772 research outputs found

    IPv6 Network Mobility

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    Network Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting has been used since before the days of the Internet as we know it today. Authentication asks the question, “Who or what are you?” Authorization asks, “What are you allowed to do?” And fi nally, accounting wants to know, “What did you do?” These fundamental security building blocks are being used in expanded ways today. The fi rst part of this two-part series focused on the overall concepts of AAA, the elements involved in AAA communications, and highlevel approaches to achieving specifi c AAA goals. It was published in IPJ Volume 10, No. 1[0]. This second part of the series discusses the protocols involved, specifi c applications of AAA, and considerations for the future of AAA

    Context-aware and user bahavior-based continuous authentication for zero trust access control in smart homes

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    Orientador: Aldri Luiz dos SantosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 24/02/2023Inclui referências: p. 96-106Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Embora as casas inteligentes tenham se tornado populares recentemente, as pessoas ainda estão muito preocupadas com questões de segurança, proteção e privacidade. Estudos revelaram que questões de privacidade das pessoas geram prejuízos fisiológicos e financeiros porque as casas inteligentes são ambientes de convivência íntima. Além disso, nossa pesquisa revelou que os ataques de impersonificação são uma das ameaças mais graves contra casas inteligentes porque comprometem a confidencialidade, autenticidade, integridade e não repúdio. Normalmente, abordagens para construir segurança para Sistemas de Casas Inteligentes (SHS) requerem dados históricos para implementar controle de acesso e Sistemas de Detecção de Intrusão (IDS), uma vulnerabilidade à privacidade dos habitantes. Além disso, a maioria dos trabalhos depende de computação em nuvem ou recursos na nuvem para executar tarefas de segurança, que os invasores podem atacar para atingir a confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade. Além disso, os pesquisadores não consideram o uso indevido de SHS ao forçar os usuários a interagir com os dispositivos por meio de seus smartphones ou tablets, pois eles costumam interagir por qualquer meio, como assistentes virtuais e os próprios dispositivos. Portanto, os requisitos do sistema de segurança para residências inteligentes devem compreender percepção de privacidade, resposta de baixa latência, localidade espacial e temporal, extensibilidade de dispositivo, proteção contra impersonificação, isolamento de dispositivo, garantia de controle de acesso e levar em consideração a verificação atualizada com um sistema confiável. Para atender a esses requisitos, propomos o sistema ZASH (Zero-Aware Smart Home) para fornecer controle de acesso para as ações do usuário em dispositivos em casas inteligentes. Em contraste com os trabalhos atuais, ele aproveita a autenticação contínua com o paradigma de Confiança Zero suportado por ontologias configuradas, contexto em tempo real e atividade do usuário. A computação de borda e a Cadeia de Markov permitem que o ZASH evite e mitigue ataques de impersonificação que visam comprometer a segurança dos usuários. O sistema depende apenas de recursos dentro de casa, é autossuficiente e está menos exposto à exploração externa. Além disso, funciona desde o dia zero sem a exigência de dados históricos, embora conte com o passar do tempo para monitorar o comportamento dos usuários. O ZASH exige prova de identidade para que os usuários confirmem sua autenticidade por meio de características fortes da classe Something You Are. O sistema executa o controle de acesso nos dispositivos inteligentes, portanto, não depende de intermediários e considera qualquer interação usuário-dispositivo. A princípio, um teste inicial de algoritmos com um conjunto de dados sintético demonstrou a capacidade do sistema de se adaptar dinamicamente aos comportamentos de novos usuários, bloqueando ataques de impersonificação. Por fim, implementamos o ZASH no simulador de rede ns-3 e analisamos sua robustez, eficiência, extensibilidade e desempenho. De acordo com nossa análise, ele protege a privacidade dos usuários, responde rapidamente (cerca de 4,16 ms), lida com a adição e remoção de dispositivos, bloqueia a maioria dos ataques de impersonificação (até 99% com uma configuração adequada), isola dispositivos inteligentes e garante o controle de acesso para todas as interações.Abstract: Although smart homes have become popular recently, people are still highly concerned about security, safety, and privacy issues. Studies revealed that issues in people's privacy generate physiological and financial harm because smart homes are intimate living environments. Further, our research disclosed that impersonation attacks are one of the most severe threats against smart homes because they compromise confidentiality, authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation. Typically, approaches to build security for Smart Home Systems (SHS) require historical data to implement access control and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), a vulnerability to the inhabitant's privacy. Additionally, most works rely on cloud computing or resources in the cloud to perform security tasks, which attackers can exploit to target confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Moreover, researchers do not regard the misuse of SHS by forcing users to interact with devices through their smartphones or tablets, as they usually interact by any means, like virtual assistants and devices themselves. Therefore, the security system requirements for smart homes should comprehend privacy perception, low latency in response, spatial and temporal locality, device extensibility, protection against impersonation, device isolation, access control enforcement, and taking into account the refresh verification with a trustworthy system. To attend to those requirements, we propose the ZASH (Zero-Aware Smart Home) system to provide access control for the user's actions on smart devices in smart homes. In contrast to current works, it leverages continuous authentication with the Zero Trust paradigm supported by configured ontologies, real-time context, and user activity. Edge computing and Markov Chain enable ZASH to prevent and mitigate impersonation attacks that aim to compromise users' security. The system relies only on resources inside the house, is self-sufficient, and is less exposed to outside exploitation. Furthermore, it works from day zero without the requirement of historical data, though it counts on that as time passes to monitor the users' behavior. ZASH requires proof of identity for users to confirm their authenticity through strong features of the Something You Are class. The system enforces access control in smart devices, so it does not depend on intermediaries and considers any user-device interaction. At first, an initial test of algorithms with a synthetic dataset demonstrated the system's capability to dynamically adapt to new users' behaviors withal blocking impersonation attacks. Finally, we implemented ZASH in the ns-3 network simulator and analyzed its robustness, efficiency, extensibility, and performance. According to our analysis, it protects users' privacy, responds quickly (around 4.16 ms), copes with adding and removing devices, blocks most impersonation attacks (up to 99% with a proper configuration), isolates smart devices, and enforces access control for all interactions

