161 research outputs found

    Hardware Implementation of Deep Network Accelerators Towards Healthcare and Biomedical Applications

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    With the advent of dedicated Deep Learning (DL) accelerators and neuromorphic processors, new opportunities are emerging for applying deep and Spiking Neural Network (SNN) algorithms to healthcare and biomedical applications at the edge. This can facilitate the advancement of the medical Internet of Things (IoT) systems and Point of Care (PoC) devices. In this paper, we provide a tutorial describing how various technologies ranging from emerging memristive devices, to established Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and mature Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology can be used to develop efficient DL accelerators to solve a wide variety of diagnostic, pattern recognition, and signal processing problems in healthcare. Furthermore, we explore how spiking neuromorphic processors can complement their DL counterparts for processing biomedical signals. After providing the required background, we unify the sparsely distributed research on neural network and neuromorphic hardware implementations as applied to the healthcare domain. In addition, we benchmark various hardware platforms by performing a biomedical electromyography (EMG) signal processing task and drawing comparisons among them in terms of inference delay and energy. Finally, we provide our analysis of the field and share a perspective on the advantages, disadvantages, challenges, and opportunities that different accelerators and neuromorphic processors introduce to healthcare and biomedical domains. This paper can serve a large audience, ranging from nanoelectronics researchers, to biomedical and healthcare practitioners in grasping the fundamental interplay between hardware, algorithms, and clinical adoption of these tools, as we shed light on the future of deep networks and spiking neuromorphic processing systems as proponents for driving biomedical circuits and systems forward.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (21 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables

    Riding the Waves Towards Generic Single-Cycle Masking in Hardware

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    Research on the design of masked cryptographic hardware circuits in the past has mostly focused on reducing area and randomness requirements. However, many embedded devices like smart cards and IoT nodes also need to meet certain performance criteria, which is why the latency of masked hardware circuits also represents an important metric for many practical applications. The root cause of latency in masked hardware circuits is the need for additional register stages that synchronize the propagation of shares. Otherwise, glitches would violate the basic assumptions of the used masking scheme. This issue can be addressed to some extent, e.g., by using lightweight cryptographic algorithms with low-degree Sboxes, however, many applications still require the usage of schemes with higher-degree S-boxes like AES. Several recent works have already proposed solutions that help reduce this latency yet they either come with noticeably increased area/randomness requirements, limitations on masking orders, or specific assumptions on the general architecture of the crypto core. In this work, we introduce a generic and efficient method for designing single-cycle glitch-resistant (higher-order) masked hardware of cryptographic S-boxes. We refer to this technique as (generic) Self-Synchronized Masking (“SESYM”). The main idea of our approach is to replace register stages with a partial dual-rail encoding of masked signals that ensures synchronization within the circuit. More concretely, we show that WDDL gates and Muller C-elements can be used in combination with standard masking schemes to design single-cycle S-box circuits that, especially in case of higher-degree S-boxes, have noticeably lower requirements in terms of area and online randomness. We apply our method to DOM-based S-boxes of Ascon and AES and compare the resulting circuits to existing latency optimized circuits based on TI, GLM, and LMDPL. The latency of all three designs is reduced to single-cycle operation and are dth-order secure. Compared to GLM-masked Ascon, our approach comes with a 6.4 times reduction in online randomness for all protection orders. Compared to 1st-order LMDPL-masked AES, our approach achieves comparable results, while it is more generic, amongst others, by also supporting higher-order designs. We also underline the practical protection of our constructions against power analysis attacks via empirical and formal verification approaches

    STRICT: a language and tool set for the design of very large scale integrated circuits

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    PhD ThesisAn essential requirement for the design of large VLSI circuits is a design methodology which would allow the designer to overcome the complexity and correctness issues associated with the building of such circuits. We propose that many of the problems of the design of large circuits can be solved by using a formal design notation based upon the functional programming paradigm, that embodies design concepts that have been used extensively as the framework for software construction. The design notation should permit parallel, sequential, and recursive decompositions of a design into smaller components, and it should allow large circuits to be constructed from simpler circuits that can be embedded in a design in a modular fashion. Consistency checking should be provided as early as possible in a design. Such a methodology would structure the design of a circuit in much the same way that procedures, classes, and control structures may be used to structure large software systems. However, such a design notation must be supported by tools which automatically check the consistency of the design, if the methodology is to be practical. In principle, the methodology should impose constraints upon circuit design to reduce errors and provide' correctness by construction' . It should be possible to generate efficient and correct circuits, by providing a route to a large variety of design tools commonly found in design systems: simulators, automatic placement and routing tools, module generators, schematic capture tools, and formal verification and synthesis tools

