1,146 research outputs found

    Networking DEC and IBM computers

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    Local Area Networking of DEC and IBM computers within the structure of the ISO-OSI Seven Layer Reference Model at a raw signaling speed of 1 Mops or greater are discussed. After an introduction to the ISO-OSI Reference Model nd the IEEE-802 Draft Standard for Local Area Networks (LANs), there follows a detailed discussion and comparison of the products available from a variety of manufactures to perform this networking task. A summary of these products is presented in a table

    Mapping Technological Trajectories as Patent Citation Networks. An application to Data Communication Standards

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    Technical systems, Technological trajectories, Patents, Network analysis, Data communications

    Throughput Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Unmodified Bluetooth Devices

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    The Air Force relies on the application of new technologies to support and execute its mission. As new technologies develop, the integration of that technology is studied to determine the costs and benefits it may provide to the war fighter. One such emergent technology is the Bluetooth wireless protocol, used to connect a small number of devices over a short distance. The short distance is a feature that makes using the protocol desirable. However short, there is still a vulnerability to interception. This research identifies ranges at which several commercially available Bluetooth devices are usable. Various combinations of both distance and orientation are varied to determine a 360 degree map of the Bluetooth antenna. The map identifies distances at which certain throughput thresholds are available. This research shows that baseline 1 mW Bluetooth antennas are capable of throughput levels of 100 kbps at over 40 meters, which is four times the minimum distance specified in the protocol standard. The 3Com PC card was the best performing PC card, capable of throughputs at or near 100 kbps out to 40 meters. The other PC Cards tested had similar performance. The Hawking USB dongle was the best USB antenna tested, achieving throughputs of over 200 kbps in three of the four orientation, and over 150 kbps at the fourth. The 3Com dongle was a close second, the Belkin dongle a distant third, while the DLink antenna was not able to achieve 100 kbps at any distance tested

    A Distributed Sensor Data Search Platform for Internet of Things Environments

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    Recently, the number of devices has grown increasingly and it is hoped that, between 2015 and 2016, 20 billion devices will be connected to the Internet and this market will move around 91.5 billion dollars. The Internet of Things (IoT) is composed of small sensors and actuators embedded in objects with Internet access and will play a key role in solving many challenges faced in today's society. However, the real capacity of IoT concepts is constrained as the current sensor networks usually do not exchange information with other sources. In this paper, we propose the Visual Search for Internet of Things (ViSIoT) platform to help technical and non-technical users to discover and use sensors as a service for different application purposes. As a proof of concept, a real case study is used to generate weather condition reports to support rheumatism patients. This case study was executed in a working prototype and a performance evaluation is presented.Comment: International Journal of Services Computing (ISSN 2330-4472) Vol. 4, No.1, January - March, 201

    ASAT to SIMNET Protocol Translator : Hardware And Software Description

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    Training high performance skills using above real-time training

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    The Above Real-Time Training (ARTT) concept is a unique approach to training high performance skills. ARTT refers to a training paradigm that places the operator in a simulated environment that functions at faster than normal time. Such a training paradigm represents a departure from the intuitive, but not often supported, feeling that the best practice is determined by the training environment with the highest fidelity. This approach is hypothesized to provide greater 'transfer value' per simulation trial, by incorporating training techniques and instructional features into the simulator. These techniques allow individuals to acquire these critical skills faster and with greater retention. ARTT also allows an individual trained in 'fast time' to operate at what appears to be a more confident state, when the same task is performed in a real-time environment. Two related experiments are discussed. The findings appear to be consistent with previous findings that show positive effects of task variation during training. Moreover, ARTT has merit in improving or maintaining transfer with sharp reductions in training time. There are indications that the effectiveness of ARTT varies as a function of task content and possibly task difficulty. Other implications for ARTT are discussed along with future research directions

    Document Archiving, Replication and Migration Container for Mobile Web Users

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    With the increasing use of mobile workstations for a wide variety of tasks and associated information needs, and with many variations of available networks, access to data becomes a prime consideration. This paper discusses issues of workstation mobility and proposes a solution wherein the data structures are accessed in an encapsulated form - through the Portable File System (PFS) wrapper. The paper discusses an implementation of the Portable File System, highlighting the architecture and commenting upon performance of an experimental system. Although investigations have been focused upon mobile access of WWW documents, this technique could be applied to any mobile data access situation.Comment: 5 page


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    Perkembangan teknologi di bidang komputer saat ini sangat pesat, baik perangkat keras (hardware) dan perangkat lunak (software) hal ini terlihat pada era teknologi informasi seperti sekarang. Komputer juga digunakan dalam proses pertukaran data antar pemakai, penyimpanan, dan pengolahan data diberbagai bidang. Faktor utama yang sangat mendukung dari penggunaan komputer oleh banyak instansi maupun usaha lainnya, yaitu untuk memudahkan para pemakai komputer tersebut untuk dapat saling bertukar data maupun mencari informasi yang dibutuhkan secara cepat dan tepat dalam menjalankan setiap aktivitas sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Dengan semakin bertambahnya pemakaian komputer, semakin besar kebutuhan akan efesiensi alat- alat kantor seperti kertas, pena dan kebutuhan akan efisiensi waktu dalam pertukaran data, maka semakin tinggi pula kebutuhan akan suatu jaringan yang menghubungkan terminal- terminal yang ingin berkomunikasi dengan efesien. Jaringan tersebut dikenal dengan Local Area Network (LAN). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui dan mengerti mengenai infrastruktur jaringan, Dapat memahami tentang Wireless LAN dalam dunia teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), Dapat membuat infrastruktur jaringan yang baik.Kata kunci: jaringan, LAN, WLA
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