142 research outputs found

    Modeling and analysis on bipedal wheel-legged robot with sprawling mechanism

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    Mobile robots have a wide range of applications; they can be used not only in service industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and other specialized fields. As a result, the technology of mobile robots has garnered global attention. Most legged mobile robot use mammal-type mechanism because of the robot can walk at narrow space and can walk faster than sprawling mechanism. However, this type of legged robot has low wide range motion and foot placement is limited as well. Moreover, the stability of the mammal type is lower than sprawling makes this configuration able to locate its center of gravity at low position with wider support polygon. Therefore, this project has proposed a hybrid design and modelled of bipedal robot with combination of mammal and sprawling mechanism. The DH parameters is done in kinematics solution for both forward and inverse kinematics of each leg. Forward kinematics equation is used to measure the output Cartesian position robot from the feedback signal of each joint of each leg. On the other hand, inverse kinematic is used to translate the Cartesian trajectory input to the angular input for each joint of each leg. The multibody dynamic structure of the robot is approached in modeling this robot using MATLAB SIMULINK-Simscape to simulate the motion of the robot and the leg trajectory of the leg motion is designed for robot’s leg working envelope test. The dynamic performance angle are observed from the simulation results for each joint and the input angle is same as an output angle. Moreover, the results of trajectory motion and robot workspace is equality with the desired motion

    Feedback Control of an Exoskeleton for Paraplegics: Toward Robustly Stable Hands-free Dynamic Walking

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    This manuscript presents control of a high-DOF fully actuated lower-limb exoskeleton for paraplegic individuals. The key novelty is the ability for the user to walk without the use of crutches or other external means of stabilization. We harness the power of modern optimization techniques and supervised machine learning to develop a smooth feedback control policy that provides robust velocity regulation and perturbation rejection. Preliminary evaluation of the stability and robustness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through the Gazebo simulation environment. In addition, preliminary experimental results with (complete) paraplegic individuals are included for the previous version of the controller.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Control System Magazine. This version addresses reviewers' concerns about the robustness of the algorithm and the motivation for using such exoskeleton

    A Variable Stiffness Actuator Module With Favorable Mass Distribution for a Bio-inspired Biped Robot

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    Achieving human-like locomotion with humanoid platforms often requires the use of variable stiffness actuators (VSAs) in multi-degree-of-freedom robotic joints. VSAs possess 2 motors for the control of both stiffness and equilibrium position. Hence, they add mass and mechanical complexity to the design of humanoids. Mass distribution of the legs is an important design parameter, because it can have detrimental effects on the cost of transport. This work presents a novel VSA module, designed to be implemented in a bio-inspired humanoid robot, Binocchio, that houses all components on the same side of the actuated joint. This feature allowed to place the actuator's mass to more proximal locations with respect to the actuated joint instead of concentrating it at the joint level, creating a more favorable mass distribution in the humanoid. Besides, it also facilitated it's usage in joints with centralized multi-degree of freedom (DoF) joints instead of cascading single DoF modules. The design of the VSA module is presented, including it's integration in the multi-DoFs joints of Binocchio. Experiments validated the static characteristics of the VSA module to accurately estimate the output torque and stiffness. The dynamic responses of the driving and stiffening mechanisms are shown. Finally, experiments show the ability of the actuation system to replicate the envisioned human-like kinematic, torque and stiffness profiles for Binocchio