    Simulation and implementation of novel deep learning hardware architectures for resource constrained devices

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    Corey Lammie designed mixed signal memristive-complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) hardware architectures, which were used to reduce the power and resource requirements of Deep Learning (DL) systems; both during inference and training. Disruptive design methodologies, such as those explored in this thesis, can be used to facilitate the design of next-generation DL systems

    Artificial Intelligence Technology

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    This open access book aims to give our readers a basic outline of today’s research and technology developments on artificial intelligence (AI), help them to have a general understanding of this trend, and familiarize them with the current research hotspots, as well as part of the fundamental and common theories and methodologies that are widely accepted in AI research and application. This book is written in comprehensible and plain language, featuring clearly explained theories and concepts and extensive analysis and examples. Some of the traditional findings are skipped in narration on the premise of a relatively comprehensive introduction to the evolution of artificial intelligence technology. The book provides a detailed elaboration of the basic concepts of AI, machine learning, as well as other relevant topics, including deep learning, deep learning framework, Huawei MindSpore AI development framework, Huawei Atlas computing platform, Huawei AI open platform for smart terminals, and Huawei CLOUD Enterprise Intelligence application platform. As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence

    Glutamate indicators with improved activation kinetics and localization for imaging synaptic transmission

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    iGluSnFR variants with improved signal-to-noise ratios and targeting to postsynaptic sites have been developed, enabling the analysis of glutamatergic neurotransmission in vivo as illustrated in the mouse visual and somatosensory cortex. The fluorescent glutamate indicator iGluSnFR enables imaging of neurotransmission with genetic and molecular specificity. However, existing iGluSnFR variants exhibit low in vivo signal-to-noise ratios, saturating activation kinetics and exclusion from postsynaptic densities. Using a multiassay screen in bacteria, soluble protein and cultured neurons, we generated variants with improved signal-to-noise ratios and kinetics. We developed surface display constructs that improve iGluSnFR's nanoscopic localization to postsynapses. The resulting indicator iGluSnFR3 exhibits rapid nonsaturating activation kinetics and reports synaptic glutamate release with decreased saturation and increased specificity versus extrasynaptic signals in cultured neurons. Simultaneous imaging and electrophysiology at individual boutons in mouse visual cortex showed that iGluSnFR3 transients report single action potentials with high specificity. In vibrissal sensory cortex layer 4, we used iGluSnFR3 to characterize distinct patterns of touch-evoked feedforward input from thalamocortical boutons and both feedforward and recurrent input onto L4 cortical neuron dendritic spines

    Artificial Intelligence Technology

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    This open access book aims to give our readers a basic outline of today’s research and technology developments on artificial intelligence (AI), help them to have a general understanding of this trend, and familiarize them with the current research hotspots, as well as part of the fundamental and common theories and methodologies that are widely accepted in AI research and application. This book is written in comprehensible and plain language, featuring clearly explained theories and concepts and extensive analysis and examples. Some of the traditional findings are skipped in narration on the premise of a relatively comprehensive introduction to the evolution of artificial intelligence technology. The book provides a detailed elaboration of the basic concepts of AI, machine learning, as well as other relevant topics, including deep learning, deep learning framework, Huawei MindSpore AI development framework, Huawei Atlas computing platform, Huawei AI open platform for smart terminals, and Huawei CLOUD Enterprise Intelligence application platform. As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence

    Campus Telecommunications Systems: Managing Change

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    The purpose of this book is to provide a broadbased understanding of the rapidly changing environment of campus telecommunications. The anticipated audience for this material is the non-technical university administrator who may not have direct responsibility for telecommunications, but has a need to understand the general environment in which his telecommunications manager functions and the basic concepts of the technology. Five topic areas were selected that best cover the preponderance of issues. No attempt has been made to associate or closely coordinate materials from one chapter\u27s subject to that of any other. Each chapter generally stands alone. In total, however, the five chapters address the topics and issues that most often generate inquiries from university administrators outside the telecommunications department. Introduction 1 The Changing Telecommunications Environment 2 Telecommunications Technology and the Campus 3 Student Services 4 Financing a New Telecommunications System . 5 Selecting a Consultant Glossary Inde

