2,100 research outputs found

    The role of HiPPI switches in mass storage systems: A five year prospective

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    New standards are evolving which provide the foundation for multi-gigabit per second data communication structures. The lowest layer protocols are so generalized that they encourage a wide range of application. Specifically, the ANSI High Performance Parallel Interface (HiPPI) is being applied to computer peripheral attachment as well as general data communication networks. The HiPPI Standards suite and technology products which incorporate the standards are introduced. The use of simple HiPPI crosspoint switches to build potentially complex extended 'fabrics' is discussed in detail. Several near term applications of the HiPPI technology are briefly described with additional attention to storage systems. Finally, some related standards are mentioned which may further expand the concepts above

    The AURORA Gigabit Testbed

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    AURORA is one of five U.S. networking testbeds charged with exploring applications of, and technologies necessary for, networks operating at gigabit per second or higher bandwidths. The emphasis of the AURORA testbed, distinct from the other four testbeds, BLANCA, CASA, NECTAR, and VISTANET, is research into the supporting technologies for gigabit networking. Like the other testbeds, AURORA itself is an experiment in collaboration, where government initiative (in the form of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives, which is funded by DARPA and the National Science Foundation) has spurred interaction among pre-existing centers of excellence in industry, academia, and government. AURORA has been charged with research into networking technologies that will underpin future high-speed networks. This paper provides an overview of the goals and methodologies employed in AURORA, and points to some preliminary results from our first year of research, ranging from analytic results to experimental prototype hardware. This paper enunciates our targets, which include new software architectures, network abstractions, and hardware technologies, as well as applications for our work

    An Overview of the AURORA Gigabit Testbed

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    AURORA is one of five U.S. testbeds charged with exploring applications of, and technologies necessary for, networks operating at gigabit per second or higher bandwidths. AURORA is also an experiment in collaboration, where government support (through the Corporation for National Research Initiatives, which is in turn funded by DARPA and the NSF) has spurred interaction among centers of excellence in industry, academia, and government. The emphasis of the AURORA testbed, distinct from the other four testbeds, is research into the supporting technologies for gigabit networking. Our targets include new software architectures, network abstractions, hardware technologies, and applications. This paper provides an overview of the goals and methodologies employed in AURORA, and reports preliminary results from our first year of research

    Performance evaluation of Fast Ethernet, ATM and Myrinet under PVM

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    Congestion in network switches can limit the communication traffic between Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) nodes in a parallel computation. The research introduces a new benchmark to evaluate the performance of PVM in various networking environments. The benchmark is used to achieve a better understanding of performance limitations in parallel computing that are imposed by the choice of the network. The networks considered here are Fast Ethernet, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) OC-3c (155Mb/s) and Myrinet. Together, they represent an interesting range of alternatives for parallel cluster computing. A characterization of network delays and throughput and a comparison of the expected costs of the three environments are developed to provide a basis for an informed decision on the networking methods and topology for a parallel database that is being considered for FBI\u27s National DNA Indexing System (NDIS)[17]. This network is used for communications among the nodes of the parallel machine; thus the security requirements defined for the FBI\u27s Criminal Justice Information Services Division Wide Area Network (CJIS-WAN) [12] are not a concern

    Faster Ethernet and the ATM Market Boundary

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    As a network technology, ethernet flourished in low-cost, low-end markets. Simple to make and with open standards, many companies created products. The resulting improvement in price, performance, and market acceptance resulted in ethernet replacing the more established and sophisticated token-ring technology that dominated early large corporate LANs. As ethernet gets faster, accelerating from the original 10 Mbps into Gigabit speeds, the technology is poised to challenge the dominant backbone and WAN standard, ATM. A discussion of new ethernet developments is formalized with a decision model used to define a market boundary with data illustrating why and where a technology may dominate

    Secure Remote Control and Configuration of FPX Platform in Gigabit Ethernet Environment

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    Because of its flexibility and high performance, reconfigurable logic functions implemented on the Field-programmable Port Extender (FPX ) are well suited for implementing network processing such as packet classification, filtering and intrusion detection functions. This project focuses on two key aspects of the FPX system. One is providing a Gigabit Ethernet interface by designing logic for a FPGA which is located on a line card. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets are handled in hardware and Ethernet frames are processed and transformed into cells suitable for standard FPX application. The other effort is to provide a secure channel to enable remote control and configuration of the FPX system through public internet. A suite of security hardware cores were implemented that include the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC), Message Digest Version 5 (MD5) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1). An architecture and an associated protocol have been developed which provide a secure communication channel between a control console and a hardware-based reconfigurable network node. This solution is unique in that it does not require a software process to run on the network stack, so that it has both higher performance and prevents the node from being hacked using traditional vulnerabilities found in common operating systems. The mechanism can be applied to the design and implementation of re-motely managed FPX systems. A hardware module called the Secure Control Packet Processor (SCPP) has been designed for a FPX based firewall. It utilizes AES or 3DES in Error Propagation Block Chaining (EPBC) mode to ensure data confidentiality and data integrity. There is also an authenticated engine that uses HMAC. to generate the acknowledgments. The system can protect the FPX system against attacks that may be sent over the control and configuration channel. Based on this infrastructure, an enhanced protocol is addressed that provides higher efficiency and can defend against replay attack. To support that, a control cell encryption module was designed and tested in the FPX system

    AVATAR -- ATM VideoAudio Transmit and Receive

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    To facilitate the transport of audio and video data across emerging Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks, a simple, low cost, audio/video ATM appliance, the AVATAR, has been developed. This appliance is capable of handling uncompressed bidirectional audio and NTSC video connections. The intended applications for this device include TeleMentoring (a NSF sponsored exploration of distance mentoring), video conferencing, and network monitoring. Our experience has shown that AVATAR is an effective, low cost means of providing multimedia connectivity between sites within the Aurora Gigabit testbed