74 research outputs found

    Sequence Design for Cognitive CDMA Communications under Arbitrary Spectrum Hole Constraint

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    To support interference-free quasi-synchronous code-division multiple-access (QS-CDMA) communication with low spectral density profile in a cognitive radio (CR) network, it is desirable to design a set of CDMA spreading sequences with zero-correlation zone (ZCZ) property. However, traditional ZCZ sequences (which assume the availability of the entire spectral band) cannot be used because their orthogonality will be destroyed by the spectrum hole constraint in a CR channel. To date, analytical construction of ZCZ CR sequences remains open. Taking advantage of the Kronecker sequence property, a novel family of sequences (called "quasi-ZCZ" CR sequences) which displays zero cross-correlation and near-zero auto-correlation zone property under arbitrary spectrum hole constraint is presented in this paper. Furthermore, a novel algorithm is proposed to jointly optimize the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and the periodic auto-correlations of the proposed quasi-ZCZ CR sequences. Simulations show that they give rise to single-user bit-error-rate performance in CR-CDMA systems which outperform traditional non-contiguous multicarrier CDMA and transform domain communication systems; they also lead to CR-CDMA systems which are more resilient than non-contiguous OFDM systems to spectrum sensing mismatch, due to the wideband spreading.Comment: 13 pages,10 figures,Accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)--Special Issue:Cognitive Radio Nov, 201

    Coherent receiver design and analysis for interleaved division multiple access (IDMA)

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    This thesis discusses a new multiuser detection technique for cellular wireless communications. Multiuser communications is critical in cellular systems as multiple terminals (users) transmit to base stations (or wireless infrastructure). Efficient receiver methods are needed to maximise the performance of these links and maximise overall throughput and coverage while minimising inter-cell interference. Recently a new technique, Interleave-Division Multiple Access (IDMA), was developed as a variant of direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA). In this new scheme users are separated by user specific interleavers, and each user is allocated a low rate code. As a result, the bandwidth expansion is devoted to the low rate code and not weaker spreading codes. IDMA has shown to have significant performance gains over traditional DS-CDMA with a modest increase in complexity. The literature on IDMA primarily focuses on the design of low rate forward error correcting (FEC) codes, as well as channel estimation. However, the practical aspects of an IDMA receiver such as timing acquisition, tracking, block asynchronous detection, and cellular analysis are rarely studied. The objective of this thesis is to design and analyse practical synchronisation, detection and power optimisation techniques for IDMA systems. It also, for the first time, provides a novel analysis and design of a multi-cell system employing a general multiuser receiver. These tools can be used to optimise and evaluate the performance of an IDMA communication system. The techniques presented in this work can be easily employed for DS-CDMA or other multiuser receiver designs with slight modification. Acquisition and synchronisation are essential processes that a base-station is required to perform before user's data can be detected and decoded. For high capacity IDMA systems, which can be heavily loaded and operate close to the channel capacity, the performance of acquisition and tracking can be severely affected by multiple access interference as well as severe drift. This thesis develops acquisition and synchronisation algorithms which can cope with heavy multiple access interference as well as high levels of drift. Once the timing points have been estimated for an IDMA receiver the detection and decoding process can proceed. An important issue with uplink systems is the alignment of frame boundaries for efficient detection. This thesis demonstrates how a fully asynchronous system can be modelled for detection. This thesis presents a model for the frame asynchronous IDMA system, and then develops a maximum likelihood receiver for the proposed system. This thesis develops tools to analyse and optimise IDMA receivers. The tools developed are general enough to be applied to other multiuser receiver techniques. The conventional EXIT chart analysis of unequal power allocated multiuser systems use an averaged EXIT chart analysis for all users to reduce the complexity of the task. This thesis presents a multidimensional analysis for power allocated IDMA, and shows how it can be utilised in power optimisation. Finally, this work develops a novel power zoning technique for multicell multiuser receivers using the optimised power levels, and illustrates a particular example where there is a 50% capacity improvement using the proposed scheme. -- provided by Candidate

    Gold codes, Hadamard partitions and the security of CDMA systems

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    Design of sequences with good correlation properties