    A novel approach to emergency management of wireless telecommunication system

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    The survivability concerns the service continuity when the components of a system are damaged. This concept is especially useful in the emergency management of the system, as often emergencies involve accidents or incident disasters which more or less damage the system. The overall objective of this thesis study is to develop a quantitative management approach to the emergency management of a wireless cellular telecommunication system in light of its service continuity in emergency situations – namely the survivability of the system. A particular wireless cellular telecommunication system, WCDMA, is taken as an example to ground this research.The thesis proposes an ontology-based paradigm for service management such that the management system contains three models: (1) the work domain model, (2) the dynamic model, and (3) the reconfiguration model. A powerful work domain modeling tool called Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) is employed for developing the work domain model of the WCDMA system. Petri-Net theory, as well as its formalization, is applied to develop the dynamic model of the WCDMA system. A concept in engineering design called the general and specific function concept is applied to develop a new approach to system reconfiguration for the high survivability of the system. These models are implemented along with a user-interface which can be used by emergency management personnel. A demonstration of the effectiveness of this study approach is included.There are a couple of contributions with this thesis study. First, the proposed approach can be added to contemporary telecommunication management systems. Second, the Petri Net model of the WCDMA system is more comprehensive than any dynamic model of the telecommunication systems in literature. Furthermore, this model can be extended to any other telecommunication system. Third, the proposed system reconfiguration approach, based on the general and specific function concept, offers a unique way for the survivability of any service provider system.In conclusion, the ontology-based paradigm for a service system management provides a total solution to service continuity as well as its emergency management. This paradigm makes the complex mathematical modeling of the system transparent to the manager or managerial personnel and provides a feasible scenario of the human-in-the-loop management


