5 research outputs found

    Engineering capstone project as a service-learning activity: A case study in Geomatics degree

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    [EN] Capstone projects are the culminating experience of engineering students, where they are focused on real-world application, so they will be better prepared for their professional life. In the present communication it is raised an application approach of incorporation of a service-learning methodology into the capstone projects to improve the acquisition of skills, as well as motivation and engagement. The activity is contextualized in the so-called depopulated Spain, which includes towns and villages with a high risk of depopulation and a shortage of investment and resources. The experience was carried out in the capstone project of a Geomatics Engineering degree.S

    The Transversal Competences of Graduates of University Master’s Degrees

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    Recently, in an interview with employers of a university master’s degree, the importance they gave to transversal competences for these graduates was highlighted. In the Barometer of university employability and employment (2017 Master Edition), presented in February 2018, the vision that the graduates had about the importance of these competences and the level they received in these university degrees was underlined. In this article we will reflect on this important aspect regarding the employment of university students and the role that the University should play about it.Recientemente en una entrevista con empleadores de un máster universitario se ponía de manifiesto la importancia que estos le daban a las competencias transversales para estos egresados. En el Barómetro de empleabilidad y empleo universitarios (Edición Máster 2017), presentado en febrero de 2018, se destacaba la visión que los egresados tenían de la importancia de estas competencias y el nivel formativo que recibían en estos títulos universitarios. En este artículo se va a reflexionar sobre este aspecto tan importante de cara al empleo de los universitarios y del papel que debe jugar la Universidad

    Design of an innovative approach based on Service Learning for Information Technology Governance Teaching

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    Service learning is an approach that integrates social service into an academic setting. We present a design for a subject that uses a service learning based orientation to teach Information Technology Government based on the experiences of two different Informatics Engineering Masters Degree in two different universities

    Contribuciones al gobierno de las tecnologías de la información en el contexto universitario

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    Determina la influencia de los 13 factores críticos de éxito propuestos en el principio de responsabilidad establecido en la norma ISO 38500. Una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura muestra que, en el contexto universitario no se han realizado estudios con estos propósitos. Este estudio empírico se realizó sobre el 76% de universidades ecuatorianas y muestra que los 13 factores analizados, 8 tomados de contextos distintos al universitario y 5 extraídos desde las teorías del ámbito administrativo y comportamiento humano, tienen una influencia positiva en el éxito del Gobierno de las Tecnologías de la Información y el cumplimiento del principio de responsabilidad