFT circuit for parametric testing and prequali cation of the critical circuits in the CMOS wafer. The DFT circuit successfully replicates the electrical characteristics of MTJ devices and captures their spatial variation across the wafer with an error of less than 4%. We estimate the yield of the read sensing path by implement- ing the DFT circuit, which can replicate the resistance-area product variation up to 50% from its nominal value. The yield data from the read sensing path at di erent wafer loca- tions are analyzed, and a usable wafer radius has been estimated. Our DFT scheme can provide quantitative feedback based on in-die measurement, enabling fabrication process optimization through iterative estimation and veri cation of the calibrated parameters. Another concern that prevents mass production of STT-MRAM arrays is the defect formation in MTJ devices due to aging. Identifying manufacturing defects in the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) device is crucial for the yield and reliability of spin-torque-transfer (STT) magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) arrays. Several of the MTJ defects result in parametric deviations of the device that deteriorate over time. We extend our work on the DFT scheme by monitoring the electrical parameter deviations occurring due to the defect formation over time. A programmable DFT scheme was implemented for a sub-arrayin 65 nm CMOS technology to evaluate the feasibility of the test scheme. The scheme utilizes the read sense path to compare the bit-cell electrical parameters against known DFT cells characteristics. Built-in-self-test (BIST) methodology is utilized to trigger the onset of the fault once the device parameter crosses a threshold value. We demonstrate the operation and evaluate the accuracy of detection with the proposed scheme. The DFT scheme can be exploited for monitoring aging defects, modeling their behavior and optimization of the fabrication process. DFT scheme could potentially nd numerous applications for parametric characteriza- tion and fault monitoring of STT-MRAM bit-cell arrays during mass production. Some of the applications include a) Fabrication process feedback to improve wafer turnaround time, b) STT-MRAM bit-cell health monitoring, c) Decoupled characterization of the CMOS pe- ripheral circuitry such as read-sensing path and sense ampli er characterization within the STT-MRAM array. Additionally, the DFT scheme has potential applications for detec- tion of fault formation that could be utilized for deploying redundancy schemes, providing a graceful degradation in MTJ-based bit-cell array due to aging of the device, and also providing feedback to improve the fabrication process and yield learning