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    Mobile communication is playing a vital role in the daily life for the last two decades; in turn its fields gained the research attention, which led to the introduction of new technologies, services and applications. These new added facilities aimed to ease the connectivity and reachability; on the other hand, many security and privacy concerns were not taken into consideration. This opened the door for the malicious activities to threaten the deployed systems and caused vulnerabilities for users, translated in the loss of valuable data and major privacy invasions. Recently, many attempts have been carried out to handle these concerns, such as improving systems’ security and implementing different privacy enhancing mechanisms. This research addresses these problems and provides a mean to preserve privacy in particular. In this research, a detailed description and analysis of the current security and privacy situation in the deployed systems is given. As a result, the existing shortages within these systems are pointed out, to be mitigated in development. Finally a privacy preserving prototype model is proposed. This research has been conducted as an extensive literature review about the most relevant references and researches in the field, using the descriptive and evaluative research methodologies. The main security models, parameters, modules and protocols are presented, also a detailed description of privacy and its related arguments, dimensions and factors is given. The findings include that mobile networks’ security along with users are vulnerable due to the weaknesses of the key exchange procedures, the difficulties that face possession, repudiation, standardization, compatibility drawbacks and lack of configurability. It also includes the need to implement new mechanisms to protect security and preserve privacy, which include public key cryptography, HIP servers, IPSec, TLS, NAT and DTLS-SRTP. Last but not least, it shows that privacy is not absolute and it has many conflicts, also privacy requires sophisticated systems, which increase the load and cost of the system.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Project BeARCAT : Baselining, Automation and Response for CAV Testbed Cyber Security : Connected Vehicle & Infrastructure Security Assessment

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    Connected, software-based systems are a driver in advancing the technology of transportation systems. Advanced automated and autonomous vehicles, together with electrification, will help reduce congestion, accidents and emissions. Meanwhile, vehicle manufacturers see advanced technology as enhancing their products in a competitive market. However, as many decades of using home and enterprise computer systems have shown, connectivity allows a system to become a target for criminal intentions. Cyber-based threats to any system are a problem; in transportation, there is the added safety implication of dealing with moving vehicles and the passengers within

    Secure Service Provisioning (SSP) Framework for IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)