    Understanding the fundamentals of bipedal locomotion in humans and robots

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    Walking is a robust and efficient method of moving around the world, which would greatly enhance the capabilities of humanoid robots, although they cannot match the performance of their biological counterparts. The highly nonlinear dynamics of locomotion create a vast state-action space, which makes model-based control difficult, yet biological humans are highly proficient and robust in their motion while operating under similar constraints. This disparity in performance naturally leads to the question: what can we learn about locomotion control by observing humans, and how can this be used to develop bio-inspired locomotion control in mechatronic humanoids? This thesis investigates bio-inspired locomotion control, but also explores the limitations of this approach and how we can use robotic platforms to move towards a better understanding of locomotion. We first present a methodology for measuring and analysing human locomotion behaviour, specifically disturbance recovery, and fit models to this complex behaviour to represent it in as simple as possible such that it can be easily translated into a simple controller for reactive motion. A minimum-jerk Model Predictive Control algorithm at the Centre of Mass (CoM) best captured human motion during multiple recovery strategies instead of using one controller for each strategy, which is common in this area. Capturing this simple CoM model of complex human behaviour shows that bio-inspiration can be an important tool for controller development, but behaviour varies between and even within individuals given similar initial conditions, which manifests as stochastic behaviour. Coupled with the ability to only measure expressed behaviours instead of direct control policies, this stochasticity presents a fundamental limit to using bio-inspiration for control purposes, as only indirect inferences can be made about a complex, stochastic system. To overcome these barriers, we investigate the use of mechatronic humanoid robots as a means to explore invariant aspects of the vast dynamic state-space of locomotion which are described by physical laws, and are therefore not subject to the stochastic behaviour of individual humans, that apply to both biological and mechatronic humanoid forms. We present a pipeline to explore the invariant energetics of humanoid robots during stepping for push recovery, where the most efficient stepping parameters are identified for a given initial CoM velocity and desired step length. Using this to explore the stepping state-space, our analysis finds a region of attraction between disturbance magnitude and optimal step length surrounded by a region of similarly efficient alternatives which corresponds to the stochastic behavior observed in humans during push recovery, which we would be unable to identify without reproducibility, direct access to internal measurements and known full body dynamics, which is not available in humans. We expand this paradigm further to investigate the invariant energetics of continuous walking using a full-body humanoid by exploring the state-space of step-length and step-timing to identify the most efficient sub-spaces of these parameters which describes the most efficient way to walk. Through analysis of this state-space, we provide evidence that the humanoid morphology exhibits a passive tendency towards energy-optimal motion and its dynamics follow a region of attraction towards Cost of Transport-optimal motion. Overall, these findings demonstrate the utility of robotics as a tool with which to explore certain aspects of legged locomotion and the results gained from our methodology suggest that humans do not need to explore a vast state-action space to learn to walk, they need only internalise simple heuristics for the natural dynamics of stepping that are easy to learn and can produce rapid, reactive and efficient stepping without costly decision-making processes

    Locomotion system for ground mobile robots in uneven and unstructured environments

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    One of the technology domains with the greatest growth rates nowadays is service robots. The extensive use of ground mobile robots in environments that are unstructured or structured for humans is a promising challenge for the coming years, even though Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) moving on flat and compact grounds are already commercially available and widely utilized to move components and products inside indoor industrial buildings. Agriculture, planetary exploration, military operations, demining, intervention in case of terrorist attacks, surveillance, and reconnaissance in hazardous conditions are important application domains. Due to the fact that it integrates the disciplines of locomotion, vision, cognition, and navigation, the design of a ground mobile robot is extremely interdisciplinary. In terms of mechanics, ground mobile robots, with the exception of those designed for particular surroundings and surfaces (such as slithering or sticky robots), can move on wheels (W), legs (L), tracks (T), or hybrids of these concepts (LW, LT, WT, LWT). In terms of maximum speed, obstacle crossing ability, step/stair climbing ability, slope climbing ability, walking capability on soft terrain, walking capability on uneven terrain, energy efficiency, mechanical complexity, control complexity, and technology readiness, a systematic comparison of these locomotion systems is provided in [1]. Based on the above-mentioned classification, in this thesis, we first introduce a small-scale hybrid locomotion robot for surveillance and inspection, WheTLHLoc, with two tracks, two revolving legs, two active wheels, and two passive omni wheels. The robot can move in several different ways, including using wheels on the flat, compact ground,[1] tracks on soft, yielding terrain, and a combination of tracks, legs, and wheels to navigate obstacles. In particular, static stability and non-slipping characteristics are considered while analyzing the process of climbing steps and stairs. The experimental test on the first prototype has proven the planned climbing maneuver’s efficacy and the WheTLHLoc robot's operational flexibility. Later we present another development of WheTLHLoc and introduce WheTLHLoc 2.0 with newly designed legs, enabling the robot to deal with bigger obstacles. Subsequently, a single-track bio-inspired ground mobile robot's conceptual and embodiment designs are presented. This robot is called SnakeTrack. It is designed for surveillance and inspection activities in unstructured environments with constrained areas. The vertebral column has two end modules and a variable number of vertebrae linked by compliant joints, and the surrounding track is its essential component. Four motors drive the robot: two control the track motion and two regulate the lateral flexion of the vertebral column for steering. The compliant joints enable limited passive torsion and retroflection of the vertebral column, which the robot can use to adapt to uneven terrain and increase traction. Eventually, the new version of SnakeTrack, called 'Porcospino', is introduced with the aim of allowing the robot to move in a wider variety of terrains. The novelty of this thesis lies in the development and presentation of three novel designs of small-scale mobile robots for surveillance and inspection in unstructured environments, and they employ hybrid locomotion systems that allow them to traverse a variety of terrains, including soft, yielding terrain and high obstacles. This thesis contributes to the field of mobile robotics by introducing new design concepts for hybrid locomotion systems that enable robots to navigate challenging environments. The robots presented in this thesis employ modular designs that allow their lengths to be adapted to suit specific tasks, and they are capable of restoring their correct position after falling over, making them highly adaptable and versatile. Furthermore, this thesis presents a detailed analysis of the robots' capabilities, including their step-climbing and motion planning abilities. In this thesis we also discuss possible refinements for the robots' designs to improve their performance and reliability. Overall, this thesis's contributions lie in the design and development of innovative mobile robots that address the challenges of surveillance and inspection in unstructured environments, and the analysis and evaluation of these robots' capabilities. The research presented in this thesis provides a foundation for further work in this field, and it may be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the areas of robotics, automation, and inspection. As a general note, the first robot, WheTLHLoc, is a hybrid locomotion robot capable of combining tracked locomotion on soft terrains, wheeled locomotion on flat and compact grounds, and high obstacle crossing capability. The second robot, SnakeTrack, is a small-size mono-track robot with a modular structure composed of a vertebral column and a single peripherical track revolving around it. The third robot, Porcospino, is an evolution of SnakeTrack and includes flexible spines on the track modules for improved traction on uneven but firm terrains, and refinements of the shape of the track guidance system. This thesis provides detailed descriptions of the design and prototyping of these robots and presents analytical and experimental results to verify their capabilities

