1,071 research outputs found

    Research on Credit Mechanism of Electronic Honor Certificate System Based on Blockchain

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    The problem of dishonesty in the workplace has been one of the serious problems in business management practice for a long time, and this phenomenon is especially obvious in the recruitment link of the talent market. In order to effectively solve the problem of false resumes in the current talent market, based on the investigation and analysis of the reasons for talents\u27 dishonesty, a solution of trusted electronic honor certificate system based on blockchain is proposed, and the effectiveness of the model is verified by using game theory analysis method. Thus, it provides a credit guarantee scheme based on blockchain technology for electronic honor certificates and other archives without official credit guarantee, which overcomes the problems of unilateral way dimension and high labor cost faced by traditional background investigation and provides a new approach for solving the problem of resume fraud in the recruitment scene of the talent market

    Blockchain-based student certificate management and system sharing using hyperledger fabric platform

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    One of the major capabilities of blockchain technology is the sharing of data in verifiable ways without losing control of information possession. Issuing and verifying student certifications for higher study applications or job recruitment require many steps that take days to complete and are considered time-consuming. Most universities around the world use centralized systems to control the entire procedure when a graduate applies for a job or postgraduate studies. Applying blockchain technology to certificate verification protocols through a comprehensive architecture provides authenticity and reduces time significantly. In this paper, a framework has been proposed to issue student certifications locally in addition to sharing them across the internet while maintaining control and ownership of the certifications. This framework leverages the advantages of blockchain technology to electronic certification sharing and verification. Applying the proposed blockchain-based certification system in universities will provide low latency for issuing, sharing, and verification of these certifications. The paper presents the proposed blockchain-based framework for e-certification sharing and an evaluation of the framework, which consists of measuring the average time to issue a certificate and transaction latency time.</p

    Design of a Sustainable Blockchain-Oriented Software for Building Workers Management

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    The building workers sector is one of the most challenging sectors for Human Resources (HR) management. In this work, we propose a solution relying on Blockchain technology and present the design of a Blockchain-Oriented Software system conceived for managing the building workers sector with a focus on workers' safety, and it is guided by sustainable and Agile Methodologies in software design. The proposed approach takes advantage of different features of the Blockchain technology and provides transparency for labor inspectors, grants data integrity and immutability, relies on tamper-proof time stamps for any recorded activity, allows the implementation of Smart Contracts where clauses are automatically respected without the need of a trusted control authority, acknowledges the legal requirements in the field, including the possibility of creating an Operational Safety Plans, which construction companies have to provide, and finally implements the creation of vacant job positions that workers can find and apply to. In order to achieve these goals, we adopt the Blockchain-Oriented Software Engineering (BOSE) methodology to design Blockchain software applications and apply an Agile methodology centered on Blockchain Software development (called ABCDE) for the design and development of the decentralized application. Such a methodology allows us to center the software development around the actors of the system in the specific domain, such as Building Workers, Construction Companies, Labor Inspectors, and so on. In addition, we rely on the software sustainability analysis, based on the five dimensions of sustainability, to evaluate the approach and to avoid mistakes in the system development. We design system elements with specific diagrams, and we divided our system in the on-chain and the out-of-chain components. The implementation of the system, done by using Ethereum and the ERC721 standard, allows us to improve some aspect of the design, to know the deployment and usage costs, and to evaluate the effect of the user interface. Finally, we discuss the effects of our system and its sustainability, and we provide a comparison of our system with a similar per aims but centralized system

    Are managers ready for HRM 4.0?: the potential role of blockchain technology in HRM

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    As most professions, the field of Human Resources, henceforth HR, has changed considerably over time. To the best of my knowledge, no previous research has been made about the effects of blockchain technology into the HR field, from the perspective of ethics. This research will therefore aim to contribute to the existing literature about blockchain technology and HR by exploring whether managers are ready for new technological implementations, along with a broad matter of ethics behind the implementation. A qualitative and exploratory research design using semi-structured interviews was adopted in order to gain more knowledge with respect to this topic. The paper uses a model from scratch that Business Ethics is the umbrella, due to the reason that ethics have the main role when talking about HR. The research provides insights into the synthesis of blockchain technology and HR managers and how their tasks may threaten the privacy, confidentiality or security of the organisation or the people working in it. The main findings of this paper were that managers are thrilled that an existing technology could help them automate some steps that need more time. However, at the same time, they are not willing to compromise the security, confidentiality and privacy. Therefore, the implementation of blockchain is going to be a rather slow process. It is hoped that the findings of this research will further contribute to the field of HR