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    Mit dem Erscheinen mobiler Multimediadienste, wie z. B. Unified Messaging, Click-to-Dial-Applikationen, netzwerkübergeifende Multimedia-Konferenzen und nahtlose Multimedia-Streming-Dienste, begann die Konvergenz von mobilen Kommunikationsetzen und Festnetzen, begleitet von der Integration von Sprach- und Datenkommunikations-Übertragungstechnik Diese Entwicklungen bilden die Voraussetzung für die Verschmelzung des modernen Internet auf der einen Seite mit der Telekommunikation im klassischen Sinne auf der anderen. Das IP Multimedia-Subsystem (IMS) darf hierbei als die entscheidende Next-Generation-Service-Delivery-Plattform in einer vereinheitlichten Kommunikationswelt angesehen werden. Seine Architektur basiert auf einem modularen Design mit offenen Schnittstellen und bietet dedizierte Voraussetzungen zur Unterstützung von Multimedia-Diensten auf der Grundlage der Internet-Protokolle. Einhergehend mit dieser aufkommenden offenen Technologie stellen sich neue Sicherheits-Herausforderungen in einer vielschichtigen Kommunikationsinfrastruktur, im Wesentlichen bestehend aus dem Internet Protokoll (IP), dem SIP-Protokoll (Session Initiation Protocol) und dem Real-time Transport Protokoll (RTP). Die Zielsetzung des Secure Service Provisioning-Systems (SSP) ist, mögliche Angriffsszenarien und Sicherheitslücken in Verbindung mit dem IP Multimedia Subsystem zu erforschen und Sicherheitslösungen, wie sie von IETF, 3GPP und TISPAN vorgeschlagen werden, zu evaluieren. Im Rahmen dieser Forschungsarbeit werden die Lösungen als Teil des SSP-Systems berücksichtigt, mit dem Ziel, dem IMS und der Next-Generation-SDP einen hinreichenden Schutz zu garantieren. Dieser Teil, der als Sicherheitsschutzstufe 1 bezeichnet wird, beinhaltet unter anderem Maßnahmen zur Nutzer- und Netzwerk-Authentifizierung, die Autorisierung der Nutzung von Multimediadiensten und Vorkehrungen zur Gewährleistung der Geheimhaltung und Integrität von Daten im Zusammenhang mit dem Schutz vor Lauschangriffen, Session-Hijacking- und Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen. Im nächsten Schritt werden die Beschränkungen untersucht, die für die Sicherheitsschutzstufe 1 charakteristisch sind und Maßnahmen zu Verbesserung des Sicherheitsschutzes entwickelt. Die entsprechenden Erweiterungen der Sicherheitsschutzstufe 1 führen zu einem Intrusion Detection and Prevention-System (IDP), das Schutz vor Denial-of-Service- (DoS) / Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS)-Angriffen, missbräuchlicher Nutzung und Täuschungsversuchen in IMS-basierten Netzwerken bietet. Weder 3GPP noch TISPAN haben bisher Lösungen für diesen Bereich spezifiziert. In diesem Zusammenhang können die beschriebenen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten einen Beitrag zur Standardisierung von Lösungen zum Schutz vor DoS- und DDoS-Angriffen in IMS-Netzwerken leisten. Der hier beschriebene Ansatz basiert auf der Entwicklung eines (stateful / stateless) Systems zur Erkennung und Verhinderung von Einbruchsversuchen (Intrusion Detection and Prevention System). Aus Entwicklungssicht wurde das IDP in zwei Module aufgeteilt: Das erste Modul beinhaltet die Basisfunktionen des IDP, die sich auf Flooding-Angriffe auf das IMS und ihre Kompensation richten. Ihr Ziel ist es, das IMS-Core-Netzwerk und die IMS-Ressourcen vor DoS- und DDoS-Angriffen zu schützen. Das entsprechende Modul basiert auf einer Online Stateless-Detection-Methodologie und wird aktiv, sobald die CPU-Auslastung der P-CSCF (Proxy-Call State Control Function) einen vordefinierten Grenzwert erreicht oder überschreitet. Das zweite Modul (IDP-AS) hat die Aufgabe, Angriffe, die sich gegen IMS Application Server (AS) richten abzufangen. Hierbei konzentrieren sich die Maßnahmen auf den Schutz des ISC-Interfaces zwischen IMS Core und Application Servern. Das betreffende Modul realisiert eine Stateful Detection Methodologie zur Erkennung missbräuchlicher Nutzungsaktivitäten. Während der Nutzer mit dem Application Server kommuniziert, werden dabei nutzerspezifische Zustandsdaten aufgezeichnet, die zur Prüfung der Legitimität herangezogen werden. Das IDP-AS prüft alle eingehenden Requests und alle abgehenden Responses, die von IMS Application Servern stammen oder die an IMS Application Server gerichtet sind, auf ihre Zulässigkeit im Hinblick auf die definierten Attack Rules. Mit Hilfe der Kriterien Fehlerfreiheit und Processing Delay bei der Identifikation potenzieller Angriffe wird die Leistungsfähigkeit der IDP-Module bewertet. Für die entsprechenden Referenzwerte werden hierbei die Zustände Nomallast und Überlast verglichen. Falls die Leistungsfähigkeit des IDP nicht unter den Erwartungen zurückbleibt, wird ein IDP-Prototyp zur Evaluation im Open IMS Playground des Fokus Fraunhofer 3Gb-Testbeds eingesetzt, um unter realen Einsatzbedingungen z. B. in VoIP-, Videokonferenz- , IPTV-, Presence- und Push-to-Talk-Szenarien getestet werden zu können.With the emergence of mobile multimedia services, such