    Neuromorphic auditory computing: towards a digital, event-based implementation of the hearing sense for robotics

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    In this work, it is intended to advance on the development of the neuromorphic audio processing systems in robots through the implementation of an open-source neuromorphic cochlea, event-based models of primary auditory nuclei, and their potential use for real-time robotics applications. First, the main gaps when working with neuromorphic cochleae were identified. Among them, the accessibility and usability of such sensors can be considered as a critical aspect. Silicon cochleae could not be as flexible as desired for some applications. However, FPGA-based sensors can be considered as an alternative for fast prototyping and proof-of-concept applications. Therefore, a software tool was implemented for generating open-source, user-configurable Neuromorphic Auditory Sensor models that can be deployed in any FPGA, removing the aforementioned barriers for the neuromorphic research community. Next, the biological principles of the animals' auditory system were studied with the aim of continuing the development of the Neuromorphic Auditory Sensor. More specifically, the principles of binaural hearing were deeply studied for implementing event-based models to perform real-time sound source localization tasks. Two different approaches were followed to extract inter-aural time differences from event-based auditory signals. On the one hand, a digital, event-based design of the Jeffress model was implemented. On the other hand, a novel digital implementation of the Time Difference Encoder model was designed and implemented on FPGA. Finally, three different robotic platforms were used for evaluating the performance of the proposed real-time neuromorphic audio processing architectures. An audio-guided central pattern generator was used to control a hexapod robot in real-time using spiking neural networks on SpiNNaker. Then, a sensory integration application was implemented combining sound source localization and obstacle avoidance for autonomous robots navigation. Lastly, the Neuromorphic Auditory Sensor was integrated within the iCub robotic platform, being the first time that an event-based cochlea is used in a humanoid robot. Then, the conclusions obtained are presented and new features and improvements are proposed for future works.En este trabajo se pretende avanzar en el desarrollo de los sistemas de procesamiento de audio neuromórficos en robots a través de la implementación de una cóclea neuromórfica de código abierto, modelos basados en eventos de los núcleos auditivos primarios, y su potencial uso para aplicaciones de robótica en tiempo real. En primer lugar, se identificaron los principales problemas a la hora de trabajar con cócleas neuromórficas. Entre ellos, la accesibilidad y usabilidad de dichos sensores puede considerarse un aspecto crítico. Los circuitos integrados analógicos que implementan modelos cocleares pueden no pueden ser tan flexibles como se desea para algunas aplicaciones específicas. Sin embargo, los sensores basados en FPGA pueden considerarse una alternativa para el desarrollo rápido y flexible de prototipos y aplicaciones de prueba de concepto. Por lo tanto, en este trabajo se implementó una herramienta de software para generar modelos de sensores auditivos neuromórficos de código abierto y configurables por el usuario, que pueden desplegarse en cualquier FPGA, eliminando las barreras mencionadas para la comunidad de investigación neuromórfica. A continuación, se estudiaron los principios biológicos del sistema auditivo de los animales con el objetivo de continuar con el desarrollo del Sensor Auditivo Neuromórfico (NAS). Más concretamente, se estudiaron en profundidad los principios de la audición binaural con el fin de implementar modelos basados en eventos para realizar tareas de localización de fuentes sonoras en tiempo real. Se siguieron dos enfoques diferentes para extraer las diferencias temporales interaurales de las señales auditivas basadas en eventos. Por un lado, se implementó un diseño digital basado en eventos del modelo Jeffress. Por otro lado, se diseñó una novedosa implementación digital del modelo de codificador de diferencias temporales y se implementó en FPGA. Por último, se utilizaron tres plataformas robóticas diferentes para evaluar el rendimiento de las arquitecturas de procesamiento de audio neuromórfico en tiempo real propuestas. Se utilizó un generador central de patrones guiado por audio para controlar un robot hexápodo en tiempo real utilizando redes neuronales pulsantes en SpiNNaker. A continuación, se implementó una aplicación de integración sensorial que combina la localización de fuentes de sonido y la evitación de obstáculos para la navegación de robots autónomos. Por último, se integró el Sensor Auditivo Neuromórfico dentro de la plataforma robótica iCub, siendo la primera vez que se utiliza una cóclea basada en eventos en un robot humanoide. Por último, en este trabajo se presentan las conclusiones obtenidas y se proponen nuevas funcionalidades y mejoras para futuros trabajos