    Digital Management of Competencies in Web 3.0: The C-Box® Approach

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    Management of competencies is a crucial concern for both learners and workers as well as for training institutions and companies. For the former, it allows users to track and certify the acquired skills to apply for positions; for the latter, it enables better organisation of business processes. However, currently, most software systems for competency management adopted by the industry are either organisation-centric or centralised: that is, they either lock-in students and employees wishing to export their competencies elsewhere, or they require users’ trust and for users to give up privacy (to store their personal data) while being prone to faults. In this paper, we propose a user-centric, fully decentralised competency management system enabling verifiable, secure, and robust management of competencies digitalised as Open Badges via notarization on a public blockchain. This way, whoever acquires the competence or achievement retains full control over it and can disclose his/her own digital certifications only when needed and to the extent required, migrate them across storage platforms, and let anyone verify the integrity and validity of such certifications independently of any centralised organisation. The proposed solution is based on C-Box®, an existing application for the management of digital competencies that has been improved to fully support models, standards, and technologies of the so-called Web 3.0 vision—a global effort by major web organisations to “give the web back to the people”, pushing for maximum decentralisation of control and user-centric data ownership

    Blockchain technology: the missing link in services management? Part II

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    With some recent scandals in the charity sector, blockchain offers some options too. For those making charitable donations, blockchain provides the ability to precisely track where your donations are going, when they arrived, and whose hands they ended up in. From there, blockchain can deliver the accountability and transparency to address the perennial complaints around charitable donations; including the organisational inefficiency, or even financial misconduct, that can prevent money from reaching those it was meant for. Bitcoin-based charities like the BitGive Foundation use blockchain’s secure and transparent distributed ledger to give donors greater visibility into fund receipt and use. The company has launched a beta version of GiveTrack, a blockchain-based multidimensional donation platform that provides the ability to transfer, track, and provide a permanent record of charitable financial transactions across the globe

    A Systematic Review on Blockchain in Education: Opportunities and Challenges

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    This study focuses on bloackchain as an emerging technology regarding its use to restructure the systems and advance education upon quality outcomes. What are the benefits of integrating blockchain in education concerning system reformation and advancement in developing better educational process for all encompassing learning outcomes? With the recent developments of blockchain applications across multiple domains, the education industry seems to be benefited from this technology in considerable degree. Transcripts and certificates play a vital role in individual’s life so it needs to be stored in tamper-proof and long term available ledger. In pursuant to addressing afore stated question, this study bring information regarding what blockchain technology is, how it functions and what its uses if it comes to integrate with education at different levels. This may include reviewing the conceptual/knowledge bases, research and development studies and sources that introduce blcokchain including its features but with special highlight on how it has been integrated in the education sector especially in innovative situation.To this end, this study was designed to provide a systematic review of all the literature focused on decentralized ledger technology. Multiple sources were reviewed following a systematicpattern that allows selection of relevant sources, sort out information being guided by the research question and make final selection of required information that connects with what and how of Blockchain in education. Keywords: Blockchain, Education, Ledgers, Certificate, Decentralized technolog

    New Trends in Development of Services in the Modern Economy

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    The services sector strategic development unites a multitude of economic and managerial aspects and is one of the most important problems of economic management. Many researches devoted to this industry study are available. Most of them are performed in the traditional aspect of the voluminous calendar approach to strategic management, characteristic of the national scientific school. Such an approach seems archaic, forming false strategic benchmarks. The services sector is of special scientific interest in this context due to the fact that the social production structure to the services development model attraction in many countries suggests transition to postindustrial economy type where the services sector is a system-supporting sector of the economy. Actively influencing the economy, the services sector in the developed countries dominates in the GDP formation, primary capital accumulation, labor, households final consumption and, finally, citizens comfort of living. However, a clear understanding of the services sector as a hyper-sector permeating all spheres of human activity has not yet been fully developed, although interest in this issue continues to grow among many authors. Target of strategic management of the industry development setting requires substantive content and the services sector target value assessment

    Blockchain-Based E-Certificate Verification and Validation Automation Architecture to Avoid Counterfeiting of Digital Assets in Order to Accelerate Digital Transformation

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    The security and confidentiality of data are very important for institutions. Meanwhile, data fabrication or falsification of official documents is still common. Validation of the authenticity of documents such as certificates becomes a challenge for various parties, especially those who have to make decisions based on the validity of the document. Scanning-based signatures on printed and digital documents are still relatively easy to counterfeit and yet still difficult to distinguish from the original. The traditional approach is no longer reliable. Solutions to these problems require the existence of data security techniques, seamless online verification of the authenticity of printed documents, and e-certificates quickly. The objective of the study is to model the e-certificate verification process via blockchain and proof-of-stake consensus methods and use MD5 encryption. The data or identity listed on the e-certificate is secured with an embedded digital signature in the form of a QR code and can be checked for the truth online. A combination of technologies capable of suppressing or removing counterfeiting of digital assets will accelerate digital transformation across spectrums of modern life. The resulting architectural model can be used as a starting point for implementing a blockchain-based e-certificate verification and validation automation system
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