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    This thesis is dedicated to exploring sequences with good correlation properties. Periodic sequences with desirable correlation properties have numerous applications in communications. Ideally, one would like to have a set of sequences whose out-of-phase auto-correlation magnitudes and cross-correlation magnitudes are very small, preferably zero. However, theoretical bounds show that the maximum magnitudes of auto-correlation and cross-correlation of a sequence set are mutually constrained, i.e., if a set of sequences possesses good auto-correlation properties, then the cross-correlation properties are not good and vice versa. The design of sequence sets that achieve those theoretical bounds is therefore of great interest. In addition, instead of pursuing the least possible correlation values within an entire period, it is also interesting to investigate families of sequences with ideal correlation in a smaller zone around the origin. Such sequences are referred to as sequences with zero correlation zone or ZCZ sequences, which have been extensively studied due to their applications in 4G LTE and 5G NR systems, as well as quasi-synchronous code-division multiple-access communication systems. Paper I and a part of Paper II aim to construct sequence sets with low correlation within a whole period. Paper I presents a construction of sequence sets that meets the Sarwate bound. The construction builds a connection between generalised Frank sequences and combinatorial objects, circular Florentine arrays. The size of the sequence sets is determined by the existence of circular Florentine arrays of some order. Paper II further connects circular Florentine arrays to a unified construction of perfect polyphase sequences, which include generalised Frank sequences as a special case. The size of a sequence set that meets the Sarwate bound, depends on a divisor of the period of the employed sequences, as well as the existence of circular Florentine arrays. Paper III-VI and a part of Paper II are devoted to ZCZ sequences. Papers II and III propose infinite families of optimal ZCZ sequence sets with respect to some bound, which are used to eliminate interference within a single cell in a cellular network. Papers V, VI and a part of Paper II focus on constructions of multiple optimal ZCZ sequence sets with favorable inter-set cross-correlation, which can be used in multi-user communication environments to minimize inter-cell interference. In particular, Paper~II employs circular Florentine arrays and improves the number of the optimal ZCZ sequence sets with optimal inter-set cross-correlation property in some cases.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Initial synchronisation of wideband and UWB direct sequence systems: single- and multiple-antenna aided solutions

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    This survey guides the reader through the open literature on the principle of initial synchronisation in single-antenna-assisted single- and multi-carrier Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) as well as Direct Sequence-Ultra WideBand (DS-UWB) systems, with special emphasis on the DownLink (DL). There is a paucity of up-to-date surveys and review articles on initial synchronization solutions for MIMO-aided and cooperative systems - even though there is a plethora of papers on both MIMOs and on cooperative systems, which assume perfect synchronization. Hence this paper aims to ?ll the related gap in the literature

    Influence of Intercell Interference on HSDPA Indoor Networks

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    Nowadays the high demand of data based services has become one of the key issues in the telecommunications sphere. Mobile cellular networks are thus willing to provide the necessary capacity that this growth demands. While new third generation specifications keep on improving the HSPA and HSPA+ features, a parallel trend trying to provide enough indoor capacity is taking place. The performance of indoor dedicated systems is highly dependent on the interference present in the network. In this Thesis, the impact of intercell interference on indoor networks is studied. For that purpose, two different measurement campaigns were accomplished in Tampere University of Technology's Tietotalo building. The first of them was held in two small rooms, where picocells and distributed antenna systems (DAS) solutions were tested. The second campaign took place inside a large lecture hall representing an indoor open area, and here diverse picocell layouts were deployed. Analysis took into account interference indicators like signal-to-interference ratio and Ec/N0, and link adaptation parameters like CQI, modulation usage and transport block size. This Thesis provides guidelines for indoor planning. It demonstrates that in small rooms, given a fixed number of cells per room, picocells and DAS solutions show similar performance, so picocells are a better option since they require fewer components such as antennas. High-density cell layouts provide higher system TP, but the maximum system TP achievable is dramatically limited by interference. This Thesis also proofs that, in open areas, multicell layouts can give only a marginal increase in system TP with respect to one-cell layouts, and thus multicell configurations are not always needed to be deployed. High-interference regions need to be identified and cleverly located since they degrade the overall system performance and users in those areas experience unbearable low data rates. /Kir1