    Humanoid Robots

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    For many years, the human being has been trying, in all ways, to recreate the complex mechanisms that form the human body. Such task is extremely complicated and the results are not totally satisfactory. However, with increasing technological advances based on theoretical and experimental researches, man gets, in a way, to copy or to imitate some systems of the human body. These researches not only intended to create humanoid robots, great part of them constituting autonomous systems, but also, in some way, to offer a higher knowledge of the systems that form the human body, objectifying possible applications in the technology of rehabilitation of human beings, gathering in a whole studies related not only to Robotics, but also to Biomechanics, Biomimmetics, Cybernetics, among other areas. This book presents a series of researches inspired by this ideal, carried through by various researchers worldwide, looking for to analyze and to discuss diverse subjects related to humanoid robots. The presented contributions explore aspects about robotic hands, learning, language, vision and locomotion

    Magnetorheological Variable Stiffness Robot Legs for Improved Locomotion Performance

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    In an increasingly automated world, interest in the field of robotics is surging, with an exciting branch of this area being legged robotics. These biologically inspired robots have leg-like limbs which enable locomotion, suited to challenging terrains which wheels struggle to conquer. While it has been quite some time since the idea of a legged machine was first made a reality, this technology has been modernised with compliant legs to improve locomotion performance. Recently, developments in biological science have uncovered that humans and animals alike control their leg stiffness, adapting to different locomotion conditions. Furthermore, as these studies highlighted potential to improve upon the existing compliant-legged robots, modern robot designs have seen implementation of variable stiffness into their legs. As this is quite a new concept, few works have been published which document such designs, and hence much potential exists for research in this area. As a promising technology which can achieve variable stiffness, magnetorheological (MR) smart materials may be ideal for use in robot legs. In particular, recent advances have enabled the use of MR fluid (MRF) to facilitate variable stiffness in a robust manner, in contrast to MR elastomer (MRE). Developed in this thesis is what was at the time the first rotary MR damper variable stiffness mechanism. This is proposed by the author for use within a robot leg to enable rapid stiffness control during locomotion. Based its mechanics and actuation, the leg is termed the magnetorheological variable stiffness actuator leg mark-I (MRVSAL-I). The leg, with a C-shaped morphology suited to torque actuation is first characterised through linear compression testing, demonstrating a wide range of stiffness variation. This variation is in response to an increase in electric current supplied to the internal electromagnetic coils of the MR damper. A limited degrees-of-freedom (DOF) bipedal locomotion platform is designed and manufactured to study the locomotion performance resulting from the variable stiffness leg. It is established that optimal stiffness tuning of the leg could achieve reduced mechanical cost of transport (MCOT), thereby improving locomotion performance. Despite the advancements to locomotion demonstrated, some design issues with the leg required further optimisation and a new leg morphology