as unified messaging, click to dial, cross network multiparty conferencing and seamless multimedia streaming services, the fixed–mobile convergence and voice–data integration has started, leading to an overall Internet–Telecommunications merger. The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is considered as the next generation service delivery platform in the converged communication world. It consists of modular design with open interfaces and enables the flexibility for providing multimedia services over IP technology. In parallel this open based emerging technology has security challenges from multiple communication platforms and protocols like IP, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). The objective of Secure Service Provisioning (SSP) Framework is to cram the potential attacks and security threats to IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and to explore security solutions developed by IETF, 3GPP and TISPAN. This research work incorporates these solutions into SSP Framework to secure IMS and next generation Service Delivery Platform (SDP). We define this part as level 1 security protection which includes user and network authentication, authorization to access multimedia services, providing confidentiality and integrity protection etc. against eavesdropping, session hijacking and man-in-the middle attacks etc. In the next step, we have investigated the limitations and improvements to level 1 security and proposed the enhancement and extension as level 2 security by developing Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) system against Denial-of-Service (DoS)/Distributed DoS (DDoS) flooding attacks, misuses and frauds in IMS-based networks. These security threats recently have been identified by 3GPP and TISPAN but no solution is recommended and developed. Therefore our solution may be considered as recommendation in future. Our approach based on developing both stateless and stateful intrusion detection and prevention system. From development point of view, we have divided the work into two modules: the first module is IDP-Core; addressing and mitigating the flooding attacks in IMS core. Its objective is to protect the IMS resources and IMS-core entities from DoS/DDoS flooding attacks. This module based on online stateless detection methodology and activates when CPU processing load of P-CSCF (Proxy-Call State Control Function) reaches or crosses the defined threshold limit. The second module is IDP-AS; addressing and mitigating the misuse attacks facing to IMS Application Servers (AS). Its focus is to secure the ISC interface between IMS Core and Application Servers. This module is based on stateful misuse detection methodology by creating and comparing user state (partner) when he/she is communicating with application server to check whether user is performing legitimate or illegitimate action with attacks rules. The IDP-AS also compared the incoming request and outgoing response to and from IMS Application Servers with the defined attacks rules. In the performance analysis, the processing delay and attacks detection accuracy of both Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) modules have been measured at Fraunhofer FOKUS IMS Testbed which is developed for research purpose. The performance evaluation based on normal and overload conditions scenarios. The results showed that the processing delay introduced by both IDP modules satisfied the standard requirements and did not cause retransmission of SIP REGISTER and INVITE requests. The developed prototype is under testing phase at Fraunhofer FOKUS 3Gb Testbed for evaluation in real world communication scenarios like VoIP, video conferencing, IPTV, presence, push-to-talk etc

    (Re-) Staging Translation: Meaningful Interaction with Hindu Devotional Objects in the Western museum

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    In this thesis, the Hindu devotional object will be tracked through many contexts and its role will change based on its geographic and cultural location. First, the original ritual context will be established, paying specific attention to ceremonial processes and actions that activate the objects. Next, I will sketch the approaches to interpretation used in the two museum spaces. In this movement between spaces, the Hindu object is de- and then re-contextualized. Museums can discover from this narrative the many ways that meaning is constructed, within and outside of a Western framework. It is this pivotal period of re-contextualization that forms the basis of my inquiry and my argument. My recommendations for gallery design and interpretation will focus on moments of translation of Hindu objects as they move between contexts and on ways to increase transparency surrounding the translation processes at work in permanent galleries. Only through a decolonization not just of the museum but of the museum experience itself can Hindu objects be re-contextualized in a manner that regains their vitality and captivation