    Good Code Sets from Complementary Pairs via Discrete Frequency Chips

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    It is shown that replacing the sinusoidal chip in Golay complementary code pairs by special classes of waveforms that satisfy two conditions, symmetry/anti-symmetry and quazi-orthogonality in the convolution sense, renders the complementary codes immune to frequency selective fading and also allows for concatenating them in time using one frequency band/channel. This results in a zero-sidelobe region around the mainlobe and an adjacent region of small cross-correlation sidelobes. The symmetry/anti-symmetry property results in the zero-sidelobe region on either side of the mainlobe, while quasi-orthogonality of the two chips keeps the adjacent region of cross-correlations small. Such codes are constructed using discrete frequency-coding waveforms (DFCW) based on linear frequency modulation (LFM) and piecewise LFM (PLFM) waveforms as chips for the complementary code pair, as they satisfy both the symmetry/anti-symmetry and quasi-orthogonality conditions. It is also shown that changing the slopes/chirp rates of the DFCW waveforms (based on LFM and PLFM waveforms) used as chips with the same complementary code pair results in good code sets with a zero-sidelobe region. It is also shown that a second good code set with a zero-sidelobe region could be constructed from the mates of the complementary code pair, while using the same DFCW waveforms as their chips. The cross-correlation between the two sets is shown to contain a zero-sidelobe region and an adjacent region of small cross-correlation sidelobes. Thus, the two sets are quasi-orthogonal and could be combined to form a good code set with twice the number of codes without affecting their cross-correlation properties. Or a better good code set with the same number codes could be constructed by choosing the best candidates form the two sets. Such code sets find utility in multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) radar applications

    Построение минимаксных ансамблей апериодических кодов Голда

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    Introduction. Signals constructed on the basis of ensembles of code sequences are widely used in digital communication systems. During development of such systems, the most attention is paid to analysis, synthesis and implementation of periodic signal ensembles. Theoretic methods for synthesis of periodic signal ensembles are developed and are in use. Considerably fewer results are received regarding construction of aperiodic signal ensembles with given properties. Theoretical methods for synthesis of such ensembles are practically nonexistent.Aim. To construct aperiodic Gold code ensembles with the best ratios of code length to ensemble volume among the most known binary codes.Materials and methods. Methods of directed search and discrete choice of the best ensemble based on unconditional preference criteria are used.Results. Full and truncated aperiodic Gold code ensembles with given length and ensemble volume were constructed. Parameters and shape of auto- and mutual correlation functions were shown for a number of constructed ensembles. Comparison of the paper results with known results for periodic Gold code ensembles has been conducted regarding growth of minimax correlation function values depending on code length and ensemble volume.Conclusion. The developed algorithms, unlike the known ones, make it possible to form both complete ensembles and ensembles taking into account the limitation of their volume. In addition, the algorithms can be extended to the tasks of forming ensembles from other families, for example, assembled from code sequences belonging to different families.Введение. В системах цифровой связи широко применяются сигналы, построенные на основе ансамблей кодовых последовательностей. При разработке этих систем наибольшее внимание уделяется анализу, синтезу и реализации ансамблей периодических сигналов. Разработаны и используются теоретические методики синтеза ансамблей периодических сигналов. Значительно меньше результатов получено в области построения ансамблей апериодических сигналов с заданными корреляционными свойствами. Теоретические методики синтеза таких ансамблей сигналов практически отсутствуют.Цель работы. Построение минимаксных ансамблей апериодических кодов Голда, которые обладают одним из лучших среди известных бинарных кодов соотношением длины кодов и объема ансамбля.Материалы и методы. Для построения минимаксного ансамбля используются направленный перебор и метод дискретного выбора лучшего ансамбля на основе безусловного критерия предпочтения.Результаты. В статье описан алгоритм формирования полных и неполных минимаксных ансамблей апериодических кодов Голда с заданными длиной и объемом ансамбля. Приведены параметры и вид авто- и взаимнокорреляционных функций для ряда полученных ансамблей. Выполнено сравнение результатов статьи с известными результатами для ансамблей периодических кодов Голда в части роста минимаксных значений корреляционных функций в зависимости от длины кодов и объема ансамблей.Заключение. Разработанные алгоритмы, в отличие от известных, позволяют конструировать как полные ансамбли, так и ансамбли, учитывающие ограничение их объема. Кроме того, данные алгоритмы могут быть распространены на задачи построения ансамблей из других семейств, например, собранных из кодовых последовательностей, принадлежащих различным семействам